Christians vs Atheists

Which shall you support?

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I'm sure my points that you seem to keep having trouble processing are beneath your notice coolskill however I think I'll speak up again. How does it happen that you think baring teachers from expressing religious preferences furthers atheism when they are also barred from disparaging any religion? A teacher could no more say "Jesus loves you" to her students than "Jesus was a lie". Its out of respect for the varying religious beliefs in the nation that we do not have educators take sides on these things.

Maybe you will try to rebut this by raging about how what teachers can and cant say about religion isn’t part of the issue and I must be an idiot, your tactics do seem to have been degenerating into misquotes feigned ignorance, and misdirection, but it is a point that shatters your rhetoric that atheism is promoted in school.
"I'm sure my points that you seem to keep having trouble processing"
Unless of course you forgot to read my response to your typical atheist points.

"How does it happen that you think baring teachers from expressing religious preferences furthers
I've already explained this numerous times, but I guess since you're slow, I'll elaborate.

Christianity follows the doctrine of the holy bible. But of course, there is more to the Christian culture and belief system with respect to the environment of today.

In the same way, there is more to the atheist religion which we shall refer to as the atheist 'view' to appease the babies.

In the same way, there is more to the atheist view and belief system than just a lack of belief in religion.

Although not believing is what atheism is defined, that is not the only part of the atheist belief system.

Along with a belief in no God atheists commonly believe that religion should not be publicly promoted.
(An example of this would be atheists who believe teachers shouldn't teach religion unless for literary purposes.)
Although this belief is not the definition of atheism, it is one of the beliefs derived from atheism. As a belief that is collectively shared by atheists, it
is part of the atheist's belief system. If you, like most atheists, shutter at the phrase 'belief system' you can call it, atheist culture or whatever.

Now you may think it is ok to pray around the flag pole like students do in many schools, but that doesn't mean that there are not atheists out there that believe this is a form of Christian promotion on public property.
(or if your a real idiot that thinks schools aren't public property, I shall reffer to it as publicly funded property)
Furthermore, there are atheists that believe that students shouldn't even hand out pamphlets and other religious propaganda on school property or any other public property for that matter.

To some up, atheists not only believe that religion is purely fiction, they also have other beliefs that come along with it. One of them being that religious practices should be done in private, and not on the publicly funded domain.

Atheists not only have this belief, but they wish to impose it upon all other religions. Atheists want all religions to abide by the atheist view that religion does not belong in the public domain.

Furthermore, this atheist belief should be not only taught in schools, but applied into all publicly funded policy. In other words, to be fair to all religions, everybody should abide by only what the atheists feel should be taught.

By banning all other views except for their own, atheists promote their belief system. They wish to impose, and make sure their belief is accepted and followed as policy.

You say that schools - in case you're too dumb to tell the difference I said schools not students.
-schools, should not promote religious views. As you atheists believe.
That is an atheist belief about religion. That is an atheist religious belief. Atheists feel that the only views with respect to religion that should be policy are atheist views. In other words, all other religious views should be banned except for the atheist religious view which should be promoted.

"A teacher could no more say "Jesus loves you" to her students than "Jesus was a lie". Its out of respect for the varying religious beliefs in the nation that we do not have educators take sides on these things."
No it isn't. That is an atheist view. Atheists believe that educators shouldn't take sides, and they
wish to impose this belief on others.
Atheists want schools to promote this view which is part of the atheist belief system, and get upset
when people wish to promote other religious views.

"Maybe you will try to rebut this by raging about how what teachers can and cant say about religion isn't
part of the issue"
Only a moron like you would think that somebody would bring up an issue, then say it isn't part of the
issue. I'd love for you to find where the issue I have been talking about the whole time isn't relevant.

"and I must be an idiot, your tactics do seem to have been degenerating into misquotes feigned ignorance, and misdirection?"
OK. And you will grow up when?

