Body Signals Redux: Proving Mormonism

Thank you for providing an example but what I was seeking was something that has happened to you.
Where God has guided you by talking to you via body parts.

Easy. Every time I teased a kid younger than myself as a teenager, my left eye would itch, indicating that I didn't see Justice's effects for this action. Whenever I repented of teasing, my right ear would itch, indicating that I had gained God's mercy, or forgiveness.

Do you hate or dislike atheists.
Do you hate or dislike other Christians who are of a different sect...say catholics or church of England folk.

I strive to love everyone even though it's hard sometimes. My two best friends as a child were an atheist and a Catholic. My heart has a soft spot for atheists as a result.

How old do you think the Earth is?

About 4 billion years old.

Look I understand I am probably getting to personal so if you don't wish to answer I will understand.

no worries.
Is this Morse Code of Twitches like the Morse Code of dots and dashes?

Has the code changed over the years?

Is the code International?

Or even Intergalactical if god has another bunch of life forms on other planets?

Do flies sin when they shit on my food?

Have you ever tried to decipher someone twitching on the floor before you found out they were epileptic?

Someone mention food. Humpty Dumpty wants some.
Poe is full from the Mad Hatters Tea Party. :)

The code hasn't changed--it's remarkably consistent--but my understanding of it has. For instance, as late as fall 2015 I believed that side-stitches in my ribs meant I was following an evil spirit while now I believe that view to be erroneous.

I assume the code is universal.

Flies and animals cannot sin AFAIK; they are slaves to their instincts.
Why couldn't Allah cause the left side of his body to be paralyzed such that he could not walk or is he happy to let this fool decide he will kill or not ...forget the victims.
You probably wonder why folk chose to be atheists.
I would like to believe in God simply to reject him as being cruel and simply uncaring.
If I had the power of God I would prevent cruelty to humans and animals, the inoccent who are just supposed to take it on the basis its Gods will...just because he wants to be cruel and hypocritical in his, stated by ancient superstitious fools, love for his little humans.
I just can not understand how anyone with the power can let a child suffer, or a little animal suffer or let anything suffer and I think to see the suffering in the world one can reasonably conclude there is no God.....what else could we conclude... He cares for us?
Yes but we need to die and suffer.
I don't care if they all get to go to heaven there is no need for suffering.
I hope Jesus gets here before I die because I want to tell him his dad is a cruel made up mythical entity.

God has given men their free agency in order to make us accountable for our thoughts, words and actions. "...and God shall wipe away all tears..." A favorite poem of mine goes, "The burden of suffering seems a tombstone hung about our necks; while in reality it is only the weight which is necessary to hold down the diver while he is hunting pearls."
Whenever I repented of teasing, my right ear would itch, indicating that I had gained God's mercy, or forgiveness.
Thank you for taking the time to provide this personal example.
May I ask why did you want to tease someone?
To do so is cruel did you not understand you were being cruel?
Were you ever cruel to animals?
I think kindness is a wonderful quality.
I am kind and I make a point to thank folk who have been kind to me specifically saying " I thank you for your kindness" and I can see people enjoy that recognition.
God has given men their free agency in order to make us accountable for our thoughts, words and actions. "...and God shall wipe away all tears..." A favorite poem of mine goes, "The burden of suffering seems a tombstone hung about our necks; while in reality it is only the weight which is necessary to hold down the diver while he is hunting pearls."

A favourite saying of one of the charge sisters I worked under was
"It's hard to soar like an eagle when surrounded by turkeys"

This was trotted out when any of us were caught doing a perceived wrong.

That all changed when a co-worker and I were making a patient's bed.

Charge sister came up as we tried to appear busy.

Out came the phrase.

My co-worker continued to work in harmony with me making the bed, head down, eyes focused on the bed sheet and said in a voice loud enough to be heard the other end of the ward

"It's hard being a turkey when being shat on by eagles"

Time stopped.

Next thing I remember I finished making the bed, collected the patient from theatre and finished my shift.

Co-worker and I passed our exams and neither of us heard the phrase again.

Humpty Dumpty loves that
So does Poe :)
"The burden of suffering seems a tombstone hung about our necks; while in reality it is only the weight which is necessary to hold down the diver while he is hunting pearls."
I must remember that to pass onto the family of murder victims.
That should pick them up.
Part of the problem I have with religion is this roll out of tripe to dismiss something that should be treated with greater maturity.
He who hesitates is lost...but look before you leap.
Why do folk have to fall back on trite stupid sayings when they could think and say something original.
And I am supposed to now roll over and say oh suffering is all of Gods plan...What good is a God who will not use his power to relieve suffering....damn stupid nonsence that side steps the obvious.
God loves us and yet let's you suffer.
Free will.
Thank you for taking the time to provide this personal example.
May I ask why did you want to tease someone?
To do so is cruel did you not understand you were being cruel?
Were you ever cruel to animals?
I think kindness is a wonderful quality.
I am kind and I make a point to thank folk who have been kind to me specifically saying " I thank you for your kindness" and I can see people enjoy that recognition.

