Christians vs Atheists

Which shall you support?

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I can relate to ya! Kool's oxymoronic views of atheism is beyond most scope of people, however I always try to make sense of non-sense, where does he get the idea, I ask my self?

Atheists have never had a better spoke person, and that is what Kool's irrationalization has led up to, a spoke-person for atheism.

I'll show ya, with a few sentences "out of context" LOL.

**To some up, atheists not only believe that religion is purely fiction, they also have other beliefs that come along with it. One of them being that religious practices should be done in private, and not on the publicly funded domain.

Here he is speaking for all the atheists, even those good bible scholars amongs us, that can relate to the historic, events of the bible, as distorted accounts of actual events, and that we all wish for them to worship in their homes or Church!. With a quick quote he is ordering all atheist, to hate!! the theists, that may pray in public places, such as restaurants, court houses, hospitals, etc. Thus is his mandate!.

**Atheists not only have this belief, but they wish to impose it upon all other religions. Atheists want all religions to abide by the atheist view that religion does not belong in the public domain.

Here Kool strenghthens his position, of how all atheist ought to think, does our spoke person persists, that we should hate, others unlike us! thus trying to make a religion, out of un-religion!! Come on all ya! atheists UNITE!! and hate, 99.96% of the world's population!! Only the meek shall inheret the earth!.

**Furthermore, this atheist belief should be not only taught in schools, but applied into all publicly funded policy. In other words, to be fair to all religions, everybody should abide by only what the atheists feel should be taught.

Here he implies of our power, can you imagine only the .04% of United States' atheists have writen the laws to do our bidding!. Thus don't teach religion to our children, here Kool's is showing how effective he has been as our spoke-person.

**By banning all other views except for their own, atheists promote their belief system. They wish to impose, and make sure their belief is accepted and followed as policy.

Wow, the scope of a warped mind!. yet fokes only .04% of the US's population controls the courts, schools, and all public domains with our mandate. That is awsome power, indeed!!.

**schools, should not promote religious views. As you atheists believe.

And he enforces us!, to belief so as he mandates!. What a Spoke person!!. If ever one of us atheist has done so much to unite .04% of the population on this idea, Kool Skill is showing promise!!.

**That is an atheist belief about religion. That is an atheist religious belief. Atheists feel that the only views with respect to religion that should be policy are atheist views. In other words, all other religious views should be banned except for the atheist religious view which should be promoted.

Thus he continues how we all shall belive, and that is what we all should belive, I never met such an atheist!. really!!. or christian, that is an atheist spoke-person! Oximoronic! is in it?.

**Atheists believe that educators shouldn't take sides, and they
wish to impose this belief on others.
Atheists want schools to promote this view which is part of the atheist belief system, and get upset
when people wish to promote other religious views.

This is just too much fun folkes!! He keeps digging is ass deeper, can you realize the power!! that he has given to only .04% of the US's population, to impose such laws upon the land!. Wow!!!! unbelievable.

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"your whole argument is trying to make atheism into a religion!"
How so?
OK George W. Bush. Obviously, you have no sense of comprehension.
I'm amazed somebody as dumb as you isn't locked up. But I'm pretty positive you will be eventually.
Do you even know your right from your left?

"that is oxymoronic!."
Everything to you is oxymoronic. Try something else, G.W.
Make sense idiot!!

"your too dumb fucked in the head to even realize it!"
I'm not the idiot with the warped brain twisting what people say instead of responding correctly.
Did somebody put your brain in your head upside down?

"Atheist means non religious."
Which dictionary have you been reading?
Oh I forgot. The real one only your delusional brain jumbles up definitions.
Maybe you really are George Bush.

"no gov. authority figure should impose their religious views on the populace"
This is an atheist religious view.
A view you obviously wish to impose.
So what you are telling me is that no gov. authority figure should impose other religious views except for the one you are expressing in that sentance.

"however students young minds don't need a fucking teacher imposing her/his religious views upon our students"
Unless of course it is the views of your atheist religion right?
Sure, G.w.

"however, if students want to pray around the flag, so be it!"
OK why don't we let YOU decide when and where students are allowed to pray.
Hitler! Actually, I think GW Bush suits you perfectly. There is really no big difference anyway.
How about: "however if students want to pray anywhere they damn well please, so be it!"
Get it! block head?.

"as long as there's no teacher leading kids to pray, such as in team sports, or other activities, it's ok!."
OK Hitler/GW Bush. Whatever you say.
Do you get a kick out of telling people what they can and cannot do?

