Chosen People = Racist Supremacist Ideology

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Axes said:
Words meanings do not change. They can be highjacked.
Since people could not ridecule Judaism after WWII, it was much easyer to demonize the zionist movement.

oh...excuse me then!! so when germans in 1947 thought "nazi", it carried the exact same connotations as the word does today?

thanks for playing. have a seat.

please ban brian foley.
The Devil Inside said:
oh...excuse me then!! so when germans in 1947 thought "nazi", it carried the exact same connotations as the word does today?

thanks for playing. have a seat.

please ban brian foley.

Both examples have nothing to do with eachother. Nazism is a centralized movement with fascist racist Ideals. Zionism has none of them since every zionist has his own opinion on what form of government a country should have, or how to treat your fellow neighbors. Zionism is simply Israeli nationalism, since the aspiration to create a jewish homeland has been fulfilled. People might debate weather Israel has been moral or not in the last 50 years, but this has nothing to do with zionism. 90% of the worlds western nations were worse than Israel when dealing with uprisings, yet you dont bash British nationalism, or american patriotism do you?

All you are is blinded by people who twisted the term zionism as a means of bashing Israel. Its quite sad really.
Morris Dancer said:
Actually, your own ignorance was illustrated when you couldn't see the underpinnings of your own argument. You're really not showing much thought here, Foley.
Great the umpteenth post from boxhead and he still hasnt addressed one verse .
Morris Dancer said:
I initially assumed they were; I am now uncertain.
You mean you just decided for the convenience of this thread that you would change your stance and claim Jews are simply a religious group not a race as you have consistently claimed they were .
Morris Dancer said:
It's you that's calling the OT racist, ergo you assume Jews are a race, and thus it follows that your attacks are indeed racist.
And here once again , deliberately playing ignorance to avoid having to confront his own that seeing Jews acoording to you are a race then this must be racism .
Morris Dancer said:
I wish you could engage in some kind of debate, or even discuss your own bias, instead of concentrating on looking stupid all the time.
Shut up you stupid clot , now go put some bells around your ankles and go down to the village square and be the morris dancer we all laugh at .
Brian Fooley said:
Great the umpteenth post from boxhead and he still hasnt addressed one verse .

I don't know how many times I have to tell him: i) they aren't supremacist, since they refer to the actions of god, not of man, and ii) before you can define them as racist, you must first admit, once and for all, one way or the other, as to whether Jews are a race or not. You can't have it both ways, and I honestly don't know how much lower you can get. Give up posting, you don't even know what you're arguing.

Brian Foley said:
You mean you just decided for the convenience of this thread that you would change your stance and claim Jews are simply a religious group not a race as you have consistently claimed they were .

More misdirection from Foley. I've already discussed this. If you want to blame someone for your not being able to understand it, may I suggest you start with your family and work the blame out to your teachers.

And here once again , deliberately playing ignorance to avoid having to confront his own that seeing Jews acoording to you are a race then this must be racism .

But they aren't a race according to me. I - unlike you - have reviewed the evidence, and I have no decided opinion one way or the other. You, on the other hand, have swung from "the Jews are not genetically contiguous" to "I'm going to accuse Jewish people of racism, so for the purposes of my small-minded argument, I'm going to say that Judaism is racist". Make up your mind.

Shut up you stupid clot , now go put some bells around your ankles and go down to the village square and be the morris dancer we all laugh at .

Does that come on Aussie TV before or after "Barefoot glass pit drunken midget wrestling"?

GeoffP said:
But they aren't a race according to me.
But you have said all over this forum that Jews were a race , in fact could you show me where before this thread you concluded that Jews wer not a race ?
GeoffP said:
You, on the other hand, have swung from "the Jews are not genetically contiguous" to "I'm going to accuse Jewish people of racism, so for the purposes of my small-minded argument, I'm going to say that Judaism is racist". Make up your mind.
No I have not , I have already explained the purpose of this thread .
Brian Foley said:
Just to clear the direction of this thread a bit and explain this thread as in relation to those posters who claimed Jews were indeed a race . The object of this thread is that if Jews are a race then these quotes must be racist supremacism .
GeoffP said:
Does that come on Aussie TV before or after "Barefoot glass pit drunken midget wrestling"?
Hey arsehole which Village idiot are you ?

Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahaha !!!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder the Irsih want to break away ;)
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Brian Foley said:
But you have said all over this forum that Jews were a race , in fact could you show me where before this thread you concluded that Jews wer not a race ?

Do you live in a two-dimensional world? If I conclude that you're a git, does that mean you cannot then also be a pedant?

In short: I've concluded that the system is not clear. I don't say they is, and I don't say they isn't. I assumed they were, but the evidence - as you - is unclear as to what defines "race".


No, I suppose not. Ah well.

No I have not , I have already explained the purpose of this thread .

Indeed. The title is: "Chosen People = Racist Supremacist Ideology". Well done.

Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahaha !!!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder the Irsih want to break away ;)

Who are the "Irsih" and what are they breaking away from? :bugeye:

oohhh Arrr said:
In short: I've concluded that the system is not clear. I don't say they is, and I don't say they isn't. I assumed they were, but the evidence - as you - is unclear as to what defines "race".
In short : You always considered Jews a race and argued to that point and even with the genetic debate you initiated you concluded that Jews were a race . To suit your argument here you contradicted your previous view and said Jews were not a race . As this thread was constructed by me on the request of a Jewish poster here for the benefit of posters such as you and others who viewed Jews as a race all I can say is Game over your fucked :
Axes said:
Words meanings do not change. They can be highjacked.
Since people could not ridecule Judaism after WWII, it was much easyer to demonize the zionist movement.

A Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.

I completely support the establishment of a Jewish homeland, and I would have no problem with it, except unless it is another people's land (Palestine). Especially if those people had nothing to do with the holocaust or anti-semitism in Europe. If Germany or Austria, or Europeans feel bad about how they trested Jews in World War 2, they should have given them a homeland in Europe. Why should Palestinians have to bear ethnic cleansing and expulsion, because the Jews experienced Anti-Semitism in Europe?

All anti-semitism and anti-Jewish feelings in the Arab world is a direct result of the Jewish colonization of Palestine.

I, like many Muslim people in the world, do not have a problem with Judaism and believe it to be a divine religion.

I am completely against Zionism because I view it as punishing an innocent people with colonization to establish a Jewish homeland.

Why can't a Jewish homeland be established peacefully, without violence and genocide?

I agree that American and British colonialism was very repressive and eliminated entire populations of people like Native Americans and Aborigines. This does not excuse Israeli colonialism, but actually makes it worse especially in an age where history has shown us the horrors of colonialism.

What do you think of Jews who oppose Zionism? Are they also Anti-Semitic?

This thread has descended to the trading of personal insults. As Brian says, game over.
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