I got teased a lot as a boy, and in turn teased others. Children can be cruel without realizing it. I love animals and don't recall being cruel to any beyond teasing kittens with string (which they loved!)
The Bible gives a much shorter time do you not lose faith to confront such inaccuracy.

The evidence for an old Earth is overwhelming. I believe the Bible's "seven days" of creation should be understood as "seven long periods of time." I could be mistaken. Doesn't shake my faith either way.
weight which is necessary to hold down the diver while he is hunting pearls."

Three questions
  1. Why doesn't he make the oyster float to the surface and give us nets to gather them?
  2. What if the diver doesn't find any pearls?
  3. What if the diver runs out of air and can't get rid of the weight?
  4. Supplementary:- Does the weight become a lost at sea watery graveyard tombstone?
Each question is worth 25 points.

Pass percentage is 70%.

You may start when ready.

No time limit. You have until the end of eternity or the rapture which ever comes first.

Humpty Dumpty just scraps through test.
Poe is always testing. :)
So you must have known how hurtful such an action was to your victim and yet you still tormented someone.
How can you defend those actions?
Someone was cruel to me so I am justified to be cruel.
I don't understand.

I don't justify it or defend it.
Three questions
  1. Why doesn't he make the oyster float to the surface and give us nets to gather them?
  2. What if the diver doesn't find any pearls?
  3. What if the diver runs out of air and can't get rid of the weight?
  4. Supplementary:- Does the weight become a lost at sea watery graveyard tombstone?
Each question is worth 25 points.

Pass percentage is 70%.

You may start when ready.

No time limit. You have until the end of eternity or the rapture which ever comes first.

Humpty Dumpty just scraps through test.
Poe is always testing. :)

5. Extra credit: Why doesn't God make oysters land critters?
I believe the Bible's "seven days" of creation should be understood as "seven long periods of time.
Yet it says seven days.
It seems that believers blot out problems in the bible and don't let them affect the overall validity they place upon the bible.
If I deal with a man and I catch him telling one lie I conclude that nothing he says has any credibility.
And in the bible there are many things that ...well let's call them lies not to would be a lie...should we not treat it the same as I treat a man who tells a lie.
Why not apply the little saying ,seeimg you like sayings and this one has power, ....
Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.
Why can you accept being fooled more than once.
Is there no limit to the excuses to save the bible.
Does your left side play up when you read things in the bible,?
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Yet it says seven days.
It seems that believers blot out problems in the bible and don't let them affect the overall validity they place upon the bible.
If I deal with a man and I catch him telling one lie I conclude that nothing he days has any credibility.
And in the bible there are many things that ...well let's call them lies not to would be a lie...should we not treat it the same as I treat a man who tells a lie.
Why not apply the little saying ,seeimg you like sayings and this one has power, ....
Fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice shame on me.
Why can you accept being fooled more than once.
Is there no limit to the excuses to save the bible.
Does your left side play up when you read things in the bible,?

Mormons don't believe the Bible is infallible or perfect in every way. For instance, ever hear of the "four corners (or is it quarters?) of the earth." The scriptures were written by human, fallible people who didn't live in a vacuum. Condemn us not for our imperfections, said one Book of Mormon prophet.

TOBS doesn't work with every little thought or action. I can't imagine a life where God commented on every thought, can you?
5. Extra credit: Why doesn't God make oysters land critters?

  1. No legs
  2. No slithery flexible body parts outside the hard shell
  3. Not enough food in air as apposed to water for the oyster to filter and live on
  4. No eyes to detect enemies
  5. No science degree in chemical engineering (the oyster that is).
Im happy with the first 4 but not entirely sure about 5.

Humpty Dumpty thinks 5 is a goer.
Poe has a blue elephant stamp on the back of his hand but no memory of how it got there. :)
Condemn us not for our imperfections, said one Book of Mormon prophet.
A lie is an imperfection that I will always condemn.

Again why quote someone?

Why would you not condemn someone for their imperfection?

He beats his wife...oh let's not condemn him for his imperfection.

He steals from his employer...oh let's not condemn him for his imperfection.

I can not see how the fact a prophet said this makes it worthy of recognition... It is so many things yet you just accept it without question or can you get by just accepting stuff without thinking if it makes sence.

I don't understand.