"but it is a point that shatters your rhetoric that atheism is promoted in school."
What is? Specify.
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Coolskill, just because things like exist doesn't mean atheists, in general, actually participate in them or would ever even dream of joining up.

Atheism, by definition, is not an organization. It's a disbelief, just a simple idea.

Atheism is not a religion.
Rappaccini said:
just because things like exist doesn't mean atheists, in general, actually participate in them or would ever even dream of joining up.
Nobody ever said they would.

First you claimed:
"Atheists have no plans for the present or the future. They don't have any fraternity or community."
Then you say:
"just because things like exist doesn't mean atheists, in general, actually participate in them or would ever even dream of joining up."

So I guess also:
CHRISTIANS have no plans for the present or the future. They don't have any fraternity or community?
After all:
just because things like CHRISTIAN CHURCHES exist doesn't mean CHRISTIANS, in general, actually participate in them or would ever even dream of joining up?

Rappaccini said:
Atheism, by definition, is not an organization. It's a disbelief, just a simple idea. Atheism is not a religion.

Are you telling me that the belief in atheism is completely unrelated to religion?
That the belief in atheism has to do with something else other than gods and religion?
I could have sworn the definition of atheism had to do with gods, and therefore religion.
Anything that has to do with gods and religion is a belief about religion.
Anything that is about religion is known as religios religious.
Atheism is a belief about religion.
Atheism is a religious belief.

Other than that, sure there are atheists that may not abide by the atheist belief system that I described in the post above yours.
That doesn't mean the atheists in whole do not share a common collective belief system that they wish to impose onto the whole community.

You may call it whatever you wish weather atheist belief system, atheist religion, or atheist disbelief views. It means the same thing:

The views that atheists collectively share.
Not just the belief that religion is fiction and that there are no such things as gods.
They believe that religion should not be promoted by government funded places. Weather or not an atheist may agree agree with this particular belief, it is a view that most all atheists share.

I know a handful of atheists that could care less if public money is used to promote god. But for the most part this enrages the atheists into a temper tantrum. Atheists religiously impose and demand that the God as truth is not be promoted by publicly funded institutions. Hence 'I' personally have the right to call it the 'atheist religion' no matter what you or anybody else think 'I' should refer to it as to be politically correct.
If 'YOU' wish to call it something else, that is 'YOUR' free choice.
If one is not attending Church, or aiding/encouraging other Christians and, in so doing, showing "fraternity" and "community," one is not a Christian.
A religion like Christianity demands participation or acknowledgement of some kind, be it the study of scripture, philanthropy, missionary ministrations, et cetera.

Atheism does not require anything of its "adherents".
It's not an active, dynamic, decision-making collective. It has no structure, no system.

It's an idea, a disbelief; it is a specified skepticism.

Those who inflate and flaunt it, serve its interests as though it were a church congregation... they are anomalies.
The typical atheist is not a lobbyist or a crusader. He or she is a down-to-earth guy or girl, somebody that honestly doesn't see the necessity of an invisible, paternal guardian.
He or she is indifferent to the fights and issues of bodies like

Note that there is no popularly supported atheist cult/caucus/club that could ever compare to the Catholic or Baptist associations.
There is no "Church of Nil".

Note that, in order to be an atheist, one must only disbelieve, but, in order, to be a Christian, one must act, dress, and talk a certain way.
"If one is not attending Church, or aiding/encouraging other Christians and, in so doing, showing "fraternity" and "community," one is not a Christian."
That's about as dome as somebody saying that if somebody joins an atheist organization, then the person is not really atheists.

There are as many real Christian churches as there are churches that do not pass around a collection basket. Just because you might wish for your peers to join you in a real christian group gathering does not mean they will. Just because your peers do not join you does not mean you are not a christian.

"Atheism does not require anything of its "adherents". "
Wow. Do you enjoy stating the obvious?

"It's not an active, dynamic, decision-making collective."
Who cares.

