BOOK DEBATE: Hitler and Christianity

No that is false. Even though we are animals, we do have the power of thought, and are able to evaluate our actions in relation to the good of society as a whole. Animals have their own standards of ethics, they often help each other as much as hurt each other.

So do animals.
If a cockroach and a human were crossing a street and about to be hit by a car which one would you save?
To you insects and humans are the same?
Where did I say or imply that?
We are in the same kingdom: animalia, but NOT the same in many other ways.
It's only four months or so to Christmas: this year how about asking Santa for some brains?
It'd make a change for you.
You may even enjoy it.
So do animals.

I was talking about animals! I fail to see how telling the truth about Darwinism is evil. Eugenics is not Darwinism, and I already revealed how it was a protestant organization that was at the forefront of the German Eugenics movement. Nature doesn't care about imperfection. In imperfection could be the seed for improvement. It's religion that seeks to redefine mankind as an ideal. It's the same thing the Nazis were doing.
You actually wrote:

which is incorrect.
By definition we are animals.

Here is what YOU said:

Where did I say or imply that?
We are in the same kingdom: animalia, but NOT the same in many other ways.

So we are the same becuase we eat and eliminate via poopy and sleep. Are those the similarities?
So we are the same becuase we eat and eliminate via poopy and sleep. Are those the similarities?
We are animals but we are not insects.
Get it yet? :rolleyes:
The fact that we talk does not stop us being animals.