BOOK DEBATE: Hitler and Christianity

Big difference. Darwinism is a theory about how the species came about. It's also a fact. To say the Nazis used Darwinism for evil is the same as saying they used the internal combustion engine for evil. The Nazis didn't use Christianity for evil, many of them were Christians, thus negating the premise that Christianity is good. It may be good for you personally, but it in no way creates good societies.

Furthermore, the social Darwinism they practiced was not based on any sound science. They liked phrenology and many other pseudoscientific concepts.

Not so. An engine is passive and inert and can be put to any purpose. Darwinism teaches that we are nothing but animals and there are no higher ethical rules.

There is no evil inherent in an engine. There is a great deal of evil inherent in Darwinism.
No one is suggesting that atheism will prevent people from being evil. That is quite the opposite from what Christianity pretends to be. You doubt that the Nazis had even the slightest religious motivations, and you are just wrong about that. Not only did many of them have religious motivations, they found in Christianity an ideology that they felt was aligned with National Socialism in many ways.

The Nazis did have some religious motivations.

They saw Hitler as their saviour, Germany as their God, racial pollution as sin, happiness as domination, Naziism was a kind of counterfeit religion.

If that shows all religion is bad, then Communism shows all atheism is bad.

The religious impulse is deep in the human heart and ineradicable. If it is not pointed in the right direction it goes in the wrong one. People who try to eliminate religion like Stalin, Lenin, and Pol Pot are the worst of all.
LOL. You can deny reality all you want, but evolution is real. Saying the Nazis used Darwinism for evil is like saying they used gunpowder for evil.

Gunpowder is an inert substance that can be used in any way. Darwinism is a philosophy that leads to cruelty and disaster when people really try to live by it.

Gunpowder cannot be true or false, it exists. Beliefs about human origins can be true or false, and uplifting and ennobling or destructive.
Are you selecting lines from the Gospels - it also says Jews are born of the devil and their synagogues are satan's den. But it omits who did all the satanic deeds - this gong falls squarely on Christians more than any other group in history, and gave rise to the world's most heinous villifications and terrible people - now deemed as Saints: Luther, Isabela, Pope Pius and Adolf.

Jesus did not say Jews were born of the devil. He said liars and murderers were of the devil. That is true of all people everywhere.

Jesus went to the synagogue and taught there. He was referring to the false teachings of phony religious leaders (those can be Jews or Christians).

That Christians are the world's worst people or gave rise to them is false. Pol Pot, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun did not emerge out of Chrsitainity. You also ignore the many millions of ordinary Christians who never harmed anyone. What about the Jews in America? How many Christians have just left them alone?

As to Hitler being a Christian, you cannot show at he believed in one of the essential tenets of Christianity. He despised Christianity as a religion for weaklings.

On the heels of the Holocaust:


I am not a Catholic and do not care what the Pope says. He is no leader to me.

What will Jesus say to one climbing the salvation mountain with such baggage - even by scraping his nails to get up there? It stains all Christians - even a saintly old woman with dementia who can't remember her name anymore. Result: Christians keep silent that a death-to-Israel 3 state is called a 2-state. Christian arithmetic - why blame Jesus when the ones holding the knives is esewhere?

Christians are among Israel's strongest supporters. I support Israel.

What teachings?

How about "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"?
Would it change anything? Its not a quote I made up, and is a commonly known one. The reason for the Nazi like decree by Isabella was given as BETTER TO DESTROY THEIR BODIES THEREBY GIVING THEM SALVATION FOR THEIR SOULS. Gee thanks - same to you too! European Christianity should be made mandatory teaching in all history classes.

They should also teach that many features of Catholicism have nothing to do with Christ or the apostles. Judge Christianity by Christ, not by people who reject his teachings and ignore his commandments.
Nothing wrong with my use of the language nor should I eat my hat. There is nothing logical about sky fairies and invisible super beings. Please explain the logic there if you can.

You stated that noone could thinklogically about bronze age superstitions.

So, that includes you.

If you can't think logically about them, then you shouldn't discuss them.

If you can think logically, then someone can, not no one, ergo, you must eat your hat.

This is simple logic, and you can't follow it?
Originally Posted by Joe K.
But the evil ws inherent in Darwinism. Life as struggle without ethics, people as animals . . .

