Christians please explain the eating of pork

Jesus preached to Jews who then became 'Christians' but they were still 'jews'. So can we say that those Christians who are descendants of Jews are still under the law while the Gentile Christians are not... even so..

The problem is Jesus broke the law. Jesus told his followers to follow it- and if he broke the law he was not sinless on the cross (the salvation is challenged), and the law is NOT fulfilled, which is what Paul quotes as a reason that the law need not be followed (remember PAUL was a JEW!)

Peace be unto you :)

The seed is still subject to the law . We learn this from the book of Hebrew. The thing is are all Jews the seed ? No I don't think so ? It depend on which family . Some think only the peoples that come from Judah and then through King David are the seed . I don't know if that is right . So what are you saying ? Jesus is not the Christ there for Christianity is a bogus religion and should be wiped from the face of the earth like that Native Tribe was in California ? Do you think the Christ is yet to come then ? Great !

Why don't answer My questions ? Most Gracious . We know Paul was a Jew . Why do you think called him a Traitor . A Traitor to his own race . A race Traitor for the good of the world . You know what that is ? We discussed it on another thread were it was insinuated that White people should betray there race . Find there blackness so to speak . Paul found his whiteness when he Ate Pork . He was a race Traitor in this way . By the direction of the resurrected Jesus maybe ? Maybe Jesus had nothing to do with his Meat Dream ? Maybe it was his own delusions in his dream ?

Tell Me what you think about Melek Taus and the idea of rebellion . If you ate some pork would you be rebelling against your own culture ? What do you think about the divide of the family by Jesus ?

Talk to Me
A lot of the old Prophets were race traitors. O.K. There is a verse that says To Keep my Commandments . Jesus said it . The Adventist use the Quote to justify having Sabbath on Saturday instead of Sunday . They say All you Gona Rot in Hell because of it . All you that observe Sunday as the New Covenant Sabbath. What you think about that ?

I don't get it ? If the new Testament is bogus that is . Is the Quran Bogus too then ? I Mean Jesus was a Prophet Right by the Quran ? So you throw out the books of Jesus and insert the Quran in its place ? Am I missing something ?
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There is a verse that says To Keep my Commandments . Jesus said it . The Adventist use the Quote to justify having Sabbath on Saturday instead of Sunday . They say All you Gona Rot in Hell because of it . All you that observe Sunday as the New Covenant Sabbath. What you think about that ?

Well, we're not too happy about it.
Seems a bit harsh to me.
Any chance of the Adventists changing their minds?
We all know that pork is unlawful in the Jewish law. Yet the Christians do eat it.
Huh? Christians do not adhere to any part of the kashruth. They don't slaughter their livestock ritually, they have milk and meat at the same meal, they eat shellfish, they don't mind if the meat isn't totally drained of blood. Hell, they don't adhere to any part of the entire Jewish code of law, except maybe a few nits here and there, probably by coincidence or common sense. They work on the Sabbath, men shave, they have no taboo about blood.

In this context, there's nothing at all noteworthy about their taste for pork. They're not Jews so they don't behave like Jews.
I personally believe the Christians have the wrong belief (interpretation) about the Bible.
Yes indeed, I agree. They think it's something more than a collection of moderately useful fairytales.
The Mormon sect of Christianity has an interesting take on the use of meat contained in its "Word of Wisdom" (

"Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly; And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine."

Since it does not mention fish or other water-animals, presumptively these are OK.

That is actually quite similar to the average Japanese diet, high in fish and low in red-meat, which is believed to be a healthy diet.
Question has been resolved already- so no need to continue :D

Peace be unto you ;)
Well, we're not too happy about it.
Seems a bit harsh to me.
Any chance of the Adventists changing their minds?

I don't think so unless there Big Sky Daddy tells em different , but only in person . They call Him Micheal did you know that Captain ? So strange . Them fucking Adventist say all kina strange things . That Helen White and that Kellog guy were some strange thinkers . Yet still I think it was typical thought of the day . The unraveling is how I think of it . It is like music . This drizzle or drip of information . Like an explosion captain . You see the bubble of the blast then you here the sound and them you feel the concussion and after that the blown up parts displaced from the bast start falling on you and hitting you , displacing you in the process . You see how it is the same . Just on different time scales . Time references . The leakage of information . Silos . O.K. consider this . When we look at a star in the night sky we are looking at the past right . The event happened long ago . We are receiving old information . It already happened long ago . We can't change it . We can only deal with it as the debris start to hit us . Jump out the way , run away , hit it straight on , duck and cover what ever . Bob and weave ( That be my personal favorite) . You see what I am saying . Forgone conclusions like playing chess were it is 5 moves to check mate
Question has been resolved already- so no need to continue :D