"It has no structure, no system."
Unfortunately it does. It is true that the atheists do not actively have a collective ideal as most religions. But the people who share the atheist 'idea/disbelief' or whatever you choose to refer to it as to make you feel better. The ones who share the atheist idea/disbelief, might not intentionally have a structured belief system.
But they do follow a collective belief system none the less that is not intentional.

"It's an idea, a disbelief; it is a specified skepticism."
Wow. You're having lots of fun.

"Those who inflate and flaunt it, serve its interests as though it were a church congregation... they are anomalies."
You must be living in a cave. In most places I've seen, they are the norm. You can't walk into a public area or certain places, and promote your religion without some atheists either getting annoyed or chasing you away.

"The typical atheist is not a lobbyist or a crusader. He or she is a down-to-earth guy or girl, somebody that honestly doesn't see the necessity of an invisible, paternal guardian."
Not quite. I'm sure you and some other atheists might be quite normal, and have no problem seeing other religions promote themselves all over the place. But that is by far from the norm. Most atheists though are fanatical nutcases that will complain all day or get annoyed upon witnessing any religious acts where they feel religion doesn't belong.

"Note that there is no popularly supported atheist cult/caucus/club that could ever compare to the Catholic or Baptist associations."
Compare in what sense?

"in order, to be a Christian, one must act, dress, and talk a certain way."
One MUST not do anything. One can do what one believes they feel is right, and be whatever they wish to be, and believe whatever they truly believe.

"you seem to think seperation of church and state is something imposed upon christians by atheists."
First I don't know how you would come to that theory as I never mentioned anything about separation of church and state.
If you don't recall what I said the atheists impose upon others, I suggest you reread.
Separation of church and state as you might not be aware does not mean banning all individual rights to promote their religion wherever they so please; As what it has obviously come to. Because most atheists are ignorants, (and I'm not saying all). Most actually believe that separation of church and state means that people cannot promote their belief wherever they so feel.

For you idiots that think that, I shall clarify. Separation of church and state means that the state will not promote one specific view. Not christian, not atheism, not any other. Unfortunately, atheists are usually fanatical morons. Therefore, they wish to impose that their views of eliminating any trace of religion in the public setting is followed.

"They had diverse beliefs and were often persecuted in Europe."
That is because of christian terrorists that they you people so pleasantly refer to as crusaders.

"Seperation of church and state was made by christians to defend christians."
OK. Not necessarily.

"Other religions also are protected by this, but not as much as christianity."
Bull. Sure other religions are protected. But atheism not christianity is what is commonly imposed by most so-called fair policies.

"you should have learned these things when you became a citizen."
Are you living in a dream world?
Nobody learns anything when they become a naturalized citizen. And if they did, it would be nothing more than capitalist propaganda.

"About your poll, you say that everyone should fit into one of these three categories?"
Yes. Again:
Either you think christians rule and atheists suck, atheists rule, and christians suck, or you do not belong here.

"I briefly considered voting option 3"
Well if you don't belong to the other 2, than obviously you do not matter. Therefore, you might as well not vote because option 3 is just a present option anyway for the sake of prosthetics.

"atheism is not a religion."
Keep dreaming. I take it you didn't read the 2 posts I made before this one. Otherwise, you might come up with a half way decent argument against them rather than restate the premise that is being debated.

" is just some guys with web site, big whoop. And now you're gonna say that we say athiesm is

not a religion, you say it is and you don't care, blah, blah."
You really are a moron. Show me where I ever said that the fact that some guys have an atheist organization means that atheism is a religion. I'd love for you to show me. Search far deep and wide throughout the thread, and look for an argument. By me. Stating that that is the reason atheism is a religion. Where? I'm looking. I don't see it. Woops. Looks like you don't know how to read. Retard.

"In my heart, I would like to believe in some type of higher power"
Why is it that some of you freak agnostic/atheists wish to believe in a higher power?
I hear this garbage all the time: "Oh yes I would really love to experience the joy of believing in a higher power and have some sort of meaning in life, but no matter how much I want to believe it, the evidence I have been exposed to won't allow it."