You cannot show many Nazis were Christians. Which of them believed in the Trinity, that Jesus was God come to earth in human form, that he died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins, rose again, and will return as God?

You willfind no support for such beliefs by Nazis - they despised such things.

Your argument is a common one, that the Christians that supported the Nazis (and there were millions), were not true Christians, but your standard sets the bar rather high... "such concepts... do not constitute a reliable gauge, as others whose Christian credentials are undisputed would similarly fail to pass.". Certainly they considered themselves to be so.

Do you know what a Christian is? Do you know what the bible teaches?

Paul says in I Corinthians 13 that without love Christianity i worthless. All faith, all knowledge, all sacrifice, is worthless without love.

Do you know that the bible plainly warns of false Christians, who say nice words but practice evil?

The bible plainly states that liars and murderers will not go to heaven - no matter if they were baptized, went to church, or mention Jesus once in a while.

In your posts and in his book you and S-G show not the slightest awareness of what Christianity is, but are only eager to attack it and believe anything bad about it.
Originally Posted by Joe K.
Phoney Darwinism?

People are animals. We emerged out of a struggle in which the strong survived and the weak died. That is what life is all about. Traditional ethics are meaningless and have no basis.

Maybe Hitler understood Darwin better than you.

Not precisely true. Do weak animals and plants exist? Yes, they do. Strength isn't necessarily fitness.

Chemistry is also inherently devoid of ethics, but somehow we don't point to the study of chemistry as a road to immorality.

Traditional ethics did in fact arise due to natural selection, so how about that?

No, traditional ethics in Europe arose out of a Christian context. Animals know only a struggle for survival. You speculation about the origin of ethics is only that - sepculation, not fact.

Chemistry doesn't teach we are only animals and that the strong defeating the weak is the origin of our being.

Chemistry is demonstrable fact. Darwinian origins are not.

Originally Posted by Joe K.
Right, it works, so who cares about ethics? You and Hitler have something in common. Just kill all of those weak and inferior people who have no business living.

Darwinism is in essence heartless and cruel.

It only appears that way because nature is indifferent. Yet among animals, altruism exists. Ancient human societies that predated modern religion also cared for their sick and infirm. You should look into the evolution of altruism, it negates your whole premise.
So were the Nazis indifferent to sick and dying people, they thought that was natural, and it is, if Darwinism is true.

If altruism exists among animals, that does not show we got it from them. It shows we havea common creator.

Ancient societies also had some kind of religion. They did not teach that we are nothing but animals, like your guru Darwin.

Your speculations about the origins of altruism are sheer imagination, without a particle of scientific fact or laboratory evidence. I hope you won't quote that pompous windbag Daniel Dennet now.


Wilhelm Kube

He remained an active Christian despite being a zealous Nazi, did he believe in the Trinity? That Jesus rose from the dead after dyingas a sacrifice for the sins of the world? That there would be a day of judgment and liars and murderers would be cast into hell? That people needed to rpeent of their sins and be saved by Christ? That they needed to follow the teachings of Christ, IF they REALLY BELIEVED he was the Son of God? and in 1932 he organized the list of candidates of the Faith Movement of the German Christians for the ordinary election of presbyters and synodals within the Evangelical Church of the old-Prussian Union on 13 November that year. The German Christians then gained about a third of all seats in presbyteries and synods. Kube was elected as one of the presbyters of the congregation of Gethsemane Church in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg. The presbyters elected him from their midst as synodal into the competent deanery synod (German: Kreissynode; Berlin then comprised 11 deaneries altogether), and these synodals again elected him a member of deanery synodal board (German: Kreissynodalvorstand). When in 1933 the Nazis came to power he remained active in the German Christian movement which sought to "Nazify" the 28 Protestant church bodies in Germany.[1] For 23 July 1933 Hitler ordered an unconstitutional, premature re-election of all presbyters and synodals, with the German Christians now gaining 70-80% of the seats, so Kube could then further advance as head of the Berlin synod of the old-Prussian Church. Following the German conquest of Poland in 1939 his Nazi party domain was extended to include Reichsgau Danzig-West Prussia and Reichsgau Wartheland.[wikipedia entry]​

Your source doesn't explain to you about the Germanic Christians, who scrapped the Old Testament and most of the New, dismissed Paul as just a Jew, claimed christ was an Aryan, and said their chief duty was to follow Adolf Hitler.

