Come and attack Christian belief please.

I think it is a fallacy to think christian beliefs are even based on facts, they are based on faith. If the story of creation and Noah, etc. are taken as allegory, or as an echo of something that really did happen, I can see the value of it. It does not put down christianity in the least that the literal meaning of parables can be disproven. At the very least, they form a metaphorical language that all people knowing these stories can relate too. Jesus said many things that people thought was sacreligious and contradictory to the old testament. There might one day be a new, new testament, so keep an open mind.
Originally posted by Vienna
What a jerk "Answers" is.

He says "Come and attack Christian belief please."

Then he does a Houdini trick and disappears.

Where has the little fakir gone? :D

Give him a chance - according to the timestamp displayed on my screen, he last posted 11-25-03 at 10:32 PM - less than 24 hours ago. It's entirely possible that he may actually have a life outside of this place. :)
Originally posted by Nehushta
Give him a chance - according to the timestamp displayed on my screen, he last posted 11-25-03 at 10:32 PM - less than 24 hours ago. It's entirely possible that he may actually have a life outside of this place. :)
Point taken.

Or maybe he's trying to get one. :D
Maybe he just really wants to see the Christian belief attacked :) God knows it's vulnerable, so to speak.
Aren't we brave now?

Vienna, to answer your question I think Bells sat him down on a pupil and tought him a lesson here with this:Quote Bells

( I think I'm watching a self righteous someone do that right now... but then I guess I'm not a Christian.. I'm what Christians fear most. An agnostic. You know the people who question things. But then I've been a Christian for 32 years now and I matured and realised that the notion of the all saving and all conquering God and the notion that no matter what I do I shall be saved because I'm a Christian, was a fallacy... and I came to this realisation when I was around 3 or 4. But I was one of those children who always asked why... So that means that by your standards, I'm not a good christian... wooohoooooo!! Because I know that if I were to become a christian like you, even my mother (who is a strict follower of the church) would shoot me. She detests Christians who deem themselves worthy to to judge the beliefs of others to be wrong and unchristian like. But then hey, she's only been a strict Christian for more than 65 years or so now, what could she possibly know.)

Ya!! this one is got him listening to those CD's driving around in a car, or listening audiously to find himself again. LOL.


Answers, has answered nothing, only the same rhetorical apolegetic answers we've heard over and over from self proclaimed rightous Christians. I wonder if those fourteen years is actually his age?. It seems to be with the smart ass attitudes he has shown here. Teens think they know it all!!

So here are my rebutals against Christianity;

1: If there was Addam and Eve, and then had two sons Cain & Able, Cain kills Able, Cain gets in trouble, (BTW, Why would an all knowing omnipotent god ask Cain were his brother was?. wouldn't he know that Cain has killed him?) gets thrown out of Eden yet finds a wife?. By my understanding there's only 3 people left in the world after Cain killed Abble right?.

2: If God created man from his own image and man is not perfect, wouldn't this make god inperfect?

3: If God is the Alpha & Omega, what created it?

4: If man has "free will" and man does. This is contradiction of God's omnipotence.

Last edited:
Re: Aren't we brave now?

Originally posted by Godless
Vienna, to answer your question I think Bells sat him down on a pupil and tought him a lesson here with this:Quote Bells

( I think I'm watching a self righteous someone do that right now... but then I guess I'm not a Christian.. I'm what Christians fear most. An agnostic. You know the people who question things. But then I've been a Christian for 32 years now and I matured and realised that the notion of the all saving and all conquering God and the notion that no matter what I do I shall be saved because I'm a Christian, was a fallacy... and I came to this realisation when I was around 3 or 4. But I was one of those children who always asked why... So that means that by your standards, I'm not a good christian... wooohoooooo!! Because I know that if I were to become a christian like you, even my mother (who is a strict follower of the church) would shoot me. She detests Christians who deem themselves worthy to to judge the beliefs of others to be wrong and unchristian like. But then hey, she's only been a strict Christian for more than 65 years or so now, what could she possibly know.)

Ya!! this one is got him listening to those CD's driving around in a car, or listening audiously to find himself again. LOL.

I'm not quite sure that Bells reply was altogether the reason why the upstart disappeared. If you look at "Answers" previous posts he has done the same before ie, started a Christian challenge thread and left it unfinished. He describes himself as a 16 year old who can answer any questrions - ha! crap.