Vienna said:
Which catergory of religion are you in?
Ha. Catergory.
I believe that there are as many legitimate churches as there are churches that do not pass around a collection basket. How many churches do you know with that quality?
Catergorize that.
"Here he is speaking for all the atheists"
All? Did I use all in that sentance. Oh woops. I forgot who I was talking to. A person that installs imaginary words into sentances that wern't there to begin with.
How is that working out for you, G.W. Bush? Getting more votes that way?
You must truly enjoy twisting and exagerating what people say. You really are fucked up in the head., G.W.
Does anybody find it interesting that this idiot conveniently neglected to mention where I specifically said that not every atheist believes this garbage, and that there are some who could care less when and where people feel like praying?
Of course, being the stupid ASS that you are, only you would be dumb enough to overlook the fact that I wasn't refering to every atheist on the planet. Only idiot atheists like you that wish to control people's lives.
Your exagerations, and twists of my discussion seem unintentional. Your brain really is upside down.
Let me know when you are ready to quote me correctly.

"theists, that may pray in public places, such as restaurants, court houses, hospitals, etc. Thus is his mandate!."
Yes. Of course in your dream world, you try to tell people when and where they can practice their religion. Then pretend people are actually free.

"Here Kool strenghthens his position, of how all atheist ought to think"
All? Did I use all in that sentance. Oh woops. I forgot who I was talking to. A person that installs imaginary words into sentances that wern't there to begin with.
How is that working out for you, G.W. Bush? Getting more votes that way?
You must truly enjoy twisting and exagerating what people say. You really are fucked up in the head., G.W.
Does anybody find it interesting that this idiot conveniently neglected to mention where I specifically said that not every atheist believes this garbage, and that there are some who could care less when and where people feel like praying?
Of course, being the stupid ASS that you are, only you would be dumb enough to overlook the fact that I wasn't refering to every atheist on the planet. Only idiot atheists like you that wish to control people's lives.
Your exagerations, and twists of my discussion seem unintentional. Your brain really is upside down.
Let me know when you are ready to quote me correctly.

"only the .04% of United States' atheists have writen"
Why not just say 0 or 1 atheist wrote laws. Who cares. Irrelevant.
From your twisted as fuck interpretations of what I write, I can only imagine how fucked up your interpretation is of the law. Get it through your head. You don't know the law.

"That is awsome power, indeed!!."
Your pointless meanderings get you nowhere.

"And he enforces us!, to belief so as he mandates!."
Only a warped brain like you, G.W., would think that I am mandating something.
There is a difference between mandating what you should believe and explaining what already is believed.
Only you would take an explaination, and turn it into a mandate.
You sick twisted fuck.

"he continues how we all shall belive, and that is what we all should belive"
Where did I ever say should?
Hmmm. I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Woops. Your delusional mind adds words to sentances that aren't there.
Enjoying yourself yet? Moron.
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LOL! No one is listening to you.

You've proved you point - and now everyone knows that you're a wanker.
Things Christians say! to defend their Jesus!!

I'm amazed somebody as dumb as you isn't locked up

You really are fucked up in the head., G.W.

Of course, being the stupid ASS that you are, only you would be dumb enough to overlook the fact that I wasn't refering to every atheist on the planet.

You sick twisted fuck

How typical Christian!! and do we want assholes like this teaching our kids in school?.

Hell the hole this idiot dug himself in is just too deep for me to help in out off!. Watch as he digs his ass even deeper when he answers this post!!. I own this dumb ass and he can hardly comprehend that I'm making a complete idiot of him!.

'I own you'?
Where the hell did that come from?
You don't own shit, sherlock.
The only person you're making a complete idiot of is yourself.
You can't even come up with a decent argument.
Your inability to interpret what you read, and show intelligence has been proven time and again.
You don't even know what your talking about. Much less can figure out what this thread is about.
Keep trying though.
Any more weak attempts?
I'm waiting....
What stupidity are you going to come up with next?

Godless said:
Atheism is not a religion. It's not it's not it's not!!!! Get it through your HEAAAAD!!!!!!!!.
Americans are free to practice whatever religion they want!. As long as they follow when and where WE tell them to practice!!.
I might not be able to interpret history or the law due to my mental condition, but that doesn't mean I don't know a few things!!. And for your information, despite Hitler and Bush's short comings they do have qualities I admire.
Why let people like cool skill teach in schools when you can have PEOPLE LIKE ME!!!!?.
Oh looky what this person has stooped to.
Misquoting. Some christian he turned out to be.
Do we want assholes like this teaching our kids in school?

