Color Of Crime!!!

Originally posted by lotuseatsvipers

And why don't you read the posts instead of speculating that they don't have real numbers.

I have.
Thats why I posted ..."Why dont we look at the real numbers ..." !

My, this group sure is jumpy !

- S.
Originally posted by *stRgrL* Well thats a great reason to commit crime:rolleyes:

Understanding why something happens does not imply condoning it. Who says we should not punish the criminals ?!

- Sivakami.
Originally posted by Adam
Someone mentioned something about "you should study psychology", as though such a statement negates the fact that we have free will. In case you're interested, I did study some psychology, and never found anything in it which negates free will, apart from physical imposition on another or death. The more you allow your situation to dictate your choices, the weaker your will; the more you are guided by your own standards and ideals, the stronger your will.

There is no reason why someone who grows up in a poor, high-population-density area must wake up one day and say "Bloody hell, I'm poor! I'd better go sell drugs!" There is no reason why such a person must suddenly say "My neighbour has a gun, I'd better go sell drugs!" We all have the choice. Many, unfortunately, choose the easiest path to immediate gratification, rather than considering any larger perspective. That is their choice.
Things aren't so flippin black and white Adam. Give me a break, of course we have free will, but things influence that. And many many many people are open to influence, in fact most of your traits and characteristics are no doubt results of your socialization process (ie your surroundings), so don't feed us that bull sh*t about free will overriding everything.
:D I love this thread, JUMPY ILL SHOW YOU JUMPY!
So what are you saying? That social setting isn't a factor, but age is a qualifier as an excuse? who's full of bullsh*t now?

Uhhh.. yeah! When you are a 16 year old who yourself is under the influence of drugs -and at that age your more proned to be influenced by your surroundings. Im not talking about minors or anyone incapable of making rash decisions. Im talking about adults who sell drugs and cry that they its not fair that they are in jail and noone else is. Get it?


Sorry, I dont understand your last question.

Take care:)
I'm sorry but the fact that you think age is an excuse (especially the fairly mature age of 16) but you say social setting isn't is total trash.
Uhhh.. yeah! When you are a 16 year old who yourself is under the influence of drugs -and at that age your more proned to be influenced by your surroundings. Im not talking about minors or anyone incapable of making rash decisions. Im talking about adults who sell drugs and cry that they its not fair that they are in jail and noone else is. Get it?
And then you go on to say that the DRUGS THEMSELVES had something to do with the influencing.

Again I say to you, using the same logic you used previously against social factors, many of us here on this thread were 16 but did not use or sell drugs by our own choice.

Did you ever think that maybe your social setting influenced you at a very influencial age?! I mean, imagine if you grew up where drugs weren't so prevalent, or you never met friends who thought it was fun and/or cool to use drugs. This is what I think of when I consider growing up in a crime ridden, poor neighborhood. Sure I am fairly certain I would not have given into pressures and influences, but who's to say for sure. If hte pressure isn't there it sure makes my life a lot easier.
Okay, I see your point. In fact your right. But again, I will say when your are deemed an adult, you are responsible for your own actions. And yes, social settings do influence people. But either
1) Their young and stupid (like I was)
2) Their under influence of drugs and are not making rash decisions (like I was)
3) They are extemely weak-minded individuals (like I was)

When I hit 18, I knew very well that my lifestyle was going to either get me killed or get me thrown in jail. So I decided to change. I guess because I did it and I see how some people from the ghetto that had the lifestyle I had, cry FOUL! when they get thrown in jail for selling drugs. But yeah, sorry to argue with you so much, you do have some very good points. Nice arguement:)

Take care:)
Originally posted by *stRgrL*
Uhhh.. yeah! When you are a 16 year old who yourself is under the influence of drugs -and at that age your more proned to be influenced by your surroundings. Im not talking about minors or anyone incapable of making rash decisions. Im talking about adults who sell drugs and cry that they its not fair that they are in jail and noone else is. Get it?