So here are my rebutals against Christianity;

1: If there was Addam and Eve, and then had two sons Cain & Able, Cain kills Able, Cain gets in trouble, (BTW, Why would an all knowing omnipotent god ask Cain were his brother was?. wouldn't he know that Cain has killed him?) gets thrown out of Eden yet finds a wife?. By my understanding there's only 3 people left in the world after Cain killed Abble right?.

2: If God created man from his own image and man is not perfect, wouldn't this make god inperfect?

3: If God is the Alpha & Omega, what created it?

4: If man has "free will" and man does. This is contradiction of God's omnipotence.
I don't know the answers and right now I couldn't care less, good questions though.

Now, why bother with links to opinions on Christianity. They only lead to more opinions on Christianity, and whether the opinions are positive or negative - thats all they are.

Re: Well

Originally posted by Godless
It talked how omnipotence contradicts "FREE WILL"
It contradicts the subject very well. But I would like to know whereabouts in the Bible does it mention freewill existing with an omniscient god?

I believe it can't be found, so where does the idea come from in the first place?
ok, I'm not a christian, but I'll defend it for them, they must be off praying or something.

1: If there was Addam and Eve, and then had two sons Cain & Able, Cain kills Able, Cain gets in trouble, (BTW, Why would an all knowing omnipotent god ask Cain were his brother was?. wouldn't he know that Cain has killed him?) gets thrown out of Eden yet finds a wife?. By my understanding there's only 3 people left in the world after Cain killed Abble right?.

Well, as you may not know Cain took an albino baboon as a wife, that's where really hairy people come from. (p.s. god knew where Abel was, he just wanted to trap Cain in a lie, like Judge Judy)

2: If God created man from his own image and man is not perfect, wouldn't this make god inperfect?

Not really, there is something about imperfection that strengthens us. We are in the image, but not exact replicas. We are on the way to perfection, and it is the road we take that is most important.

3: If God is the Alpha & Omega, what created it?

A trans-dimentional vortex, like a whirlpool, outside of time and space.

4: If man has "free will" and man does. This is contradiction of God's omnipotence.

God can control our will, but chooses not to. Controlling our will is like cheating at cards, it can give you a certain outcome, but you won't find out who the best players are.

Hey, that wasn't so hard, it's kind of fun to be christian!

Well, hell, you sure know your stuff man!!


Bells, you'r giving too much credit!!

His CD on the scriptures is skipping, give him some time, it is too soon to tell. The stereo, may fix the problem. Or his nose is buried in the bible and he can't dig himself out!!.

Re: Spider...

Originally posted by Godless
Well, hell, you sure know your stuff man!!


Bells, you'r giving too much credit!!

His CD on the scriptures is skipping, give him some time, it is too soon to tell. The stereo, may fix the problem. Or his nose is buried in the bible and he can't dig himself out!!.



Did someone say he was 16 or something? Maybe his mummy wont let him use the computer until he finishes his homework or cleans his room. Or he's still reading his bible and looking at all the purdy pictures... kiddy bibles have a tendency to have pictures...

Originally posted by answers
I'm sure you all get sick of us Christians attacking your beliefs (who wouldn't) so I'm inviting you all to attack Christian belief. Please choose only one argument/reason each, regarding why Christian belief is wrong [/B]
your religion teaches LIES,
starting with flat earth and the Sun revolving around earth,(remember Galileo?)
man being created from dust,etc,
I wont qoute all the nonsense and contradictions your bable book preaches,theres not enough time and room here.
do some reading and more important THINKING
and maybe you will actualy wake up and EVOLVE and realize how stupid your religion (and all others ) are.

btw I have no beliefs,so theres not much you can attack:p
Originally posted by Pakman
3. Why are women considered spirtually and physically inferior? Well, I know the answer to that, but I would like your opinion on it?

I have a question for you, Pakman - why are women considered inferior according to Islam? More specifically, why is a rape victim considered a "criminal" worthy of being stoned to death when a rape occurs (unless, of course, there happened to be present four male Muslims of upright character who witnessed the rape and are willing to testify against the rapist)?

For your reference, here is a story of a woman in Pakistan who was raped by her brother-in-law, and is imprisoned on death-row for "her" crime: In Pakistan, Rape Victims Are the 'Criminals'. This is disgusting beyond belief.