It also doesn't tell you that many Protestant seminaries and chruches had been dead for decades, rejecting the bible as out of date mythology and preachinghuyman philsoophy dressed up as religious language.

Wikepedia can be useful as a starting point, but it is very far from the last word on any subject.


Erich Koch

Koch was one of the few Nazi party leaders to consider himself a professing Christian.[8] see red quote above In addition to his political career, Koch was also the elected president of the East Prussian Protestant Church Synod.the bible says nothing of such church politics. [8] Although Koch gave preference to the Deutsche Christen who scrapped the Old Testament and taught Christ was an Aryan who did not die for the sins of mankind and rise again movement over traditional Protestantism, his contemporaries regarded Koch as a bona fide Christian, whose success in his church career could be attributed to his commitment to the Lutheran faith.[8]​

His contemporaries? And when he stands before the judgment seat of Jesus Christ? "Friendship with the world is enmity with God. Whoseovere therefore will be the friend of the world is the enemy of God." It is a straight and narrow way that leads to eternal life and few there be that find it." These are just a couple of Christian teachings that neither you nor your source know anything about.

Koch officially resigned his church membership in 1943, but in his post-war testimony he stated: "I held the view that the Nazi idea had to develop from a basic Prussian-Protestant attitude and from Luther's unfinished Protestant Reformation".[8] Of course we know how honest heand all of those other Nazis were.On the 450th Anniversary of Luther's birth (10 November 1933), Koch spoke on the circumstances surrounding Luther's birthday. He implied that the Machtergreifung was an act of divine will and stated that both Luther and Hitler struggled in the name of belief.[8] [wikipedia entry]

Luther did not believe that the blond blue-eyed Aryans were the master race, that Germany should rule the world, that the Jews were a threat to German racial purity, or any such racial nonsense. Your sources say and know nothing about the emergence of modern secular racial anti-Semitism - or maybe they know about it but cover it up as their sole desire is to attack Christianity.

Allow me to quote from the conclusion of Steigmann-Gall's dishonest and incompetentbook:

It is apparent that certain presumptions about Nazism will never fully disappear. If for no other reason, Nazism serves as a useful foil, a way of gauging good and evil in the world. We are given to presuming that the things we dislike in modern society must have reigned triumphant in Nazism. In fact, what we suppose Nazism must surely have been about usually tells us as much about contemporary societies as about the past purportedly under review. The insistence that Nazism was an anti-Christian movement has been one of the most enduring truisms of the past 50 years. Hitler persecuted Christianity and despised itIt started as a preconception even before the movement gained power and only gained strength after the war. UntrueFor Western societies intent on rebuilding themselves after the worst devastation in world history and facing a new atheistic "menace", it could be argued that preserving this truism was a political necessity. The unprecedented polarity in which the postwar world found itself and the almost crusadelike mentality of the Western establishment at the time hardly provided a warm home for critical self-examination. hot air Exporing the possibility that many Nazis regarded themselves as Christian would have decisively undermined the myths of the Cold War and the regeneration of the German nation that the metaphor of the Stunde Null (zero hour) so precisely represented. Rubbish

Even as other conceptions of Nazism - either as capitalist smoke screen or medieval anachronism - have falled under the weight of empirical scrutiny, this particular preconception seems as firmly entrenched as ever. In one sense this is entirely understandable. Nearly all Western societies retain a sense of Christian identity to this day. !!!!!!! Many peoplelove to attack and slander Christianity today, inlcuding this sourceMoral boundries are still in some measure drawn by biblical stricture and other forms of Christian social ethic. That Nazism as the world-historical metaphor for human evil and wickedness should in some way have been related to Christianity can therefore be regarded by many only as unthinkable. Christianity is not just a theological system; it is also a byword for moral and upstanding behavior of any kind. This is especially evident in the contemporary United States, where acts regarded as immoral, improper, or unethical are sanctioned as un-Christian, no matter how Christian the perpetrator or the motivation. This pedestrian usage of the phrase "Christian," no less significant for being ill defined, serves to reinforce the theological argument that the evil of Nazism surely bears no relation to the beauty and magnificence of the Christian religion in whatever form.

