Are you looking for specific chapter and verse quotes that some people interpret to support the idea of the Trinity?
No I've read the Bible, I'm trying to figure out how they arrived at the trinity.
Are you looking for specific chapter and verse quotes that some people interpret to support the idea of the Trinity?
Wow, I cannot even comprehend it.
Just means they're the same being.
All the way through.
Even when he says he will intercede on someone's behalf with his father.
Maybe but how can it be? OT - stoning. NT - JC he say "no stone no more". So how can it be the same? Stoning's in what? Deut or Leviticus?
You obviously know nothing or very little about your own religion and absolutely nothing about the other.Rev. Ann Holmes Redding says she's Christian and Muslim.
I don't buy it. That's like saying you're a liberal and a conservative.
Well, exactly.
That's where the questions regarding this...
NIV Matthew 5:17 "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
...come in.
In Leviticus, it is said that you can beat your wife with a rod, provided that it is no thicker than your thumb.
It says you should be stoned for saying the name of Jehovah.
It says you need to be Kosher.
It says a lot of things that are outright rejected by "Christianity".
Some of these things Jesus specifically mentioned and overturned, such as...
NIV Matthew 15:10 Jesus called the crowd to him and said, "Listen and understand. 11 What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him 'unclean.' "
Many of the other parts of The Law he did not directly address.
He spent a lot of time rebuking the Pharises and thier hypocrisy (even pointing out some hypocrisy within the law itself) but he claimed to not be overturning the law.
Ah I see.
I was under the impression that Christians thought of the Father Son and Holy Spirit as 3 separate personas.
I honestly interpret that as him saying that the only way to get to heaven is to follow me - to follow my teachings - to accept what I am saying as truth.But he also said that no one came to the Father except through him.
Huh? :bugeye:"My Father" sayeth he.
The whole "virgin birth" thing does seem to put a kink into it, I'll admit that, but there is the fact that the word that was translated to virgin was "young woman" in Hebrew, and the fact that "vigin" meaning "never had sex" is a puritanical extrapolation. "Virgin" meant simply "pure" and the idea was that a woman who had sex before marriage was impure.God came unto Mary, etc etc. If part of Jesus is divine, he can't be some other god.
There is something I could never quite grasp about that one."Before Abraham was, I am" and so on.
I have to agree with sandy,
Allah is not the same as the NT God Jesus called the "Father"'s pretty obvious...rather Allah is the same as the Deutronomic God of the OT...the God of Moses...Jesus came to fulfill the and bring back the law...the law which is the truth...
I have to agree with sandy,
Allah is not the same as the NT God Jesus called the "Father"'s pretty obvious...rather Allah is the same as the Deutronomic God of the OT...the God of Moses...Jesus came to fulfill the and bring back the law...the law which is the truth...
You're right...I'm only agreeing with her to a certain extent...Then you are not agreeing with her.
She claims the God of the OT is not the same as Allah.
There's only one God...Umm, so how many gods are there?
The god of the NT, the OT and Allah, or just NT and OT?
Where do (and how do) the NT and OT gods differ?
One of them lied?
You are either His child or not. You choose to worship Him or satan. There is no in between. You're either a child of God or a child of the devil. God's children go to be with Him in Heaven. Satan's children go to be with him in hell.
God is a He. He always was. He always will be.
No. There is no god. Didn't anyone tell you?
No santa or easter bunny either.
its not a personal attack to point out the flaws in someone reasoning or logic quit being so toucky
I don't buy it. That's like saying you're a liberal and a conservative.