I will create a separate thread to discuss this, so as not to sidetrack this discussion.
Sweet now things are heating up a bit. I expected a lot more cursing etc... from you people, I've gotta say you've let me down a bit. lol.

Nah it's all sweet, you can attack me like you've been doing, and attack Christianity at the same time, I really don't mind that much.

But it'll be helpful if I give you some background info on myself before we keep going. - Oh by the way I haven't been on this forum for about 2 days or so because I needed a break, staying up to 2am in the morning every night isn't too good - But anyway, my background.

I'm from about 5 different church backgrounds :p My family moved around a lot, so we've changed churches a lot. Right now I'm at a Baptist church. But my denomination is pretty much the Bible. If it's in there, then that's where I get my beliefs. I'm not self-righteous. I have criticized the chaplain, Christians, Christians attitudes, etc... plus vienna and all that. But I haven't judged them, nor have I put myself above them. You see, what I do, is what the Bible tells me to do, let God be the judge, let God criticize. Now the book God wrote all his judgments and criticisms in, is the Bible. I have not once in this post, done anything but simply inform people of what the Bible says about certain things. I write that vienna should stop answering questions because her answers are wrong. Why did I write this, it's because the Bible criticized people just like vienna. Jesus said that it is better for a person to never be born, then to lead another down the wrong path. Was it me saying this, or was it me just passing on a message. It was me just passing on a message. You're attacking Christianity, why would I defend by using my own thoughts? I defend by using Christianity, the very thing that you are fighting with. I don't get how you not only say that I'm self righteous but also judgmental, for giving you exactly what you asked for, a fight with Christianity? Did you think Christianity when attacked, wouldn’t fight back? I know you’re too smart to think that Christianity is a toothless lion, considering the fact that it was started by one man, and has now converted millions, and has lasted for 2003 years.

But right now, lets get something straight; I'm no better then anyone else. Luckily enough I'm not judging others, God is, and He is judging them by His standards, that's why they're so high. If I were defending Christianity, using my own righteousness, then I would fail completely.

One of the things I hate most, are self-righteous people. So to prove to you that I'm not one of these, I'll be very honest with you all and tell you some of my less then righteous moments. By the way I'm not just honest to people on the internet who I'm never going to see in real life, I tell people around me the same things, for the same reason I'm telling you all, to show you that I'm nothing special.

Okay here are my stuff ups: Last weekend I drank 3/4 of a bottle of spirits, and it was so much that I passed out three times in my friends front garden bed (graduation celebrations). When I'm around certain people I swear heaps, and heaps. I put more effort into my car then I do into learning about God. For every good thing I do, I do 5 times more bad things. How's this, the other weekend, to pay back my friend's brother for buying me alcohol, I drove him around to dealers houses so that he could get some pot. Hmmm...what other crap things have I done? There's just too many to list. Now this is me at my worst of worst times, I also do good things. Such as raise $180 for cancer research, help out volunteering at the Christian bookshop, dedicate my time to answering your questions, spend time helping my friends quite drugs, and drug dealing, sponsor a child in poverty. I’m not really an alcoholic, I’ve only gotten drunk twice, but even though I do good things as well, I'm still not a great person, really not the type of person you can get self righteous with. I'm 17 years old, I've just graduated from high school, and I've got a heart for non-Christians. Put it this way, if you were a Christian, and you believed people were going to hell, would you wait until you were older and more Christ like before you tried to help people get saved? Or would a person’s very soul be more important to you, then your own little reasons. If you really cared for people who were not saved, would you let something like age, or imperfection, really get in your way? Honestly think about where I'm coming from, before you yourself judge and hate me, that's all I ask.

By the way, be patient with the answers. I'm going to answer every single attack, and question. I'll probably spend one whole day doing it this week.

And also don't try to use the Bible to attack me with and then gloat over it. Like someone said, God's the only judge, therefore you shouldn't get up vienna. Then you think, I've used his own religious text against him, and I won, man I'm just so good, what an idiot Christian this guy is. - This just simply doesn't work. Sure attack using scripture, but wait for my reply before you start gloating over beating me with my own sword. Because I haven't found a single hard question yet, so don't get too carried away. Now I'm not saying that I'm super religious and I know everything. Anything good that I know, I know because God told me. Anything good that I do, I do because God used me. Anything good I say, I say because God spoke through me. Basically the glory goes to God, I'm just a servant, God's the one with the wisdom, with the mercy, grace, and goodness. So never give me credit, if you want to thank someone, thank God. However occasionally I stuff things up and don't serve properly. If this is the case, then don't hold a grudge against God, God is perfect, but unfortunately his servants aren't, and looking at my description of myself, I’m sure you’ll agree with me (and I’m sure you’ll mercilessly give me heaps about it, but what can ya do? But I do just ask for the same courtesy and manners that you demand of me, while condescending to me in the same breath, then making sarcastic comments, etc.) I know it’s almost impossible to be what you want others to be, but I do ask that you at least have the desire to practice what you preach. That’s all Jesus asks from me, that I try and desire to be perfect like Him, so all I’ll ask from you is to desire to be like the person you think I should be.