This argument that Christianity is far removed from National Socialism is not based on such vague and subjective phenomena, but on the teachings of Christ and the essence of Christianity, about which S-G is completely ignorant.

But men of God have been responsible for numerous acts of aggression and murder born of prejudice. The Crusades, Inquisition, and Apartheid, to name only the most obvious historical episodes, are generally regarded as "un-Christian" moments, even though it was piously Christian men who devised them and carried them through. Were they following the teachings of Christ? No. And what about all of the evils commited by secularists? Of course in a Christian society, the best way to attack intolerance of any kind, most particularly antisemitism, is to argue that it is anti-Christian. However, although the ethical value of this stance is self-evident, when it is transposed onto historical analysis problems emerge. Moral instruction quickly becomes historical apologia. The desire to shape a morally upstanding populous too often implies the suppression of difficult truths. By detaching Christianity from the crimes of it's adherents, we create a Christianity above history, a Christianity whose teachings need not be ultimately investigated. Seen in this light, those who have committed such acts must have misunderstood Christianity, or worse yet purposefully misused it for their own ends. "Real Christians" do not commit such crimes. "Real Christianity" is about loving one's neighbor and the righteousness of the meek. But there is another side of the coin. As the theologian Richard Rubenstein puts it, "The world of the death camps and the society it engenders reveals the progressively intensifying night side of Judeo-Christian civilization. Civilization means slavery, wars, exploitation, and death camps. It also means medical hygiene, elevated religious ideas, beautiful art, and exquisite music." Christianity, in other words, may be the source of some of the same darkness it abhors. Christianity can be perverted, as can anything else.
There is a danger in depicting any aspect of Nazism as "normal." However, the corollary to such an admission is not that Nazism is somehow redeemable, but rather that it is much closer to us than we dare allow ourselves to believe.That's very true - of Darwinists The discovery that so many Nazis considered themselves or their movement to be Christian distortion of fact and lies. Not one leading Nazi stated belief inany of the fundamental teachings of Christianity. makes us similarly uncomfortable. But the very unpleasantness of this fact makes it all the more important to look it squarely in the face.

Pure lies. This is a serious distortion of what Naziism was all about. Hitler makes many references to Darwinian values and life as a struggle in Mein Kampf. S-G ignores all of this because he is motivated by a hatred of Christianity and wnats only to attack it.

He ignores the countless of millions of ordinary people who have really tried to follow the teachings of Christ and never harmed anyone, then points to evil murderes in the Inquisition etc. whom the bible plainly states will not go to heaven.

If I were you I would not waste my time with S-G's idiotic book, but read The Scientific Origins of National Socialism by Daniel Gasman. He provesbeyonda shadow of a doubt that Ernst Haeckel, Germany's leading Darwinist before WWI, expressed many ideas identical to Hitler's. Life as a struggle, survival of the fittest, German supremacy, extermination of the sick and the weak - these ideas of a leading darwinist were identical to Hitler in a way that no teaching of the New Testament is. You might also read Richard weikart's book From Darwin to Hitler. He documents how because of Darwinism many German intellectuals in the decades before Hitler came to see death as positive, normal, natural, and healthy, a means of weeding out the unfit.
It was a protestant institution, the Inner Mission, that advocated eugenics and had an explicit mission to bridge the gulf between rationalist science and nonrationalist faith, "especially with regard to heredity and race". The scientist Bernhard Bavnik was especially concerned with reconciling faith and science. Bavnik explained that population and race have the same standing in theology as the individual, so that it deserves the same protection from extermination. They supported laws in 1932 to decriminalize eugenic sterilization, and the sterilization of "asocial" people. When the Nazis passed a much stronger version of the law in 1933, the Inner Mission proceeded to voluntarily sterilize inmates in it's own asylums, free from coercion by the Nazi state.

