Color Of Crime!!!

I really think that the discussion would be better served discussing the crime statistics of the lower class, as opposed to the middle or upper class. All of the statistics that have been given continues to equate black people with poor people. Is that really the case? I'll grant that there amount of visible minority poor seems like a disproportionate amount of the poor, and that because of this, minorities are getting sub-standard education because of the fact that they are minorities. But there are white families who are dirt poor too, and in urban areas, and those people are all having problems getting a good education. Unfortunately, we do not see the majority of the white poor, because they live in rural areas, far away from the cameras, and removed enough that crime really isn't an option for them. Everyone's poor around them for 300 miles in every direction, who the hell are they going to steal from?

Do you think anything would change the KKK's mind about Blacks and Jews

No, but I don't think that Jesus himself coming down and saying "Fucking stop it" would change their minds. The minds that need to be changed are the passive racists who don't go to rallies but think that black means stupid and jew means rich and asian means good with computers.
I really think that the discussion would be better served discussing the crime statistics of the lower class, as opposed to the middle or upper class. All of the statistics that have been given continues to equate black people with poor people. Is that really the case? I'll grant that there amount of visible minority poor seems like a disproportionate amount of the poor, and that because of this, minorities are getting sub-standard education because of the fact that they are minorities. But there are white families who are dirt poor too, and in urban areas, and those people are all having problems getting a good education. Unfortunately, we do not see the majority of the white poor, because they live in rural areas, far away from the cameras, and removed enough that crime really isn't an option for them. Everyone's poor around them for 300 miles in every direction, who the hell are they going to steal from?
I think the proportion of poor blacks is more than the proportion of poor whites. It is true that blacks do score a little lower, on average, than whites in I.Q tests and stuff, but I attribute that to poor nutrition (not only in the current generation, but also the previous 2-3) and education. Similarly Asians are said to score higher, but that could again be because of the higher competition they are used to. They drive themselves harder each step of the way.

No, but I don't think that Jesus himself coming down and saying "Fucking stop it" would change their minds. The minds that need to be changed are the passive racists who don't go to rallies but think that black means stupid and jew means rich and asian means good with computers.
Ethnocentrism and Xenophobia are genetic. So its hardly surprising that people tend to stereotype and degrade other races.

- Sivakami.
I would be very suprised to see that the number of black poor is a greater proportion of the black population than the number of white poor as a percent of the white population. When we look at "the poor" we invariably look at our inner cities. Why is that? because it's the best concentration of poor in an area, because the only reason that "the poor" are talked about is for election bids and tax levies, and because they are dragging down the mean education score for the city, because schools are funded on property taxes. On the other hand, Appalacian mining towns, where everyone is poor and the standard of education can barely be met never really show up on the news. These places are really where the bulk of the white poor are, and in many cases, the white poor don't show up on census or polling information, because of their extreme remoteness to anything worth reporting.
Whatever you may wish to be true Riom., black people's average yearly income is still about 10 grand less than that of white people.
Originally posted by Riomacleod
I would be very suprised to see that the number of black poor is a greater proportion of the black population than the number of white poor as a percent of the white population.
I remember seeing evidence for this (stats posted on another forum) too. Why dont we look at the real numbers instead of speculating in thin air ?

- S.
Why dont we look at the real numbers instead of speculating in thin air ?
And why don't you read the posts instead of speculating that they don't have real numbers.
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Whatever you may wish to be true Riom., black people's average yearly income is still about 10 grand less than that of white people.

Well thats a great reason to commit crime:rolleyes:
As a full-time student, i'm earning NO money at all. Yet I don't go robbing banks. Weird, huh? Average income and crap like that are not valid excuses for crime.
Well thats a great reason to commit crime

Who said it was?

Yet I don't go robbing banks. Weird, huh? Average income and crap like that are not valid excuses for crime.


But if you can't see how it affects the statistics of crime then you are blind. hmmm whos more likely to commit crime, those that grow up in a crime ridden poor as shit inner city or in a affluent white suburb?!!?!?
Here's the deal: People should be judged and evaluated on an individual basis.

All these statics, generalities, assessments, etc. are grouping millions of people together. What good are they? Where does Tiger Woods fall in these statistics?

