Body Signals Redux: Proving Mormonism

. I can't imagine a life where God commented on every thought, can you?
I thought that was the idea.
I can't imagine a God I try to understand why folk think there is something to it and how no matter the inconsistencies they pop up and still believe...fool me non stop it seems.
I just don't get it..its like part of their brain is missing.
Like colour blindness ..just can't see what is obvious to another.
You know it's called Cherry Picking.
Its like a parent being told their child has stolen multiple times, is a drug addict, near beat someone to death and they simply say... Oh he is a good boy really.

What did you miss any one of those acts tells you he is far from being a good boy...

They are incapable of rationalising there is a problem.

Same with the bible..oh they had different world view...yes they did and that explains why they were wrong...yes but it won't change my faith...
A lie is an imperfection that I will always condemn.

Again why quote someone?

Why would you not condemn someone for their imperfection?

He beats his wife...oh let's not condemn him for his imperfection.

He steals from his employer...oh let's not condemn him for his imperfection.

I can not see how the fact a prophet said this makes it worthy of recognition... It is so many things yet you just accept it without question or can you get by just accepting stuff without thinking if it makes sence.

I don't understand.


It means, if the piece of pie I serve you isn't exactly the right shape, don't condemn me for it.
Or if I speak English with an American accent, or my Hebrew writing style doesn't measure up to what you think it should be, etc., don't condemn me for it. An imperfection isn't necessarily an offense or a sin.
That's the wonderful thing about getting a good education, though: you learn new ways of perception and perspective
absolutely true - but this will do no good if you go into the situation with preconceived notions, especially with regard to a STEM degree

Scientific thinking--and for that matter, new ideas in every discipline--have been similarly dismissed by closed-minded individuals. They forced Galileo to publicly recant his idea that the Earth orbits the sun, for example. Just because an idea doesn't fit your (or my) worldview doesn't make further research fruitless
first off, if you will please revisit your history books and note that it was the religious leadership who forced Galileo to recant.... and that is a huge lesson you should remember about why religion doesn't mix with science. Science advances on the power of it's evidence, regardless of what you believe, whereas religion grows because people believe regardless of the evidence against their belief.

next thing to know regarding your comment is that history is rife with people dismissing science, and you can see it still today with climate change to evolution. One of the major contributors to these beliefs is a choice to believe what you want over the evidenciary proof that directly contradicts it. see also:

one last point regarding dismissal of certain things in science today: usually it is for a good reason, be it evidence or simply the violations of known laws well established as scientific facts. the perfect example of this is the "intelligent design" cult or even the electric universe and their cult of idiocy.

taking random historical dismissals of evidence from history without context only demonstrates your willingness to completely ignore relevant evidence and data to argue on behalf of your belief system, which is one reason you will not do well in a STEM field.
Who said I don't have evidence?
you have provided absolutely zero reputable evidence to the forum, and as such that means, by definition, you do not have evidence. (anecdote is not real evidence unless you can provide a means to replicate said evidence - see link below). in fact, your "evidence" is at best unsupported conjecture. You can't even consider it an untested claim as i provided a refute that is actually based on hard physical evidence that can not only be replicated, but can also make accurate predictions as well as can be falsified.

logic says you have no evidence.

also note: there are different levels of evidence, and as such you've provided only anecdote, one of the lowest and worst levels of evidence you can have.

The claim: God sometimes communicates with man through body signals.
physical evidence supporting claim: decades of personal observation, correlation and experience.
compatible with observation and validated knowledge: yep
now to apply the scientific method which you refuse to accept but somehow want to get a degree in

is it able to be replicated?
is it validated through secondary non-related sources?
is it falsifiable?
is it then, using the scientific method, something that can be considered a fact?
this is, at best, a belief that you have about yourself and your world and can be explained by actual science that is backed by experimental replication as well as evidence elsewhere. you can see the same arguments you've made from:
religious fanaticism
medical ailments
mass hysteria
psychosomatic illnesses
delusional mental illnesses

I'll stop there ... there is a lot more that can explain your situation with far more accurate and better scientific evidence compiled from far greater experiment and or collections of data for statistical analysis.

Please explain your point in quoting Jeremiah--I don't get it.
imagine that... you're not educated in your own bible. sigh...

for starters, you need to choose which "covenant" you wish to follow per the Abrahamic biblical record. there are only two.

then note that to be a chosen one able to teach others in the way of the religion per the first covenant requires application of a known set of rules (laws) and appointment which you do not have (and this is well known by simply studying the OT, and there are places to find these appointments even on the web)... so you've directly violated your own biblical laws for the sake of promoting heresy and or your personal belief.

given your refusal to abide by the direct commandments of the first covenant and your failure to provide your heritage from the House of Israel as well as the other mandated requirements per the Abrahamic religion then this means, by definition, that you abide by the second covenant.

saying you abide by the second covenant means you are directly violating your biblical law and that you do not believe in the power of or the words of your own supposedly omniscient omnipotent deity as it plainly explains (JER 31: 33-34) that your deity said thus: "I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more."

so as such you're violating your own biblical law, either way you look at it.

please note that if you want to promote a religion, you either have to abide by said religions mandate or create your own like Joseph Smith who, like any religious leader, simply made sh*t up in order to control others.

that is proven fact that can be demonstrated from all the written history of the human race. period.
this is one reason religion is not considered amenable to science.
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Alex, I challenge you to read the Book of Mormon. You can order a free one here:
another point to add regarding this book... you have chosen examples out of history that demonstrate the power of religion to directly ignore reality for the sake of a delusional belief, yet you state that a book, written in recent history without validation or the proof that can be provided by the scientific method to support it's claims, is somehow authoritative on the technologically advanced space-faring world today?

and this doesn't seem delusional to you?
and you think this is a good thought process to have when in a STEM field?
this is logical to you?

