Both Muslim AND Christian?

Not true. Muslims believe Allah swt has a form which is beyond perfection but we are not made aware of it until the day of Judgement.
not true, allah is a black stone idol left in the Kaaba, its shirk

God revealed one piece of Himself the size of a fingernail to Moses (peace be to him) on the Sinai, and the mountain broke into pieces causing Moses to fall unconscious. God cannot resemble human beings as we have many imperfections. He is the creator, therefore He is perfect in every single way. Also, everything in the universe happens with His will.
this is an example of Mohammad putting Jewish fairy tales into the quran, Mohammad did not know the diff, that is why the "Satanic Verses" are so condemning, they prove beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Mohammad did not know the difference between God's, Gabriel's or satan's voice or words.

look up the comments yourself, its not in the Bible, they were Jewish teaching stories, the moral of this story, the illiterate storyteller, heard one too many stories by the campfire & thought they were true beliefs or Bible verses, so show me diff from non-muslim sources

Possibly, but I don't think it was necessary.
They say there was a statue in Alexandria of a monk from the far east who burned himself alive in protest of something (can't remember what) in Jesus' time.
The Silk Road WAS open at that time, and the exchange of goods implies the possibility of the exchange of ideas.
the Silk Road was open, but if Jesus was God as He claimed He was, then He already had a wealth of knowledge within Himself, see the trip to the Temple at age 12 among the rabbis

There are some real uncanny similarities in their teachings.
Wehther that's direct (or indirect) influence, a matter of simple common sense in their philosophies or something more "spiritual", I can't say - neither can anyone else, really.
Don Richardson wrote a book called "Eternity in their Hearts", whose basic premise is that God put part of His story into all of us, so that we recognized the Gospel when we hear it, see Korean, Chinese, & other SE Asian ethnic examples, that converted because of that, Paul basically says the same thing in Romans, where he says that nature reveals God

I am nothing.
Once your belief becomes codified into a system, it no longer allows for individual thought, exploration and further development.
interesting, then you are still searching, on the journey toward or ???
So you believe in the Satanic verses because they are in the Bible?
oh my little taqiyya, you are so funny, so clever, I think that is called a "run-around" or a "re-direct"

the only "Satanic Verses" were in the quran, whilst Mohammad was in Mecca, several hadiths mention it, especially Meccans bowing down with Mohammad, prior to their islamic conquest, so after Mohammad was in safe hands, he excised them, voila no more "cranes"

at worst they were the words of satan, at best the sign of a coward, who succumbed in time of weakness, to the pagans round about

BTW, if any satanic verses were in the Bible, why did Mohammad claim that muslims should look toward the Book? my he was a 2 minded man, 1st one way, then the other
oh my little taqiyya, you are so funny, so clever, I think that is called a "run-around" or a "re-direct"

the only "Satanic Verses" were in the quran, whilst Mohammad was in Mecca, several hadiths mention it, especially Meccans bowing down with Mohammad, prior to their islamic conquest, so after Mohammad was in safe hands, he excised them, voila no more "cranes"

at worst they were the words of satan, at best the sign of a coward, who succumbed in time of weakness, to the pagans round about

BTW, if any satanic verses were in the Bible, why did Mohammad claim that muslims should look toward the Book? my he was a 2 minded man, 1st one way, then the other

So you believe in some stories from the Hadith but not others? Any non Muslim sources from the time?
You haven't gone back far enough. The "laws" of science for example.

What laws?

The absolute, beyond logic reasoning and observation.

It always ceases to amaze me when the argument claiming that the absolute truth is beyond our measly attempts to comprehend it, but rest assured it's glaringly obvious to be the truth absolute, that none shall deny.
What laws?

It always ceases to amaze me when the argument claiming that the absolute truth is beyond our measly attempts to comprehend it, but rest assured it's glaringly obvious to be the truth absolute, that none shall deny.

Any mathematical derivation, for instance. One could say that your comprehension of another man's assumption is an inference in itself.