Anyway, that'll at least give you more to give me heaps about. lol


1: quote “no - sin was created by a fallen angel,”
This is wrong because sin wasn’t created by a fallen angle, sin is only a choice. You can either do what God says (not sinning), or don’t do what God says (sinning). Sin means to miss the mark, it is missing the mark that God has set for us, and told us not to miss. This mark is His words, His law. The first law He made was don’t eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We broke that humans broke that law and suffer the punishment for breaking the law. Since then God has written many laws in the Bible for us to follow. There are ten main commandments, and then many other laws. We have all failed to keep the commandments, thus we are punished for it. Sin was not created by a fallen angel, Satan simply encouraged Adam and Eve to choose to do what God told them not to do.

2: A person asked me the following question: Why are women considered spiritually and physically inferior? Well, I know the answer to that, but I would like your opinion on it?

Vienna decided to answer this question himself: quote “In my opinion this was mankind at work altering the Bible to a means, I believe in sexual equality regardless what is written in the Bible.”
Firstly Vienna if you have beliefs, regardless of what is written in the Bible, then you are picking and choosing which pieces of the Bible you’ll listen to, and which ones you’ll ignore. So you might agree that you shouldn’t steal, but disagree with the Bible, ignore what it says, and have the belief that adultery isn’t bad.
Jesus condemned people like you who abandon what the Bible teaches to follow their own teachings.

Matthew 15:3
Jesus answered:
Why do you disobey God and follow your own teaching? 4 Didn’t God command you to respect your father and mother? Didn’t he tell you to put to death all who curse their parents? 5 But you let people get by without helping their parents when they should. You let them say that what they have has been offered to God. 6 Is this any way to show respect to your parents? You ignore God’s commands in order to follow your own teaching. 7 And you are nothing but show-offs! Isaiah the prophet was right when he wrote that God had said,
8 “All of you praise me
with your words,
but you never really
think about me.
9 It is useless for you
to worship me,
when you teach rules
made up by humans.”

---The Contemporary English [computer file], electronic ed., Logos Library System, (Nashville: Thomas Nelson) 1997, c1995 by the American Bible Society.---

3: Question asked to Vienna: “Thank you Vienna. I like to ask another question.
So do you acknowledge that the Bible was changed?”

Vienna’s answer: “It is only my opinion, but yes I do believe the book has been changed by mankind along it's journey to the present day, especially about sexual inequalities. There are too many discrepancies in the Bible too, not forgetting that the Bible is not just one book but many books written by many people, Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the Bible is untrue because the truth is there to be found.

Please don't claim that the books of Qur'an are infallible too, for although the truth for yourself is in Qur'an, it is without doubt words will have been changed and manipulated in that too.

I don't mean intend to offend you, but this is what I firmly believe.”

WHY SHE WAS WRONG: Vienna believes that the Bible has been changed. Vienna believes that there are many discrepancies in the Bible too. Yet these are anti-Christian beliefs. To believe that the Bible has been changed, is to believe that the very foundation of Christianity is badly constructed.

I will now back up my statements by using a small part of the argument, which was used by Josh McDowell.

Here is why I say the Bible has not been changed:


I’m going to use the argument based on the bibliographical test, to prove that the Bible has not been changed by man. I’m using Josh McDowell’s apologetic book, The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict.

