Christians please explain the eating of pork

That doesn't make any sense. Pork is a much more "healthy" meat than beef. Just compare the fats. Beef fat is highly saturated like coconut oil, it will stay thick and hard on a really hot day. Pork fat is not highly saturated and turns into goo at room temperature. This is why, at one time, an advertising campaign referred to pork as "the other white meat." If you want to eat healthy beef ain't it!Not in the West, and not in the East. Europeans, North Americans, Latinos, Chinese, Vietnamese... we all happily eat pork.

It's only in the Middle East, the Land of Abraham, Jesus, Mohammed, Zarathustra, Baha'ullah, Buddha, etc., that there's any reluctance to eat pork.

You think beef is unhealthy?
These are the real killers


Back off. You don't know what you're dealing with
Explain to me how you justify you eating pork from the biblical texts without having Jesus break the law and cause a cascade of other problems which I just listed above.

All Christians pick and choose which parts of the Bible they believe (fortunately!) That's the rule rather than the exception, which when you look at books like Leviticus, is a very good thing.
All Christians pick and choose which parts of the Bible they believe (fortunately!) That's the rule rather than the exception, which when you look at books like Leviticus, is a very good thing.

This is necessary.
Create your own thread... one-liners, and these type of comments doesn't make you smart- it just means you can't follow very simple forum rules.

Good you are still managing your thread . I have big questions ? You are Muslim right ? What do you know about Muslim Paganism . Wrong terminology . I don't know how to say it with out sounding offensive . Islamic Mysticism . I want to know more about the 12th Imam coming out of a well and why they say his face is on the moon ? Do you know about any of this from you heritage ?

Captain you don't know how that is so true about those lambs . The one lamb , he done did the deed of all time . Billy goats gruff deed of a red headed step child
Good you are still managing your thread . I have big questions ? You are Muslim right ? What do you know about Muslim Paganism . Wrong terminology . I don't know how to say it with out sounding offensive . Islamic Mysticism . I want to know more about the 12th Imam coming out of a well and why they say his face is on the moon ? Do you know about any of this from you heritage ?

The stuff about the Imam is what Shia's believe primarily and we don't know if their sources are authentic or simply tradition. Anyways I'm not really interested in that topic or have much knowledge of it because frankly 'prophecies' don't matter in my life. I have better things to worry about then someone coming at the end of times, when I probably won't be around.

And stop trolling- this is not related to the topic whatsoever. I won't continue this here anyways.

Peace be unto you ;)
The stuff about the Imam is what Shia's believe primarily and we don't know if their sources are authentic or simply tradition. Anyways I'm not really interested in that topic or have much knowledge of it because frankly 'prophecies' don't matter in my life. I have better things to worry about then someone coming at the end of times, when I probably won't be around.

And stop trolling- this is not related to the topic whatsoever. I won't continue this here anyways.

Peace be unto you ;)

o.k. i will try . I heard Akmadinajad say the 12 Imam was forced out of hiding and is here already . Course it was interpreted from his language to English and could have very well been propaganda . O.K. Sorry We seem to be done with the pork anyway
Has anyone bothered to mention that Christians can take "do not call anything impure which God has made clean," which I'm almost (call it 80% or so) positive is in the book of the Acts of the Apostles, as literal confirmation that we can, in fact, eat anything? Especially considering the notion that it was said in reference to a vision which commanded Peter to eat of many different animals?

I'm sorry if someone has; I didn't actually bother to read through the whole thread. Too much sniping.
Ha! If you believe there are still unclean animals then you also must be making animal sacrifices, right? After all, he TOLD you to do that too!! And if you aren't, why did you CHOOSE to keep one commandment yet ignore another???

Christian do not sacrifice anything. Because Christ is the ultimate sacrifice, he die for our sins so he was the ultimate sacrifice. Christian don't have to sacrifice any animals for their sins, like in the old testament.
Christian do not sacrifice anything. Because Christ is the ultimate sacrifice, he die for our sins so he was the ultimate sacrifice. Christian don't have to sacrifice any animals for their sins, like in the old testament.

Correct. And you are also clearly told in the New Testament (by Peter), "call nothing unclean that God has made."

So again, why do you continue to selectively pick out a law from the Old Testament to obey when all of it has been replaced by the New Testament???
Peter Vision

CHRISTIANS! Please explain Anders Breivik.

For hundreds of years Christians interpreted Peter's vision as God's permission to kill and eat any animal, but this is wrong this vision was given to Peter to let him know that he and other Jewish-Christians were permitted to go to the Gentiles and to let them know about God. In Roman's God sent Christ to the Gentiles and the no Jewish people, no only to the Jewish people.
skin transplants, pig are similar to us in many respects, pig's skin is used for skin transplants on human beings often, , to make this skin less reactive they only have to change a gene and that gene is called galactose-alpha-1,3,galactotransferase on the pigs. Now for an animal so different (physically) to us. To change just a gene and his skin is going to make our Inmune system not to react against, that tells me the animal biochemically is similar to us. Now they are also genetically engineered for them to develop human's organs, and this is scary to do transplant onHumans, this is very scary, and another proof of their biochemical similarity with us, hopefully these pigs are not going to get mix with regular pigs and making cannibals out of us. Enjoy... Don't eat pork you are better off eating chicken.... I bet you The Good Lord knew that from the beginning and advised us to stay away from the animal.
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i think pigs sweat too . one of the only other animals besides humans . I think they do anyway

Just the opposite. Pigs have no sweat glands - that's why the have to wallow in mud or stay under cover from the sun. ( I raised a number of them on my "hobby farm" tax dodge years ago.)
I am sorry but the only thing you have to do to be save is to believe In Jesus Christ and he is the son of God and He is God that's all.
Christian do not sacrifice anything. Because Christ is the ultimate sacrifice, he die for our sins so he was the ultimate sacrifice. Christian don't have to sacrifice any animals for their sins, like in the old testament.

Do you have any understanding of these words?
I am sorry but the only thing you have to do to be save is to believe In Jesus Christ and he is the son of God and He is God that's all.

then i must ask. why do so many Christians go to church? i guess the church makes them feel "guilty" for not coming in some way? it's not like there are free drinks and pork ribs bbq. i went to church once. it was so boring :(