Come and attack Christian belief please.


A man is taking a walk in Central park in New York.
Suddenly he sees a little girl being attacked by a pit bull. He runs over and starts fighting with the dog.

He succeeds in killing the dog and saving the girl's life.

A policeman who was watching the scene walks over and says: "You are a hero, tomorrow you can read it in all the newspapers: "Brave New Yorker saves the life of little girl"

The man says: - "But I am not a New Yorker!"

"Oh then it will say in newspapers in the morning:

" Brave American saves life of little girl'" - the policeman answers.

"But I am not an American!" - says the man. "Oh, what are you then?"

The man says: - "I am a Pakistani!" The next day the newspapers says:

"Islamic extremist kills American dog. Connections to Al Qaeda terrorist networks are being explored" ! :D
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian

A man is taking a walk in Central park in New York.
Suddenly he sees a little girl being attacked by a pit bull. He runs over and starts fighting with the dog.

He succeeds in killing the dog and saving the girl's life.

A policeman who was watching the scene walks over and says: "You are a hero, tomorrow you can read it in all the newspapers: "Brave New Yorker saves the life of little girl"

The man says: - "But I am not a New Yorker!"

"Oh then it will say in newspapers in the morning:

" Brave American saves life of little girl'" - the policeman answers.

"But I am not an American!" - says the man. "Oh, what are you then?"

The man says: - "I am a Pakistani!" The next day the newspapers says:

"Islamic extremist kills American dog. Connections to Al Qaeda terrorist networks are being explored" ! :D
M*W: Don't you know that the liberal media gets higher ratings from the LIES they create? It's all about the bottom line. Maybe the liberal media is the antichrist.
Originally posted by wesmorris
Quite true eh?

Generally faith indicates the existence of fantasy.

Faith indicates the existence of *Put anything you want here*

I don't give a shit anymore Wes. :)
Originally posted by Vienna
Faith indicates the existence of *Put anything you want here*

I don't give a shit anymore Wes. :)

I can appreciate that. *tips hat*
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian

Good joke! :D

On a serious note though, don't you think the joke reflects the way the media can and DOES affect the publics opinion on events.

Anyway I think we could do with a few more jokes, laughter is healthy. :)
My only relevant criticism of Christianity and Islam is this notion that We are God's only creation and interest.

To honestly think that God is just hanging around watching humanity is an excersise in supreme arrogance.

To think that God only created once and once only is bordering on the ludicrous.

And to think that in the whole universe that is God we are in some way his only interest.

So if I had to criticise religion it would be this arrogance.

Attacking Christianity or Islam is not attacking God but only beliefs about God and the nature of God ( universe)
Originally posted by Vienna

Good joke! :D
On a serious note though, don't you think the joke reflects the way the media can and DOES affect the publics opinion on events.

Anyway I think we could do with a few more jokes, laughter is healthy. :)

indeed, and this is what muslims complain about all the time, we are not treated fairly by the western media, there are many reasons for that, the most important factor in that is the JEWS.

I travelled to many western countries and I noticed that in countries where there is large jewish communities ( like the UK ) for example, most of the media used to be very hostile to islam, but in countries where there is no jews or small minorities, the media used to be FAIR and balanced ( like Scandinavia for example ).

The jews by their money and ownership of the media are making the world very hostile toward their staunch enemies, the muslims.
Hi Vienna.... you said

"Therefore if I say that "God is a figment of mans imagination" am I using Gods gift?"
Yep, you are just using improperly, ie your cognitive equipment would be, in the Christians perspective, malfunctioning.

"It is said that if I don't not accept Jesus as saviour I will go to hell. But how can I go to hell if I'm using a gift from God?"
Same as above. To amplify this idea, its the same as the very breath people use to blaspheme God is itself a gift from God. That they use the gift of God in this way doesn't mean that it ceases to be a gift from God.
I still haven't had a decent answer from Answers about Hell...

And no answers at all about Limbo and the Rapture and other stuff like that...

C'mon, I'm dying to hear this! It's okay to say something like
"Well, they specifically mention the abode of Satan, where he presides over the eternal poking of sinners with toasting forks in Leviticus 12:23",


"Well, hell was some literary crap made up in 1923 to try to scare the people of Pennsylvania into paying their taxes"

or any answer really, but I can't find Hell in the Bible, only the Lake of Fire. And that has two problems:

1) It's in the Revelations, which is a kinda weird part of the Bible anyway, and
2) It's not eternal torture, it's just brief torture followed by death.
BigBlue, you said "On the other hand, your theologian pals don't seem to be able to even conceive of "death" as equating to "ceasing to exist". For some reason Hell seems indelibly ingrained in their minds, and yours, when there is no literary support for it in the Bible that I know of."

"Finally, it seems that Jesus taught that hell would involve an eternal, conscious punishment. Probably the clearest indication of this is in Matthew 25:46, where the lots of the two groups are contrasted by means of the adjective eternal (i.e., “eternal life” as opposed to “eternal punishment”). Additionally, such images as the “undying worm” (Mk 9:48; cf. Is 66:24), the “fire that is not put out” (Mk 9:48; Mt 25:41) and the emotive picture of “weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Mt 8:12 par. Lk 13:28; Mt 13:42, 50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; cf. Sib. Or. 2:305) all contribute to this perspective (cf. also 1 Enoch 22:11–13; T. Gad 7:5; T. Benj. 7:5).
Green, Joel G.; McKnight, Scot; Marshall, I. Howard; editors, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, (Downer’s Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press) 1998, c1992.