I think the proportion of poor blacks is more than the proportion of poor whites. It is true that blacks do score a little lower, on average, than whites in I.Q tests and stuff, but I attribute that to poor nutrition (not only in the current generation, but also the previous 2-3) and education. Similarly Asians are said to score higher, but that could again be because of the higher competition they are used to. They drive themselves harder each step of the way.
You may be right. But I think these numbers are useless anyhow. How is someone 'black'? What if they are 30% black and 70% white? Obviously, individuals break these generalities everyday, so what is the point?

Nothing productive will be gained by attempting to group people by race.
The reason for Black and Latino crime rates in America is the so-called "Drug War". Prohibition on drugs has done nothing but put money into the hands Organized Crime and street gangs.

If I'm correct, about half of the people in US jails are in for drug offences (something that shouldn't even be a crime). A MAJOR percentage of the Black and Latino population lives in the inner-city where illegal drug trafficing is rampant. About 85% of the crimes commit by Blacks is against other Blacks, the same goes for Latinos and Whites.

If we legalized drugs, the money would dry up for most of organized crime, and about 90% of street gangs would disappear in 5 years. Of course the DEA, and prison lobbys will never allow this to happen.:(
If we legalized drugs, the money would dry up for most of organized crime, and about 90% of street gangs would disappear in 5 years. Of course the DEA, and prison lobbys will never allow this to happen.
Ya but what other kind of social ills would be introduced into society as a result...While I agree- it doesn't make sense to send someone to jail for a long time for personal drug use- I'm hesitant to say we should legalize it all.

Would setting up special 'coffee shops' where the drug is managed by the government and taxed the hell out of work. Wouldn't underground drugs still exist then? I suppose this is offtopic as all hell, sorry.
Originally posted by lotuseatsvipers

Ya but what other kind of social ills would be introduced into society as a result...While I agree- it doesn't make sense to send someone to jail for a long time for personal drug use- I'm hesitant to say we should legalize it all.

Would setting up special 'coffee shops' where the drug is managed by the government and taxed the hell out of work. Wouldn't underground drugs still exist then? I suppose this is offtopic as all hell, sorry.

What social ills would be introduced??? Drugs are already easily available, unfortuanately all the money is going to Organized Crime and street gangs. How do you think they afford top of the line weapons, and how do you think they recruit new members, with drug money.
If we legalized drugs, the money would dry up for most of organized crime, and about 90% of street gangs would disappear in 5 years.

Sorry but your wrong. Last I heard gangs fought over turfs, not drugs:rolleyes:
Originally posted by *stRgrL*

Sorry but your wrong. Last I heard gangs fought over turfs, not drugs:rolleyes:

Do you understand why turf is so important? I understand the street gang situation greatly. The CIA brought drugs into the innercities and street gangs grew greatly over the last 25 years.

The reason for the explosion of gangs over the last couple of decades is related to the money that can be made in them. When an inner-city kid sees gang members driving around in expensive cars and living the life, and then see their parents struggling in a 9to5 job, the money can be tempting.

This is why their are so many "suburban" gangs of upper middle-class kids. Drug money is so plentiful that many teenagers are corrupted. If drugs were legal again, then the money would dry up, along with the appeal of being in a gang.
Originally posted by lotuseatsvipers

But if you can't see how it affects the statistics of crime then you are blind. hmmm whos more likely to commit crime, those that grow up in a crime ridden poor as shit inner city or in a affluent white suburb?!!?!?
We all have free will. We all have the choice. I did not grow up in an affluent white suburb, and I do not rob banks or commit murder. I have no sympathy for weasels who blame their surroundings when they deal drugs, rape or murder, or whatever. It is entirely their own choice which is to blame.
We all have free will. We all have the choice. I did not grow up in an affluent white suburb, and I do not rob banks or commit murder. I have no sympathy for weasels who blame their surroundings when they deal drugs, rape or murder, or whatever. It is entirely their own choice which is to blame.

100% correct.
We all have free will. We all have the choice. I did not grow up in an affluent white suburb, and I do not rob banks or commit murder. I have no sympathy for weasels who blame their surroundings when they deal drugs, rape or murder, or whatever. It is entirely their own choice which is to blame.
"well said":rolleyes:

Comeone man, no one is trying to 'justify' crime. sheesh. This thread started with shitty statistics and it is being put to rest with shitty statistics. You act as if people are not influenced by their surroundings, study intro psychology and maybe you'll learn somthing...its nurture AND nature.