Vienna said:
now everyone knows that you're a wanker.
Sure asshole.
Lets have a look at you Cool Skill

Here you are........


You're a girl aren't you..... LOL! :D :D
Vienna, what is funny, is that this sob, is been agravated by my precense here, I'm cool and content, that he is bothered, made to be a jack ass, misquoted he has not been, though I've used some of his quotes out of context, the above bull shiet I supposedly quoted LOL, Hell!! I like to see the thread were I quoted the above, I dont go on digging old quotes of people from other arguments. This shmuck seems to do so, that only shows the interest that he has of me. :) I trully doubt I ever wrote the above.

Only cause he knows I chanllenge that little thing in his head which he likes to call ego, or somewhat intellect.
What is his argument? that atheism is a religion, that atheist write laws, in a nation that pledges aligence to god? What an idiot!!.

What pissed me off, is that Spy, was been level headed, and trying to have a decent argument with this shmuck, "which oviously he has shown that he can't" with out retorting to slander, name calling and building straw men.

Spy: Cool skill, you aren't really an American are you?
Why exactly do you believe that public school should be used to indoctrinate children to christianity? Is it because you have faith that Christianity is right?

Cool: Well I am a citizen, but only out of convenience. Take it however you want.
Why exactly do you believe that public school should be used to indoctrinate children to atheism?

Godless: only an idiot would believe that by keeping religious content out of a class room would indoctrinate children to atheism!!.

Spy: As for your assertion that not having prayer in the classroom pushes atheistic belief on children, do you also believe that every moment you spend not telling the person next to you about the glory of Jesus Christ also counts as promoting atheism?

Cool: No. How dumb can you be?
I'm not the one claiming that you should stop people from telling things to the person next to them because it would be as the atheists would say, "inappropriate."

Godless: He avoids the question, then attacks Spy, by calling him dumb with out Spy ever calling him a name nor making an intent to question his intellect? Yet this shmuck has never had the delight of getting his ass kicked by the likes of me! A superior intelect keeps his cool, and suave, does not retort to much into name calling, or lowering himself to the level of Kool. I'm not a superior intellect!! I'm a warior, I take on assholes like this at there own terms, I can take it!! and hell I love to dish it out as well. LOL...Plus it's fun for me to agravete an idiot!!.

But the fun is over!! this my last post on this thread, as I own you! you are beneath me, and what bothers you is that you know it, and evry time that you retort, and try to deny it, you only keep digging your ass deeper. Little man.

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Vienna said:
Lets have a look at you Cool Skill
And the relevance to the topic?
Oh wait you aren't here to discuss the topic. You're here to troll it.
Nice try.
Let me know when you're done.
Ass hole.
Why you would be posting things irrelevant to the thread, and going all over the internet being obsessed with cool skill is beyond me.
Your presence on this thread is obviously an obsession of cool skill.
I suggest you either get it together, or wither away like Godless.
Are you ready to admit you are an ass hole yet?

"what is funny, is that this sob, is been agravated by my precense here"
That is funny.
You really are deranged.

"I'm cool and content"
That's a good one.
I have yet to see a post where you are not crying and throwing a tantrum about your warped interpretation of something you found.
Cool and content indeed. lol.

"that only shows the interest that he has of me. :) I trully doubt I ever wrote the above."
Sorry. This is too funny. Are you really that dumb?

"I chanllenge that little thing in his head which he likes to call ego, or somewhat intellect."
Challenge? Where?
I doubt you're minimeandierings are hardly a challenge.
Most anybody else's nonsense is far more challenging than your idiotic blithering.

"What is his argument? that atheism is a religion, that atheist write laws, in a nation that pledges aligence to god?"
Not exactly. Twisted as it may be, close enough. "What an idiot!!."

"What pissed me off, is that"
You really do need to calm down and stop crying about everything.

"by the likes of me!"
Do you have some kind of inferiority complex? Most people are not really egotistical. They just come off that way becaue of feelings of inferiority.
They need to prove to others that they are more than what they really think of themselves as.
As you can see:
"Yet this shmuck has never had the delight of getting his ass kicked by the likes of me! A superior intelect keeps his cool, and suave, does not retort to much into name calling,"
Who are you trying to convince?
Hmmmm. Do you mean you, a person with apparent serious learning disabilities, would have us believe you are some sort of superior intellect?
One that doesn't resort to name calling?
"What an idiot!!." can only be seen as pretending to call names, and not really name calling by the likes of your so-called 'superior intellect'.
Superior to what? A rock? lol

"I'm a warior"
Ya ok. You're a block head. Get it little man?

