Christians: Your Thoughts

M*W: Then why are you here? You come to a scientific forum to preach your Jesus crap!

hmm. Are Atheists telepathic as well? You seem so certain I came here for religion, to preach the gospel to ignorant morons such as yourself. Eh, wrong. I came here to debate politics and world issues and didn't have religion in mind until I saw some of the utterly brilliant pieces of Trash posted here.

You're the one who believes in an invisible friend.

Calling the relationship between Jesus and Christians one involving and "invisible" friend is like saying evolution say's we are all feces throwing apes. Get educated before you curse something you have no knowledge about.

When there are umpteen zillion christian forums on the Internet, you come to an atheist forum.

I also signed up with no idea of this being an atheist forum. I believe its called a scienceforum. I was under the impression that scientists could be men and women of religion. thanks for clearing that up!

And since you don't want to debate or discuss anything with me or the other atheists here,

I should rephrase. I'd like to debate Atheist strong enough in their beliefs to proclaim it where they willingly know it won't be accepted. I know saying "Christianity! Yeah man" is probably going to get some negative feedback on this forum. Yet I still have no problem saying it here, and face to face with anyone who wants to disagree. Take some notes on that, you might learn something yet!

why don't you go away and stick your head up your ass where it belongs?

That's very eloquent of you! What finishing school did you say you went to again? I do hope we can continue these debates in the future. Your posts basically leak intelligence.
Rather than attacking Darwinism, which after all is the best evidence of a miraculous unfolding of the creation of lifeforms, you would do better to examine the origin of a creed that denies the existence of such.
hmm. Are Atheists telepathic as well? You seem so certain I came here for religion, to preach the gospel to ignorant morons such as yourself. Eh, wrong. I came here to debate politics and world issues and didn't have religion in mind until I saw some of the utterly brilliant pieces of Trash posted here.

Calling the relationship between Jesus and Christians one involving and "invisible" friend is like saying evolution say's we are all feces throwing apes. Get educated before you curse something you have no knowledge about.

I also signed up with no idea of this being an atheist forum. I believe its called a scienceforum. I was under the impression that scientists could be men and women of religion. thanks for clearing that up!

I should rephrase. I'd like to debate Atheist strong enough in their beliefs to proclaim it where they willingly know it won't be accepted. I know saying "Christianity! Yeah man" is probably going to get some negative feedback on this forum. Yet I still have no problem saying it here, and face to face with anyone who wants to disagree. Take some notes on that, you might learn something yet!

That's very eloquent of you! What finishing school did you say you went to again? I do hope we can continue these debates in the future. Your posts basically leak intelligence.

No Cruel intention is ment in this question nor sarcasm, but is Jesus your savior?
I'd like to debate Atheist strong enough in their beliefs to proclaim it where they willingly know it won't be accepted.
Uh...I'm just going to laugh that off. You do know however, that athiests are a small minority worldwide, and most of us are willing to do that.
I know saying "Christianity! Yeah man" is probably going to get some negative feedback on this forum. Yet I still have no problem saying it here, and face to face with anyone who wants to disagree.
What do you want? Some brownies?
Take some notes on that, you might learn something yet!
I thought Jesus teaches you to be humble? Maybe you could start following your own beliefs a little better.
1. Key word in that sentence was most. I appear to have knocked heads with someone outside of the most.

2. Sure. I am terrribly hungry. Regardless, I was stating the point that I am not afraid to proclaim faith in a dominantly atheist community.

3. Ahh yeah but he was perfect. C'mon I get to have a little fun. Plus I am loving my enemy by giving it advice so Itleast I got one down
The tool of the modern Christian apologist is the turning-of-the-tables strategy in which the Christian closed mind accuses the opposition of what it is most guilty of, thusly eliminating this from its weakness or taking it away as a argument from the opposing side.
Also labeling things in the Orwellian opposite is a well established method of mind control.

For instance in the U.S. the media – the quintessential systemic tool of information dissemination – is dubbed ‘liberal’ to mask its conservative and unchallenging, to the status quo, character. In this way it wears the garments of what is its opposite nature.

In this case the Christian retarded mind unable to provide a single rational argument and relying on hearsay, faith and magical dimensions and creatures and unable to define basic words, maintaining their ambiguous insinuations, resorts to turning the tables on the doubters.

Here we have some people presenting a hypothesis.
A hypothesis is judged on the merit of its arguments, reasoning and evidence.
Being unable to show any mature thinking they are forced to fall back on emotional displays of desire and moral righteousness and imagining possible entities to explain the unknown, taking a single reference point as infallible and omnipotent, and from this building an edifice of hypocrisy, cowardice, and intellectual lies using double-talk, faulty reasoning and disingenuous motivations.

In science a hypothesis is judged by no less stringent standards. The presenter of a possible explanation for a phenomenon is burdened with the need to provide evidence and rational arguments in support of it. It isn’t the denier or skeptic that must disprove the hypothesis but only provide rational skepticism and point out the holes in the evidence and reasoning provided, so as to maintain that the hypothesis remains a hypothetical and not a certainty.

Absolute entities demand absolute evidence.
If no such evidence can be provided then it ceases to be an absolute and it becomes a hypothetical. This hypothetical is then judged as more or less plausible based on the evidence and reasoning at hand.

To do otherwise would open up as possible the existence of anything and everything based on blind faith, on another's opinion, and on the, similarly hypothetical, magical or supernatural dimension.
Here a hypothetical is used in support of another hypothetical creating an absurdity.

Having said all that…
Who the fuck cares what these imbeciles believe in?
Forums like this become the most popular because here the more reasonable and intellectually gifted can feel superior to the imbeciles and morons that frequent such places.
It is like a waterhole in a dry savannah.
Carnivores frequent the watering holes because here herd animals pool and become easy prey.

