Christians please explain the eating of pork

Bangers and mash.

Sometimes the English have a good food idea.

You fucker . God . I am so hungry . I identify with the story of the 3 little pigs . Yeah comes from coming from a family with 3 children and being of German Heritage . I don't know why the German Heritage would even be related to the fairy tale except they eat pigs . I don't know ? Maybe it is because pigs are hairless a lot like humans and I think they sweat too . Did they say that in this thread ? Yeah a lot like humans in several ways . Maybe it was the building of houses . That might have contributed to the identifying notion . I tell you what freaked me was the 3 heads n a basket or bag in the "forbidden city" movie

Yeah Identify big time , Off with the heads . May 3rd too . Yeah discovered by one of Me fellow Missoula home boys . Can you believe that ?

I got to go forage in the kitchen. Find some pancake mix or something
He picked corn on Saturday !! Work on the Sabbath. The 4th commandment Sorry to bust your bobble head
He did not break the Sabbath. It was lawful to perform works of mercy on the Sabbath. I have to say nice try to disregard that Jesus did not break the Judaic Law.

Either Jesus kept the law perfectly and was without sin, or either he did not keep the Law perfectly and was with sin.

Jesus did not sin at all. To imply that he broke the Law would be to imply that he would sin.

Here's the problem.

The OP wish to work from Sola Scriptura, which, is a heresy and is declared to be Anathema. Divine Revelation is NOT contained in Scripture alone. Divine Revelation is also found in Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Ahhh superstring01 said he is a muslim. Okay now I know where he is coming from.
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Stay the hell out if you can't stand rationale debate. Because to me you just want people to spout their belief and turn this into a preaching session rather than an intellectual discussion supported by reasonable evidence.

Uhm... If you want reasonable evidence, you need to begin with reasonable evidence that the Quran and Bible weren't just dreamt up by ordinary humans like you and I in the first place. I don't think you want to talk about "reasonable evidence" in a religious discussion, the whole point of faith is to kick reason out the door and try to force the universe to be whatever you were taught to think it should be.
If you look at pork, modern science has shown that this other white meat will often contain parasites. So we need to be cooked fully. The prohibition around eating pork was not due to God wanting to be a prick, to show he was boss; atheist interpretation. Rather this law was created to protect the ancient people from themselves, based on the cause and effect observation of parasites=sickness= uncooked pork. Once the people were mature enough to understand cause and effect, there was little need for the dogma. After enough trial and error among the gentiles, eating pork was not as hazzardous, so why treat people like they are stupid?

The reason was, the men in charge, who enjoyed lording over others, sensed a lost of power and control, if you removed any laws. It would like taking a recycle law away from the polititians within a town, where all the people naturally recycle. They don't need the law anymore. The only people who may still need the law are those who can use it for leverage or whose jobs are based on this law; unions. Blessed is the poor was to benefit the common person over the power and prestige of the big whigs.

Back at the time of Christ, the people in charge were adding stupid laws and regulations, just about as fast as the liberals of today. That was an exageration, since modern liberals still hold the record. Often these laws were stupid stuff. The people in charge did not have to follow them since they were VIP's, but they could use the law of man to lord over the little people. They did not like the idea of someone preaching fewer laws and regulations. Jesus reduced the book of laws and regulations to 2 (love God and lover you neighbor), so there was a backlash from those in power to nip it in the bud.

Shell fish is also taboo in the old law. Have you ever heard of the red tide? Would a modern person eat shell fish that has sat in the sun for a day. If you were hungry and ancient there would be a temptation. If we prohibit this via God's law, we saved lives and teach will power.

But once people, like the Gentiles, learn the habits of eating shell food fresh it is time to get rid of the law for babies. But if people in power fear losing control, but are in the process of creating even more laws , they will resist loss of even obsolete law, since it might effect their prestige.

The liberals are far more Old Testament than they realize in terms of laws of man and lording over others. Since this is unconscious, it shows up as atheism. The Atheists pretent you they are opposite to religion, via denial, so others can't see the old testament similarity. Christianity was about trust in the goodness of the individual; he need no law except the a set we can write on a piece of paper. The old testament mentality would like the law set have volumes since it ment jobs, prestige, power and control. it also creates jobs for a shaddy bunch; lawyers.
No, it had nothing to do with parasites, it had to do with sustainability. It's possible to raise pigs in the middle east but they are water and food intensive, more so than goats who can eat anything. So there would have been a class system where the elites get to eat this high fat, high energy diet, while the poor would have less and less.

