Both Muslim AND Christian?

"The whole country's got a fucked up mentality. We all got a gang mentality. Republicans are fucking idiots. Democrats are fucking idiots. Conservatives are idiots and liberals are idiots.

Anyone who makes up their mind before they hear the issue is a fucking fool. Everybody, nah, nah, nah, everybody is so busy wanting to be down with a gang! I'm a conservative! I'm a liberal! I'm a conservative! It's bullshit!

Be a fucking person. Listen. Let it swirl around your head. Then form your opinion.

No normal decent person is one thing. OK!?! I got some shit I'm conservative about, I got some shit I'm liberal about. Crime - I'm conservative. Prostitution - I'm liberal."

--Chris Rock
We live in the age of convenience. Politics is a commodity. You have to change that mentality if you want people to think for themselves.
the Divine Qu'ran also describes Allah as being formless and causeless, etc...

Not true. Muslims believe Allah swt has a form which is beyond perfection but we are not made aware of it until the day of Judgement. God revealed one piece of Himself the size of a fingernail to Moses (peace be to him) on the Sinai, and the mountain broke into pieces causing Moses to fall unconscious. God cannot resemble human beings as we have many imperfections. He is the creator, therefore He is perfect in every single way. Also, everything in the universe happens with His will.
Not true. Muslims believe Allah swt has a form which is beyond perfection but we are not made aware of it until the day of Judgement. God revealed one piece of Himself the size of a fingernail to Moses (peace be to him) on the Sinai, and the mountain broke into pieces causing Moses to fall unconscious. God cannot resemble human beings as we have many imperfections. He is the creator, therefore He is perfect in every single way. Also, everything in the universe happens with His will.

Are you sure about this? Have any quotes from the Qu'ran? The Qu'ran makes it clear that images are strictly forbidden...very similar to the OT God who also despised images....Moses is more like Mohummad...but Jesus he is like God himself, the truth, the way, etc...
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I honestly interpret that as him saying that the only way to get to heaven is to follow me - to follow my teachings - to accept what I am saying as truth.

Why wouldn't he have said "follow", though?

Huh? :bugeye:

As in "My Father who art in Heaven". He didn't say that? I thought he did.

The whole "virgin birth" thing does seem to put a kink into it, I'll admit that, but there is the fact that the word that was translated to virgin was "young woman" in Hebrew, and the fact that "vigin" meaning "never had sex" is a puritanical extrapolation. "Virgin" meant simply "pure" and the idea was that a woman who had sex before marriage was impure.

I've seen that point raised up elsewhere, but they never cited any references. The other thing is that even if she wasn't a virgin, the point is that God "came unto her" or somesuch and knocked her up.

In fact, I searched for a long time for a word that denoted "never having had sex" and couldn't find one (as opposed to the connotation of the word). Do you know of one?

There's a word in Hebrew for it but I can't remember what it is.

There is something I could never quite grasp about that one.
It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, and I have never gotten around to researching the Hebrew text and trying to understand exactly what was meant by "I am".

Well, it kinda fits with the revelation to Moses and all that. "Who are you?" "I AM." And so forth.
Then you are not agreeing with her.

She claims the God of the OT is not the same as Allah.

It's probably more a general irateness that islam is claiming it's the same faith or same being that has apparently gone back on its position about the turning the other cheek and not stoning, etc. Which, I have to admit, might piss me off too. It would be like people taking my political beliefs and trying to make them something they have nothing to do with...which, actually, people do.
I find it rather amusing that Muslims do not find it so offensive to be called Christian, as they love and adore Jesus (peace be to him). Yet the many of the Christians think being called a Muslim is a horrible thing. Not all Christians however feel this way, but many conservatives definately do.

What might be the cause of such a drift of opinion, perhaps Muslims' knowledge of Christianity as compared to Christians' knowledge of Islam?
That's kind of funny because I sometimes tell my Muslim friends that because the Qur'an is 70% the Torah the logical answer is Mohammad was a Jew and therefor Muslims are Jews and they are a Jew - you should see the look on their face! Then I tell them I'm just kidding. :)
I think the Trinity concept pre-dates Xianity

As for it not making an sense, so what? The more stupefying the better to keep the sheep concentrating on more important things - like grazing.

"Allah swt has a form which is beyond perfection but we are not made aware of it until the day of Judgment"

Making any sense yet?
Also, everything in the universe happens with His will.
Including the online rape of hundreds of children - some as young as 3 months. What a sick creature this god is.

Baaahhh Baahhhh no no no Michael dat's different. bla blabby bla bla ...
I thought he talked about "My Father" in the Bible. I'm almost sure of it.
I thought he talked about "My Father" in the Bible. I'm almost sure of it.

He did.
He also talked about everyone being brothers and sisters, and he said that when you pray, you shoudl pray thus: "Our father, who art in heaven..."