Text taken from pages 33 to 35:

The bibliographical test is an examination of the textual transmission by which documents reach us. In other words, since we do not have the original documents, how reliable are the copies we have in regard to the number of manuscripts (MSS) and the time interval between the original and extant copies? (Monotgomery, HC, 26)

The Number of Manuscripts and Their Closeness to the Original:

F. E. Peters states that “on the basis of manuscript tradition alone, the works that made up the Christians’ New Testament were the most frequently copied and widely circulated books of antiquity.” (Peters, HH, 50) As a result, the fidelity of the New Testament text rests on a multitude of manuscript evidence. Counting Greek copies alone, the New Testament is preserved in some 5,656 partial and complete manuscript portions that were copied by hand from the second through the fifteenth centuries. (Geisler, GIB, 385)
There are now more than 5,686 known Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. Add over 10,000 Latin Vulgate and at least 9,300 other early versions (MSS), and we have close to, if not more than, 25,000 manuscript copies of portions of the New Testament in existence today. No other document of antiquity even begins to approach such numbers and attestation. In comparison, Homer’s Iliad is second, with only 643 manuscripts that still survive. The first complete preserved text of Homer dates from the thirteenth century. (Leach, OB, 145)
The importance of the sheer number of manuscript copies cannot be overstated. As with other documents of ancient literature, there are no known extant original manuscripts of the Bible. Fortunately, however, the abundance of manuscript copies makes it possible to reconstruct the original with virtually complete accuracy. (Geisler, GIB, 386)
John Warwick Montgomery says that “to be skeptical of the resultant text of the New Testament books is to allow all of classical antiquity to slip into obscurity, for no documents of the ancient period are as well attested bibliographically as the New Testament.” (Montgomery, HC, 29)
Sir Frederic G. Kenyon, who was the director and principal librarian of the British Museum and second to none in authority for issuing statements about MSS, states that
“besides number, the manuscripts of the New Testament differ from those of the classical authors…In no other case is the interval of time between the composition of the book and the date of the earliest extant manuscripts so short as in that of the New Testament. The books of the New Testament were written in the latter part of the first century; the earliest are of the fourth century – say from 250 to 300 years later. This may sound a considerable interval, but it is nothing to that which parts most of the great classical authors from their earliest manuscripts. We believe that we have in all essentials an accurate text of the seven extant plays of Sophocles: yet the earliest substantial manuscript upon which it is based was written more than 1400 years after the poet’s death. (Kenyon, HTCNT, 4)
Kenyon continues in ‘The Bible and Archaeology’: “The interval then between the dates of original composition and the earliest extant evidence becomes so small as to be in fact negligible, and the last foundation for any doubt that the Scriptures have come down to us substantially as they were written has now been removed. Both the authenticity and the general integrity of the books of the New Testament may be regarded as finally established.” (Kenyon, BA, 288)
Dockery, Mathews, and Sloan have recently written, “For most of the biblical text a single reading has been transmitted. Elimination of scribal errors and intentional changes leaves only a small percentage of the text about which any questions occur.” (Dockery, FBI, 176) They conclude:
It must be said that the amount of time between the original composition and the next surviving manuscript is far less for the New Testament than for any other work in Greek literature…Although there are certainly differences in many of the New Testament manuscripts, not one fundamental doctrine of the Christian faith rests on a disputed reading. (Dockery, FBI, 182)
F. J. A. Hort rightfully adds that “in the variety and fullness of the evidence on which it rests the text of the New Testament stands absolutely and unapproachably alone among ancient prose writings.” (Hort, NTOG, 561)

Now to compare the number of New Testament manuscripts, with those of other ancient books: (the setting out is, author – book - no. of copies)

Homer - Iliad – 646 manuscript copies. Herodotus – History – 8 manuscript copies. Thucydides – History – 8 manuscript copies. Plato - 7 manuscript copies. Demosthenes - 200 manuscript copies. Caesar – Gallic Wars – 10 manuscript copies. Livy – History of Rome – 1 partial and 19 manuscript copies. Tacitus – Annals – 20 manuscript copies. Pliny Secundus – Natural History – 7 manuscript copies. New Testament – 5366 manuscript copies.
Now to say that the Bible is not reliable because man has copied it down over centuries, and ‘must’ have changed it, is to say that every other piece of historical information is even more so unreliable and false for the same reason.
Vienna wrote: “There are too many discrepancies in the Bible too” Please write down the specific discrepancies you are referring to and I will answer them. However if you don’t specify them, I will just write another explanation like the one I did above, which will take me much longer then if you could be more specific in your attack on Christianity. Thanks.

4: One raven wrote to Vienna: “If you say that the Bible has been altered with by mankind, and you believe what you believe regardless of what the Bible says, how do you know what was and what was not tampered with?”

