Christians vs Atheists

Which shall you support?

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SpyMoose said:
When someone chooses to believe something on faith, and another person decides to believe a conflicting thing on faith, there is nothing to debate
Probably not, but not necessarily. Usually when you believe in something the object is to convince others to follow your belief. One way to do so is to debate other peoples? beliefs with relationship to your own.
Cool skill, you aren't really an American are you?
Why exactly do you believe that public school should be used to indoctrinate children to christianity? Is it because you have faith that Christianity is right?

As for your assertion that not having prayer in the classroom pushes atheistic belief on children, do you also believe that every moment you spend not telling the person next to you about the glory of Jesus Christ also counts as promoting atheism? Its the same thing isnt it? Will they all go to hell if they spend six hours a day wherein an officious person cannot tell them in the name of the government that Jesus died for thier sin? The Prayer club used classrooms during lunch time to plan meetings, probably write up special prayres for special occasions. Once again I did not care because it was student led, not teacher led.

As for your contention that schools are public places, lets you and I go try to hang out in one and see what happens shall we? You know there are a lot of public mental institutions as well, but not just anyone can get in. Publicly owned land does not mean that the public is free to enter.
1. I havnt read this thread all the way through but has anyone noticed the irony that 2 christians said atheists suck? Whatever happened to love thy neighbour? I thought being christian was about peace, love, and generally being nice?
2. Religion has no place in the classroom, that is what churches, mosques etc are for, you build all these places of worship then want to do it in a classroom aswel? Why did people bother building them? It seems logic has escaped some people.
3. Atheists dont push their beliefs on others(we have no belief in hell so dont feel the need to save everybody elses souls), and since technically atheism is a lack of belief, i wasnt aware it was an official religion, i thought it was accepted as lack of religion?
Usually when you believe in something the object is to convince others to follow your belief.
Depends if they are open to being convinced or not, i wouldnt bother with religion as most people make their own minds up and stick with it, only the person in question can change their mind in light of the right evidence, that doesnt mean you have it.
Also debate is only possible if both persons are willing to take part, and it doesnt mean at the end of it one of you must change your beliefs.
I think spymoose has got it about right aswel.
Calling atheism an religion is like calling someone an owner because he happens to own nothing. I guess in your eyes, nothing is something, right?
"Cool skill, you aren't really an American are you?"
Well I am a citizen, but only out of convenience. Take it however you want.
Why exactly do you believe that public school should be used to indoctrinate children to atheism? Is it because you have faith that atheism is right?

"do you also believe that every moment you spend not telling the person next to you about the glory of Jesus Christ also counts as promoting atheism? Its the same thing isnt it?"
No. How dumb can you be?
I'm not the one claiming that you should stop people from telling things to the person next to them because it would be as the atheists would say, "inappropriate."

"Once again I did not care because it was student led, not teacher led."
OK. Point? Who gives a crap? Did I ever say you would care?
I guess you're too much of an idiot figure out that, just as I said earlier, just because it doesn't bother you doesn't mean that other atheists aren't bothered by it.
And again I will restate since you are too dumb to read, that is not what usually bothers atheists anyway. What most atheists would really get upset about is if it was teacher lead during class. Are you implying that you wouldn't give a rat if this type of thing was teacher lead like most fanatical atheists?

"As for your contention that schools are public places, lets you and I go try to hang out in one and see what happens shall we? You know there are a lot of public mental institutions as well, but not just anyone can get in. Publicly owned land does not mean that the public is free to enter."
OK and?
Who cares?
Whatever your point is here is beyond known relevance.
Lemming3k: "I havnt read this thread all the way through"

"has anyone noticed the irony that 2 christians said atheists suck? Whatever happened to love thy neighbour? I thought being christian was about peace, love, and generally being nice?"

"Religion has no place in the classroom, that is what churches, mosques etc are for, you build all these places of worship then want to do it in a classroom aswel? Why did people bother building them? It seems logic has escaped some people."
Lemming3k: "I havnt read this thread all the way through"

"Atheists dont push their beliefs on others(we have no belief in hell so dont feel the need to save everybody elses souls), and since technically atheism is a lack of belief, i wasnt aware it was an official religion, i thought it was accepted as lack of religion?"
Lemming3k: "I havnt read this thread all the way through"

"Also debate is only possible if both persons are willing to take part, and it doesnt mean at the end of it one of you must change your beliefs."
OK. That's nice.

