Chosen People = Racist Supremacist Ideology

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i cant count how many times i have explained the traditional jewish interpretation of the "chosen people" idea.
i dont care to do so anymore.

please ban brian foley, mods.
Theoryofrelativity said:
well can you direct me to the explanation?
He has done it here
The Devil Inside said:
"chosen people" means that the jews have a greater responsibility toward the rest of humanity, to teach them and to be humanitarian above all other groups of people.
Yet he wont elaborate with any biblical or Torah verses to validate his approach to this chosen people concept .
spidergoat said:
Every group wants to believe they're the best.
How about offering up an explanation for these verses , you afterall readily voluteer your opinion on Islamic matters why not here ?
Brian Foley said:
Old post ! you have only been a member here since February ! And that first quote was from 3 weeks ago . Dont crawl out of it , I have PMed Mountainhare to come here and see this climb down .

Yawn...ok. Already clarified what the analysis means. I considered Jews to be a race in the genetic sense before I saw the data, but the data indicates that they are a 'race', best case, in the sense that they're a culturally distinct group with marginal breeding isolation. I was wrong in my assumption about Jewish genetics, but then again I'm not into human genetics. Crawling out of what, exactly?

I'm pleased you noted that I've only been here a little while and already pwning you. :D You big sweetie. I think my membership's from December or November, though. Meh, whatever.

Where did i say Jews were a race ?

On this thread, dipshit. If you want to call those statements racist, then the Jews by definition have to be a race in your argument, since you claim they're excluding anyone not of the Jewish "race".

And then, of course, it follows that your constant belabouring of them is racist. :D Heh - can't have it both ways. Off you go: lick some cane toads before they're all gone.

Okay , this from a poster who leads crusades about offensive Islamic verses and blod libels , finds the quotes about chosen people with a divine rod justice eventually ruling the world with all the worlds races serving them is acceptable . I expected you to argue you here , in fact you are running again Geoff , you are just proving and reinforcing my belief that you are just a anti-Arab bigot .

Actually it proves you can't rub two neurons together. Lemme see...16 million Jews worldwide. Yeah, their world domination is real likely. I can't say I'm too scared. Moreover, it says God will give them all this, not that they should go out and chop off the heads of infidels unless they capitulate or convert. It doesn't say, for example, "strike at the necks of the unbelievers" or mirror the subtle fascist message of Q 2:256. There's a world of difference between the Judaic passages you cited and islam.

Seriously, I fail to see how you can be so dense.

Brian Foley said:
Yet he wont elaborate with any biblical or Torah verses to validate his approach to this chosen people concept .

it is a cultural interpretation of the idea of being a "chosen people".

i am not going to offer scriptural justifications because i am done arguing scripture with people on the internet, and i dont wish to seem "holier than thou" on a religious matter. i see all religions as being valid, as do almost all followers of judaism. you do not know a thing about the religion, but you spout your ill concieved opinion on a subforum that you once criticized me for frequenting. hypocrisy, anyone?

no follower of judaism interprets "chosen people" to mean that they are favored above anyone else. if you knew anything about the actual practice of the religion, you would know this. as it is, you only wish to defame the practitioners of any belief other than your own, which is deplorable.

brian foley=bigot.