-Note one raven’s question/statement is spot on. You can’t pick and choose, you’ve either got to believe it all, or disbelieve it all.-

Okay now vienna’s reply was: “I don't know exactly, but anything which contradicts itself is suspect for sure.

Put it another way, when has mans view of things ever been perfect, when has anything that man has written been pure truth.

If God had written the Bible or Qur'an it would never need to be translated, it would never be in a certain "tongue". I believe it would be available to be read by anyone in the world without the need for translation, or the need for theologians.”
WHY VIENNA WAS WRONG: Firstly the Bible doesn’t contradict itself. Give me what you think is a contradiction and I’ll show you that it isn’t.

“when has mans view of things ever been perfect” – Luckily enough the Bible isn’t man’s view of things, it’s God’s.

You say the bible is false because it needs translating. Now why does it need translating? Is it because God is limited in power, and can’t create a book that everyone can understand without needing translation, or is it because we ourselves are limited? It is our limitation of not having a universal language that makes God unable to communicate to us in a universal language. You are right to say that in a perfect world we would all have the same language and be able to understand just one Bible. This is because God made us originally perfect, and with only one language. It wasn’t until people started to make the huge tower of Babel, which created within them pride and sin, that God changed our languages so that the people could no longer combine and make something which took Glory away from God. You say that the Bible isn’t perfect, but you use the reason that was caused by our own imperfection. Who is really to blame, the Bible or humans?

1: I said: However you need to understand that people suck. And Christians are people, they are saved people, but they are still people. I for one can say that I suck probably worse then most atheists.

VIENNA RESPONDED: Isn't that how I sounded to you, and you judged me for it, note the word "Judged"!

Okay Vienna, Christianity was created because people are failures. Now Jesus died on the cross so that we don’t have to pay for our failure. Christians accept Jesus as their savior, acknowledging that we are failures. YET Christians then strive to be like Jesus. God commands us to at least have the desire to be like Jesus, to be perfect. However when I tell you where you are going wrong, where you are not perfect, you respond with astonished indignation. You sound as if you haven’t yet truly realized that you are not perfect. Either that or you haven’t yet realized that God commands you to strive for perfection. If you had realized both of these things, then you would take criticism from the Bible, and correct your actions, if only to show your gratitude to Christ for dying for your sins. Christ asks you to be like Him, yet you think it is alright not to even take another Christian’s criticisms, which are from the Bible, and change yourself so that you are more like Christ. All I did was pass on the message of the Bible, I never “Judged”! you. I had my youth pastor tell me to stop going into so much depth when teaching younger people, because they aren’t as interested as older people, and I don’t have to complicate things for them. He was criticizing the way I tell people about God. How did I respond to him, I agreed with him and said thank you for the criticism. Not only that but now a try to simplify my teachings. One time I was talking to my friends while my pastor was talking to the youth, and he turned around and told me to shut up. I didn’t say anything back; I thought damn what a mean ‘you know what’, at the time I thought this. Yet now when I look back, I see that he was right to get up me. He was spreading the good news, and I was talking and disrupting it, taking away glory from God. I would never criticize or rebuke you, if I didn’t see any Biblical and Godly reason for it. Just like I expect any other Christian on this forum to rebuke me, if I say anything that takes away Glory from God. Don’t you get it Vienna? If you truly believe in, and love God, then you won’t care about your pride, you’ll only care about pleasing God!

2: I said: Although I fail every single day. But all Jesus asks you to do is to try your best, even if it is mostly failure. He really has made it easy to be saved, there's no doubt of that.

Vienna responded: I fail often, but does that make me any less of a Christian than you.
According to you it would appear so.

MY ANSWER: sorry Vienna I should have been clearer on this. It seems to me that you are ‘just’ a Christian. Let’s look at it. You don’t believe that everything in the Bible is true. You think the Bible has been changed; you don’t put any confidence in the word of God. I just seriously don’t understand how you could doubt so much, and then have absolute faith in the fact that Jesus died for you, and that God exists.

I never said you are less a Christian then me. You just fail in different areas, areas I criticized and which you should now try to fix up. I fail in many areas as well, areas that I expect you to criticize, with righteous anger if they have taken glory away from God, and then I will try to fix up those areas as well.