Yeah, pretty true. 16 was the age where I smoked weed the most, because I didn't have anything to do and wanted to do something. But now I have matured and find no more use of it, I just wasn't thinking right. Kids usually get in trouble for doing things just because it's boring, they cause trouble. If people had things to do there wouldn't be trouble.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Oh please

Originally posted by Joeman
What I was getting at is going overboard on crusade against racism and political correctness will harm more than hurt. The reason is the same as raising an infant industry in a country. You protect them in the beginning but you have to slowly remove the protection or they never grow. They have to get used to and make progress in the environment of racism instead of saying they will never make any progress until racism is removed altogether. The biggest reason I support reparation of slavery is that after you pay them off, you can call it "even". There will one less excuse.

Yes, absolutely true Joeman. As in high school, I hate it how some blacks, on every little thing a white person does, they call it racist and use it to their advantage. Simply put, I do not like people that feed on sympathy too much. Yes there are educated blacks out there that know better, but it is the weak-minded and the uneducated are the ones that get in trouble and cause the trouble. They simply do not know better.

Well, the interesting thing is people are waiting for 2nd generation Asian immigrants to fall the same level as Whites, but that is not happening. According the latest SAT statistics I saw, Asians not only maintain their lead in math, they are closing the gap in English.

Yes, this shows proof on how a culture's value is put and how one is raised. And that hardwork does pay off. That is why I do not like excuses, especially from blacks, that they have nothing better to do, so that's the way my life is. Well you can fix it if you try. Go pursue an education damnit, then you won't get into so much trouble, but there are some exceptions. But there are cases were people do get influence into doing bad things, and those people are weak-minded, and we can only show them the way to help them. Those are exceptions to people who get in trouble and deal drugs and all that, but other strong-minded individuals do grow up in the same neighborhood and do not do any of the bad things, they have sight of their goals while the others do not.

That is because the mentality in US is "No kids will fall behind". Therefore all kids fall behind. The classes are taught at a speed that even the dumbest kids can catch up. In Asia, kids are seperated into different classes according to their test scores. Classes with smarter kids go at a faster speed. It doesn't happen until junior high though. In US that will never happen, because what you will see is mostly Asians and Jews in highest level, Whites next and then blacks and hispanics on the bottom. Schools will appear to be segregated by race. Asian education is better simply because the classes go at a faster pace basically. One lesson we learn from them is that the system is far more important than the funding. In US we put more money per student than any country in the world, but test scores are mediocre.

In the US, most students go at the set pace because it is easy and then many complain school is too hard, just pathetic and people get more and more lazy each time. People with more potential should be accelerated and also people who desire to learn. It is those who want to challenge themselves that go farther. But to take these advantages, it can't just be given to you, or else you will go the same pace as everyone else. I, for one, have personally ask my teachers at my school to place me for higher education, because I desired to challenge myself and to get the best of it, to get into a good college. They then placed me into advanced classes because I asked to be challenge. I took AP Calc and AP Physics my junior year and took all of the advantages my school could offer me. Unfortunately my school was rather small, so I began my junior year. In the US you can do the same, although the idea of faster pacing classes and all that is good.

Well, I am not sure If I agree with your theory on the sex part. China is poor, but the Chinese are one of the most sexually deprived country in the world :D A married couple in US have sex over 100 times per year, France is about 120+, China is about 60+ and Japan is 40+. Japan is the most sexually deprived country in the world :D

Japan is sexually deprived??? They have porno's everywhere distributed, in anime, and all that!
Yes, absolutely true Joeman. As in high school, I hate it how some blacks, on every little thing a white person does, they call it racist and use it to their advantage. Simply put, I do not like people that feed on sympathy too much. Yes there are educated blacks out there that know better, but it is the weak-minded and the uneducated are the ones that get in trouble and cause the trouble. They simply do not know better.
well geeze, look how you phrased that. As if 'blacks' aren't even people to be given respect to, but rather something that can only be distinguised by color. The LEAST you could have done is say black PEOPLE (which you'll notice is what you did for 'whites').

Words mean everything, and they tell me you're a bigot. Maybe pay more attention to how you say things from now on.
Originally posted by lotuseatsvipers

well geeze, look how you phrased that. As if 'blacks' aren't even people to be given respect to, but rather something that can only be distinguised by color. The LEAST you could have done is say black PEOPLE (which you'll notice is what you did for 'whites').