"In the NT the torment is described as continuous and eternal (Mt 3:12; 25:41; 2 Thess 1:9; Jude 7) and conveyed most vividly by Jesus’ quotation from Isaiah 66:24, “Their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched” (Mk 9:48). In Revelation 14:11 the idea of eternal punishment is pictured by a column of smoke rising from hell forever. John adds that the suffering continues without respite: “There is no rest day and night for those who worship the beast and his image” (NIV). Contrast this with the continuous blessedness of the righteous, who are serving God “day and night” in his temple in Revelation 7:15.
Ryken, Leland; Wilhoit, James C.; Longman III, Tremper, Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, (Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press) 2000, c1998.

"In the NT, fire (Matt. 25:41; Jude 7), punishment (Matt. 25:46), destruction (2 Thess. 1:9), and judgment (Heb. 6:2) are all described as ‘eternal’, and all associated with hell. In Jesus’ parable, eternal punishment parallels eternal life (Matt. 25:46), and ‘eternal’ must have the same meaning in both phrases. This argument is often seen as conclusive. 2. Sin against an infinitely glorious God, though committed by finite humans, is infinitely evil and so deserves infinite punishment. 3. Those in hell continue to sin in refusing to worship God, so they deserve continuous punishment.
Alexander, T. Desmond and Brian S. Rosner, editors, New Dictionary of Biblical Theology, (Downers Grove, Ill:" InterVarsity Press) 2000.
Even at that, I had thought still that people who were cast into the lake of fire at the last judgement were totally destroyed, not just in pain.
Originally posted by BigBlueHead
Even at that, I had thought still that people who were cast into the lake of fire at the last judgement were totally destroyed, not just in pain.
M*W: Naw... that would be to easy on someone who needs to burn in hell. Death by fire is quick. First, the fire burns all the skin off, and directly under the skin are the nerves that recept pain. After that, it's smoke inhalation that kills them, but they feel no pain after the skin and nerves are fried. But these sinners will also be in a burning lake, so they would drown, too. That's kinda redundant. It's overkill. Probably in this lake of fire there are sharks of steel and snakes crawling all over the sinners. Then satan's probably gone fishing, and it's likely that there would be the additional problem of fish hooks piercing the wounds of the sinners and asbestos worms crawling in their wounds. Can you just imagine the sound of sizzling flesh?
1. Why is it that you send thousands of missionaries throughout the world and Islam sends none, yet Islam is the fastest growing religion?
Fastest growing since when? :)

2. If man was created after God's image and man is a sinner, would that mean God is a sinner too?
Well I suppose that would mean part of God is a sinner, if that is part of God. However if what God created is separate from him then it wouldn't mean he is a sinner.

3. Why are women considered spirtually and physically inferior? Well, I know the answer to that, but I would like your opinion on it?
Because they have the inability to distinguish between phantasy and reality!!!

4. Why must you say that Jesus is the only way into heaven? There are other quotes in the Bible which say that there are other ways to get to heaven. Someone told me that it was like that until Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice and then now there was only one way.
I would only say that is true if Jesus lived a sinless life, i.e. if he followed the father closely

5. In addition to question 4, does that mean that God changes his mind?
lol. No. That is one thing about God (in my opinion). He is as sturdy as he is steady, and that is why he is so loving. He does not change his mind, and he is always there to lead us into heaven.

6. You say that anyone who doesn't accept Jesus as his savior will go to hell. Well, that is unreasonable to anyone who is not Christian. What is your opinion on that?
I don't say that, and anyone who does sounds like an American Christian to me (which must be laughable). I wouldn't say anyone who doesn't accept Jesus will go to hell, but it seems quite likely that anyone who does follow Jesus will not go to hell.

7. Why do you say Jesus is God when Jesus himself prayed to God for help?
I personally don't say this, and I would say people who do say this obviously don't understand Chrisatianity. Yes it seems that Jesus was forsaken, however something occured about the time of the ressurection "to turn his disciples from a huddled group of frightened men, into bold missionaries preaching in the risk of their lives" (or words to that effect- Oxford Illustrated History of Christianity). :)
Even being dragged backwards through walls of rusty, flaming chainsaws is not as bad as death. That's why death is the big punishment at the end.
Originally posted by answers

Please choose only one argument/reason each, regarding why Christian belief is wrong (make it your best one).

Dualism is perversion, and absolute morality based on dualism is absolutely arbitrary.
indeed, and this is what muslims complain about all the time, we are not treated fairly by the western media, there are many reasons for that, the most important factor in that is the JEWS.

I am sure terrorist activities (Jihad) has nothing to do with that.
Originally posted by Quigly
I am sure terrorist activities (Jihad) has nothing to do with that.
M*W: "Jihad" does NOT MEAN "terrorist activities." It means "struggles," i.e. personal struggles that each one of us has in our lives. Every Muslim out there has faces their own personal "Jihad," as do Jews and the rest of humanity. Your Jihad is perhaps having a small mind.
The jews by their money and ownership of the media are making the world very hostile toward their staunch enemies, the muslims.

Nah, I'd say that the Christian Evangelicals are the Jews worst enemy.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
M*W: "Jihad" does NOT MEAN "terrorist activities."
I'm afraid the fundamentalist muslims have given the word "Jihad" a new meaning, especially here in the west.