Wellwisher, you are driving me crazy with your stupid liberal talk. Liberals regulate in order to free people from the tyranny of elitist corporate power. No moneychangers in the temple? That's Jesus regulating against practically the same thing.

I think Jesus was far more radical than most like to admit. Maybe he never said he came to fulfill the law. Maybe that part was made up in order to tie in his myth with earlier tradition and recruit more Jews to the cause.
The don't eat pork or meat on Fridays laws are both MAN MADE. God is not that big of micro manager or we would be getting new (god decreed) laws daily.

You shalt not create computer viruses.
You shalt sip your stream if you share a soda.
You shalt let old people and pregnant lady's have your seat on the bus
He did not break the Sabbath. It was lawful to perform works of mercy on the Sabbath. I have to say nice try to disregard that Jesus did not break the Judaic Law.

Either Jesus kept the law perfectly and was without sin, or either he did not keep the Law perfectly and was with sin.

Jesus did not sin at all. To imply that he broke the Law would be to imply that he would sin.

Here's the problem.

The OP wish to work from Sola Scriptura, which, is a heresy and is declared to be Anathema. Divine Revelation is NOT contained in Scripture alone. Divine Revelation is also found in Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Ahhh superstring01 said he is a muslim. Okay now I know where he is coming from.

He picked corn and ate it . That was not an act of Mercy . Him healing the sick might have been , but picking corn and eating it was a violation of the 4th commandment >!!!! Jesus is sinner . He did more than that being the rebel he was . He also fucked up Judas's life big time . Gave Him a black eye that only Muslims can comprehend. Even Muslims can be smarter than the average dumb human . Not that you are or anything as I do like ypour usage of Magisterium
Why is this still going on.. The issue was resolved already.. You guys have too much time on your hand.

Peace be unto you ;)
He did not break the Sabbath. It was lawful to perform works of mercy on the Sabbath. I have to say nice try to disregard that Jesus did not break the Judaic Law.

Either Jesus kept the law perfectly and was without sin, or either he did not keep the Law perfectly and was with sin.

Jesus did not sin at all. To imply that he broke the Law would be to imply that he would sin.

Here's the problem.

The OP wish to work from Sola Scriptura, which, is a heresy and is declared to be Anathema. Divine Revelation is NOT contained in Scripture alone. Divine Revelation is also found in Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Ahhh superstring01 said he is a muslim. Okay now I know where he is coming from.

I am not a Muslim . If that what you mean . I am a theist though . I got the red phone in Me hand . It was a gift from a BlackFoot Man from Browning Montana . What a fucking gift I tell you . I still can't believe the horn of plenty that little red rock provides . Blood out of a rock . Is that even possible in your narrow mind . Moses touched a rock with his stick and got water . My rock bleeds blood . Blood from a rock . Can you believe that shit . You probably have no idea what I am talking about ? That is O.K. cause it is a lot more blissful to asstay ignorant of the crimes I commit. You would not want to be an accomplice would you . Help perpetrate. We can send you a form if you give Me your address if you want to help commit the crime of the millennium. I come like a thief
Why is this still going on.. The issue was resolved already.. You guys have too much time on your hand.

Peace be unto you ;)

Your not talking to Me . Whats up with that . Are you not from the Seed of Adam ? Do you not worship Melek ?

You would do good to confront your fear. I don't bite
Why should I answer to you or anyone else when the issue is resolved... I'm not interested in other nonsense.

Peace be unto you ;)
Why is this still going on.. The issue was resolved already.. You guys have too much time on your hand.

Many threads continue well beyond their original intent.

Once again, you sit in judgement of other people for what they do. Apparently you didn't "have too much time on your hands" to start and debate the thread, but the moment you checked-out, apparently all traffic needs to stop. What a self-centered pig.

^lmao.... if the thread has been sufficiently answered everything else is just trolling IMO.. anyways I had to to 'ask' and I got an answer.. If other wish to continue wasting their time and troll.. go ahead.. ;)

Peace be unto you :)
Why should I answer to you or anyone else when the issue is resolved... I'm not interested in other nonsense.

