
Frankly, though, if you are going to get down to that minute level of semantics, then you should really be looking at the oldest available manuscript in the original language.

Languages are different (which is why we need translation) as a result translation, without at least some level of bias, is fairly impossible even on a small scale.
This is exactly why saying the English language version of it is the true, indisputable, perfect word of God (even if you believe the ORIGINAL was) is naive at best.
Oh yeah? Says who? Do you make this junk up as you go along, old sport?

There are references in the Bible concerning God's hatred for things and people. Furthermore, an unsaved sinner is under the wrath of God (John 3:36).

God bless you.

Well ,Old Sport.....says who?
I say that's who, and guess who else?? Thousands of people who claim to have had near death experiences, that's who!
I will trust the overall pattern I see in their accounts before I believe the idiotic portrayal of God that you have fallen for.
And....I don't make "junk" up. My views on religion and spirituality are based on examining various religions and their core message,then examining many,many cases of NDE's. I believe there is a correlation between them all which amounts to "the truth" . At least suggestive evidence for it.
If I am wrong ultimately and there is no God,then that's the way it goes. My spiritual views at least, have motivated me to try (at least try) to follow the lessons of love and peace as taught by Jesus, Budha, Krishna, and others.
What appeals to you?? The love and peace messages of the bible or the wrath part? No doubt ,the latter.

Anyways, yes,same to you...may the Goddess bless you!;)
Well ,Old Sport.....says who?
I say that's who, and guess who else?? Thousands of people who claim to have had near death experiences, that's who!

What is the significance of the so-called "near death experiences"?

And how can their accounts be valid inasmuch as they were merely "near death" and not in fact dead?
What is the significance of the so-called "near death experiences"?

And how can their accounts be valid inasmuch as they were merely "near death" and not in fact dead?

Valid as in...It's as close to knowing about the afterlife as we humans are going to get, as opposed to ancient documents written by,for the most part,unknown people.

Hey sock puppet. You don't know jack sh!t about me so don't ASSume anything.:mad: Trying to protect the soverignity of one's country is not racism. Enforcing one's laws is not racism. Trying to get criminal aliens out of my country is being patriotic.. Love your country...want to protect her... You don't know where I live and don't EVER assume what you think I assume. You will be wrong.

I can't believe I missed this thread. Probably because I try to ignore WS's personal attacks.

I'm also surprised the mods allowed another personal attack thread.:rolleyes:

I believe I recall a thread where you mentioned the Florida pan handle?
And by the way. There's no need for me or anyone to make assumptions about your beliefs or attitudes. You make it perfectly clear how you feel.

And why is it all so back and white with you? Why have such a narrow, polarized view on every topic? Do you truly believe there's not another side to an issue?.... A more correct middle ground perspective.... one that you may be overlooking or is it that don't have the ability to do so?
Come on, surprise all of us and admit that MOST issues are not that simple.
But if the shoe fits....
We all have our own weaknesses that god and ourselves have to work on. I am more inclined to believe from my reading and prayers that god is much more about why we do something than what look at david and abraham for examples of faith and repentance. We only know Sandy from her post. She probably comes here to vent and is truly exasperated by the damage to american society and culture that illegal aliens are responsible for. If that is her only fault then she is doing better than a lot of us. This does seem to be a bust on sandy thread. I have something shocking to tell you. Christians are human beings with faults just like everyone else. Why does it seem that they are held such a higher standard than anyone else. I guess that it is because some of us come across as a little arrogant. Even if you believe us to be naive lunatics think of how liberating it must be. Some of us do get a little excessive (particularly in large groups) but it has been my experience that most people are dangerous in large groups. The point I am trying to make in my own way is that christians are ordinary people who have made a conscious decision to be better today than we were yesterday of course we are going to backslide and fail somedays and sometimes spectacularly. When this happens we should correct each other privately and as nonjudgmentally as possible only going the public route if necesarry to protect and warn others. When a lot of people gang up on one person they become a mob and that is wrong counterproductive and just plain mean.
Nice to see a voice of reason around here. Thanks for that.:)

And thanks to everyone for the PMs of support. The mods won't do anything about these attacks. In fact, some of them join in.:(
Christians are human beings with faults just like everyone else. ... The point I am trying to make in my own way is that christians are ordinary people who have made a conscious decision to be better today than we were yesterday of course we are going to backslide and fail somedays and sometimes spectacularly.
Yes, but christians, by definition, are supposed to love their neighbours and enemies. And she doesn't do that. She hates her neighbours (mexicans).

When this happens we should correct each other privately and as nonjudgmentally as possible only going the public route if necesarry to protect and warn others. When a lot of people gang up on one person they become a mob and that is wrong counterproductive and just plain mean.
I agree. But I like being mean to sandy. :p

You're such a punchbag, sandy.... :eek:
We all have our own weaknesses that god and ourselves have to work on. I am more inclined to believe from my reading and prayers that god is much more about why we do something than what look at david and abraham for examples of faith and repentance.

Mm hm.

We only know Sandy from her post. She probably comes here to vent and is truly exasperated by the damage to american society and culture that illegal aliens are responsible for.

What culture? Can you identify a culture that is completely caused by the presence of illegal aliens as opposed to legally migrated aliens? Or as opposed to Americans copying and marketing other country's cultures?

If that is her only fault then she is doing better than a lot of us. This does seem to be a bust on sandy thread. I have something shocking to tell you. Christians are human beings with faults just like everyone else. Why does it seem that they are held such a higher standard than anyone else. I guess that it is because some of us come across as a little arrogant.

A little you think? Weasel...Sandy has basically downcried everything that wasn't christian and american, yet publically states that she holds herself to high ideals. Since when is elitism a high moral ideal?

Even if you believe us to be naive lunatics think of how liberating it must be.

All this suggests is that madness is self-pleasurable. There are other methods to achieve that.

Some of us do get a little excessive (particularly in large groups) but it has been my experience that most people are dangerous in large groups.

Very true! Naivete tends to be.

The point I am trying to make in my own way is that christians are ordinary people who have made a conscious decision to be better today than we were yesterday of course we are going to backslide and fail somedays and sometimes spectacularly.

Better as compared to who; and measured by what scale? This is the crux of the matter here. Sandy et al expects everyone on the planet to submit to a christian measuring stick, which is something we don't care for.

When this happens we should correct each other privately and as nonjudgmentally as possible only going the public route if necesarry to protect and warn others. When a lot of people gang up on one person they become a mob and that is wrong counterproductive and just plain mean.

When this happens on a publically accessible forum, you should be expected to be called on it. I usually stay away from insults, but I also think that a barb tends to be a cold splash of reality. Sometimes, people say extremely stupid things that require addressing.
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