And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying , Speak unto Aaron, saying , Whosoever he be of thy seed in their generations that hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God. For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach : a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose , or any thing superfluous , Or a man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded, Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken; No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the LORD made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God. He shall eat the bread of his God, both of the most holy, and of the holy. Only he shall not go in unto the vail, nor come nigh unto the altar, because he hath a blemish; that he profane not my sanctuaries: for I the LORD do sanctify them. And Moses told it unto Aaron, and to his sons, and unto all the children of Israel.

Darwinists such as Ernst Haeckel and many others were openly and publicly advocating the extermination of the weak and the unfit long before anyone else. The religious people you refer to were following after the world, and expressing ideas first cooked up by secularists.

You quote says only that people with certain defects were not allowed to be priests. it does not say they were unfit subhumans to be exterminated. It took the modern era to dream up that nonsense.
Europe conducted two holocausts, one in 70 CE and one in the 1940's; Islam is panting for its own by its self declared agenda against all infidels. Both of Europe's holocaust doctrines were based on the same doctrine of heresy - a Roman and a Christian one. The doctrines embedded in the Gospels and Quran are racist and in contradiction of the given doctrine all humanity stems from one host couple and have equal, inalienable human rights. One of them thar doctrines has to go if humanity is to prevail. :)

To say the Gospels are racists is really astonishing. The New Testament teaches all humanity descended from one host couple. Jesus also referred to Adam and Eve.

Europe's Nazi Holocaust was based on the secular philosophy of Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Gobineau, Wagner, Nietzsche, and a german form of Darwinism.
Europe's Nazi Holocaust was based on the secular philosophy of Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Gobineau, Wagner, Nietzsche, and a german form of Darwinism.

Sure, and many more self described "scholars". Afa Darwinism, Darwin never said we have to go about experimenting so i dont think it was based on it.
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Sure, and many more self described "scholars". Afa Darwinism, Darwin never said we have to go about experimenting so i dont think it was based on it.

Darwin would no doubt have been appaled by Hitler, but if Darwinism is true, then we are only animals, and traditional ethics are false. I don't think Darwin clearly saw the human implications of his theory - or maybe he did, but kept it to himself so as not to stir up prejudice against his theory.
No one is inclined to answer my posts. Can this be because the connections between Naziism and the teaching that people are only animals is too obvious to refute, while any connection between Hitler and Christ is too ludicrous to survive even a brief analysis?
No one is inclined to answer my posts. Can this be because the connections between Naziism and the teaching that people are only animals is too obvious to refute, while any connection between Hitler and Christ is too ludicrous to survive even a brief analysis?

Well we are not animals because animals dont talk.

As for the second part, people see what they want to see and that is true for the internet. To many people it is like putting a quarter in a juke box and picking out your favorite song. History and facts dont matter as long as they get to hear the song the like. The problem is they are not learning. If i count 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12 and i just cant understand 10 goes after 9 then i find someone does the same thing and then some more people then to me 12 does go after 9 and it brings some joy when they see others agree. Some can even be convinced that 12 really does go after 9. For example, they get to nine and they say "ta...ta...ta..ten? NO, that cant be righ there must be something else let me find some more because i like 12 after 9."
Animals do talk?
Not talking is NOT what defines animals.
Do try to learn something.
It is true that humans differ from other animals in terms of intelligence. However, from a biological perspective, humans are classified as animals!
The biological definition of the word refers to all members of the kingdom Animalia, encompassing creatures ranging from insects to humans

Since we aren't mineral and we aren't vegetable (although I suppose a good case could be made for *cough* certain posters here) what does that leave?
Oh yeah... we're animals, of the kingdom animalia
"The biological definition of the word refers to all members of the kingdom Animalia, encompassing creatures ranging from insects to humans"

In the most broadest sense.
"The biological definition of the word refers to all members of the kingdom Animalia, encompassing creatures ranging from insects to humans"

In the most broadest sense.
WTF are you talking about?
The definition includes humans.
End of story.
Darwin would no doubt have been appaled by Hitler, but if Darwinism is true, then we are only animals, and traditional ethics are false. I don't think Darwin clearly saw the human implications of his theory - or maybe he did, but kept it to himself so as not to stir up prejudice against his theory.

No that is false. Even though we are animals, we do have the power of thought, and are able to evaluate our actions in relation to the good of society as a whole. Animals have their own standards of ethics, they often help each other as much as hurt each other.