Christians: Your Thoughts

You can find a whole bunch more than three. The post I put on salvation is the heart of Christianity. It is what Jesus' message was. I know I would have probably been killed but I am telling you they had it wrong.

I agree that you can find many different large groups that have been programmed to believe in as many different Christian gospels, or ways of salvation. There are millions of Christians even today that would disagree with your version of salvation.

You say they are wrong, and they say you are wrong.

Some of these groups have become so arrogant in their own belief system, that they will not hesitate to damn to hell any "Christian" who disagrees with their own interpretations of the Bible. And historically there have even been instances of genocide with "Christian" killing "Christian" simply over doctrinal differences. Not a very good witness to the "world" is it? On this basis alone, why should anyone believe in your version or theirs?

This model for genocide is nestled within the golden pages of the Bible that every young child carries into Sunday school each and every week. If you make even the smallest attempt to find it written there, you will.

What is your thoughts on Martyrs?

If you mean, what do I think about "Fox’s Book of Martyrs", I would recommend reading it to anyone, no matter what your beliefs, in the same way that I would recommend learning about the Holocaust in Germany. So that history might not be repeated.

Thank You!
Asking a Christian for his thoughts is like asking a blind man for directions to the nearest sunglasses store.
And asking a atheist for his is like asking the close loser of a race whether he thinks he won or not. Regardless of the mounds of evidence to the contrary he still remains stubborn as ever.
LOL It's funny that Redefine91 has posted a rebuttal that fits the typical theist to a tee...
And asking a atheist for his is like asking the close loser of a race whether he thinks he won or not. Regardless of the mounds of evidence to the contrary he still remains stubborn as ever.

Sorry could you explain that metaphor please?

I don't understand what the race represents...
And asking a atheist for his is like asking the close loser of a race whether he thinks he won or not. Regardless of the mounds of evidence to the contrary he still remains stubborn as ever.

“Mounting evidence”?

Please provide such mythological mountains.

I can’t wait.

That was a metaphor?
Are you retarded….oh yes you are, I forgot.
I think there is a certain kind of Christianity in the US which is very close to fascism, the megachurch evangelical apocalyptic Left Behind crowd. They give ordinary Christians a bad name.
The "Left Behind" crowd is about half the American Christians, the other half are mostly Catholics and other Dominion theologists.

Euro Christians, I guess, don't preach much about Revelation and endtimes prophecy, so I guess spidergoat thinks the Euro way is the way.
I'm always concerned when one group is so insecure about the validity of their cosmology that they need others to form a consensus reality in order to sustain the fallacy...and this consensus is formed not through the natural logic of reason - but through brainwashing.