The prey cannot help itself, the waterhole is too attractive.
Here it can follow through with propagating the infection that burdens it. The meme, like the gene, contains in its programming a method of procreation.
Here ‘Doing God’s work’ is how this infection spreads.
Also here the religious herd legitimizes itself by mingling with what it superior to it.
It becomes respectable just by being taken seriously.

They can now claim that Creationism is a viable scientific theory, even if it lacks the basic scientific methodology behind it.

They’re only relevance comes from the fact that they are more numerous than the rational minds.
Mediocrity always makes up in quantity what it lacks in quality.

Nothing can break through those thick skulls. A rational mind becomes frustrated in its futile attempt to break through using reason.
In one instance the religious herd displays reason and humility.
Then, in the next, it turn and becomes irrational and arrogant.

They have a double-standard towards everything they need to remain psychologically healthy.
They equate happiness with ‘truth’ or emotion with reason and assume that all hypothetical concerning ‘fact’ must offer something positive in return.
They attach evolution Theory using what reason they can muster, as is their right as science invites criticism and challenge, but then deny that the same reason applies to their belief in Creationism.

Because of all this I have concluded that it is the supreme waste of my time to engage with these minds in any serious discussion.
Let them declare victory and reason away their rational ineptness.

Might as well reason with a dog to not lick its balls and asshole, based on my human opinions on hygiene and civility.
Instead I mock, belittle, humor and am entertained with their intellectual thrashing about .
That these people will live and die in complete darkness, is of no concern to me – let them take vengeance by imagining a hell for me. What does concern me is the political power these imbeciles posses, due to cultural reasons and their sheer numbers.
A herd of stampeding buffalos is dangerous, no matter what caused them to stampede or what clever mind started it and is directing them.

What is your darkness and light. I assume you associate darkness with ignorance and light with intelligence. I wonder though, since you have no care if you inform someone of their innerrancy, what you would be if no one informed you. Your ideas are not new. You have had to learn it somewhere. Why not help. I mean really everyone should just stay in the dark. You say Christians do not define words well you have failed to define intelligence. I assume you believe intelligence is of great assistance to moral choices so wouldn't leaving you in the dark, if someone would have, be wrong. I mean we all know now that you are not in the dark but you are shinning with intelligence. I am sorry I just need to no what separates the idiots from the geniuses because I need to know where I stand. Of course your idea of intelligence is based in your mind. You say speaking to idiots is a waste of your time well at one point wouldnt you have been an idiot. I mean intelligence could in no way be based on the potential of one persons ability to learn. I mean you did grow in your understanding of this world, yourself, and other subjects so at one point you crossed the line. So you had to be an idiot once, because there is no way you could possibly have an intelligent discussion with a baby because that baby's intelligence is no where near yours. So I say to you that you crossed a line because someone decided to waste their time to talk to an unintelligent person. I do not expect a response from you because you probably do not think I am on the same level as you. Oh before I forget, your perspective on Christian apologists is screwed. That is a method to make people feel guilty, but not to make them vunerable. People experience guilt because of some authority that requires moral obligation whether it be yourself, another, science, or God. Guilt is just a step a person takes toward salvation, but you know all this. To show you where you are wrong though I have no intention of making someone feel guilty, however I do have an intention to lead them to a point that would cause guilt. My intention is just to shine a little light.
His son,
1. Key word in that sentence was most. I appear to have knocked heads with someone outside of the most.

2. Sure. I am terrribly hungry. Regardless, I was stating the point that I am not afraid to proclaim faith in a dominantly atheist community.

3. Ahh yeah but he was perfect. C'mon I get to have a little fun. Plus I am loving my enemy by giving it advice so Itleast I got one down

No offense but this is why they think we are idiots. Sarcasm is different from blatant rude comments. They are just mad because they really do not think you belong here, and that they cannot make you leave. They can afford to be rude however we cannot. There morality has no affect on their arguments ours does. So honestly just because you get heated when they say something rude do not get angry laugh. Sarcasm is just humor in this place. Do not cross the sarcasm line by being mean. I really do understand your frustration but refrain please. Out of sincere Love do not do it. Be sarcastic though. If you question your sarcasm to be actually the wrong thing to say then do not put it. By the way remember this: "Remember the words I spoke to you: No servant is greater than his master." Also please look up I Peter 3:15 and Colossians 4:2-6
Thank you,
His on,
The bible appears to be undergoing an 'evolution' then...

...sections which are selected as being fit in a particular time and locale give the subtext its form.

It would appear so. What causes it? Man. They change it and the majority of the time purposely.

No, not man - the biological, environmental and cultural variables in a given time and locale.

I do hope you stay on Sciforums. Me and Iceagecivilzations could use some help here.

Thats what we scientists are here for...we can help're welcome.
Ahh I wouldn't go so far as to be blamed for Atheist thinking us stupid.

We have dear people like Ted Haggard, Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen and the entire westboro baptist church to blame for that.
No, not man - the biological, environmental and cultural variables in a given time and locale.

Thats what we scientists are here for...we can help're welcome.

Ahhh yeah...

that was meant for Warrior61.

But you can stay too! :D

I don't know too much of him. He just gets hippocrite of the year award for getting his mack on
Without darkness there can be no light...

Your proof for that is what? Without darkness thre can be no light. Darkness is the abscence of light. Light exists with or with out darkness. Light reveals darkness. Darkness cannot exist without light. Anyway your statement just aids my previous argument. So intelligence does not exist without ignorance?
Ahh I wouldn't go so far as to be blamed for Atheist thinking us stupid.

We have dear people like Ted Haggard, Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen and the entire westboro baptist church to blame for that.

While that is true how does making rude comments aid your argument? They just get more attention. We aid sometimes in hurting Christianity, for example, every sin we commit.