Christians please explain the eating of pork

I am a christian and I dont eat pork.
1. If the Lord himself took the time to tell us not to eat unclean animals that,s good enough for me.
BUT on the scientific point of the business
Pigs are genetically similar to humans. We eve use their skin for burned victims. So if you eat an animal similar to you, you will absorb and incorporate their cholesterol and tryglicerid and proteins easier and faster, making you more unhealthy. Also pigs eats anything some of their food could be toxic and you are eating them so you are poisoning yourself. Now we have a lot of regulations in the State in how to raise pigs but even with that I would never touch them. The Lord my God said no...

SO if you sheep fell into a hole you wont touch it until Sunday? don't be ridiculous even the Lord give us exceptions The sabbath was made for the man and not viceversa....

He picked corn on Saturday !! Work on the Sabbath. The 4th commandment Sorry to bust your bobble head
I am a christian and I dont eat pork.
1. If the Lord himself took the time to tell us not to eat unclean animals that,s good enough for me.
BUT on the scientific point of the business
Pigs are genetically similar to humans. We eve use their skin for burned victims. So if you eat an animal similar to you, you will absorb and incorporate their cholesterol and tryglicerid and proteins easier and faster, making you more unhealthy. Also pigs eats anything some of their food could be toxic and you are eating them so you are poisoning yourself. Now we have a lot of regulations in the State in how to raise pigs but even with that I would never touch them. The Lord my God said no...

Ha! If you believe there are still unclean animals then you also must be making animal sacrifices, right? After all, he TOLD you to do that too!! And if you aren't, why did you CHOOSE to keep one commandment yet ignore another???
SO if you sheep fell into a hole you wont touch it until Sunday? don't be ridiculous even the Lord give us exceptions The sabbath was made for the man and not viceversa....

I suppose celebrating the sabbath on Sunday morning through Sunday evening versus Friday evening to Saturday evening is one of those exceptionis too. Except for one little detail, Jesus never authorized that exception. Nowhere in his teachings did he advocate changing the day of the sabbath. That was a change commanded by a pagan emperor. Coincidentally the day of the sabbath was moved to the day used to celebrate the Roman sun god, Sol Invictus.
There are laws and regulations designed for children, such as, thou shall not drive a car by yourself until you are 16.5 years of age. Children need these laws because too many children who would be a danger to themselves and to others. But after a certain age and level of maturity, it is time to void such laws of the childhood, and let them become an adult. There is a new code as an adult. Jesus was about the adulthood of humanity; the children of the promise were not meant to remain under the control of the laws of the ancient children (in adult bodies).

The children of the bondwomen, in contrast, were not ready to drive the car by themselves. This would lead to chaos and fear. They preferred that the laws of children perpetuate. To them, they would prefer rasie the driving age to 30. Behind this would be the person would like to perpetuate this; overly protective mothers (symbolic) who prefer their children remain her children instead of her adults. This is how she stays in control. With adults she needs to relinquish some control.

Big mother is still very important to liberals, which is why Christianity puts a bug in their soup. For example,big mother liberal would like to regulate salt; thou shall not eat salt. That laaw might be useful for semi-brain dead people who lack self control and who are out of touch with cause and effect; will power of children. But it is also designed to control even the moderate who are mature; smother them too. The law is damaging at that point, since it tries to regress the mature, so big mother has more leverage and control, since they are now children and not adults.
SO if you sheep fell into a hole you wont touch it until Sunday? don't be ridiculous even the Lord give us exceptions The sabbath was made for the man and not viceversa....

That is an act of Mercy . Picken Corn and eating it is greed . I guess that is what justifies your greedy life as a white man life Aye. You can't tell the difference between mercy and greed .

Jesus = sinner Get over it . O.K. if the bible is true and the word of God then Jesus is still a sinner cause God said " No one is free from sin " ( now here is the part I like the best ) NOT EVEN ONE . You would have Me believe Jesus was the exception and did not come in flesh as a Man ? He broke the 4th commandment and if he was the seed he was subject to the law . You can learn that in Hebrew . Course the whole seed concept is still a mystery to most of you Christians? In fact Genealogy means nill to most modern humans unless they need there medical history. Why do you think Genealogy is stressed so much in the Bible ?

Jesus is a sinner , Jesus is a sinner Jesus is a sinner . Sorry Christian your perfect little bobble head Jesus is what ? A sinner just like you
If a sheep feel in a hole on the Sabbath, the reason the law might say you need to leave it, is because some people will try to find loopholes. If I can pull my sheep out of holes, I can dig holes all the way from the barn to the field. I can get a days work done, leading them back and forth, as long as there are holes.

The bottom line is law, was not created for the honest man, but for the sinner. If the sinner is in a position of power, he will create laws to increase his power over people. Or he will create laws for personal gain. The honest man was caught in the cross fire of the sinners as they perverted the law.