Words mean everything, and they tell me you're a bigot. Maybe pay more attention to how you say things from now on.

As if blacks aren't even people to be given respect to? I respect the black people that deserve it, in fact any race that deems worthy in my eyes. In fact, one of the people I respect most is a black person. Major V, very intelligent because she took Calculus in 7th grade and scored a 1580 on her SAT, and i admire that, she is very honest and possessed many good traits. I used to work under her and she amazes me, so don't give me any of this crap because I'm not racist. I have many black friends also. It is just natural I refer to them by their color, the way I grew up in my environment, and I see it perfectly fine, and also my black, or African American backgrounds, friends see it fine also. So I see it fine, but you don't? = PROBLEM But hey, if you're black and it bothers you, I'll change what I say to only you. Because I have respect for people who feel hurt by the things I say, I will change.

And bigot my ass, I'm full ASIAN. So don't try to be all smart and use that crap on me.

Some whites don't even bother if they are called white, but when everytime something happens to a black, or black related, hmmm they ALWAYS get on your case. And I hate that shit, yes the blacks, or African Americans do deserve some sort of sympathy for the crimes done to them in the past, it is when they take advantage of it I do not like (oh and btw, some black people don't even like to be refered to as African American, but rather only American or Black-American.) So I don't need you to tell me what I pay attention to because that's the way it is around me.
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You can talk all the trash you want about how in 'real' life your some sort of non racist saint, but your words speak volumes.

I don't care if your a fkn blue ghandi, you refered to millions of people with the word 'blacks'. Thats stupid shit, and I'm not gonna watch you do it without raising my hand and calling you out.

"Those yellows always act so fkn tough, they are short p*ssy pieces of sh*t"
You like that? And you can say you don't care cause its the internet and im some as5hole, but if I said that to your face youd probably want to kick my ass.
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Originally posted by lotuseatsvipers
You can talk all the trash you want about how in 'real' life your some sort of non racist saint, but your words speak volumes.

I don't care if your a fkn blue ghandi, you refered to millions of people with the word 'blacks'. Thats stupid shit, and I'm not gonna watch you do it without raising my hand and calling you out.

My words voice how it is natural for me to do so.

Hey, all I said was if you have a problem with it, I'll alter the way I address that certain race as. So it seems you do.

That is virtuous of you to have that standard for Black-Americans, maybe you see they have been wronged? But you see, in the area I live, it is very diverse. Asian-Americans, Black-Americans, European-Americans, mixes between all sorts of races, so there is not much prejudice. Maybe in the states there is much more prejudice, and maybe that is the way you see it. Fine, that is your conviction, maybe stupid shit to you but not to me.

Usually with most of my black friends (that is the way I call them, it goes as this; blacks, asians, whites, and amerasian (half-asian, half-white) That is how you classfiy them from where I am from. And they have pride in that. But you seem sooo pissed about it, you simply do not understand.

Here is an example: Let's say usually with my friends; blacks, asians, amerasians, and whites. They swear a lot around each other, because it is 'natural' and 'cool' to do so. Usually I try not to swear, but it just happens. But when I am around more educated, intelligent adults, with a higher standard; I will simply refrain from swearing. It's as simple as that and I am a very flexible person. Comprehend?

"Those yellows always act so fkn tough, they are short p*ssy pieces of sh*t"
You like that? And you can say you don't care cause its the internet and im some as5hole, but if I said that to your face youd probably want to kick my ass.

Hahaha, you are quite amusing. Do you know how to tell a racist from a non-racist? Well here is my way.

"Excuse me sir, but I do not like it that you call me yellow, but rather Asian." or I can add in this sentence. "oh and btw, if something is wrong with your eyes, you can see that my skin color is golden-brown."

Hmm...situation...he says, "Oh sorry if I offended you in anyway." In which in my case, I would have stated that, as I told you I do not like to offend people.