I think spymoose has got it about right aswel.
Lemming3k: "I havnt read this thread all the way through"
daktaklakpak said:
Calling atheism an religion is like calling someone an owner because he happens to own nothing.

****The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.****
Atheism is not a belief. It's a lack of belief.

Atheists do not belong to a religion. Atheism is a lack of religon.

There is no atheist agenda. Atheists do not convene every week to conspire and sing/chant to their lack of god.

Atheism is not a body. It is a lack of body.

Atheists have no plans for the present or the future. They don't have any fraternity or community. They have nothing alike but their lack of belief. This lack cannot unite them; it cannot do anything.

Atheism does not force itself onto anyone. It has nothing to force.

Atheism really isn't anything at all.
If you're really afraid of nothing at all, you're a very silly person.
How dare a teacher tell the students to pray in the morning?
I actually went to a catholic school and they used to do this. But thats a catholic school. And it still wasn't cool.
A public school doing it would be as innapropriate as if they were praying to satan like spurious said.

And even though I went to a catholic school they at least had the decency to seperate facts and religion. Learning religion even in a religious school should be like learning literature. Because thats all it is. You are learning about a book and nothing more. Thats just the cold hard fact of the matter.
Schools teaching religious myths like they are science would burn in hell if there was such a place.
Thats just so fucking wrong. If you can't see that you're a zombie, brainwashed by a cult.
cool skill said:
Well we know one thing for sure.
Atheists are by far the most forceful of their beliefs compared to other religions.

Is that so? I'd like everyone to post how many mormons/Jahovas witnesses/ambasadors of other religion, you've had come knocking on your door to try and sell you their God this year, Vs. How many Athiests you've had come to your door to tell you to abandon your God.
Personal attacks, cool skill? Really? I guess an idiot atheist like me doesn’t know who those are supposed to convince, please keep them to yourself. It doesn’t go a long way to prove your theory about atheists being evangelical and rabid that you were the first one to snap and begin hurling incoherent abuse.

Now for responding to your points. Disallowing teacher led prayer is no more indoctrination into atheism than any other moment someone spends not hearing about Jesus Christ, but allowing teacher led prayer in the class room forces each student to be indoctrinated into Christianity, you see?

My point about schools and public areas was one you tactfully chose to forget the cause of. You asserted that schools are public places and you have the right to be religious in public. As I stated above, there are qualitative differences between schools and a public area.

And maybe I'm just "too dumb to read" like you claimed, but you seem to be attacking a straw man of an atheist, I really do wonder where you got your information from.

My point about seeing a difference between student led prayer and teacher led prayer seemed to confuse you so I'll clarify. Everyone must go to school. Not everyone is of the same religion. Since everyone must go to school, and everyone cannot agree on what religion is true, and the government has policy against taking sides on such things, teachers, as government employees who are entrusted with educating youth, are not to engage in indoctrination; religious or political. Its government policy, and It makes sense, otherwise the United States could not have its great freedom of religion or an affective democracy. However students, who already come to school indoctrinated, and want to form groups with other indoctrinated students to practice their rituals should not be barred from doing so, its their right.
spuriousmonkey said:
I think he meant the non-US schools. I think you are allowed to teach just about anything in the US, even creationism in biology class.

Uuum, no, I don't know where you got this idea, but the Supreme Court shot that down in the 80s. Equal time doesn't need to be given to creationism in US schools, it doesn't belong there at all. As a very strict rule, religion Isn't taught in American schools except from an anthropological standpoint.
cool skill said:
Well try it and see what happens.
Get a job as a school teacher, and lead your students in a morning praise of Jesus.
That will sure rattle the atheists nerves.

Haha, you dickwad that's called social engineering. Of course people would get upset, you're trying to indoctrinate their children. Is this what you're angry about? The atheists won’t let you play games with other children’s minds?

cool skill said:
It's funny how no other non-Christian religion would get as rattled by a teacher leading students in prayer to Jesus.