Peace be unto you ;)

O.K. what ever . It is on your head . It is not nice to shut the door on mother Natures Son . I am truly sorry what is about to befall you . I have no control over it . Mother Nature Her self decides.

I wash my hands . I learn that from Pilate
Whether Jesus ate pork or not has little to do with the Gospels. Arguing about it is like arguing whether he used hankerchiefs to blow his nose. We have to always keep in mind what the mosiac law was, what it meant to the average Jew, and how Jesus changed the law.

The central authority for the code of conduct for both priests and ordinary Jews in Jesus time was the Book of Leviticus, and it is in Leviticus 11 that we find the prohibition against eating pork. Much of the mosaic law as it applied to the average Jew was drawn form Leviticus and this "Holiness Code" was the rule for day-to-day Jewish life. The holiness code of Leviticus was so important that the Book of Levitucs was what was used to teach Jewish children how to read and write!

Jewish belief was that personal holiness as defined in the mosaic law was what would determine when the Messiah would come. If everyone was perfectly holy according to the mosiac law - adhered to the holiness code perfectly - then the coming of the Messiah would be hastened. But those who broke the mosiac law and as such were deemed to be unholy, were actually working to prevent the coming of the Messiah. And the mosaic law defined holiness as what you did relative to ourward appearances - food, clothing, washing, and most importantly, who you came in contact with. Holiness, according the holiness code of the mosaic law, was seperation from those who did not observe the mosaic law or fell short of observing some aspect of it. Holiness meant you had to be seperated from your fellow man, who had been judged to be a sinner.

But Jesus changed that in the sermon on the mount. In Matthew 5, Jesus uses a rabbinical teaching technique to replace the mosaic law with a new code of conduct, and in so doing, Jesus gives the Jews a new holiness code. The formula for this rabbinical teaching technique is "You have heard that it was said to your ancestors (of the mosaic law).... But I say to you (of my new law)."

"You have heard that it was said to your ancestors, "You shall not kill; and whoever kills will be liable to judgment." But I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment..." (Matthew 5:21-22)

You have heard that it was said, "You shall not commit adultery." But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. (Matthew 5:27-28)

It was also said, "Whoever divorces his wife must give her a bill of divorce. But I say to you, whoever divorces his wife (unless the marriage is unlawful) causes her to commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery. (Matthew 5:31-32)

You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes you on (your) right cheek, turn the other one to him as well. (Matthew 5:38-39)

You have heard that it was said, "You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy." But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, (Matthew 5:43-44)

Jesus redefines holiness from what you eat, when you work and who you seperate yourself from. Under Jesus' new law, holiness is defined as how you treat people.

And the king will say to them in reply, Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’ (Matthew 25:40)

For the average Jew listening to this, it was radical teaching. The Pharisees were the strictest Jewish sect, demanding absolute adherance to the mosaic law, like not eating pork. One has to give them credit as they thought it would hasten the coming of the Messiah and Jesus, being a devout Jew, probably would have obeyed that law. But Jesus knew that the Messiah had come, and that he was it. And the Messiah was instituting a new holiness code which did away with rules about eating pork and working on the sabbath and cutting your hair certain ways. Jesus new law defined holiness as how you treated other people.

You all can go on arguing whether Jesus ate pork or not, and can go on accusing each other of flirting with heresy, but it misses Jesus point entirely and probably places many of you in proximate danger of the sin of calumnity or detraction. The point of the Gospel for you and I today is not whether you eat pork or even whether you recieve communion on the tounge or in the hand. Jesus was instituting a radical redefinition of holiness which his followers were to use as their new holiness code - how you treat other people.

Yesterday's second reading at the mass.

Brothers and sisters:
Owe nothing to anyone, except to love one another;
for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.
The commandments, "You shall not commit adultery;
you shall not kill; you shall not steal; you shall not covet, "
and whatever other commandment there may be,
are summed up in this saying, namely,
"You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
Love does no evil to the neighbor;
hence, love is the fulfillment of the law.(Romans 13:8-10)

Every commandment of the old law is summed up in the saying, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Love is the fulfillment of the law. That's it. BAM! Right there in yesterday's reading. Forget about what Jesus ate.

For the record, I just cooked pork Apple-Stuffed Pork Roast for late lunch. :D
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