If he says, "Fuck you yellow bitches, none of ya'll deserve my respect hahahaha." I would simply refrain from kicking the shit out of him. I wouldn't give him any respect ever again and simply walk away and ignore him, maybe saying. "Sir, you got some serious issues." And then a third time, ohhh if he says it a third time... Well, you can say his ass is grass, I'll simply beat the shit out of him. :D
Usually with most of my black friends (that is the way I call them, it goes as this; blacks, asians, whites, and amerasian (half-asian, half-white) That is how you classfiy them from where I am from. And they have pride in that. But you seem sooo pissed about it, you simply do not understand.
Let me just demonstrate to you why I feel you are talking shit and nothing else. some blacks, on every little thing a white person does...

You referred to black PEOPLE as 'blacks', but white PEOPLE as 'white people'. (small but very important difference)

That language is terribly destructive IMO, and I feel its my moral obligation to call you out.

I don't want to be on a high horse or anything, I'm guilty of the occasional prejudice just like everyone else. But in something like a message board where you think before you speak I feel you should utilize that oportunity...and THINK.
lotus, you need to calm down.

Dark Master hasn't done anything racist, so stop calling him a bigot. So what if he say Blacks instead of Black people, your making something out of nothing.

You've made some very good points earlier in this thread, don't ruin it by overreacting now...
Originally posted by lotuseatsvipers
Let me just demonstrate to you why I feel you are talking shit and nothing else.

Shit talking as a Shit talking as to people who use sympathy to gain a leverage for themselves...yes. And yes, I am shit talking about THOSE, not all, blacks that do that. But only in that line. Of course there it may involve some prejudice, prejudice against the people as I described use sympathy because they are lazy. They are weak.

Besides, it's probably people like you that make this such a big issue. It's often normal now on how they speak. As I read through my history book, they refer to Africans as blacks in the book. So I see no problem with it. Even here.

Blacks in the Americas. African immigration to the Americas may have begun before European exploration of the region. Blacks sailed with Christopher Columbus even on his first voyage in 1492, and blacks accompanied the earliest Spanish and Portuguese explorers.

Encarta® 98 Desk Encyclopedia © & 1996-97 Microsoft Corporation.
All rights reserved.

OH YEAH, so they SAID blacks, OOoOoo, so I think we should censor history books and encyclopedia's from school and change it to black people. :rolleyes:

You feel I'm talking shit, but I don't see it as that. As long as I don't disrespect the black people, you SHOULDN'T even be on my case That is the way I refer to my black friends as, or how we have a conversation. When I new guy comes,"What is he?" "Yeah, he's black." I see no PROBLEM with that, it's the way they themselves here call themselves. The blacks I know, have pride in being black.

You referred to black PEOPLE as 'blacks', but white PEOPLE as 'white people'. (small but very important difference)

Yes, because blacks is plural in that sentence and white, is just a white person. I can't just say, "Yeah because the white did this to the black." IT DOESN'T sound right.

And I didn't say white PEOPLE. White PERSON is what I stated.

If I refered to more then one white person, I would have said whites. No difference. Some blacks even got on my case for saying African-American, they simply do not prefer that.

And are you black?

Do you speak for all of them?

Some blacks have pride in themselves and see nothing wrong with it. Slavery is no more.

Some blacks don't mind being called that because they have the pride in it ALRIGHT. But if I offend some blacks, I simply won't say it in front of them. GET IT. It's a matter of respect.

That language is terribly destructive IMO, and I feel its my moral obligation to call you out.


I don't want to be on a high horse or anything, I'm guilty of the occasional prejudice just like everyone else. But in something like a message board where you think before you speak I feel you should utilize that oportunity...and THINK.

It's NATURAL. And why should I care what you think, as long as what I think is appropiate enough. But you don't think it's appropiate, so who is to say who is right? And who is to say who SHOULD think, you need to think that over BECAUSE you are not right buddy, and so am I. As long as I respect the black people and not call them any name not suitable, I believe it's fine.
Originally posted by lotuseatsvipers
"Those yellows always act so fkn tough, they are short p*ssy pieces of sh*t"

See, over here you are simply overreacting. If you SAY it in THAT tone of voice, YES, that's disrespectful. Did you notice me saying anything about blacks in that sort of way? No, I don't think so. You simply don't understand. All I did was refer to them, on how some use that racist crap and sympathy to simply get their way in life. And I don't like it if they use it too much.