"it's fun for me to agravete"
Yes I can tell. It's quite obsessive of you.
So you enjoy aggravating others. Especially cool skill.
Are you an ass hole? Your aggressive nature is obviously what's distorting your brainwaves.
Only a real ass hole would be here to troll and aggravate those who's methods of debate they disagree with.
Only you would be so obsessed as to continue to attempt to aggravate cool skill.
Another control freak with a serious inferior self image. Quite sick, and probably a complete mental cases.
I'm sorry to break it to you but your attempts to aggravate have not worked on cool skill.
You're the proverbial monster that chases the spider that effortlessly slips through your claws.
I haven't been aggravated by anybody on this thread thus far.
You may either be disappointed that you are an utter failure in this respect.
Or continue to try to convince yourself and others that you are succeeding in 'owning' cool skill.
Don't get me wrong, saying, "I own you and you know it," would not be very convincing.
Are you here to egg cool skill on? Are you here to aggravate cool skill? Do you not have a life?
You have no points, no argument, and only wish to aggravate.
You are obsessed only with cool skill. Not the common discussion of this thread.
Are you ready to admit you are an ass hole yet?

"But the fun is over!! this my last post on this thread, as I own you!"
Wow. You sure have a distorted perception.
You sure do own me. In your little delusional obsessed universe I'm all yours.
I wouldn't say I own anybody, but I can simply say one thing to get you to do exactly what I want you to do:
You will reply to this post.

"you are beneath me, and what bothers you is that you know it"
I wasn't aware that anybody was beneath anybody. I could have swore that was a myth.
Unless of course you are living in twisted perception with inferior self image.
Who are you trying to convince that I am beneath you? Yourself?
I'm sure not convinced.

"evry time that you retort, and try to deny it, you only keep digging your ass deeper."
Deny what? That you wish to believe that there is such thing as superiority and inferiority?
That you are somehow superior to me?
BBiigg MMiisstteerr SSuuppeerriioorr is here. Look out everybody. lolol.
I don't have to deny anything. It's you that has to continue to convince.
I don't see what I'm supposedly digging deeper into either.
Only you would be so dumb as to think that there is any form of serious consequences on this forum.
Everything that cool skill said on this forum is nothing cool skill wouldn't say again. Easily.
I'd like to know what exactly it is I'm digging.
Obviously, you're the one that's doing all of the shoveling.
Are you ready to admit you are an ass hole yet?
cool skill said:
You sure do own me. In your little delusional obsessed universe I'm all yours.

Listen Bitch, and I call you that because I feel we are friends now and I can use your first name, I have pimples on my ass that are more interesting than you. My bowel movements are more creative than your best efforts of impotent, pre-pubescent cries for help. I can't convey my disgust with words alone so I'll spit on this reply.

No hard feelings, huh? Have a nice... well, just go fuck yourself. No; wait - you are already doing that, you freak.

:D :D
cool skill said:
Well we know one thing for sure.
Atheists are by far the most forceful of their beliefs compared to other religions.

Of course, most all religions try to promote their beliefs in the schools and such, but they aren?t nearly as bad as the atheists.

The atheists flood young minds with their atheistic beliefs like there's no tomorrow. Their beliefs that religion doesn't belong in the public domain is how they brainwash others into believing that all other religions are false. This is the reason why there are so many atheists running around these days. The bias of the atheist beliefs that no religion should be taught in the schools is the main method they use to promote their religion. Although some may say it isn't a religion.

There is no truly non-denominational school that allows teachers to promote whichever religion they wish to promote. The atheists wish more than anything that their belief in no religion should be spread by eliminating the teaching of religion from the public domain.

There is no religious belief taught more in the public domain than the atheist belief that no belief should be taught in the public domain. Amazing.

Ok, when did you EVER see a school teaching kids to not believe in God. NEVER. There are no Atheist schools. Just because they dont allow religious teachings does not mean they are atheist.

I dont think you understand why its a good idea to not pray or teach religion in school. I'll tell you why; because not everyone shares the same religion, if there was pray/teaching in public schools then it would surely leave out a ton of kids and anyway school is not the place for religion.
After reading most of the thread, I am convinced that cool skill is the type of person that will never listen to reason when it contradicts his precious beliefs. He continuously misses such trival points and appears to argue agaisnt anything rational. People like him scare me. I really hope that people with his kind of mentality dissapear from the planet in the future.
Amazing, someone has outdone Proud_Muslim in thickheaded obnoxiousness!