For example, if you commit a crime, we might put you under house arrest. But say I could write a curfew law, that will essentially house arrest even honest people after 6pm. This one size fits all mentality goes too far ,since although it is pitches against the criminal the honest person will suffer the same fate.

It would be more optimized, to restrict the curfew to just those who need it. The honest person will be exempt. Liberal laws have that one size fits all mentality, that treates the honest like criminals. The one size fits all benefits those in power, similar to the time of Christ.

Christ said, you guys are hippocrates, imposing stupid one size fits all laws that you yourself ignore. They ignore it because it does not fit all sizes. Senator Kerry likes tax and spend, but hides his boat in another state to avoid taxes. This behavior was around at the time of Christ and he challenged it. History tends to repeat itself.
I am a christian and I dont eat pork. If the Lord himself took the time to tell us not to eat unclean animals that,s good enough for me.
But that's because pigs are scavengers, unlike cattle and sheep who eat only plant tissue. Pigs clean up our garbage; that's almost surely what attracted them to our villages in the first place, like dogs.

In the Bronze Age, when the Torah was written, nomadic and/or pastoral tribes like the Jews and Arabs did not have rigorous cooking and sanitation procedures. Pork might have been undercooked, or they might have touched the raw meat with something they were going to use to eat it. Trichinosis is a common parasitic infection in scavengers; even today humans contract it by eating the meat of bears or raccoons that they cook over a fire during their hunting trips. But beyond trichinosis, those scavengers could have picked up just about any kind of disease from the carcasses they find and eat after they've been dead for two or three days.

This is why Bronze Age people had rules about pork; in that era it might have been dangerous.

But today, pigs are raised on engineered food and have zero chance of ingesting a trichina worm or any other pathogen. On top of that, meat animals are dosed with so many antibiotics that if your dog's food contains any meat, his stool will kill the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in your lawn and turn it brown.

Furthermore, everyone in the civilized world cooks pork to an even higher temperature than medium-cooked beef, which is way hotter than necessary to kill anything that could harm you.

In other words, choosing not to eat pork for any other reason than that you simply don't like the taste, or that you prefer pigs to be raised for pets rather than food, is ridiculous. Particularly since, if you don't eat pork, you're probably going to eat beef instead, and beef cattle farming is a major factor in the environmental degradation of our planet.
So if you eat an animal similar to you, you will absorb and incorporate their cholesterol and tryglicerid and proteins easier and faster, making you more unhealthy.
I'll have to trust your own judgment about your knowledge of the Bible, since my family never had one in the house. But your knowledge of nutrition is a little weak and out of date, so you shouldn't go around giving others advice.
Also pigs eats anything some of their food could be toxic . . . .
Where do you live, Zimbabwe??? Pigs in America and Europe are raised in warehouses and only eat food that was created by chemical engineers.
. . . . and you are eating them so you are poisoning yourself.
Your grasp of reality is pretty tenuous. I hope you don't have a very responsible job. I wouldn't trust you to make any important decisions. The pork I buy at the supermarket is healthy enough to eat raw, if I ever felt like doing that.

If you worry about pathogens in cooked pork, the probability of that happening is so low that only a paranoid person would worry about it. There are so many other risks in life that are much more likely to happen. Bees and lightning, for example, each kill several dozen Americans every year. I'm curious as to how you protect yourself against such serious risks?

Auto accidents are one of the major causes of death in America. Do you avoid traveling by car?
Now we have a lot of regulations in the State in how to raise pigs but even with that I would never touch them.
The same regulations apply to cattle and poultry. Therefore I assume that you don't eat them either?
The Lord my God said no...
Let's see now. You claim to be a Christian, but you follow Jewish traditions. How do the other people in your church feel about this?
Let's see now. You claim to be a Christian, but you follow Jewish traditions. How do the other people in your church feel about this?

There's nothing in scripture that says religious beliefs have to be self-consistent.
I am a christian and I dont eat pork.
1. If the Lord himself took the time to tell us not to eat unclean animals that,s good enough for me.
BUT on the scientific point of the business
Pigs are genetically similar to humans. We eve use their skin for burned victims. So if you eat an animal similar to you, you will absorb and incorporate their cholesterol and tryglicerid and proteins easier and faster, making you more unhealthy. Also pigs eats anything some of their food could be toxic and you are eating them so you are poisoning yourself. Now we have a lot of regulations in the State in how to raise pigs but even with that I would never touch them. The Lord my God said no...

Are you Adventist ?