How about trying to simply have the desire to believe in what is true. Weather there is a higher power or not, you wish to believe in what is true. And the evidence you have accumulated has lead you to your personal belief.

"But I am against organized religions"

"We'd be better off without them."
To conclude, not only does the typical atheist believe there is no gods, they also (as I previously stated) have an unintentional system of beliefs. For example, the belief that society would be better off without organized religion, and would be doing the practical to eliminate them.
And who is it you claim to be the fanatics that are more likely to impose their beliefs?
cool skill said:

I could have sworn the definition of atheism had to do with gods, and therefore religion.
Anything that has to do with gods and religion is a belief about religion.
Anything that is about religion is known as religios religious.
Atheism is a belief about religion.
Atheism is a religious belief

'I' personally have the right to call it the 'atheist religion' no matter what you or anybody else think 'I' should refer to it as to be politically correct.
If 'YOU' wish to call it something else, that is 'YOUR' free choice.

'You' personally have the right to call it a flying fuck if you want, but it doesn't mean you're right, which you're not.

You are good entertainment as you prattle on about atheism, I have watched you dig a proper hole for yourself in this thread...

You haven't a clue....LOL! :D

What is Atheism?

Atheism is not a religion, it is, quite simply, a denial of the claimed existence of gods and that those who refer to atheism as a religion (as creationists and literalists often do) are either unaware of exactly what an atheist is or too blinded by their own religious & bigoted views to define it objectively or correctly.
Vienna said:
Atheism is not a religion, it is, quite simply,
Call it whatever you want to make you feel better. If you don't wish to refer to it as a religion, I am not going to go running around screaming my head off, and be all upset about it. Cry as much as you want. People will continue to refer to it as a religion. How about if people stop refering to you as the atheist religion, and call you the Atheist Americans. Will that be politically correct enough for you to stop crying about it?

Nobody cares weather it is a religion or not. I never disputed the definition of atheism. It doesn't prevent me from refering to it as the atheist religion. I refer to anybody that religiously imposes their beliefs as a religion weather they are defined as a religion or not. Get over it.

How about I call it the atheist cult? You'd probably still cry and throw antoher tantrum about it. "WAAAA. IT'S NOT A CULT. WAAAA. STOP CALLING IT THAT. WAAAA."

Vienna said:
either unaware of exactly what an atheist is or too blinded by their own religious & bigoted views to define it objectively or correctly.
Or could care less what it is defined as, and understand how it is religiously shoved down people's throats. Ergo, atheist religion.
Coolskill are you a Christian? The reason why I am uncertain is because you state your religion is "Jesus". Is this a new sect?? LOL!

Your talents at web design are about as crap as your views, and attitude.

Code Name: Cool Skill
Real Name: Sean Jeremy
Position: Philosopher Activist
Occupation: Idol Billion Dollar Commodity
Location: Miami
Age: 26
Western Zodiac: Sagitarius
Eastern Zodiac: Fire Dragon
Physical Origin: Earth
Spiritual Origin: Future
Powers: Insight, Lyrics, Vocals, Steps, Design
Organization: Caliditta
Purpose: Advocate the truth
Religion: Jesus

:rolleyes: Says it all really
:D I voted for 2nd choice, just to be kidding, it was suppose to be a joke!.

I read the whole freaking thread BTW! Kool non-Skill.

Your arguments are oximoronic, I'll show ya!

Atheism is a religious belief.

The mere word of it, A-Theism implies a lack of religious belief, Moron!!

The views that atheists collectively share.

No shiet sherlock!! the view that we collectively uphold, is the lack of religious crapopsychological theism!.

I know a handful of atheists that could care less if public money is used to promote god.

Bull shiet!! the first organization to jump on this would be the ACLU which is mostly made up of Jews.

CHRISTIANS have no plans for the present or the future.