ban brian foley, please.
GeoffP said:
Yawn...ok. Already clarified what the analysis means. I considered Jews to be a race in the genetic sense before I saw the data, but the data indicates that they are a 'race', best case, in the sense that they're a culturally distinct group with marginal breeding isolation. I was wrong in my assumption about Jewish genetics, but then again I'm not into human genetics. Crawling out of what, exactly?
So you finally agree with me and mountain that Jews are simply a loose confederation of converts consisting of many different races , nationalities and cultures .
GeoffP said:
On this thread, dipshit. If you want to call those statements racist, then the Jews by definition have to be a race in your argument, since you claim they're excluding anyone not of the Jewish "race".
No I never said anything of the sort on this thread , I have not said it was racist I said it was a supremacist ideology . Now I would like an explanation why you don’t find these verses offensive .
GeoffP said:
Moreover, it says God will give them all this, not that they should go out and chop off the heads of infidels unless they capitulate or convert.
God did tell them to take it by force and murder the inhabitants its completely within Exodus 6:2-3 please read it .
And some more :
God will kill men, have their children smashed, and have their wives raped (Isaiah 13:15-16).
God will punish children for the iniquities of their fathers and distant ancestors (Isaiah 14:21).
God will lay waste to entire cities and make the lands desolate (Jeremiah 4:7).
God will set people, animals, and even plants on fire because of his anger (Jeremiah 7:20).
God will send so much evil that people would rather be dead than suffer (Jeremiah 8:3).
God will give away the property of men, including their wives, to other men (Jeremiah 8:10).
God will kill young men, and their children will die from a famine (Jeremiah 11:22).
God will cause everyone to become drunk so father and son will kill one another (Jeremiah 13:14).
God will not hear the cries of the people or acknowledge their sacrifices (Jeremiah 14:12).
God will make people hungry enough to eat their own children and friends (Jeremiah 19:9).
God will burn entire cities with the inhabitants still inside (Jeremiah 50:32).
God will break people’s bones and knock their teeth out with stones (Lamentations 3:1-16).
God will force fathers and sons to eat each other and scatter their remembrance (Ezekiel 5:10).
God will be comforted by killing everyone with pestilence, plagues, and swords (Ezekiel 5:12-13).
God will lay dead bodies around idols and spread their bones around the alters (Ezekiel 6:5).
God will kill righteous men and forget their good deeds if they ever turn to sin (Ezekiel 18:24).
God will turn daughters into whores and wives into adulterers (Hosea 4:13).
God will kill children when they come out of their mothers’ wombs (Hosea 10:14).
God will tear people apart and devour them like a lion (Hosea 13:8).
God will kill children and unborn fetuses because their parents worship other gods (Hosea 13:16).
God will sell the children of Israel into slavery in a far away land (Joel 3:8).
God will kill inhabitants of entire cities if they have a corrupt government (Micah 3:9-12).
God will consume every living thing from the face of the earth (Zephaniah 1:2-3).
God will send people to steal Jerusalem, rape the women, and enslave the rest (Zechariah 14:2).
God will send plagues on people and animals to rot away tongues and eyes (Zechariah 14:12-15)
GeoffP said:
It doesn't say, for example, "strike at the necks of the unbelievers" or mirror the subtle fascist message of Q 2:256.
Yes it does ! What examples would you like of Biblical and Torah verses which speak of such actions ? Tell me and I will provide .
GeoffP said:
Seriously, I fail to see how you can be so dense.
Sounds like to me you are fucked on this thread .
The Devil Inside said:
i am not going to offer scriptural justifications because i am done arguing scripture with people on the internet,
Another cop out , you haven’t the mettle to engage me in a debate about religion you are a straw person .
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How about offering up an explanation for these verses , you afterall readily voluteer your opinion on Islamic matters why not here ?
As far as I know, Moses said it.
Hmmm, it sounds like God is describing a special relationship with these people because they have acted like He wants them to. It's not like the Jews all get together and decide what's in the bible, it was written a long time ago. They can't just change it, either. I mean, we all know ham isn't that bad for you, but many Jews still won't eat it. They do alot of things just because it's traditional.

Most Jews that I know don't have an enflated ego about it, in fact they seem to be the most self-critical people around.

Sure, this passage may seem to justify living in Israel, but it's interpretation may be questioned. In Judaism, there are places where they all debate what things from the Torah mean. I saw it in Yentil.
Brian Foley said:
Moses only wrote up to the first 5 books of Exodus .

it is obvious that you know absolutely nothing on the subject.
exodus is ONE of the books in the torah, the torah is not called "exodus".

from here on out, you should stop pretending to know what you are talking about, and go back to your fucking redneck shed for the daily circle-jerk with cousin jeb and uncle zeke.
might give you incentive not to open your mouth anymore. remember what happened last time you opened it in front of those two?