Where the heck do you get that idea? I'm sure just about every non-Christian in the room would be pretty fuming over your arrogance. Do you mean to tell me that members of non-Christian religions like having Christian views forced on their children?
cool skill said:
Anywho, it's not inconsiderate.

What if you broke your leg really bad and your health-insurance provider appointed me as your physical therapist, but before every session I insisted that you look me square in the eye and tell me that there is no God. Wouldn't that be a bit inconsiderate? Wouldn't that make you just a bit angry?

Why is it ok, in your mind, for Christians to force their views on others but not for Atheists to become cross when you do so? After all, I thought that the whole idea was that you were angry that christians "force their views" on others, especialy in schools. So it works one way but not the other? That's very convenient for you!
cool skill said:
It's the publics money, yet it is being used to promote atheist beliefs.

No, it doesn't go toward promoting any beliefs. What you are proposing is that the money go toward promoting your own beliefs, which frankly contradicts and undermines your own argument. What we have now is school teachers, who are being paid out of the pocket of tax payers saying nothing about what religious beliefs their students should have. This is right and proper because the community is generally built up of a diverse range of religious beliefs, as well as non-religious agnostics and atheists. What you would have, however is everyone's money going straight toward having these public servants teaching everyone's children your beliefs.
"Atheism is not a belief. It's a lack of belief."
Oh yes, the so called, 'disbelief'.
Semantics. What a wonderful thing.
As I was saying, the Atheist Religion (or 'Atheist Disbelief' if you so wish to call it), is shoved down
people's throat every day.

"There is no atheist agenda."
It sure doesn't appear so.
Who's agenda is it to either keep religion out of public places or teaching it as fiction literature?
Was it Christians agenda?
Is it the agenda of some other religion that doesn't matter?
Oh but the atheists have no agenda so it couldn't be them. Sure.

"Atheists have no plans for the present or the future. They don't have any fraternity or community."
What the hell is this?:

"This lack cannot unite them; it cannot do anything."
Except impose itself on others by trying to tell them when and where they should practice their
Atheists don't need to gather at an organization or some form of group. The fanatical actions of the
individual atheist is common throughout the entire collective atheist relgion.

"Atheism does not force itself onto anyone. It has nothing to force."
Earlier you said that atheists didn't believe in religion. How is imposing others to abide by this
'disbelief' nothing?

"Atheism really isn't anything at all. If you're really afraid of nothing at all, you're a very silly person."
WTF. If Atheism is nothing at all, why not just get rid of it for good?

"How dare a teacher tell the students to pray in the morning?
I actually went to a catholic school and they used to do this. But thats a catholic school. And it still
wasn't cool.
A public school doing it would be as innapropriate as if they were praying to satan like spurious said.

And even though I went to a catholic school they at least had the decency to seperate facts and
religion. Learning religion even in a religious school should be like learning literature. Because thats
all it is. You are learning about a book and nothing more. Thats just the cold hard fact of the matter.
Schools teaching religious myths like they are science would burn in hell if there was such a place.
Thats just so fucking wrong."
In other words, as an Atheist, you believe religion should not be part of the curriculum unless it is
taught as fiction?
Furthermore, you wish to impose this belief to all schools so that they may abide by your personal
belief. Even the religious private schools.

"Now for responding to your points. Disallowing teacher led prayer is no more indoctrination into
atheism than any other moment someone spends not hearing about Jesus Christ"
Wrong. You are simply reiterating yourself which goes to show you choose not to respond to the points
that were provided the last time you said the exact same garbage. Which is exactly the same moronic non
sense you were doing in your previous thread.

Example 1:
cool skill: "so are you telling me you wouldn't get upset if the teacher leads the class in prayer to

SpyMoose: "Once again I did not care because it was student led,"

(cool skill pondering why SpyMoose's babbling about a student lead religious activity would be relevant to
question that specifically said: "IF THE TEACHER LEADS")
cool skill: "OK. Point? Who gives a crap? Did I ever say you would care?
I guess you're too much of an idiot figure out that, just as I said earlier. . . you know the rest.)

Example 2:
SpyMoose: "do you also believe that every moment you spend not telling the person next to you about the glory of Jesus Christ also counts as promoting atheism? Its the same thing isnt it?"

cool skill: "No. How dumb can you be? I'm not the one claiming that you should stop people from telling things to the person next to them because it would be as the atheists would say, "inappropriate."