LOL,LOL, yea they do!! they want to indoctrinate as many souls to their rhetorical bull sheit beliefs.

just because things like CHRISTIAN CHURCHES exist doesn't mean CHRISTIANS, in general, actually participate in them or would ever even dream of joining up?

LOL,LOL,LOL, tha's oxymoronic!! LOL, if Christians wouldn't participate in their church the preacher would neet to get a REAL JOB!!!

Atheists have no plans for the present or the future.

Do you know every atheist in the US? I have plans, how about you?.
Or are you just waiting for jesus to come and save you from this thread?.

"Seperation of church and state was made by christians to defend christians."
OK. Not necessarily.

My suggestion would be to read up on history books, Kool non-Skill!. Our fore fathers created the Separation of Church & State, so that the same bull shiet happening in Europe, would not happen here, which was relegious procecution, the dark ages, etc..

But atheism not christianity is what is commonly imposed by most so-called fair policies.

Bull shiet, The ACLU, is the organization that jumps on all these school debates against promotions of religious views on public shcools, the ACLU is mostly made up of Jews.

Nobody learns anything when they become a naturalized citizen. And if they did, it would be nothing more than capitalist propaganda.

And it is because of Capitalism shmuck!!, that you are able to type your craposychological, rhetorical, oxymoronic, bull shiet here, and the reason why you/or your parents moved to this country!. To live better, get better jobs, and have better lives. That is what capitalism has brought you!. But your too dumb and stupid to even realize it!!

Vienna said:
Your talents at web design are about as crap
If you feel you can do better, perhaps you would like to design my site?
Feel free. I would gladly take a look at anything you might think would look better than that.
I myself didn't design that, but I'm not surprised you would make such an assumption. You are after all an ass hole.
cool skill said:
If you feel you can do better, perhaps you would like to design my site?
Feel free. I would gladly take a look at anything you might think would look better than that.
I myself didn't design that, but I'm not surprised you would make such an assumption. You are after all an ass hole.

I could design a website for you no problem, shame you called me an asshole.

I could teach you allsorts of stuff including this question which you wrote on the "Kissable" (LOL!) website

"How to add music to your webpage.
Does anybody know how to do this with dreamweaver or flash?
I want a .wav file to play in the background when a browser opens the page.
I would also like to have a button on the page that would allow the user to turn the sound on/off.
My website is far from where I want it to be. Until I learn how to make the improvements I want, I will be using the basic website that I created with dreamweaver.
As soon as I figure out where I want to host it, I can register and be online."

Anyway I digress - back to the topic...........
"I read the whole freaking thread BTW!"

"Atheism is a religious belief.
The mere word of it, A-Theism implies a lack of religious belief"
I guess you weren't paying attention to the context. 'Moron!!'

"The views that atheists collectively share.
No shiet sherlock!! the view that we collectively uphold, is the lack of religious crapopsychological theism!."
Sure, but not what I was refering to. Let me know when you get a clue. You really seem to enjoy distorting what I say out of context.

"I know a handful of atheists that could care less if public money is used to promote god.
Bull shiet!! the first organization to jump on this would be the ACLU which is mostly made up of Jews."
Like I said, "I know a handful of atheists that could care less if public money is used to promote god."
I take it you are too stupid to even know why you are so bloody stupid?

"CHRISTIANS have no plans for the present or the future.
LOL,LOL, yea they do!! they want to indoctrinate as many souls to their rhetorical bull sheit beliefs."
You really are dumb as hell. Are you purposely taking stuff out of context, and skewing the idea to try to prove your point? Not working.
I suggest you stop twisting around what I say in order to create an argument.

"just because things like CHRISTIAN CHURCHES exist doesn't mean CHRISTIANS, in general, actually participate in them or would ever even dream of joining up?

