Christians: Your Thoughts

A rich lady dies and upon entering heaven she is given a bike from St. Peter.
She asks Peter "why do I have a bike?"
He laughs and says "this is your gift according to your works on earth."
Confused she then proceeds to ride her bike through heaven and sees her old maid pulling out of a giant mansion driving a Bentley. Confused she rides off to find Peter and asks him "How does my old maid have a mansion and a car when I have a bike?"
Peter responds "You should be happy your pastor is somewhere around here on rollerskates."

This joke is funny but really sad. To address the moral freedom of Christians I would have to say it is true. This joke addresses the ideas of Christianity. People think its a bunch of "rules" to follow to get to heaven. A system of rewards more or less. That is not what the Bible tells us. The reason a Christian strives to do "good" works is for the sole purpose of love. Before I continue I would really like to apologize for Christians who have gotten heated and angry at you during debates or any ridicule you have recieved from them. I am a Christian and I can see how you could have views on Christianity that it is crazy. I have read how Christians have acted to you and I appreciate you not hurting them physically(atleast I hope you havent) and I hope I dont aggrivate anyone. I see Christians respond to athiests and others saying "their just stupid" well I am always in judgement because the truth is they are not stupid. I learn so much from reading on SciForums. The truth is their words are out of ignorance. The Church (Christians) have failed in teaching. I hope I can shed some light on your understanding of Christians.

Firstly I want to address Salvation.
It is true I believe it is a gift from God. There is no work that I or anyone could do to obtain salvation, nothing. Well that hurts some "christians" because they want some sense of control. If you come across a Christian saying they actually did something tell them to no longer sing Amazing Grace. I believe the only way to Heaven is through faith in Jesus Christ who took my punishment. To be in the presence of the Father you have to be "righteous" which is right standing with God. Righteousness is only obtained through Faith not works. To become righteous you have to be without sin. The terms "washed" and "cleansed" are adequate. The earlier comic was pretty funny. I know that Jesus dying to satisfy Himself seems stupid. I believe in the Triunity, or trinity of God. My proof is because the Bible says so. I know you have heard that one before but I see the Bible as infallible so I believe it is true. I also believe in the Ressurection of Jesus. I see it necessary for salvation. I also believe in the incarnation of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Birth.
This is the necessary beliefs of a Christian. If they dont believ the above then they are not a Christian. Also the belief of Eternity and an life after death would also be neccessary.

Secondly I want to adress the ethics of a Christian.
Good means morally perfect. I believe good works are done soley for the purpose of pleasing Christ and actual desire too. The bad, or sin, would be disobedience to Christ. Good works are just consequences of Salvation. I also believe in the moral freedom of Christians, but I do no endorse sin or use it as an excuse but only as proof of the awesome love of my God.

Now to address some of the posts.
To SetiAlpha6:
Thankyou for your atittude towards me and others. To inform you though I can show you more than two Christians who believe the same thing. LOL yes they are different people but they have the same beliefs. You will find in about every religion you can find agreeing people; but concerning Christians if they believe the things I wrote about salvation then I wont question their salvation however there are plenty of Christians that I disagree with on things.

To Satyr:
I am sorry you do not think my title is appropriate. But thankyou for showing your intelligence by bieng more concerned with the title than the actual thread. Good goin! Oh and what is your idea of success?

To SnakeLord: Thankyou for teaching me something about ostriches. Seriously this is not sarcasm. I dont know what you think of "king of the hill" but there is a funny episode concerning Emoos (I am pretty sure thats not how you spell it)

To Crunchy Cat:
Is consciousness tangible? How can it be reproduced? I assume you are talking about cloning and if so please continue because I really would like to know more about it.
His Son,
Here is another joke.

This old man dies and finds himself in front of the Pearly Gates.
Peter tells him before he can enter he needs to spell a word. Peter tells him to spell "LOVE." The man does it and enters. Peter gets called to go talk to God so Peter tells the old man to take his spot for a while and if any one comes have them to spell a word before you let them in. Peter leaves and not five minutes later the mans wife appears. She explains that they were leaving his funeral and got in a car accident. He says "OH." After a few seconds she tells him to let her in. He says well you have to spell a word correctly first. She asks for the word and he replies "Czechoslovakia."
Exactly....although some methodologies are rational whilst others require irrationality.
M*W: Well, why not ridicule them? If you saw a kid on the street corner with a crack pipe, wouldn't you say something to him? I would. I think most christians want and expect ridicule, just like children starve for discipline. It shows somebody cares when others make fools of themselves.

