
i can actually agree on what you said Wisdom Seeker...

the love quotes in the Bible is way better...

but you know, being a Christian is not at all based on what you know or how expert you are in memorizing the Bible..

for me, what matters most is of course you relationship to God..and your relationship to your fellow human beings..

if you memorize every verse in the Bible but don't have a relationship with God or if you are cruel to others, it's no sense...right?
i can actually agree on what you said Wisdom Seeker...

the love quotes in the Bible is way better...

but you know, being a Christian is not at all based on what you know or how expert you are in memorizing the Bible..

for me, what matters most is of course you relationship to God..and your relationship to your fellow human beings..

if you memorize every verse in the Bible but don't have a relationship with God or if you are cruel to others, it's no sense...right?

that is what I´m saying ;)
Your interpretations of wickedness and sin are none of mine. For me, you are wicked in the moment you judge someone.

It is like this story:
"A Christian missionary went to Japan, he had a tour guide. When they reached a public bathroom, he noticed male and females going around naked, so he stared at this thinking. Then in one moment, he told the tour guide: “Isn´t this inmoral? A sin? To walk around naked.”. To this, the tour guide answered: “No sir, we don´t see walking around naked as inmoral, but standing there like an idiot is inmoral for us. I am ashamed to confess, I´m feeling bad just being at your side starring at these people, it is their business if they want to go around naked, but what kind of pervert are you that just stands there watching?”

Who are you to judge what is good or bad? Wicked and sin? Only God can judge these things.

You lack the spiritual eyes to see the situation as God sees it. God bless Sandy and Nutter. - Christenstein
... For me, you are wicked in the moment you judge someone ... Who are you to judge what is good or bad? Wicked and sin? Only God can judge these things.

We do have information in the Bible concerning who and what God hates. Also, sin is discussed in great detail.

For a comprehensive review of the "judging" topic, examine the following link:


God bless you.
We do have information in the Bible concerning who and what God hates. Also, sin is discussed in great detail.

God does not hate!
This portrayal of a hatefull God is a man made concept,born out of ignornance and is an insult to Gods' true nature. It's understandable,considering the nature of the bronze age hebrews.
Perhaps the underlying prejudices within you wishes to embrace such!:(
A criminals should be punished or our justice system is invalid and useless in the administration of justice and fairness.

Since when is punishing those who broke the law, hate?

Have you read her posts? Can you honestly say, as a self proclaimed Christian, that her tone does not convey a sense of hate and prejudice that goes beyond the simple statement of "punishing those who broke the law" ?
Please, give an honest answer. Show us that you are not just another closed minded self-righteous Christian.
What's wrong?
I don't know if she has kids or not, but if she did she would probably instilling this hateful, intolerant, racist attitude into them...and the cycle continues.

You really don't recognize the bitterness in her tone? I can understand that she lives in an area that probably experienced a recent influx of illegal and leagal immigrants, but she does not differentiate or has the ability to do so. If they have a Hispanic appearance, she assumes they are illegal and should be locked up.

Hey sock puppet. You don't know jack sh!t about me so don't ASSume anything.:mad: Trying to protect the soverignity of one's country is not racism. Enforcing one's laws is not racism. Trying to get criminal aliens out of my country is being patriotic.. Love your country...want to protect her... You don't know where I live and don't EVER assume what you think I assume. You will be wrong.

I can't believe I missed this thread. Probably because I try to ignore WS's personal attacks.

I'm also surprised the mods allowed another personal attack thread.:rolleyes:
It seems odd to me that this went ignored by everyone except for these who agree with me.

None of the others who imply and/er downright claim that Jesus would agree with sandy's (among others) stance on illegal immigration even addressed it.

It brings to mind my first post on this trread again.

Do you honestly think Jesus would say something akin to, "He's not from Rome. Fuck him! I'm not going to feed him - cure him - have compassion for him - wash his dirty, little feet. Tell him to go back to Hell where he came from. I hope Caesar feeds his ass to the lions because he is in Rome illegally. The dirty bastard deserves whatever he gets because he's breaking the law. He's taking the jobs of good Roman citizens and I don't want to support his lazy ass with MY taxes."?
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Hey sock puppet. You don't know jack sh!t about me so don't ASSume anything.:mad: Trying to protect the soverignity of one's country is not racism. Enforcing one's laws is not racism. Trying to get criminal aliens out of my country is being patriotic.. Love your country...want to protect her... You don't know where I live and don't EVER assume what you think I assume. You will be wrong.

