
Sigh...don't defend them, that wasn't the point of the comparison. The point was that you'd more easily find US caucasian priests guilty of that crime than "illegal immigrants". I was pointing out the unfair blanket statement that sandy made.

PS I'm neither US, caucasian OR a priest (yay for that!) :p

But you ARE wrong. You would only hear about it more. The media will play it over and over and the victims will get millions.

But, yeah your wrong. Looks like a racist too.
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What is wrong with what she said? Do not keep repeating what she said. Explain what she did wrong.

What's wrong?
I don't know if she has kids or not, but if she did she would probably instilling this hateful, intolerant, racist attitude into them...and the cycle continues.

You really don't recognize the bitterness in her tone? I can understand that she lives in an area that probably experienced a recent influx of illegal and leagal immigrants, but she does not differentiate or has the ability to do so. If they have a Hispanic appearance, she assumes they are illegal and should be locked up.
But you ARE wrong. You would only hear about it more. The media will play it over and over and the victims will get millions.

But, yeah your wrong. Looks like a racist too.

I never said there ARE more...I never did a study so I can't say that for certain. I said it'd be EASIER TO FIND priests than illegal immigrants in ONE type of crime. Clearly if the media plays them up those'd be the easiest examples to find right?

Therefore my statement is not wrong. And I'm not racist. I said yay to the fact that I'm not a US caucasian priest! How does that make me racist?

Silly theist! Debate is for grown-ups! ;)
You have no problem looking out for YOUR best interest do you?
What's my best interest? Preventing mexicans from getting their asses fried? :bugeye:

Can you ever say anything that is the least logical? :bugeye:
There's no question to answer!!!!!!!! :eek:

It doesn't matter if the person dies or not! My point is very simple:

A. God commands us to love one another
B. Frying asses doesn't seem much like loving one another, DOES IT!?!?!?!!?!?!? :bugeye:
C. Therefore, anyone who would say that does NOT follow God's commandment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A. sandy say that
C. therefore, she does NOT follow God's commandment

What is your fucking problem with that argument!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!? :bugeye:

Did the people she was talking about do something illegal? Yes.
What does the legal system do with people who commit crimes, also known as doing illegal things? Punishes them. (Basically there is a consequence)
What did she call for? Justice.
What is the problem? Her tone. The way she said it, which was out of anger.

Now since we are using the contradiction of Scripture she in no way violated it. God advacates the justice system and fairness. Remember an eye for and eye? Ok then. It is not a matter of misplaced love, just a matter of misplaced anger. She could still love them we do not know that. Plus you have failed to actually define love.

Now to bring in the point. If you catch a Christian commiting a sin what point do you prove?

Now to bring in my question. What do you think is morally wrong with this situation?
What's wrong?
I don't know if she has kids or not, but if she did she would probably instilling this hateful, intolerant, racist attitude into them...and the cycle continues.

You really don't recognize the bitterness in her tone? I can understand that she lives in an area that probably experienced a recent influx of illegal and leagal immigrants, but she does not differentiate or has the ability to do so. If they have a Hispanic appearance, she assumes they are illegal and should be locked up.

So its wrong for her to spread her supposed hatred?
Now since we are using the contradiction of Scripture she in no way violated it. God advacates the justice system and fairness. Remember an eye for and eye?

A (perhaps) small point...
As a "Born Again" she rejects the Old Testament (yes, she did say so).
I believe the issue with sandy's posts isn't so much as the immigrants that she speaks of are indeed in the US illegally, it is that she assumes that they're all responsible for every crime she can imagine.

Many "illegal aliens" attempt to reach the US because they've escaped inhumane or otherwise abnormal living conditions. This however does not automatically make them responsible for child molestation (and the litany of antisocial activities that sandy ascribed to them). I think we'd easier find that caucasian, US born, Roman Catholic priests are somewhere up there on the list for that particular crime.

A criminals should be punished or our justice system is invalid and useless in the administration of justice and fairness.

So its wrong for her to spread her supposed hatred?

Since when is punishing those who broke the law, hate?
So its wrong for her to spread her supposed hatred?

What is wrong is not to be true to yourself. A Christian that preaches her love for Christ in every opportunity she gets, and then breaks his one and only commandment every chance she gets; is indeed fooling herself. Jesus himself said that God will turn his back on people like that. So what are you defending here?
No one likes a hypocrite.
A person who preaches the truth is indeed good for others, but one who preaches a fake God is damaging not only himself, but many others who follow the same fake God. This is the damage of religions, the fake preachers, and there are many…

On the other hand, nobody should question the faith of others, because no human being can judge the ways of God. This makes me think about Christianity in general, I believe they are no good, but they were the ones who managed to make the teachings of Jesus to survive for over 2000 years, so this is a good thing. Who can judge?