As for ridiculing christians in general, no, I won't do that, especially if I were somewhere in their "territory" and not in my own, like a public place, for instance. I will respect their choice to believe what they want to believe, but when christians come to sciforums, that's a whole nother story. When they come here to a science-based forum proclaiming their invisible friend is real, they set themselves up for ridicule. I'm convinced that's why they come here -- to convert the atheists and to preach to us to confirm what they erroneously believe. Sciforums is open to the public, but when christians come here, they are begging for ridicule... and they usually get it!

Hmm. Well God bless them for having the balls to preach what they believe in outside their "territory." You are a gutless wonder. You proclaim your beliefs left and right around those who agree, but when conflict arises (excluding the internet where anyone can say anything) you won't stand up and stick to your guns? I think we should just start calling you an atheistic zealout with that tenacious attitude.

A quality that many Christians are proud of is the willingness of people to be martyred for their belief in Jesus Christ. I doubt you can say the same concerning atheism

Lemme know when you are strong enough in your convictions to pipe up in the belly of the beast. Until then I have no desire to debate you or any cowardly atheist for that matter.
But what is “successful”?
Using what standard are Christian deemed successful by?

Yeah Christians. We're not too successful. Not like we are the biggest world religion and have affected the course of human kind more than any other religion in the past 2000 years.

Please Satyr, just leave me and my band of Indigenous Christian witch doctors alone in our secluded sects.

If you want a powerful religion, I suggest contacting the confuciasts. There is a powerful religion, on the broadest of scales.
A quality that many Christians are proud of is the willingness of people to be martyred for their belief in Jesus Christ. I doubt you can say the same concerning atheism

This is exactly the reason I choose science as a methodology...
So we have established that there is variation in translations; roughly how many different versions are there?
To SetiAlpha6:
Thankyou for your atittude towards me and others. To inform you though I can show you more than two Christians who believe the same thing. LOL yes they are different people but they have the same beliefs.

O.K. I was wrong. You can find three. I stand corrected. Thanks!

You will find in about every religion you can find agreeing people; but concerning Christians if they believe the things I wrote about salvation then I wont question their salvation however there are plenty of Christians that I disagree with on things.

Ahh... But they will question your salvation. In fact, you probably would have been killed by earlier Christians in the 16th century for teaching your version of salvation. Check out "Foxes Book of Martyrs" sometime.

So we have established that there is variation in translations; roughly how many different versions are there?

I think, that has about 50 different online versions. There have to be more than this though, in reality.

So which one is the true one?

They contradict each other in translation variances between the different ones and each individual one also contradicts itself on many internal topics as well. Yet each one is supposed to be the "Word of God".
The sins of the father

ISA 14:21 Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities.

DEU 24:16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.
You can find a whole bunch more than three. The post I put on salvation is the heart of Christianity. It is what Jesus' message was. I know I would have probably been killed but I am telling you they had it wrong. What is your thoughts on Martyrs?
His son,
ISA 14:21 Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities.

DEU 24:16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.

Not much room for civilized debate there then?

I think I'll stick to the SciForum for now...
Hmm. Well God bless them for having the balls to preach what they believe in outside their "territory." You are a gutless wonder. You proclaim your beliefs left and right around those who agree, but when conflict arises (excluding the internet where anyone can say anything) you won't stand up and stick to your guns? I think we should just start calling you an atheistic zealout with that tenacious attitude.

A quality that many Christians are proud of is the willingness of people to be martyred for their belief in Jesus Christ. I doubt you can say the same concerning atheism

Lemme know when you are strong enough in your convictions to pipe up in the belly of the beast. Until then I have no desire to debate you or any cowardly atheist for that matter.

M*W: Then why are you here? You come to a scientific forum to preach your Jesus crap! You're the one who believes in an invisible friend. I believe in what can be proven by science. I believe in education and research including those things which I don't believe in. You are an intellectually dishonest theist. When there are umpteen zillion christian forums on the Internet, you come to an atheist forum. If that's not dishonest, I don't know what is. And since you don't want to debate or discuss anything with me or the other atheists here, why don't you go away and stick your head up your ass where it belongs?