As Joeman said, "The reason is the same as raising an infant industry in a country. You protect them in the beginning but you have to slowly remove the protection or they never grow. "

You seem to be the people shielding them still. Blacks can care for themselves, and as long as I don't hate them, or be a racist against, you shouldn't be necessarily doing this.

I mean no disrespect to the black race or people if you look at it that way.
Check out these numbers

1. Whites are 300 times as likely to commit arson than blacks
2. Whites are 50 times as likely to commit rape than blacks.
3. Whites are 432 times as likely to commit emblezzelment than blacks
4. Whites are 24 times as likely to commit suicide than blacks
5. Whites are 1500 times more likely to be on welfare than blacks
6. Whites are 50 times as likely to kill someone because of the color of there skin or the religion they pratices than blacks
7. Whites are 747 times as likely to use bombs than blacks
8. Whites are 278 times as likely to be brug addicted than blacks
9. Whites are {get this} 843 times as likely to be gay than blacks.
10. Whites are 29 times as likely to rape and murder a black child than a white child.

Pretty startling numbers if you as me. maybe we should look in our own backyards before we start quoting from KKK web sites {or did any of you bother to look at where this idiot got his numbers from}.
1. Whites are 300 times as likely to commit arson than blacks
2. Whites are 50 times as likely to commit rape than blacks.
3. Whites are 432 times as likely to commit emblezzelment than blacks
4. Whites are 24 times as likely to commit suicide than blacks
5. Whites are 1500 times more likely to be on welfare than blacks
6. Whites are 50 times as likely to kill someone because of the color of there skin or the religion they pratices than blacks
7. Whites are 747 times as likely to use bombs than blacks
8. Whites are 278 times as likely to be brug addicted than blacks
9. Whites are {get this} 843 times as likely to be gay than blacks.
10. Whites are 29 times as likely to rape and murder a black child than a white child.

I'm offended! White people.:D

In any case, your numbers are just as meaningless as the others. And since when was being gay comparable to being a murderer?

Re: Check out these numbers

Originally posted by dkb218
1. Whites are 300 times as likely to commit arson than blacks
2. Whites are 50 times as likely to commit rape than blacks.
3. Whites are 432 times as likely to commit emblezzelment than blacks
4. Whites are 24 times as likely to commit suicide than blacks
5. Whites are 1500 times more likely to be on welfare than blacks
6. Whites are 50 times as likely to kill someone because of the color of there skin or the religion they pratices than blacks
7. Whites are 747 times as likely to use bombs than blacks
8. Whites are 278 times as likely to be brug addicted than blacks
9. Whites are {get this} 843 times as likely to be gay than blacks.
10. Whites are 29 times as likely to rape and murder a black child than a white child.

Pretty startling numbers if you as me. maybe we should look in our own backyards before we start quoting from KKK web sites {or did any of you bother to look at where this idiot got his numbers from}.
Note that those are USA figures, a country where most people are white. The figures are probably the opposite in South Africa, or any other country where whites are the minority.
what happened to personal and even social responsibility?

We all know right from wrong.. anything less is an excuse.
.......For every action is a reaction........

Many times i could have taken an immoral stance and made my life easier by doing something i knew was wrong because it gave me an easy out... Im not perfect ive made mistakes.. but i can hold my head high and know whatever the experience or loss ive suffered, i value most...the times in my life when i did the right thing anyway.

I have genuine sympathy for those in unfortunate circumstances, but life is about 90% of choices we make and 10% life circumstance .. not the other way around.
victim based thinking does not serve any purpose in society regardless of color.

We control our own destiny.. tho some would prefer you believed they have no freewill... its much easier.

Maybe we should ask.... What did you as an individual, do today to take responsibilty for the state of your life, your country?

Or were you too busy blaming a color? a political candidate? a parent? or maybe the media? etc