I believe a new truth must come up in order for the past corrupted truth to cease is existence. The same way Jesus brings a new truth 2000 years ago, and redefined the concepts of the OT.

“By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:35) – NOT by calling yourself a Christian, this last concept was further added by oppressors.

"Of all the commandments, which is the most important?"
"The most important one,” answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. ‘The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself . ‘There is no commandment greater than these.". (Mark 12:28)

This being said, do you honestly think that Sandy treats others as she would like to be treated?
A criminals should be punished or our justice system is invalid and useless in the administration of justice and fairness.

Since when is punishing those who broke the law, hate?

sigh.... yes man, your justice system is invalid and useless, and even if its legal, is still hate.
A criminals should be punished or our justice system is invalid and useless in the administration of justice and fairness.

Very correct...however your OWN justice system is based on the tenet "innocent until proven guilty". The crime there is illegal immigration. That's it. Not murder, not child molestation.

Sandy seems to think that because an illegal immigrant is guilty of one particular crime, she can immediately pass sentence on them for every crime she feels that US citizens need a scapegoat for.
Do you honestly think Jesus would say something akin to, "He's not from Rome. Fuck him! I'm not going to feed him - cure him - have compassion for him - wash his dirty, little feet. Tell him to go back to Hell where he came from. I hope Caesar feeds his ass to the lions because he is in Rome illegally. The dirty bastard deserves whatever he gets because he's breaking the law. He's taking the jobs of good Roman citizens and I don't want to support his lazy ass with MY taxes."?
Do you honestly think Jesus would say something akin to, "He's not from Rome. Fuck him! I'm not going to feed him - cure him - have compassion for him - wash his dirty, little feet. Tell him to go back to Hell where he came from. I hope Caesar feeds his ass to the lions because he is in Rome illegally. The dirty bastard deserves whatever he gets because he's breaking the law. He's taking the jobs of good Roman citizens and I don't want to support his lazy ass with MY taxes."?

This post: http://www.sciforums.com/showpost.php?p=1444624&postcount=665

So... she claims she is a "Christian". Is that how Christians behave? If so, can they really call themselves Chiristians? After all, Jesus said:

"John 13:35
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."


"1 John 3-6
3 We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands. 4 The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 5 But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: 6 Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did. "

This is what Jesus would say to sandy....

"And now I plead with you, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment to you, but that which we have had from the beginning: that we love one another."
-- 2 John 1:5

Why are there so many "Chirstians" like sandy? Are they the ones who the Bible warns us about? The ones who are from babylon? Who claim to follow God but lead people astray instead? The wolf disguised as sheep? Is that what fundamentalist Christianism is all about?


Consider your private interpretation of "love" that you are imputing into the passages above.

Love does not involve tolerating wickedness and sin. You might also research what the Bible has to say about hate and the things that God hates.

Furthermore, consider that the New Testament instructs the Christian to not be conformed to the world, to rebuke a heretic sharply, and to be separated from the heathen.

One must take a balanced view of the Bible instead of just cherry-picking passages on "love" and looking no further.

God bless Sandy, a woman of God.
Consider your private interpretation of "love" that you are imputing into the passages above.

Love does not involve tolerating wickedness and sin. You might also research what the Bible has to say about hate and the things that God hates.

Furthermore, consider that the New Testament instructs the Christian to not be conformed to the world, to rebuke a heretic sharply, and to be separated from the heathen.

One must take a balanced view of the Bible instead of just cherry-picking passages on "love" and looking no further.

God bless Sandy, a woman of God.

Your interpretations of wickedness and sin are none of mine. For me, you are wicked in the moment you judge someone.

It is like this story:
"A Christian missionary went to Japan, he had a tour guide. When they reached a public bathroom, he noticed male and females going around naked, so he stared at this thinking. Then in one moment, he told the tour guide: “Isn´t this inmoral? A sin? To walk around naked.”. To this, the tour guide answered: “No sir, we don´t see walking around naked as inmoral, but standing there like an idiot is inmoral for us. I am ashamed to confess, I´m feeling bad just being at your side starring at these people, it is their business if they want to go around naked, but what kind of pervert are you that just stands there watching?”

Who are you to judge what is good or bad? Wicked and sin? Only God can judge these things.