You all see the thing is Adventist are pretend Vegetarians . Similar to Mormons . Mormons = Times of Famine = Meat eaters . As we already learned . It is a little more obscure in the Adventist movement . They pretty much say don't eat Meat , but if there meat to be had , gobble it done quick before another Adventist questions you meat eating. Now some Adventist are strict Vegetarian. My Friend that runs a health spa somewhere around the entrance of Mount Rushmore now he is committed to a healthy diet of veggies . Yeah no meat crosses his lips . He is thin and active as can be. He still drives and has buried 3 or 4 wives . One He drove the body in the back of his pick up across State line . Got pulled over too . The cop was like W.T.F. you got a dead body in the back of you pick up for . That was back in 1968 or something like that . Very funny story . The thing is he is 98 now . Go visit Him if you ever go to Mount Rushmore . He is a very public guy with lots of funny stories of his day . He lived life and that is what counts to me . Tell Him one of the Greathouse"s told you about him . He likes Me . He wishes he would of been a builder . That is what he told Me . Great Guy . I love em even if I am a big Meat eater . If you have not lived in poverty don't judge Me .

Jesus was excused by the old law for eating corn in the end . Yeah from Proverbs we get the saying " Don't despise a thief if he steals food cause he is hungry. Well we all know Jesus was poor and we all know he was a thief ( I suspect he was stealing the corn on Saturday and got caught. Didn't think anyone would notice him and his accomplice getting a little lunch cause they was up partying all the day before when they were suppose to be getting there food prepped for the sabbath . See that is the thing . By the law you got to prepare your food Friday before the sun goes down . Enough to feed the family on the Sabbath, which is really a day for Woman to fuck off seeing how they have been slaves to world for so long . Look how perverted that has become . Shit don't even have a clue as to why we have days off in a work week . Big Big history most of you will never know . Even when you learn the history your dull hearts will keep the mystery from you . Not all of you . Some on this forum are extremely extremely sensitive to the dead and there writings . Formulate realities based on it cause you can see the patternizations in life is what I think . History repeating the same " I don't want to say mistake. I will say Experiment . Look at it close this time and see if you can write better than the old timers . Your interpretation
Ha! If you believe there are still unclean animals then you also must be making animal sacrifices, right? After all, he TOLD you to do that too!! And if you aren't, why did you CHOOSE to keep one commandment yet ignore another???

Oh come on now why should theists be prejudiced toward animals? Even if an animal is literally unclean from eating a lot of garbage that doesn't mean it has to be prohibited for eating. ;)
I am a christian and I dont eat pork.
1. If the Lord himself took the time to tell us not to eat unclean animals that,s good enough for me.
BUT on the scientific point of the business
Pigs are genetically similar to humans. We eve use their skin for burned victims. So if you eat an animal similar to you, you will absorb and incorporate their cholesterol and tryglicerid and proteins easier and faster, making you more unhealthy. Also pigs eats anything some of their food could be toxic and you are eating them so you are poisoning yourself. Now we have a lot of regulations in the State in how to raise pigs but even with that I would never touch them. The Lord my God said no...

The health problems with pork are mostly due to a modern sedentary lifestyle. In an earlier time, their high fat, high energy food is quite sustaining and good for you (as opposed to a lack of calories).

Pigs also need to wallow, and if they don't get water or mud, they wallow in their own waste, which I think people had a problem with. But there are also sociological implications of raising pigs. I think the prohibition is not unlike the prohibition in India on eating cows because cows are too important for labor.
Lol cows are prohibited to eat in India because cows are worshiped there not because they are too important for labor.
Cows are worshiped because of their importance in raising food crops. If you eat your cow, you will starve the next year. This kind of sociological edict often becomes part of a religious culture.
Cows are worshiped because of their importance in raising food crops. If you eat your cow, you will starve the next year. This kind of sociological edict often becomes part of a religious culture.

Sorry, that's not actually what happens just because cows are important for labor is not the reason they are worshiped cows are also important as being on the menu so why aren't the cows turned into food and then worshiped. Can you provide evidence that other ancient civilizations that used the cow for labor chose to worship the cow?
The health problems with pork are mostly due to a modern sedentary lifestyle. In an earlier time, their high fat, high energy food is quite sustaining and good for you (as opposed to a lack of calories).
That doesn't make any sense. Pork is a much more "healthy" meat than beef. Just compare the fats. Beef fat is highly saturated like coconut oil, it will stay thick and hard on a really hot day. Pork fat is not highly saturated and turns into goo at room temperature. This is why, at one time, an advertising campaign referred to pork as "the other white meat." If you want to eat healthy beef ain't it!
But there are also sociological implications of raising pigs. I think the prohibition is not unlike the prohibition in India on eating cows because cows are too important for labor.
Not in the West, and not in the East. Europeans, North Americans, Latinos, Chinese, Vietnamese... we all happily eat pork.

It's only in the Middle East, the Land of Abraham, Jesus, Mohammed, Zarathustra, Baha'ullah, Buddha, etc., that there's any reluctance to eat pork.
Exactly, which is what I've been saying, it has to do with the prevailing conditions in the middle east.
Oh come on now why should theists be prejudiced toward animals? Even if an animal is literally unclean from eating a lot of garbage that doesn't mean it has to be prohibited for eating. ;)

Oh, come on yourself! Somehow you've managed to completely miss my point. I was calling him out on his highly obvious hypocrisy. :bugeye: