Christians: Your Thoughts

So anyway,

An engineer finds himself standing at the pearly gates. He asks St. Peter to open up and St. Peter says "No my poor fellow, you are in the wrong place" and snaps his fingers.

The engineer finds himself suddenly in hell. He looks around and is appalled at the conditions and decides to make some changes.

Some time later, god calls down to satan to see how things are going. Satan says "Oh just great! We have an engineer you know. We have central air now, and escalators, and..."

God says "What? That's clearly a mistake. Send him back up at once!"

Of course satan says "No way in hell!"

God retorts "Well then, be prepared for a nasty lawsuit."

Satan replies "Oh yeah? And just where are you going to find a laywer?"

This is to anyone. To any person who reads this please answer.

What is a Christian? What do you think they believe? Please give any other thoughts on Christianity that you might want to say.

I know everyone has got something to say so please don't hold back.

Thank you,
His Son,
I Peter 3:15

There is nothing wrong with your question! I think it is rather a good one!
Anyone who is truly inquiring about truth will likely at least ask it at some point in their life.

The problem is with the answer!

You see, every Christian is different. Some believe that you are saved by God's choice and election without any freewill decision of your own. Some believe that you are saved on the basis of your freewill decision. Some believe that you are saved by grace alone through faith alone. Some believe that you are saved by faith through works. Some believe that you are saved by faith plus works. Some believe that you must be baptized to be saved. Some do not. The list goes on and on and on and on and on...

So one definition of a Christian might be that... "No two Christians are the same!"

There is a lot more to say and study, I have been trying to figure it out for 25 years, but this is where it all starts.

"So one definition of a Christian might be that... "No two Christians are the same!"
With respect, no two people are the same...variation could not be considered as a common denominator in defining a Christian.
A preachy athiest gives their views to others.

A preachy theist gives Gods views to others.

A point of correction:

A preachy atheist gives his views to others;
A preachy theist gives what he believes are a god's views to others.
A point of correction:

A preachy atheist gives his views to others;
A preachy theist gives what he believes are a god's views to others.

Another correction :)

A preachy atheist gives his views and reality's views to others;
A preachy theist gives his views and what he believes are a god's views to others.
A preachy atheist's views are contextualised by a rational secular ecology.

A preachy theist's views are always right...if one believes that to be true.
"So one definition of a Christian might be that... "No two Christians are the same!"
With respect, no two people are the same...variation could not be considered as a common denominator in defining a Christian.

I agree that no two people are the same. I am just trying to say that this fact does not disappear in Christianity at all. Christianity is not a one gospel fits all religion. There are many different gospels or "ways to be saved" within it. The fact that these differences in belief exist, and originate from the same text, the Bible, is a common denominator or framework to me, at least. But I do understand where you are coming from.

The thread’s title “Christians: Your thoughts” is an oxymoron.

There isn’t a single thought amongst their billions of mindless minds.

The accurate title should read: “Christians: Regurgitate the thoughts of another you have accepted as absolutely irrefutable, because of mental and psychological deficiencies, no matter how absurd and childish they sound”
Then why are Christians so successful, hmmmmm?
Because they are malleable.
The system can manipulate them easily. They lack the intelligence to know any better and are easily convinced about what suits them.

An ant is successful for the very same reasons.
The individual ant is so dumb and lacks any sense of identity that it becomes the perfect conforming creature. Its stupidity is useful to the whole.

But how quantity usurps quality is a natural phenomenon. It is what drives upward evolution.
A cell is easily assimilated into the unity of the body because it lacks a brain to make it independent and resistant.

One must also take into account population pressures.
The current popular religions all started during a period and in a place where population pressures and resource management made necessary the acceptance of a more dim-witted, submissive mind.

The larger the unity the more stupid its parts must become, so as to harmonize more easily with one another.

But what is “successful”?
Using what standard are Christian deemed successful by?
Atheists have their heads down the ol' ostrich hole.

Out of interest, and perhaps pertinent to your statement..

Ostriches don't bury their heads in the sand, (or holes for that matter). You see, if you were more like an atheist you wouldn't have just assumed that they do contrary to evidence but would have followed the evidence to a truthful conclusion.

Oh and no, we don't just use 10% of our brains either.. Well, perhaps theists do.
"I agree that no two people are the same. I am just trying to say that this fact does not disappear in Christianity at all."

I take your point but I didn't want there to be a misunderstanding that variation is a trait peculiar to Christianity.
"I agree that no two people are the same. I am just trying to say that this fact does not disappear in Christianity at all."

I take your point but I didn't want there to be a misunderstanding that variation is a trait peculiar to Christianity.

You are correct, of course!

Thank You
Thank you too - you make some good points in your thread. I found that anthropology, particularly cross-cultural anthropology, offers fascinating insights into belief structures.
Another interesting angle is if one takes the perspective that the search for belief is a search for a ritual one can believe in. We all, whether scientist, atheist, or 'believer in faith' construct our world through ritual of some description.
Then why are Christians so successful, hmmmmm?

I believe Christianity is a successful social strategy. It is the end product of evolutionary change. This meme replicated, changed, forms were selected, and the successful forms prospered. It promotes fertility, community, and exploitation of resources, and includes it's own self-defense mechanisms. It's very much like a virus. I wouldn't consider it's success to be supportive of it's truth (after all, Islam is more successful).
Agreed Spidergoat...its all in the memes - I can imagine an ancient monkey sitting there looking at the beautiful sunset and thinking: "What the @*£k is this all about then?" Art and science and religion emerged as methodologies to attempt to find an explanation...
Agreed Spidergoat...its all in the memes - I can imagine an ancient monkey sitting there looking at the beautiful sunset and thinking: "What the @*£k is this all about then?" Art and science and religion emerged as methodologies to attempt to find an explanation...

And we are all still trying to find an explanation.