Child/Adult Sexual Contact and Evidence

This is interesting. Has anyone defined "child" through these discussions? Is this a legal definition you're assuming? A biological transition point from "child" to "adult"?

Most males are attracted to females - age not withstanding - who show signs of sexual maturity. Would we expect anything else? So, at what age do females become sexually attractive to males (of any age also)? 12? 13? 14?... This is a societal decision. Not an obvious hard biological boundary. As for parents and their children, my own experience (three lovely girls) is that there is an inherent difference in the way daughters are percieved. I don't know how my experiences relate to other parents, but I have never been "aroused" by my children. As for other young females who were clearly below the "legal" limit, yes. Without doubt.

So, what were we talking about?
samcdkey said:
Hmm it seems that it is hard to objectively accuse someone of child abuse based on physical reaction; what then are the options available. I understand your concerns about policing by over zealous self-appointed guardians and it seems to me that the excessive concerns over abuse have led to a deterioration in the normal range of relationships which a child may have with adults he/she knows. This would turn into a vicious cycle, with children having even more limited exposure to healthy relationships and a greater likelihood of exposing themselves to abuse from strangers or relatives who offer "affection".

Seems like we're between a rock and a hard place.
superluminal said:
This is interesting. Has anyone defined "child" through these discussions? Is this a legal definition you're assuming? A biological transition point from "child" to "adult"?

I guess I was sort of going as pre-teen for child abuse

Most males are attracted to females - age not withstanding - who show signs of sexual maturity. Would we expect anything else? So, at what age do females become sexually attractive to males (of any age also)? 12? 13? 14?... This is a societal decision. Not an obvious hard biological boundary.

Sexual maturity is not synonymous with emotional readiness for sex. We were discussing whether sexual attraction translates to a desire for sex.

As for parents and their children, my own experience (three lovely girls) is that there is an inherent difference in the way daughters are percieved. I don't know how my experiences relate to other parents, but I have never been "aroused" by my children.

I am so glad you said that!

As for other young females who were clearly below the "legal" limit, yes. Without doubt.

Would that translate to a desire to have sex with them? I mean given an opportunity, would you be comfortable having sex with a teenager? do you think it is damaging to a teen to have sex with an adult?

So, what were we talking about?

Thats it
samcdkey said:
Would that translate to a desire to have sex with them? I mean given an opportunity, would you be comfortable having sex with a teenager? do you think it is damaging to a teen to have sex with an adult?
Well, when I was a teenager, I was quite comfortable with the idea of having sex with a teenager. Teenagers have sex all the time, willingly and enjoyably. Human beings are sexual beings. Even preteen boys and girls explore sexuality with themselves and each other. Given that, I do not think it is inherently damaging at all to a teen to have sex with an adult (another fuzzy-boundary word). If the teenager exhibits maturity (as many do) and a desire to safely have sex? What does the age of his/her partner really have to do with it, other than what society deems it to be? Nothing, is my response. Finally, would I be comfortable with it? Yes. I've known some very emotionally stable, extremely attractive, young women.

Another odd tidbit: At around the time each of my kids entered junior high, they would tell me, once in a while, that some of their friends said "your dad's hot". To which they of course responded "disgusting!". These were fourteen year old girls and up. The attraction apparently goes both ways. Hmmm....
Adult-child consensual relationships are perfectly fine. As long as the child is old enough to have a child, then by nature I would consider them an adult.
Oniw17 said:
Adult-child consensual relationships are perfectly fine. As long as the child is old enough to have a child, then by nature I would consider them an adult.
Sounds reasonable, dosen't it? But we continue to give far too much credit to many so-called adults for having "maturity" and not nearly enough to "children" for having autonomy in their personal decisions. I've seen teenagers manipulate adults like experts, and adults who haven't attained the maturity of a six year old. Bah. Humbug. But who ever claimed societies were rational entities? Whatever.

I'm going back to my research on human sexuality. Now, where did I save those website bookmarks? Oh, yea... :D
Strong sexual desires in normal humans start at around the age of 12. I am unsure of the health, mental and physical, of people who have not felt strong sexual urges by the time they complete puberty. Just because society has a great deal of sexual negativity that does not mean that a person that feels no desire is healthy.

Too much of the thing against sex with children is hysteria. Whoever looks around will notice that in every case, only the side of the "pedophiles" will attempt to bring in real unbiased scientific studies. Try to find a case where the prosecution ever brought in a set of fair and balanced studies of childhood sexuality and child-adult sexual contact. Anyone who ever tries to prove scientifically that sex is good for children is automatically accused of being a pedophile and is lucky to escape with his life. This screws the science totally. The only evidence that should be allowed should be the results of scientific studies, and "they" won't let us have it.

Then of course the people who say that sex damages children are often people who have cause children a lot of pain, fear, and traumatic stress themselves. I have been in the hands of adults who caused me a lot of damage. They don't count what they did as damage, so I have a very low opinion of their opinions. They are usually wrong, especially when it comes to telling me what might hurt me.