SpyMoose: "Disallowing teacher led prayer is no more indoctrination into
atheism than any other moment someone spends not hearing about Jesus Christ"

(cool skill is baffled as to why SpyMoose would pretty much repeated what cool skill already responded to. So out of convenience-)
cool skill: "No. How dumb can you be? I'm not the one claiming that you should stop people from telling things to the person next to them because it would be as the atheists would say, "inappropriate."

Are we ready to move on? Good.

"but allowing teacher led prayer in the class room forces each student to be indoctrinated into
Christianity, you see?"
Yet telling a teacher to follow the atheists rules that religion shouldn't be integrated into the teaching does not mean that people will think that this is ok?
Atheists wish people, no matter what religion, would think it is ok that teachers not include religion in the teaching.
So how do they impose this? By forcing the teachers to abide by the belief.

"My point about schools and public areas was one you tactfully chose to forget the cause of. You
asserted that schools are public places and you have the right to be religious in public. As I stated
above, there are qualitative differences between schools and a public area."
Why on the face of this earth are you still babbling about weather or not schools are a public place?
You still have provided no cause to these irrelevant meanderings.

Weather a school is a public place or not(nobody cares):
The fact of the matter is, Atheists only wish that their beliefs [that no other beliefs should be taught] are the only beliefs that should be taught in the public domain. Such as schools.

2bcont. . .
Good night for now
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Your chief "skill" seems to be contradiction ("no it isn't" I can hear him say).

As you have been repeatedly informed, a lack of belief isn't a belief. If you cannot (or will not) understand that, there is no point in trying to discuss anything with you.
I suggest you don't discuss, repo. Too bad.
Nice chart though. Too bad it says nothing.
Let me know when you decide to provide something with substance in regards to the statements I made about my views on your so-called disbelief.

Are there any atheists out there that are actually proud of their 'disbelief'.
And have no shame in imposing it upon others?
Thus far, 15 of you voted for your fanatic atheism.
Dr. Lou seems the closest one to saying, "Yes I am an atheists, and I do not think religion should be in public places because I want everybody abide by the belief that I feel is true."
"I really do wonder where you got your information from."
What information, Spy? Please specify.

This? ->

Christians: Follow our belief, and integrate our religion.

Non-Christian religion: Follow our belief, and integrate our religion.

Atheists: Follow our 'disbelief', and integrate no religion.

We, the atheists, shall use the excuse that following our 'disbelief' is the fairest of them all:
"everyone must go to school, and everyone cannot agree on what religion is true, and the government has policy against taking sides on such things,"

Abide by our view, and intergate no religion so that: "teachers, as government employees who are entrusted with educating youth, are not to engage in indoctrination"

This is the atheist-friendly view you wish to indoctrinate. In other words, for the government to be fair to everybody else, they should flollow your atheist views instead of the other ones. That's real fair.

"Its government policy, and It makes sense, otherwise the United States could not have its great freedom of religion."
Sound's more like freedom for one religion, and not the others than freedom of religion.
"As a very strict rule, religion Isn't taught in American schools except from an anthropological standpoint."
Good for you, Mystech. More points for the atheists.

"Do you mean to tell me that members of non-Christian religions like having Christian views forced on their children?"
No, nor do they want atheist views forced on them.

"before every session I insisted that you look me square in the eye and tell me that there is no God. Wouldn't that be a bit inconsiderate?"
Sure, why not. Point? Woops. You have none.
Before every session I insisted that you look me square in the eye and tell me that there is a God. Wouldn't that be a bit inconsiderate?
Where are we going with this? NOWHERE!

"No, it doesn't go toward promoting any beliefs."
How so?
Let's use the money to promote our atheistic idea that religion doesn't belong in schools.
Then let's pretend the money is not going towards promoting any views.

"What you are proposing is that the money go toward promoting your own beliefs"

"What we have now is school teachers, who are being paid out of the pocket of tax payers"
[to be following atheist views, and]
saying nothing about what religious beliefs"

"This is right and proper"
OK expert.

"because the community is generally built up of a diverse range of religious beliefs,"
In other words, because the community is built up of a diverse range, we should follow the atheist view and only the atheist view to not teach religion.