Cool Skill, welcome to my Ignore List.

I urge all other intelligent members to do likewise.
Ignorance is always an option for the haters and cry-babies.
The truth will find you nonetheless.
cool skill said:
Ignorance is always an option for the haters and cry-babies.
The truth will find you nonetheless.

Cool Skilless

You haven't a clue, you are not atheist or follow any faith, you just try to wind people up, and you don't do that very well, youre a loser.

You wouldn't know Up from Down if you had three guesses.

Your posts make slugs and other invertebrates look like Nobel Prize winners. Rumour has it that you are the most incomprehensible twat on Sciforums (as revealed by your desperate urge to babble nonsensically.) No doubt, this rumour is true.

The incompetence of your posts are an inspiration to botched lobotomy patients everywhere. Clearly, you spend way too much time in darkened rooms in front of your seven-year-old computer turning a whiter shade of pale. Go outside once in a while and breathe, before your brain starts to rot from all that festering stagnation and cognitive dysfunction.

What do you do for a living? You are living, aren't you? There's nothing wrong with you that couldn't be cured with a little Prozac and a polo mallet, or, better yet, suicide.

Anyway Thanks for your contributions... LOL!, but if I had wanted to hear from somebody with your IQ, I'd be at my local supermarket talking to the vegetables.
Hmmm, no one is on my ignore list, I feel like I've been missing out on not-hearing idiots. Thanks for the tip repo.
Hey cool skill, welcome to my ignore list, bitch.
Oh my god...
That felt so fucking good.
As far as public displays of faith go, there are times of the year that the decorations and displays are everywhere and I never see people freak out.

I think the concern of religion in schools is that a publicly funded institution could be used by a group (majority or minority) as a vehicle to advance their faith.

For the record, I'm not an atheist, just an untheist.
"I never see people freak out."
Never? I do. Not like all the time, but I do.

"I think the concern of religion in schools is that a publicly funded institution could be . . ."
Not quite.
I think the concern of religion in schools is highly over rated.
I child participating in religious activities administered by the teacher is something completely innocuuos.

For the record, I'm not an atheist, just an untheist.

Vienna said:
I can't convey my disgust with words alone so I'll spit on this reply.
I'm sure your computer will be grateful. Or whoever's it is your using.

"Ok, when did you EVER see a school teaching kids to not believe in God. NEVER."
Even if you were in anyway correct, that wasn't the atheist belief I was referring to, duh.

"There are no Atheist schools. Just because they dont allow religious teachings does not mean they are atheist."
Of course they are.
Any school that promotes the suppression of religion is promoting atheism.
That was the premise from the beginning.

"Rumour has it that you are the most incomprehensible twat on Sciforums"
Oh you mean the one you will start?
Go right ahead. You wouldn't be the first.
Tell all your friends about ME.

"What do you do for a living?"
I get paid by the U.S. government to do whatever the hell I want.
Which in my case is plan revolution against my scummy 'employers' who pay me less than a quarter of what I really should be getting.
Good enough?

"welcome to my ignore list, bitch.
Oh my god...
That felt so fucking good."
"No Skill - You're on ignore here too.

You're right Dr. Lou, It feels sooooooo good."
Mass idioticy at it's finest.

"I never see people freak out."
Never? I do. Not like all the time, but I do.

"I think the concern of religion in schools is that a publicly funded institution could be . . ."
Not quite. Better:
I think the concern of religion in schools is highly overrated.
A child participating in religious activities administered by the teacher is something completely innocuous.
Yet atheists fly off the handle about it like their children are suffering serious psychological damage and brainwashing.
When in reality their children are perfectly fine. The influence a religious activity might have on a child is so absolutely insignificant.
Yet nobody gets upset when children are taught that it is normal to violently assault those that make fun of you or your parents or what not.
Or making them do the garbage pledge of allegiance. I did it all the time, and still do it once in awhile. Does that mean I?m being brainwashed to take it seriously?
It?s something you do just to humor those that believe in it. It?s not forcing somebody to believe anything nor is it even an imposition in the slightest.

If you don?t believe any religion should be taught in your class, don?t teach it in your class.
But a real good school wouldn?t try to enforce this narrow minded view to all the teachers in the school.
The teachers are there to teach a subject.
If that teacher has a belief in a religion that the teacher feels will help educate the child, the teacher has[or for the fakists, ?should have?] every right to apply it.
It?s no big deal. There is so much more crap that goes on in schools that people overlook because they are too worried about teachers integrating religion.
Who cares?