My main problem, as I just mentioned above, is that I simply don’t understand how you could have faith in one page of the Bible where it says Jesus died for you, and yet doubt the rest of the 1000 or so pages of the Bible. I don’t know, I really can’t relate to this, I just simply don’t understand???

3: I wrote: It's called righteous anger, it’s the only type of anger, which a Christian is allowed (and commanded) to have.

Vienna responded: And there I was thinking Christianity was all about love and peace. Who commanded and gave Christians the right to be angry, and why be angry at anyone for their choice, didn't God give mankind freewill?

My answer: Who commanded and gave Christians the right to be angry? This question is easy to answer, God did, and if it’s alright by Him why are you so upset?

Ephesians 4:25 – 26

25Therefore, putting away lying, “Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,” for we are members of one another. 26“Be angry, and do not sin (The Holy Bible, New King James Version, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 1982.)

I spoke truth with you, and because my anger was righteous anger, I was angry and did not sin.

Now in the same chapter it says this:

32And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you.

Now I was angry with you, and rebuked you, do you think I still hold a grudge against you now? No! Anger is an emotion, and emotion subsides over time. In fact verse 26 continues and says: “do not let the sun go down on your wrath”. God realizes that we have emotion, but He says forgive before the sun goes down. Emotion strikes us because we aren’t robots. God says righteous anger is an acceptable emotion. Yet don’t have it for more then a day, because we should forgive and love one another.

Now in reference to your comment that basically said that God gave us freewill therefore our choices shouldn’t be punished (your exact words “…why be angry at anyone for their choice, didn't God give mankind freewill”). I just simply don’t understand the logic behind this. It is so flawed. – God gave us freewill so that we could either choose to do what He says to do, or choose to do what He says not to do. God didn’t make us into choice less puppets, what’s the point of that; it is worthless and meaningless obedience when you don’t have a choice. Now I’ve just got to ask you: why did Jesus die on the cross for us? It was because we made and still make the wrong choices all the time and God, because He is just and demands justice, says that we are to be punished for our evil (not doing what God says). I don’t see how you could accept Jesus’ sacrifice and be a Christian; yet not understand even why He made the sacrifice in the first place? Because if you don’t understand that God demands payment for your debt of sin, that God demands punishment for wrongdoings, then you simply don’t understand the very foundation of Christianity.

4. I wrote: If you can sit back and watch someone spit in the face of someone you love, then I doubt you love that person. Similarly if you can sit back and watch someone say false things about God, taking away His glory, while that person says they're a follower, then you're not a true Christian.

Vienna responded: I feel that you are talking about the answers I gave. I was honest and gave truthful answers, isn't that Christian-like, if I'm wrong then tell me. I was also using the freewill that God gave me, am I wrong to use that gift, tell me if I'm wrong.

My answer: Okay you are wrong to say it was Christian-like, because you weren’t telling the truth, you were telling what you thought was truth. If anything this is Relativistic, definitely not Christian. What matters is what is true. Even if you think you are saying the truth, it doesn’t matter, because the Christian view of Correspondence, demands that truth be measure not by our views alone, but by our views corresponding to reality and fact. – By the way I’m not smart or anything, I’m just saying what I have read and agree with, so don’t think I’m being all self-righteous again. –

Now you are not wrong to use the gift of freewill. However the way you used it was wrong. You used it to choose to take glory away from God, when the right way to use freewill is to give glory to God.


MY COMMENTS - YOU ARE RIGHT CONCERNING THIS TO AN EXTENT: I did get too angry with you before, a simple rebuke would have been fine, but I went too far, for that I do apologize. At 2am in the morning you aren’t always in your best mood, but that still doesn’t excuse how far I went with rebuking you. I’m not saying this because I feel like I owe you or anything. After you calling me a Jerk and a little fakir and implying that I don’t have a life and calling me an upstart and saying that what I say is crap, I don’t feel all that obligated to being nice to you. However to get it right with God, I sincerely apologize for going overboard before.

Hope you understand.


P.S I'll respond to the rest of the questions over the next few days. Right now I'm going outside to the bay to surf ski, yay :p
My own view on religion is that of Lucretius. I regard it as a disease born of fear and as a source of untold misery to the human race. I cannot, however, deny that it has made some contributions to civilization. It helped in early days to fix the calendar, and it caused Egyptian priests to chronicle eclipses with such care that in time they became able to predict them. These two services I am prepared to acknowledge, but I do not know of any others.
-- Bertrand Russell

More thoughts to ponder.