It means, if the piece of pie I serve you isn't exactly the right shape, don't condemn me for it.
Or if I speak English with an American accent, or my Hebrew writing style doesn't measure up to what you think it should be, etc., don't condemn me for it. An imperfection isn't necessarily an offense or a sin.
Of course I would not even comment on those things.
I think the problems in the bible are way past the trivial examples you present.
Alex, I challenge you to read the Book of Mormon
I won't accept that challenge I am afraid.
I do not believe in any God whatsoever and know that to read the book would just anger me and as tolerant as I am find it hard not to negatively judge folk who are religious.
I pity them as victims of a cruel indoctrination presumably as children but if they have taken up religion as adults I find it hard to not think of them as fools who lie to the person you should never lie to ...self.
Rather than be put in a position where I may judge I would rather avoid being confronted.

I try to be on good terms with everyone but making me read such stuff will just get me angry and cause me to be judgemental.

You believe what you wish but please try and understand I do not believe in any religion or God and the kindest thing I can say is I think it is nonsence.

I can't see any point in maintaining such make believe.

please note that if you want to promote a religion, you either have to abide by said religions mandate or create your own like Joseph Smith who, like any religious leader, simply made sh*t up in order to control others.

that is proven fact that can be demonstrated from all the written history of the human race. period.
this is one reason religion is not considered amenable to science.

Hi Captain
I do not know how but I missed your posts earlier.
I like them both.
Excellent observation.
I hope that bear was Christian.
another point to add regarding this book... you have chosen examples out of history that demonstrate the power of religion to directly ignore reality for the sake of a delusional belief, yet you state that a book, written in recent history without validation or the proof that can be provided by the scientific method to support it's claims, is somehow authoritative on the technologically advanced space-faring world today?

and this doesn't seem delusional to you?
and you think this is a good thought process to have when in a STEM field?
this is logical to you?


Really! The Book of Mormon and the Bible are both true and extremely relevant in our day.
Please do not goad or bait other members. This is trolling.
All the false gods, all the fake sins, every gollywog some fuckwit can dredge up out of the cloaca, just to manipulate the weak.

Fuck you.
Everything to do with Christ, salvation, forgiveness of sins, repentance, etc.
Oh, that's the stuff that sucks. Korihor is my favorite part of the Book of Morman (a blatant rip off of the Bible written in fake old English). Because Korihor is a skeptic.
I goggled the Book of Mormon.
All I could get were references to the musical "The Book of Mormon" which apparently is a play that pokes fun at the church of Latter Day Saints.
I went to one and finally found a link to Wiki.

From Wiki....

According to Latter Day Saint belief, the golden plates (also called the gold plates or in some 19th-century literature, thegolden bible)[1] are the source from which Joseph Smith said he translated the Book of Mormon, a sacred text of the faith.[2] Some witnesses described the plates as weighing from 30 to 60 pounds (14 to 27 kg),[3] being golden in color, and being composed of thin metallic pages engraved on both sides and bound with three D-shaped rings.

Smith said he found the plates on September 22, 1823, at a hill near his home in Manchester, New York, after the angel Moroni directed him to a buried stone box. Smith said the angel at first prevented him from taking the plates, but instructed him to return to the same location in a year. In September 1827, on his fourth annual attempt to retrieve the plates, Smith returned home with a heavy object wrapped in a frock, which he then put in a box. Though he allowed others to heft the box, he said that the angel had forbidden him to show the plates to anyone until they had been translated from their original "reformed Egyptian" language. Smith dictated the text of the Book of Mormon over the next several years, claiming that it was a translation of the plates. He did this by using a seer stone, which he placed in the bottom of a hat and then placed the hat over his face to view the words written within the stone.[4] Smith published the translation in 1830 as the Book of Mormon.

Smith eventually obtained testimonies from eleven men, known as the Book of Mormon witnesses, who said they had seen the plates.[5] After the translation was complete, Smith said he returned the plates to the angel Moroni. Therefore the plates cannot now be examined. Latter Day Saints believe the account of the golden plates as a matter of faith, while critics often assert that either Smith manufactured the plates himself[6] or that the Book of Mormon witnesses based their testimony on visions rather than physical experience.

How do we use the Poe alert here?

Billy Baxter I feel sorry for you, I wish so much I could help you.
Your faith seems to rest on lies made up by a delussional fool.
The claims are just so extrodinary I just can not believe there are people who are taken in by such nonsence.
Billy I think your inner self is crying for help as surely that is why you presented your ideas, it as if you are presenting the symptoms of an illness.
Please seek help, drop out of the group for 21 days go bush (camping away from everything) and get it together, sit under the stars and ask the Universe if this fool Smith could be on the level.. You have been taken in by his delussion.
Think it through man.
If I came to you with a story that I had a similar experience you should work out that I am insane.

He placed a stone in the bottom of a hatand then put the hat over his face to interprete the "gold plates"

Billy Billy Billy please tell me you do not accept this.
You poor man, this is simply terrible, how did you ever get involved with this nonsence.
I feel so sorry for you, sincerely I just dont know how to help you.