Christians vs Atheists

Which shall you support?

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cool skill said:
Well try it and see what happens.
Get a job as a school teacher, and lead your students in a morning praise of Jesus.
That will sure rattle the atheists nerves.
It's funny how no other non-Christian religion would get as rattled by a teacher leading students in prayer to Jesus.

Why don't you pray at home after breakfast?

Class rooms are not churches.
You do pray at home. Maybe even before you drive. Then, before you start class, you join with the students in prayer.
What for?

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Anywho, it's not inconsiderate.
The point is, you said that people don't pray in public where you are so you have probably never witnessed the atheists go on a mad fury when it happens.

Therefore, I suggested you try it, and see what happens. Lead your classroom in prayer before class starts.

Even though you may not be praying to their god, this is really no big deal to most other religions.
The atheists on the other hand bash their heads in the wall in fury when they see this happening.

That is because the atheists wish to impose their beliefs that the only religious belief that should be in public is the atheist belief that no other religious belief should be in public. In other words, atheists are most peremptory when it comes to imposing their beliefs.
cool skill said:
Therefore, I suggested you try it, and see what happens. Lead your classroom in prayer before class starts.
Classrooms are not public spaces.

And it would be quite inconsiderate to lead a class into pray where I come from, because the majority would not be christian.
That's ok. Classrooms are public here in the US unless you go to a private school.
Try it somewhere public. Whoever isn't Christian doen't have to join in.
cool skill said:
That's ok. Classrooms are public here in the US unless you go to a private school.
Try it somewhere public. Whoever isn't Christian doen't have to join in.

Ok...suppose there are 20 satanists in your class and 10 christians. Since there are more satanists the teacher insists (ok he also happens to be a satanist) that he will lead the class into pray for our dark lord satan. But do not worry. He tells the christians that they don't have to join in.

I have the feeling you would be upset.
I wouldn't, but I'm sure most of the christians would be just as upset if not more so as the atheists are when non-satan religions pray in the classroom.
So people have a choice:

Support all religions with out discrimination, and pray to whoever you want in public or before class if you will.

Discriminate, and only support one religion, the atheists, and abide by their belief, and only their belief to prevent people from leading prayers and religious teachings in public.

Support the satanist religions, and start sacrificing the lives of the person next to you before class starts.
Because of the atheist influence and mind control, most people would probably end up thinking discrimination for the atheists would be the best choice.
Every athiest I have ever come into contact with suffers from THREE basic problems:

C. They also do WAY too much assuming to be taken seriuosly.

Has any other Christian noticed this besides me?
As a self and other-respecting agnostic/athiest, I feel extremely insulted that you automatically suppose that having NO religion makes you a Christian hater. That is NOT true. I do not think anyone SUCKS because of their religion. I think you, cool_skill, suck because you in your poll are being descriminatory, supposing all Christians think athiests "suck" and assuming all athiests think Christians "suck".

Therefore I refuse to vote.
Well I sure think that a certain religion sucks, and that others don't matter.
And I do not suppose anything except for the fact that you are either A, B, or C.
Obviously you do not belong to the first 2 categories, and therefore, do not matter.
jadedflower said:
No it hasn't! That thread has nothing to do with this one.
This is most certainly NOT a case of any religion VS any other... or the lack of a religion.
Sorry Jade, but it sure looks like it.
I see a person with a certain belief questioning the pride of people with other beliefs.
Smells like war to me. Atheists VS Christians.
Jeremirroer said:
religous debate - an oxymoron

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Where I live its not uncommon to see people openly wearing religious insignia, hear them loudly discussing their theology or church schedule, and my college even had posters up all over for their "Dead man talking" lecture they were hosting, about the question "Did Jesus rise from the grave" (What do you think the chances are that they 'concluded' he did not?) and I (an atheist) have yet to see the alleged atheist hair pulling foot stomping rage, and have yet to fly off the handle myself. Where do you get your information about atheism? Let me guess, someone in a collar said it and you must believe.

Your assertions about the atheist agenda to keep religion out of public are comical. You claim that because teachers cannot lead the student body in prayer that atheists must be spreading their ‘religion’. First off, school is not a public area like a park. Second, the reasons teachers are not leading children in prayer is due to government policy about not using public money to indoctrinate children. And thirdly prayer is allowed in school, believe it or not. In my own high school we had a student led prayer club, who met with joined hands around the flag pole every morning, teachers and other faculty were also part of the club. I did not mind in the least, nor did my other atheist friends, because there was never any pressure put on us to belong to this club.

I know according to you my atheist instincts should have made me tear off my shirt and start breaking things like some sort of unchristian hulk, but somehow I managed to restrain myself. As long as my teacher isn’t raising her left arm and commanding that the class heil Jesus before every class, I’m fine with you being a religious nutcase.
cool skill said:

Religious debate is an oxymoron because religions are based on faith. Faith is belief in the absence of evidence, or more despite the presence of conflicting evidence. Debate requires both parties to be able to communicate, but when faith is present there can be no new assimilation of data because facts and proofs have no place in faith. When someone chooses to believe something on faith, and another person decides to believe a conflicting thing on faith, there is nothing to debate, they merely believe it and can give no reasons to sway someone, nor be given reasons to be swayed.
In America school is apublic area. And yes the atheists do get upset when they see religion in schools and other public areas otherwise, teachers would be allowed to lead students in prayer or promote their religious views as long as the subject they are teaching is getting done. Using public money has nothing to do with it. It's the publics money, yet it is being used to promote atheist beliefs. Sure they do it around the flag pole all the time, but never in the classroom. Just because you don't get upset when they do it around the flag pole doesn't mean other atheists don't get upset at it. You yourself said it shouldn't be done in the classroom, so are you telling me you wouldn't get upset if the teacher leads the class in prayer to Jesus?
Anybody else would care less. Atheists on the otherhand go nuts and tear of their shirt like hulk.