I'm not saying that Jesus didn't claim to be the son of God, he just said YOU were too, and through practicing what he taught, you could be the same as him. He wasn't special by right, just by virtue in actions - very similar to what The Buddha taught.
Interesting. I take it you feel that he did those Eastern journeys etc, assuming that he was real? I can see your point about "sons of God", but I do think he also made the case that he was. Are you a Mormon then? I have a couple of cousins who are Seventh Day Adventists. Not the same team obviously, but near I suppose.
I think so.

I take it you feel that he did those Eastern journeys etc, assuming that he was real?
Possibly, but I don't think it was necessary.
They say there was a statue in Alexandria of a monk from the far east who burned himself alive in protest of something (can't remember what) in Jesus' time.
The Silk Road WAS open at that time, and the exchange of goods implies the possibility of the exchange of ideas.
There are some real uncanny similarities in their teachings.
Wehther that's direct (or indirect) influence, a matter of simple common sense in their philosophies or something more "spiritual", I can't say - neither can anyone else, really.

I can see your point about "sons of God", but I do think he also made the case that he was.
That he was what?
Any MORE a son of God or any more special than anyone else?

Are you a Mormon then? I have a couple of cousins who are Seventh Day Adventists. Not the same team obviously, but near I suppose.
I am nothing.
Once your belief becomes codified into a system, it no longer allows for individual thought, exploration and further development.

By the way, tehre are some quite significant differences between Mormons and 7th Day Adventists.
About all they have in common is their "clean" lifestyle.
That he was what?
Any MORE a son of God or any more special than anyone else?

No an actual, literal (as far as can be said) "son of God". I don't know if I believe in Jesus, but I think the evidence points to that.

I am nothing.
Once your belief becomes codified into a system, it no longer allows for individual thought, exploration and further development.

*gong sounds*

By the way, tehre are some quite significant differences between Mormons and 7th Day Adventists.
About all they have in common is their "clean" lifestyle.

And their desire to rule the world. No. Ask them.

Anyway, I agree that dogma confuses the external, dynamic dialectic.
As a person of the book, she is welcome to pray with Muslims even if she is a Christian, if she so wants. .
rrrriiiiight & I want to be Miss Universe & "I support World Peace"*

my dear S.A.M., I regret to inform you that Miss Ann Holmes Redding is no longer a person of the Book, she is now a muslim, that makes her a person of the book of islam
wishing & hoping don't make you Christian, no matter how hard you try, she left God, when her heart strayed toward islam, prayers, chants are OK as far as that goes, but for me to give up Christianity would be major world view change, as in no longer believing that the world/universe was created

lets turn this question around, could Miss Ann Holmes Redding be an "official" muslim, if she both believed the Christian Bible with its Triune God & be accepted as a true muslim? what would your local imam say? would he give an A-OK?
my guess is, she is on a journey that leads to full islamic belief, she will be ousted from her position in the church, & many may reject her as a teacher of New Testament Christianity, just on religious grounds, but she will be accepted in her role as a professor otherwise. I just won't be following her course of action any time soon

* its a joke, its a take on "Miss Congeniality" :p
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rrrriiiiight & I want to be Miss Universe & "I support World Peace"*

my dear S.A.M., I regret to inform you that Miss Ann Holmes Redding is no longer a person of the Book, she is now a muslim, that makes her a person of the book of islam
wishing & hoping don't make you Christian, no matter how hard you try, she left God, when her heart strayed toward islam, prayers, chants are OK as far as that goes, but for me to give up Christianity would be major world view change, as in no longer believing that the world/universe was created

lets turn this question around, could Miss Ann Holmes Redding be an "official" muslim, if she both believed the Christian Bible with its Triune God & be accepted as a true muslim? what would your local imam say? would he give an A-OK?
my guess is, she is on a journey that leads to full islamic belief, she will be ousted from her position in the church, & many may reject her as a teacher of New Testament Christianity, just on religious grounds, but she will be accepted in her role as a professor otherwise. I just won't be following her course of action any time soon

* its a joke, its a take on "Miss Congeniality" :p

This is so silly, she's a Christian and she wants to follow some Islamic prayer, no one is going to cross examine her as to her detailed beliefs. Prayer is prayer.:shrug:
The "true muslim"/"true Christian" point is the most important. Being able to pray with eachother is one thing. Fully accepting the religion is another.

Jesus' death and resurrection is a fundamental part of Christianity. If she believes in that, she can't be a Muslim. If she doesn't believe in it, then she can't be a Christian.
The "true muslim"/"true Christian" point is the most important. Being able to pray with eachother is one thing. Fully accepting the religion is another.

Jesus' death and resurrection is a fundamental part of Christianity. If she believes in that, she can't be a Muslim. If she doesn't believe in it, then she can't be a Christian.

I think she is entitled to her faith, no matter how unconventional, it hurts no one.:shrug:
The "true muslim"/"true Christian" point is the most important. Being able to pray with eachother is one thing. Fully accepting the religion is another.

Jesus' death and resurrection is a fundamental part of Christianity. If she believes in that, she can't be a Muslim. If she doesn't believe in it, then she can't be a Christian.

If someone did not believe that Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead, but DID follow all of Christ's teachings, would you consider that person a Chirstian?
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