'nuff said.

mods, will you please ban brian foley?
1) There is no such thing as race.
2) Yes some Jews are racist but so are some Christians and some Muslims.
3) I know some Xians that have converted into Judaism (like The Devil Inside) but I don’t know if the majority of Jews think this is OK or not OK.
4) Also, I know some Baptist (The Taliban of Xianity) that think the Jews are a race AND the chosen people and would be seriously confused to learn a Xian converted into a Jew. They’d simple say the converts aren’t real Jews and ignore any subsequent questioning.

Racial differences exist, Michael, regardless of whether or not you've been indoctrinated to think they don't. Rather than watching cutesy little adverts regarding white and black kids sharing a hug complete with tinkly sweet background music and forming your opinions based on what makes you feel better, do some bloody research.
no no no no

I think that "race" was a term that had meaning when people that "looked" differently "spoke" differently "ate" different foods, "worshipped" differently, "celebrated" differently etc.. then sure someone would say that those two peoples were of different "races".

For example, pre-WWII it was the norm in America to think that Poles, Germans, French, Italians were all different "races".
Now we don’t think that ….. do we?
The Chinese think China has 54 different "races" of Chinese. Does it?

Is there a racial difference between Germans and French? Between Tibetans and Hong Kong Cantonese?

As a matter of fact some people confuse the term race with religion, geography and nation.
I`m of the Jewish race (confusing religion)
I`m of the Japanese race (confusing nation)
I`m Asian (confusing region)

I told a Japanese once she was Aisan. She said, no I`m not I`m Japanese.

The term “race” had a lot of meaning 200 years ago but not now.

Define "race".
What is it?
How do you measure it

Lets say there is a Chinese/Indian couple and a African/French couple, whose children marry and have a child who then converts to Judaism. What is that childs race?

Brian Foley said:
So you finally agree with me and mountain that Jews are simply a loose confederation of converts consisting of many different races , nationalities and cultures .

No, that is incorrect. Occidental and European Jews and Palestinians have very low genetic differentiation. However, this group appears to have stronger genetic differentiation with other groups nearby, including European. The now-falsified "Khazarian Levites have high Y-chromosomal introgression, therefore all Jews are a 'loose confederation of converts' " hypothesis failed of its own merits when it was noted by me that the Levites comprise a tiny percentage of all Jews worldwide - perhaps 1%? The vast majority come from the (landholding) tribe of Judah and to a lesser extent Benjamin, which are not implicated in the above hypothesis.

So, no, I don't agree with you, in any way. Believe me, Foley: agreeing with you is the very last thing a person of intelligence would want to do.

Why is it that you struggle so hard to achieve: nothing?

No I never said anything of the sort on this thread , I have not said it was racist I said it was a supremacist ideology . Now I would like an explanation why you don’t find these verses offensive .

Your argument was that they were racist - ergo you think that the Jews are indeed a race. It seems that you need to convince yourself of your own supposed point: that Jewish people are not a race. I have no idea where you're going in this respect, and I suspect that you have no idea either.

God did tell them to take it by force and murder the inhabitants its completely within Exodus 6:2-3

And they're still doing this? My understanding was that the present situation arose because local Palestinians got angry over Jewish immigration and failure to submit under sharia. Of course, your position is that it's all the fault of the Jews, because your daddy couldn't wrap his head around the fact that the current troubles began long, long before he arrived and that the Jewish immigrants were responding in kind; long even before he was a glint in the milkman's eye. It's funny how short-term exposure to limited circumstances prejudice views, eh?

Yes it does ! What examples would you like of Biblical and Torah verses which speak of such actions ? Tell me and I will provide .