Plus there are the basic assumptions of the method itself:

True physical universe exists
The universe follows a natural order
The principles that define the functioning of the universe can be discovered
All ideas are tentative, potentially changed by new information

All absolute truths. Yes? (always ceases to amaze or never ceases to amaze? ;) )
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People who follow Jesus' teachings could call themselves anything they want, but that doesn't make it true or valid.
true, see mormon example & as they like to point out, its even in their name, "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints"

Muslims could easily follow Jesus' teachings, but they're still Muslims.

Baron Max
I think thats semantics, if a person follows Jesus, he can no longer be a muslim, he is a christian
So you believe in some stories from the Hadith but not others? Any non Muslim sources from the time?

now you're parroting me, how disingenuous, my little propaganda mill

are you going to stand there & tell the world, that the hadiths are not to be trusted? that early muslim followers of Mohammad, couldn't get their stories straight, when out of religious piety, they wrote down the sayings & doings & comings of Mohammad as an example for all you young muslims thereafter, are you saying they were wrong? can you issue a fatwah on that, my dear little imam?

are you sunnni or shia, how do you officially verify hadiths? what formula do you use?
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I am interested in what parts of the Hadith you believe.
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I am interested in what parts of the Hadith you believe.
taqiyya, I'm not muslim, so it don't matter to me, its your record, honor it

or are you saying its all lies?

your formula please
taqiyya, I'm not muslim, so it don't matter to me, its your record, honor it

or are you saying its all lies?

your formula please

You use it so freely to support your arguments though, I would really like to know what parts you believe in.

It would help to know your criteria for determining whats true and whats not.:)
not true, allah is a black stone idol left in the Kaaba, its shirk

The black stone is an unanimate object. We don't worship the black stone, we worship the Lord of the Kaaba.

I suggest you do a little more research on Islam.

this is an example of Mohammad putting Jewish fairy tales into the quran, Mohammad did not know the diff, that is why the "Satanic Verses" are so condemning, they prove beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Mohammad did not know the difference between God's, Gabriel's or satan's voice or words.

I believe this is a hadith, saying.

Do you have any proof to backup your claims beside the word of one lunatic author? Whenever you are asked for proof, you seem to just change the subject, why is this?

look up the comments yourself, its not in the Bible, they were Jewish teaching stories, the moral of this story, the illiterate storyteller, heard one too many stories by the campfire & thought they were true beliefs or Bible verses, so show me diff from non-muslim sources

Islam is the religion of Jesus and Moses and all the prophets (peace be upon them), this is Muslim belief. Pure speculation on your behalf will not convince anyone.

taqiyya, I'm not muslim, so it don't matter to me, its your record, honor it

or are you saying its all lies?

your formula please

Lying is abhorrent to Muslims. I don't know where exactly you picked this up that it is permissible. Please provide full citations.

SAM is an honest person, please refrain from personal attacks on others.
while i don't think one can belong to both faiths at the same time one can certainly follow all they ethical tenats of both faiths at the same time considering most are the same.
I disagree that "Islam is the religion of Jesus and Moses and all the prophets."

Judaism was. At least for most of the prophets that followed Jesus and believed in God.
Any mathematical derivation, for instance. One could say that your comprehension of another man's assumption is an inference in itself.

Plus there are the basic assumptions of the method itself:

True physical universe exists
The universe follows a natural order
The principles that define the functioning of the universe can be discovered
All ideas are tentative, potentially changed by new information

All absolute truths. Yes? (always ceases to amaze or never ceases to amaze? ;) )

A mathematical derivation isn't a law, nor is anything else you've made up. Why not compare Faraday Law or Gauss Law?

You could even try denying gravity. :rolleyes:
A mathematical derivation isn't a law, nor is anything else you've made up. Why not compare Faraday Law or Gauss Law?

You could even try denying gravity. :rolleyes:

Thats why I put it in quotes, dear.:)

Are you saying those assumptions are not absolute truths in science?
I disagree that "Islam is the religion of Jesus and Moses and all the prophets."

Judaism was. At least for most of the prophets that followed Jesus and believed in God.

Being in denial doesn't change the facts.