Chosen People = Racist Supremacist Ideology

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Brian Foley said:
No it was 2 months ago , and you have just been caught out on contradicting yourself .
Exactly, it was two whole freakin' months ago. You said it yourself.
I'm not contradicting myself if, since that old thread, I've change my opinion. And, obviously, I have, as indicated by my first response in this thread.
Let me reiterate in case you don't under-fucking-stand:
Judaism is not a race. Arabic palestinians, are an ethnicity. They are the ethnicity of which a lot of people of the Judaic belief system belong to. However, they are not, as you think, a race. Infact, when you think about it, races do not really exist, taxonomically or geographically. Ethnicity does. However, Jews are neither a race nor an ethnicity. They are just a religious culture, in the same manner Catholics have thier own cultural identity based on religious belief, but they are not a race or ethnicity.
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GeoffP said:
You utter, utter idiot.
I argued that there was no genetic differentiation between Jewish people - Occidental or Ashkenazim - and Palestinians, and that, in fact, they were not a "race"

according to your and hare's definition. That was the entire crux of the argument. Trust you not to understand it, or to lie about your point.
Oh Fuck do I have to really start hauling up and searching your crap posts again , well here is one for starters .
GeoffP said:
Jewish race myth trash, and Khazarian converts
However, breeding within a homogenous subpopulation for a good, what? 5000 years? says to me strongly that they are indeed a "race", the term being

admittedly somewhat nebulous.
And here is the other more clear and concise where you actually say the Jews are a race .
GeoffP said:
Cartoons - bad for your health?
Wrong again. One is offensive to the religious position of muslims - who, as you know, are not a race - and one to the existence of Jews, which are a race.
Oh and both threads are yours .
GeoffP said:
Your real point of course, is that they're a race when it suits you; when you can accuse them of racism, for instance.
I have always said Jews were nothing more than a religious group I have never said Jews were a race , could you lead me to where I said the Jews were a race ?
GeoffP said:
Is your hood on too tight?

Ignorant, ignorant arse.

Speaking of ignorant arses could you answer my thread do you think those verses are indeed racist .
Hapsburg said:
Exactly, it was two whole freakin' months ago. You said it yourself.
I'm not contradicting myself if, since that old thread, I've change my opinion. And, obviously, I have, as indicated by my first response in this thread.
Yeah sure , I found 2 other quotes from you about the Jews being a race you just got caught out , deal with it.
Hapsburg said:
Let me reiterate in case you don't under-fucking-stand:
I understood clearly , you just didnt count on me using the sciforum search engine .
Hapsburg said:
Judaism is not a race. Arabic palestinians, are an ethnicity. They are the ethnicity of which a lot of people of the Judaic belief system belong to. However, they are not, as you think, a race. Infact, when you think about it, races do not really exist, taxonomically or geographically. Ethnicity does. However, Jews are neither a race nor an ethnicity. They are just a religious culture, in the same manner Catholics have thier own cultural identity based on religious belief, but they are not a race or ethnicity.
What do you think of those verses , that is the subject of the thread are they a racist agenda as in the 21st century concept of racism . Should those verses be expunged from the holy books ?
he is just saying the same thing over and over again. can we get some moderation over here? if you arent going to ban him for not adding to intelligent discourse, at least delete the posts where he just claims the same thing over and over again.
The Devil Inside said:
"chosen people" means that the jews have a greater responsibility toward the rest of humanity, to teach them and to be humanitarian above all other groups of people.


So these chosen 'humanitarians' are persecuting palestinians why exactly?

By the way, I have a very large extended Jewish family, so this is not racism its genuine question that has always puzzled me since I became aware of the conflict.
the people that are persecuting palestinians are not following the religion of judaism. thats why.

again, i request the banning of brian foley for extreme anti-semitism, and the intentional spreading of disinformation to create animosity toward a specific religion/people.
Brian Foley said:
And here is the other more clear and concise where you actually say the Jews are a race .

Old post. I examined the evidence, changed my mind. "Race" in this manner applies, best case, in the old biological definition. But if you're saying that Jews are now a race so that you can attack them, I'd be happy to hold you to your definition, since you don't seem to be able to hold to any. So now you're a racist, then? You're admitting this?

Speaking of ignorant arses could you answer my thread do you think those verses are indeed racist .

No, they're not. Now could you answer, I don't know, any of my previous points?

The Devil Inside said:
he is just saying the same thing over and over again. can we get some moderation over here? if you arent going to ban him for not adding to intelligent discourse, at least delete the posts where he just claims the same thing over and over again.

