Child/Adult Sexual Contact and Evidence

Wow, I wish I would have had the time to keep up with this discussion. It's actually more intelligent that I thought. I'm surprised the devils advocate just didn't have to be played by me.

The topic has got off into some related areas, but still off topic. I.e., pedophilia is pseudo-science in society and in the courtroom, Ageism, incest, etc.

As far as on topic, it seems there are three areas that can be clearly distinguished as pointed out by all those who have been posting.

1. Consensual sexual affection between children and adults where the child grows up undamaged, because there is no evidence of physical, emotional and/or psychological harm.

2. Consensual sexual affection between children and adults where the child grows up damaged, but that damage begins as psychological, then turns into emotional damage as well. This psychological/emotional damage manifests in situations where the sexual contact is consensual (the child enjoys it), but society conditions the child that it is wrong in wanting that pleasure. The damage is not from the contact, but from social conditioning.

3. Non consensual sexual contact from an adult to a child, which of course can cause damage physically, emotionally and/or psychologically.

The aim of this thread was to find evidence for harm in the first category. So far, no evidence has come forth. Anyone have any arguments they think may prove that evidence does exist?