Peace be unto you ;)

Why do you avoid Me ? You got Me on Ignore ? Is it Because of the " Don't Bother Me sign on the internet that your culture flys ? Muslims are hard to get to know you know . You kind of snub people . Why is that ? Why do you snub Me ? No big deal . I been snubbed a lot in my life . More than not as a matter of fact . Funny cause I think I am the one that knocks at the door . The one who asks for a Drink at the well . Yeah ! The Work Man . The same one depicted in the moon in Moon Yarns . Yeah a guy carrying wood. Ever seen that imagery? There is another one of a person fishing . The line looks like it makes a point in the middle of a pond like a circumpent . I think that is what you call it . A point dead smack in the middle of a circle . Like when you swing a compass . Don't you want to convert Me to Islam . That is a good enough reason to talk to Me don't you think ? I want to know about Most Gracious and what that really means in Islam? I can't ever seem to get a straight answer from anyone . Bob and weave is what I get . What is up with that .
The Mormon sect of Christianity has an interesting take on the use of meat contained in its "Word of Wisdom" (

"Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly; And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine."

Since it does not mention fish or other water-animals, presumptively these are OK.

That is actually quite similar to the average Japanese diet, high in fish and low in red-meat, which is believed to be a healthy diet.

Are you L.D.S. Walter? Only Mormons know that stuff . Meat in Times of Famine that is . It ties in nicely with the 2 year food supply. I bet you know all about that too aye Walter . It is O.K. every one should at least know one , our own one ( No No forget I said that , Slavery was abolished) Just joking with you . Lighten up . You only got the one life at hand
The answer is simple. Pork, crustaceans etc. were unclean. This was remedied by the great flood. The"abominations" which were produced by man copulating with the animals were also destroyed. Noah was chosen not because he was a "spiritually" clean person, but because his DNA was clean. Sodom and Zamora were destroyed because "man had taken to laying with the beasts again". After the flood everything changed.
The answer is simple. Pork, crustaceans etc. were unclean.
Not an answer. How were they "unclean"?

The"abominations" which were produced by man copulating with the animals were also destroyed.

Noah was chosen not because he was a "spiritually" clean person, but because his DNA was clean.
Evidence please.

Sodom and Zamora were destroyed because "man had taken to laying with the beasts again".

But keep trying.
The answer is simple. Pork, crustaceans etc. were unclean.
Not an answer. How were they "unclean"?
The Old Testament called certain foods unclean—like pork, crustaceans, shells, fish without scales—and modern science has found out that many of these foods have higher toxicity. Pork has more toxins than other meats. Crustaceans and shells are the scavengers of the sea. And because fish release their toxins through their scales, fish without scales have slightly more toxins. I’m not saying you shouldn’t eat these delicious food, but perhaps minimize them in your diet.

Funny thing about science is it continues to back up the Bible
Dude that was like advertisement . Shell fish is good for you . I know bland old white fish is suppose to be better for you . Thats a lie if you want to get smart . Good old red sock eye salmon is better . Crayfish , How bout that . Yum Yum ! Me oh My, Were all gonna die, some day

How bout the p.b.c.s in the stripe bass population ? White fish kills pregnant woman
Dude that was like advertisement . Shell fish is good for you . I know bland old white fish is suppose to be better for you . Thats a lie if you want to get smart . Good old red sock eye salmon is better . Crayfish , How bout that . Yum Yum ! Me oh My, Were all gonna die, some day

How bout the p.b.c.s in the stripe bass population ? White fish kills pregnant woman
Dude, eat the best kinds of food. Thank heaven I'm a Christian!

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm yummy breakfast. Amen!
Wait. Did Jesus, himself, break the law? Did he eat pork?


Well he picked corn on Saturday . His elders reamed his ass for it too . He came back at em with one of his witty phrases like your not the boss of me ! Only my father in the big sky is. No he said : If your ox is all falling in the swamp would you not pull em out if it was Saturday . I think he said : I am the Law. He didn't have a big stick like Moses . Moses was more like "Walking Tall" the movie. Get a bigger stick and all that. Funny how wheat kernels are called corn in the bible. Americans typically don't think of wheat as being corn . It was like a Du moment for me when i realized that . First time I read it it was like " How could it be ? There was no corn in the old world ? Maybe ancient trade routs are real ? You know Naive I can be . So Yeah be hung out with tax cheats , wine bibbers , tax collectors ( who we all know is the lowest of low in class systems right there down with the repoman and car salesmen . He hung out with Murderers and Prostitutes too !! You know what they say : Show Me your friends and I will tell you who you are