If Foley gets banned then so should all the anti muslim/anti everyone posters, or do you think jews should get special treatment?
there is a difference between hate speech and anti"whatever" speech. brian foley engages in hate speech on a regular basis. he offers nothing of intelligent discourse on this forum.

he should be banned.
I have a better idea:

Let us hang Foley upside down from a tree and beat him until candy comes out.
Theoryofrelativity said:
The Devil Inside said:
By the way, I have a very large extended Jewish family, so this is not racism its genuine question that has always puzzled me since I became aware of the conflict.
Thats why I posted this thraed , I recall that the passion play in Munich Germany had to modify the and take out the blood libel where the Jewish crowd condemns the Messiah . Same thing as Mel Gibsons Christ movie that line waqs taken out .
When Pilate saw that he was not succeeding at all, but that a riot was breaking out instead, he took water and washed his hands in the sight of the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this man's blood. Look to it yourselves. And the whole people said in reply, "His blood be upon us and upon our children.
Matthew27: 24-25
I can understand especially after WW2 why the Jews would wish that verse censored , its understandable . My point is these verses I listed in the thraed seem very archaic and outdated for our modern world . Regardless of the history of Jewish persecution I cant help but find these verses very extreme .
GeoffP said:
Old post. I examined the evidence, changed my mind. "Race" in this manner applies, best case, in the old biological definition.
Old post ! you have only been a member here since February ! And that first quote was from 3 weeks ago . Dont crawl out of it , I have PMed Mountainhare to come here and see this climb down .
GeoffP said:
But if you're saying that Jews are now a race so that you can attack them, I'd be happy to hold you to your definition, since you don't seem to be able to hold to any. So now you're a racist, then? You're admitting this?
Where did i say Jews were a race ? And on this thread I am discussing these verses which I hold to be supremacist ideology .
GeoffP said:
No, they're not. Now could you answer, I don't know, any of my previous points?
Okay , this from a poster who leads crusades about offensive Islamic verses and blod libels , finds the quotes about chosen people with a divine rod justice eventually ruling the world with all the worlds races serving them is acceptable . I expected you to argue you here , in fact you are running again Geoff , you are just proving and reinforcing my belief that you are just a anti-Arab bigot .
Gustav said:
i truly wish foley ruled the world
master, i await your bidding.

And Gustav my Friend you will be my righthand , in fact the messiah !
Theoryofrelativity said:
If Foley gets banned then so should all the anti muslim/anti everyone posters, or do you think jews should get special treatment?
This thread is not anti-semitic I was requested by Jewish forum member Zephyr to construct a post on this particular subject .
Zephyr said:
Australian government 'Flog them' "gas them with the exhaust of your car"
James R said:
ALL religions believe they are a chosen people.
Brian Foley said:
Christians dont , Buddhists dont in fact Jews are the only religion that does .
Ah Foley, how thou hast fallen. Do some honest research and then try repeating that statement with a straight face. Better yet, start a topic in the religion forum and see how long your assertion stands. :rolleyes:
Simply I would like a discussion on this subject .
The Devil Inside said:
if you arent going to ban him
The Devil Inside said:
i request the banning of brian foley
The Devil Inside said:
i call for brian foley to be banned.
The Devil Inside said:
ban brian foley.
The Devil Inside said:
he should be banned.
The Devil Inside said:
please ban brian foley.
The Devil Inside said:
ban brian foley, please.
No one pays any attention to you ! You know you are truly a non-entity on scioforums ! :)
The Devil Inside said:
there is a difference between hate speech and anti"whatever" speech. brian foley engages in hate speech on a regular basis. he offers nothing of intelligent discourse on this forum.

he should be banned.

I don't agree, I think it depends what side of fence you sit on, nothing compares to the hate expressed in women inferior thread by Jaybee and the anti muslim vibe is anti muslim threads!!
Brian Foley said:
This thread is not anti-semitic I was requested by Jewish forum member Zephyr to construct a post on this particular subject .

Simply I would like a discussion on this subject .

agreed, I think it is reasonable, especially in light of everyone deconstructing Islam.

I have wondered about this myself and as I say the largest part of my family are Jews. Maybe I should ask them?
Come on Jewish scholars, Diamond Heart (THE most patient tolerant muslim on the planet!) answered MANY MANY questions in the Isalmic threads please pay the courtesy of doing the same here? The 'chosen one ' theme is accurate, please explain it? Devil inside are you able to explain it, maybe you have done so and I missed it? Please direct me to the reply..thank you.
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