LOL,LOL,LOL, tha's oxymoronic!! LOL, if Christians wouldn't participate in their church the preacher would neet to get a REAL JOB"
The only think thats completely moronic is you. Are you really that utterly dumb? Again, are you purposely taking stuff out of context, and skewing the idea to try to prove your point? Not working.
Until you quote me correctly, you are merely arguing against something that isn't there. You're shooting blanks. How does it feel?

"Atheists have no plans for the present or the future.
Do you know every atheist in the US? I have plans, how about you?.
Or are you just waiting for jesus to come and save you from this thread?."
Perhaps you enjoy arguing with yourself because you are going in circles trying to skew and distort whatever I say. Let me know when you decide to quote me correctly, and respond to a point I actually made instead of twisting my rhetorics in to points.

"Seperation of church and state was made by christians to defend christians."
OK. Not necessarily.
My suggestion would be to read up on history books"
Which ones? Hopefully not the ones your warped mind reads.

"Our fore fathers created the Separation of Church & State, so that the same bull shiet happening in Europe, would not happen here, which was relegious procecution, the dark ages, etc.."
Wow. No kidding.

"But atheism not christianity is what is commonly imposed by most so-called fair policies.
Bull shiet, The ACLU, is the organization that jumps on all these school debates against promotions of religious views on public shcools, the ACLU is mostly made up of Jews."
Like I said, "But atheism not christianity is what is commonly imposed by most so-called fair policies."
Thank you for proving my point.
Most all the atheist garbage that is imposed upon people are usually done by Jews.
Thanks for saving me the trouble of clearing that up.

"Nobody learns anything when they become a naturalized citizen. And if they did, it would be nothing more than capitalist propaganda.
And it is because of Capitalism shmuck!!, that you are able to"
Wrong. I am here for one reason and one reason only.
And it certainly isn't because of capitalist retardism.

Got it? Ass hole capitalist loser? Try distorting it with your warped chissled brain.
Vienna said:
I could design a website for you no problem, shame you called me an asshole.
So you are?

Vienna said:
I could teach you allsorts of stuff including this question which you wrote on the "Kissable"
Oh look. You're obsessed too.
For your information, if you haven't already guessed, the question was refering to the new website I want to design. That way I can trash that one on Yahoo.

If you know as much as you claim, I suggest you pm me about it instead of discuss it here.
Your last post should have been a pm as well. Unless of course you're an ass hole.
Your are good for a laugh!! ever thought of joining a comedy club?

What context? your whole argument is trying to make atheism into a religion! that is oxymoronic!. However only an idiot would think to call a lack of religion a religion. Make sense idiot!!

As for the rest of it YOUR not worth the trouble!! Get a clue! you make no sense, your argument is senseless, and your too dumb fucked in the head to even realize it!

Atheist means non religious.

Government has to stay free of Religious rule, or otherwise we will be having religious battles or wars, here in the states to determine which religion should all citizens follow!. In a free society, "which btw, this one is becoming less off, because of idiots like you running the white house", no gov. authority figure should impose their religious views on the populace, however tis already happens, in order to win votes, the pundit politicians make sure the cameras are rolling when they go to church, specially the sob in office now!, however students young minds don't need a fucking teacher imposing her/his religious views upon our students, because there may be jews, atheists, hindus, what have you in class, this would create havoc, however, if students want to pray around the flag, so be it!, who cares?. Some atheist, your right may not like it, tough sheit, as long as there's no teacher leading kids to pray, such as in team sports, or other activities, it's ok!. The deal is this "teacher" are government employees in a way they have to abide by the law. The law written by mostly Christian themselves btw, or the ACLU, only because they seem to understand "unlike yours truly" that they can't impose by force their religious views upon the kids that may be of other denominations other than christian!! Get it! block head?.


Were not getting anywhere with this narcissus called coolskill are we?

Coolskill you state in your "website" that your religion is Jesus,

Are you Christian?

What are your beliefs if any?

Which catergory of religion are you in?
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Well Leviticus I quess you got your answer rather quick!.

Moderator shut down!! LOL,

idiot!! LOL
