The notion that atheist hatred of religion undermines their rationality is an ad hominem attack on their legitimate criticism of religion. Note that you didn't criticize any particular atheist point, only sought to dismiss their arguments as irrational due to passion.
Anyway, we don't have to dwell on that.
What is the connection between the neo-cons and Christ? I would say it has to do with embracing faith and rejecting reason. Conservative principles seem to be based on faith that God is taking care of everything, that through Earth he will continue to be a provider as long as we are pious. If you think God is in control, then obviously he put the oil here for us to use, and our use of it is part of the plan, and can have no detrimental consequences. This goes against everything that science has revealed recently about the effects of carbon on the climate.
The same principles affect their ideas about abortion. Rejection of abortion is usually based on the idea of God imbuing the blastocyst with a soul, and the purely religious idea that humans aren't animals.
The same faith fuels their rejection of the scientific evidence for evolution.
The same faith fuels their characterization of Islam as an enemy of their (percieved) Christian nation, since they reject the divinity of Jesus.
The same faith fuels their paradoxical support of Israel. The Jews also reject the divinity of Jesus, but God needs them for the second coming, or something.