Christians: Your Thoughts

I have to say, it seems the above account is correct. The most ridiculed people I have seen in physical real life are atheists.

Most people I have met believe in some form of conscious presence that directs the evolution of this place we live in.

In most settings I've been, the atheists, who usually turn out (for some strange reason) to be the most tactless, unprincipled, "strange" people around usually get ridiculed because of that. Somewhat like they lack "social awareness" or something... :confused:

I of course love everybody, and usually feel sorry for the poor sods because of the hell they get themselves into for living without some guiding principle above themselves.

Ineed, you should celebrate sciforums atheists, as indeed, the real world is religious territory. Apparently this little corner is one of the few places cowardly and insecure little atheists can come out of the closet.

At least the ones I've met in real life are sturdy enough in themselves to stand up for their belief (or lack thereof)... however you want to see it.
"Apparently this little corner is one of the few places cowardly and insecure little atheists can come out of the closet."

Well there was the Enlightenment and the establishment of secular democracy...
I have to say, it seems the above account is correct. The most ridiculed people I have seen in physical real life are atheists.

Most people I have met believe in some form of conscious presence that directs the evolution of this place we live in.

In most settings I've been, the atheists, who usually turn out (for some strange reason) to be the most tactless, unprincipled, "strange" people around usually get ridiculed because of that. Somewhat like they lack "social awareness" or something... :confused:

I of course love everybody, and usually feel sorry for the poor sods because of the hell they get themselves into for living without some guiding principle above themselves.

Ineed, you should celebrate sciforums atheists, as indeed, the real world is religious territory. Apparently this little corner is one of the few places cowardly and insecure little atheists can come out of the closet.

At least the ones I've met in real life are sturdy enough in themselves to stand up for their belief (or lack thereof)... however you want to see it.

If this is true it is not right. Everyone should have the right to their belief or disbelief. I see no reason why atheists should not have the same freedom that theists have.

We really should grow out of this tendency to discriminate against those who are different from us.
If this is true it is not right. Everyone should have the right to their belief or disbelief. I see no reason why atheists should not have the same freedom that theists have.

We really should grow out of this tendency to discriminate against those who are different from us.

Theistical assertions are bound to the theists identity quite tightly. Atheists falsification of those assertions are a direct threat to Theists identity (to the Theist, the Atheist is perceived as trying to kill them); hence, the response can be expectedly negative.
Theistical assertions are bound to the theists identity quite tightly. Atheists falsification of those assertions are a direct threat to Theists identity (to the Theist, the Atheist is perceived as trying to kill them); hence, the response can be expectedly negative.

Can't be that tightly bound if they are threatened by other people's beliefs or lack of them.
Can't be that tightly bound if they are threatened by other people's beliefs or lack of them.

It's quite the opposite. A theist/atheist telling (or proving) another theist he is objectively wrong is the equivelant of an intent of murder in the mind of the receiving theist.
It's quite the opposite. A theist/atheist telling (or proving) another theist he is objectively wrong is the equivelant of an intent of murder in the mind of the receiving theist.

No one can effectively prove another objectively wrong, only relatively so.

Until everyone accepts that everyone else has the right to his/her belief, people will defend their right to their own.
No one can effectively prove another objectively wrong, only relatively so.

I am using the defining 'wrong' in this context as 'incorrect'. You can prove an assertion as being objectively incorrect.

Until everyone accepts that everyone else has the right to his/her belief, people will defend their right to their own.

I think its more important to understand that 'rights' don't objectively exist and then grant behavior that society values without contradiction.
I am using the defining 'wrong' in this context as 'incorrect'. You can prove an assertion as being objectively incorrect.

Depends on what you believe. And there is nothing for either to gain, much to lose.

I think its more important to understand that 'rights' don't objectively exist and then grant behavior that society values without contradiction.

Most people are willing to meet halfway, few are willing to give up their identities. Its up to the society to decide whether they want to fight it out or compromise. Both are possible.
Depends on what you believe. And there is nothing for either to gain, much to lose.

Well it doesn't depend what is believed. It only depends on what reality says is true. Every technical, medical, etc. advancement is based on objective reality; hence, there is alot to gain if truth, objective knowledge, quality of health, etc. are valued.

Most people are willing to meet halfway, few are willing to give up their identities. Its up to the society to decide whether they want to fight it out or compromise. Both are possible.

I suspect objective knowledge will get to a point where thiests will be in a bind. What happens when people discover how to reproduce consciousness? The concept of 'soul' becomes objectively disproven and linked religious assertions fall through the ground.

Compromise is a temporary application and I don't think it can sustain long term. It is my opinion that the best theistical minds and non-theistical minds could work to invent a new religion that provides for the psychological needs of people and can be reality compatible/adaptable... and of course market the hell out of it.
I see it as a philosophy based in a lack of personal moral responsibility - all wrong doings and indiscretions are handed over to a third party (Jesus) in order to be washed away as long as you believe that he was/is an agent of the divine.
Christianity is essentially a pact made with a mythical historical figure, you enter into that pact by obeying 'the rules' and living a virtuous life according to that individuals specific valuesystem.
By obeying those rules you earn yourself a get out of jail free card which garantees that any earthly sins you commit wont be held against you in the after life.
I wouldnt go as far as to say that christianity is the 'worst' religion out there, but id certainly say its the most personally irresponsible on an ethical level. Chrisitians are essentially children in that they cannot shoulder the responsiblity of their own misdeeds.
It gets even better. In Christianity you supposedly have free will; however, your actions are always binary. You are either doing 'Gods' will or 'Satans'. The contradiction is obvious because there is no option for doing your own will and it means you have no responsibility because its either 'Gods' will or 'Satans' will. But when you die you are held accountable (regardless of a lack of responsibility)... but as you said you could then use the Jesus card and wipe away the events resulting from Satans will.

Its a great message. All people have no responsibility and if you become a Chirstian then you also have no accountability!
This is to anyone. To any person who reads this please answer.

What is a Christian? What do you think they believe? Please give any other thoughts on Christianity that you might want to say.

I know everyone has got something to say so please don't hold back.

Thank you,
His Son,
I Peter 3:15

A Christian believes Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days