I can't believe I missed this thread. Probably because I try to ignore WS's personal attacks.

I'm also surprised the mods allowed another personal attack thread.:rolleyes:

Its surprising how people who say their faith in God is so strong are the ones that feel insulted the most, and are more discriminative and judgmental than the people who are confused about what they believe in. It seems to me God favors those who are more like a child than those who are like priests.

Remember Sandy, "satan" is within you and everyone, not accepting it is ignorance and arrogance. Everytime you feel insulted by another person´s point of view, is "satan" making you feel that way because you are following his way.

We can´t live this negative way, make the way for the positive day.
That's an easy, cop-out answer, isn't it?

What a surprise.

You know what, and how, god sees things?

The Holy Spirit indwelling leads true Christians to the Truth:

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

God does not hate!
This portrayal of a hatefull God is a man made concept,born out of ignornance and is an insult to Gods' true nature. It's understandable,considering the nature of the bronze age hebrews.
Perhaps the underlying prejudices within you wishes to embrace such!:(

According to Jesus Himself, God hates sinners:

Jesus answered, "Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish."

Have you read her posts? Can you honestly say, as a self proclaimed Christian, that her tone does not convey a sense of hate and prejudice that goes beyond the simple statement of "punishing those who broke the law" ?
Please, give an honest answer. Show us that you are not just another closed minded self-righteous Christian.

I obey my personal Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. :worship:
one_raven: An excellent argument you present; it's a shame it only applies to people like sandy. I would like for her to respond to your argument on what Jesus would do. If this Jesus character is all sandy says he his, he would surely allow poor people from another land into his care and nourishment.

Oh, and sandy, you say "my country" (referring to the US) a lot. Can you tell me how you got it to be your country? I'm sure the Native Americans weren't very happy with all that occurred.
According to Jesus Himself, God hates sinners:

Jesus answered, "Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish."

Do you seriously think that can be interpreted as God hates sinners? that is lame man.

God hates nobody, God doesn´t hate. You are seing your ideologies in a prefabricated deity that came from yourself and what you have experienced; not the truth though, bummer.
Do you seriously think that can be interpreted as God hates sinners? that is lame man.

God hates nobody, God doesn´t hate. You are seing your ideologies in a prefabricated deity that came from yourself and what you have experienced; not the truth though, bummer.

Are you seriously disputing what the Bible says Jesus said? Even a blind man knows his way around the neighborhood. - Christenstein
Trying to protect the soverignity of one's country is not racism. Enforcing one's laws is not racism.

This is very true. My problem with your posts sandy is that you are ascribing other crimes to people without having a shred of proof outside of your own elitism (or patriotism if you will).
According to Jesus Himself, God hates sinners:

Jesus answered, "Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish."

Those words as all others in the bible were written by men so it's up to the individual to decide if these words are indeed the words of Jesus,God or men who wrote with a specific agenda in mind (control of the masses,fear of authority,etc).

As I have asked many times ( and have never received an answer btw)
Given the "sinfull" nature of man as most christian fundamentalists would agree on,...what makes you believe the bible which was written by "sinfull man",is the literal word of God?
If it's because "you feel it is" or the men who wrote it "said it was" ..sorry that;s not good enough.
Those words as all others in the bible were written by men so it's up to the individual to decide if these words are indeed the words of Jesus,God or men who wrote with a specific agenda in mind (control of the masses,fear of authority,etc).

As I have asked many times ( and have never received an answer btw)
Given the "sinfull" nature of man as most christian fundamentalists would agree on,...what makes you believe the bible which was written by "sinfull man",is the literal word of God?
If it's because "you feel it is" or the men who wrote it "said it was" ..sorry that;s not good enough.

The indwelling of the Holy Spirit leads true Christians to truth.

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

Once the Holy Spirit is in you, there is no denying that Jesus is who He says He is. Additionally, there is no denying that the Bible is the literal word of God. Amen. :worship: - Christenstein