Provide what you like; then, illustrate how such messages are meant not as historical reference; then, cite how Jewish people are using such passages to justify their actions.

spidergoat said:
Hmmm, it sounds like God is describing a special relationship with these people because they have acted like He wants them to.
The Jews believe only they have a special relationship with God which excludes Gentiles . And the Jews believe their God ends up making these gentiles the slaves ,whilst the Jews rule the world and all the worlds races and nations from their capital in Jerusalem .
spidergoat said:
It's not like the Jews all get together and decide what's in the bible, it was written a long time ago. They can't just change it, either. I mean, we all know ham isn't that bad for you, but many Jews still won't eat it. They do alot of things just because it's traditional.
Who wrote the Bible God or man ? You talk here as if you actually believe this Bible was written by God himself . The Bible is mainly a rip off from other religions stories such as genesis came from the story of Gilgamesh and samson from the Egyptians .
spidergoat said:
Most Jews that I know don't have an enflated ego about it, in fact they seem to be the most self-critical people around.
Self critical , could youn give me examples of this self criticism .
spidergoat said:
Sure, this passage may seem to justify living in Israel, but it's interpretation may be questioned. In Judaism, there are places where they all debate what things from the Torah mean. I saw it in Yentil.
Could you discuss the verses I quoted and tell me what you think of them.
The Devil Inside said:
it is obvious that you know absolutely nothing on the subject.
No you have no idea I have and another poster have tried to engage you on this and :
Theoryofrelativity said:
The 'chosen one ' theme is accurate, please explain it? Devil inside are you able to explain it, maybe you have done so and I missed it? Please direct me to the reply..thank you.
Brian Foley said:
Yet he wont elaborate with any biblical or Torah verses to validate his approach to this chosen people concept .
This was your answer :
The Devil Inside said:
it is a cultural interpretation of the idea of being a "chosen people".i am not going to offer scriptural justifications because i am done arguing scripture with people on the internet, and i dont wish to seem "holier than thou" on a religious matter.
A cop out , you have no idea how to argue this point , because you have no scripture knowledge , so the matter is closed .
The Devil Inside said:
exodus is ONE of the books in the torah, the torah is not called "exodus".
I meant first 6 chapters of the book of the exodus , besides you arent Jewish so why would it bo ther you and secondly before I forget :
The Devil Inside said:
Todays lesson on working together
Brian Foley
This message is hidden because Brian Foley is on your ignore list.
Now this will be the last time I answer you .
GeoffP said:
No, that is incorrect.
No , it is completely a retraction and stand down from your assertion here :
GeoffP said:
Cartoons - bad for your health?
Wrong again. One is offensive to the religious position of muslims - who, as you know, are not a race - and one to the existence of Jews, which are a race.
Forrest Gump said:
So, no, I don't agree with you, in any way. Believe me, Foley: agreeing with you is the very last thing a person of intelligence would want to do.
Plenty here agree with me , there is a concensus here now on sciforums that we a dealing with an idiot called GeoffP .
Forrest Gump said:
Why is it that you struggle so hard to achieve: nothing?
I dont think so , on here alone I have accomplished yet again showing you caught out contradicting yourself . I ahve to wait for mountainhare to see this and join in , he is at uni studying , dont worry if ever someone has made himself look a total Arsehole its you .
Forrest Gump said:
I have no idea where you're going in this respect, and I suspect that you have no idea either.
I know where its going , once again 7 posts from GeoffP and true to form he has not even touched the verses i quoted in my thraed .
Forrest Gump said:
And they're still doing this?
Yeah , how many Palestinians have died since 1948 ?
Forrest Gump said:
Provide what you like; then, illustrate how such messages are meant not as historical reference; then, cite how Jewish people are using such passages to justify their actions.
Ahhhh , for starters isnt the Jewish claim to Israel a Biblical claim ? I mean you can read here how Israeli Jews are doing just that .
Expert: Judea and Samaria belong to Israel
Biblical birthright

The Jewish people further trace their right to the land to the Bible, which records Israel’s original settlement of the area in ca. 1500 BC under God’s direction.

In the pages of what is known as the Torah, the Almighty promises all the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea to the descendents of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as a perpetual possession.

Overwhelming archeological evidence attests to millennia of Jewish sovereignty in what is now Israel, the “West Bank”, Gaza and much of Jordan and southern Lebanon.

Yasser Arafat’s Palestinian Authority recently aired an “educational” television program claiming the biblical Hebrews were actually Arabs, that the land was dominated by Islam in biblical times, and that “Canaanite Arabs” built Solomon’s Temple.
Savvy ?
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