So of course the law works in a way now that it can assess for damages without being forced to prove them. This is a bad sort of precedent.
nubianconcubine said:
dude, the difference lies in the fact that a good father eho realized his daughter was hot would immediately begin thinking of ways to keep this realization out of the minds of her male peers. a pedophiliac father would be attracted. both, however would probably themselves

It is what you end up with, not what you begin with that matters. When the said realisation is repressed the tension of that is the hook to bestow the power to a manipulative daughter.

Talk to anybody who has firted with a hot teenage female. The name of the game is to try their luck, to tantalize, taunt and torment.

MetaKron said:
Then of course the people who say that sex damages children are often people who have cause children a lot of pain, fear, and traumatic stress themselves. I have been in the hands of adults who caused me a lot of damage. They don't count what they did as damage, so I have a very low opinion of their opinions. They are usually wrong, especially when it comes to telling me what might hurt me.

Yes. It is the general relationship that matters.
It is perveted to begin with, to suppose that that sex defines a relationship.
So much more to it than that.

--- Ron.
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superluminal said:
Most males are attracted to females - age not withstanding - who show signs of sexual maturity. Would we expect anything else? So, at what age do females become sexually attractive to males (of any age also)? 12? 13? 14?... This is a societal decision. Not an obvious hard biological boundary. As for parents and their children, my own experience (three lovely girls) is that there is an inherent difference in the way daughters are percieved. I don't know how my experiences relate to other parents, but I have never been "aroused" by my children. As for other young females who were clearly below the "legal" limit, yes. Without doubt.

So, what were we talking about?

:eek: ...okay you have a point. that specification was never made. all have been assuming an obscenely low age and i have noticed that many of the arguments could have been avoided by making this specification. as a matter of fact, i suppose all the arguments could have been avoided. honestly, i have no idea.
some see a child as one below the age of maybe 10 or 11 while others see the limit at around 14 or 15 and still others use the standard US legal limit of 18...hmmm.
i agree with you that a child should be defined as one that has not displayed any signs of sexual maturity. however, i don't believe issuishman ever made it clear.

well, issuishman? what's the age of this theoretical child?
Oniw17 said:
Adult-child consensual relationships are perfectly fine. As long as the child is old enough to have a child, then by nature I would consider them an adult.

I don’t agree with that statement. There are some females in the world that have been impregnated at an age as young as 9. There are some rare genetic disorders that can cause people to go through puberty at 2 or 3 years of age. Some people go through puberty at an early age, but they still have the neural structure of a child. The adolescent brain is different than the brain of an adult. The brain does not finish developing until around the age of 16.
q0101 said:
I don’t agree with that statement. There are some females in the world that have been impregnated at an age as young as 9. There are some rare genetic disorders that can cause people to go through puberty at 2 or 3 years of age. Some people go through puberty at an early age, but they still have the neural structure of a child. The adolescent brain is different than the brain of an adult. The brain does not finish developing until around the age of 16.

so does that mean that the threshold between child and adult is 16?
nubianconcubine said:
:eek: ...okay you have a point. that specification was never made. all have been assuming an obscenely low age and i have noticed that many of the arguments could have been avoided by making this specification. as a matter of fact, i suppose all the arguments could have been avoided. honestly, i have no idea.
some see a child as one below the age of maybe 10 or 11 while others see the limit at around 14 or 15 and still others use the standard US legal limit of 18...hmmm.
i agree with you that a child should be defined as one that has not displayed any signs of sexual maturity. however, i don't believe issuishman ever made it clear.

well, issuishman? what's the age of this theoretical child?
Right. An easy boundary is ovulation and the first menstruation. If you're delivering eggs down the pipe for insemination, that's a pretty sure biological sign that you're at least internally not a "child".
q0101 said:
I don’t agree with that statement. There are some females in the world that have been impregnated at an age as young as 9. There are some rare genetic disorders that can cause people to go through puberty at 2 or 3 years of age. Some people go through puberty at an early age, but they still have the neural structure of a child. The adolescent brain is different than the brain of an adult. The brain does not finish developing until around the age of 16.
This is true.
Your horny bastard, I don't care what words you have put together to try to justify your perversion. A pedophile is a pedophile and should be beheaded.
Bebelina said:
Your horny bastard, I don't care what words you have put together to try to justify your perversion. A pedophile is a pedophile and should be beheaded.

Would that include prophets?

Aisha said: The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) married me when I was seven years old. He had intercourse with me when I was nine years old. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Number 2116)

Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) used to kiss her and suck her tongue when he was fasting. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 13, Number 2380)
Back then, who didn't?

I am so very glad that women are not forced to have intercourse before they desire it these days. We are barely working our way out of the ages when it's a man's duty to force a woman to perform sexually if she is unwilling. One reason that it was so prevalent is that the idea that this had to be done long outlasted the time when it was accepted by most people. Women had to fight for this.
There are so many things that males and females are prone to, based on our evolutionary past, that just don't fly in a modern society. We live with the legacy of:

- Needing to secure and impregnate a mate at the earliest possible opportunity
- Needing to ramp up adrenalin for fight-or-flight
- Needing to make maximum use of food when it's available

These of course result in:

- Societally inappropriate attraction to "underage" females
- Dying from chronic job stress that you can neither fight or flee from
- Eating yourself to death even though food is generally a mini-mart away
But back then no one knew that it was wrong.

Hell, who am I kidding. He was another pervert in a sea of perverts.