Body Signals Redux: Proving Mormonism

Is that still part of the deal?
Anyone wanting more than one wife is certainly crazy.
If you want more than one maybe you are not mature enough to even have one.
I have been reading about the Mormons and conclude they all need help.
It is so sad to think people can be so screwed up by religion.
I have changed my views because I now hope Jesus is coming and I hope he gets here sooner than later so he can resurrect Smith and smash his face in...why wasn't Smith locked up.
Porked his neighbour ...adultery must have not been covered in the golden bible...this is so sad.
Maybe we can attribute to Smith the phrase "As mad as a hatter".

"As mad as a hatter".

Are you insulting hatters?

Were not those poor souls suffering mercury poisoning?

Is not BB in grip of the dreaded god virus of which the most learned scribes cannot hold forth?

Lady Macbeth has more chance of ridding the spot from her hands than poor poor BB ridding the cursed god virus from his brain.

We can only pray to the god of knowledge to send down his/her/its wisdom.

We ask this in the name of the dictionary, the encyclopedia, and the all powerful ghost of Wikipedia.

And may Britannica rest in peace.

Humpty and Poe in chorus AMEN.

Cue the organ music and pass the collection plate.
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Are you insulting hatters?
I would never insult anyone I was merely drawing attention to that delusional rat bag Smith, should be called moron not Mormon, who was an evil liar using a seeing stone in the bottom of his hat over his face to translate, what presumably were non existent golden leaves, and that everything about him is evidence of extreme mental illness or extreme dishonesty and fraud or a evil combination of both.
His body should be dug up his bones ground to dust and mixed with sewerage to make fertilizer for weeds.
I can't wait for Jesus to smash his face in.
It is so very sad to see a good man like Billy Baxter lied to, and driven to unhealthy and delusional thoughts.
Please help me to encourage Billy to get out of the sect and pursue a normal life.
I bet the group has him mentally imprisoned the poor man is doomed I feel.
So sad.
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Billy Baxter I feel sorry for you, I wish so much I could help you.
Your faith seems to rest on lies made up by a delussional fool.
The claims are just so extrodinary I just can not believe there are people who are taken in by such nonsence.
Billy I think your inner self is crying for help as surely that is why you presented your ideas, it as if you are presenting the symptoms of an illness.
Please seek help, drop out of the group for 21 days go bush (camping away from everything) and get it together, sit under the stars and ask the Universe if this fool Smith could be on the level.. You have been taken in by his delussion.
Think it through man.
If I came to you with a story that I had a similar experience you should work out that I am insane.

He placed a stone in the bottom of a hatand then put the hat over his face to interprete the "gold plates"

Billy Billy Billy please tell me you do not accept this.
You poor man, this is simply terrible, how did you ever get involved with this nonsence.
I feel so sorry for you, sincerely I just dont know how to help you.

Relax, Alex, I'm okay. Don't confuse TOBS with Mormon doctrine. TOBS is a theory, while Mormonism is true.
The Church of Jesus Christ hasn't practiced polygamy since 1890.

Would you go to the angry Jews in A.D. 33 to learn about Christ? If not, why go to dubious anti-mormon websites (not Wikipedia) to learn about Mormonism? Read the Book of Mormon.
Billy Baxter please answer this... Are you aware of Smiths discovery of the golden bible and the angels and his translation.

Yes, and I have a testimony that Joseph Smith really was a prophet. I've read the Book of Mormon about 7 times and I know it's true.
Billy Baxter
The Book of Mormon and the Bible are both true
uhm... no, they're not "true" - and the OT has been proven false on a number of things, whereas the NT has so many problems (without even discussing the Canon, mind you) that it's not even funny

hell, you can debunk the OT just in the first chapter of GEN when the supreme infallible deity creates plants before ever creating the sun and moon... and then goes on to f*ck up everything with the two "humans" that somehow get outed into the "world" where the sons take wives. yup. wives. unless you're talking bestiality, then that means humans...

moreover, there is absolutely no empirical evidence whatsoever that the historical abrahamic bible is factual about anything other than perhaps the lineage of it's founders, and even that is not 100% correct as already noted in the OT

and extremely relevant in our day
again... no, they're not
there is some indication that they're potential studies in the human condition, but that is about it
The Church of Jesus Christ hasn't practiced polygamy since 1890.

Would you go to the angry Jews in A.D. 33 to learn about Christ? If not, why go to dubious anti-mormon websites (not Wikipedia) to learn about Mormonism? Read the Book of Mormon.
Hi Billy
The only reason I visited the musical web site was because there was nothing in the way of a legitimate link but from it I found a wiki link and all I posted above was wiki which I presume was a reasonable account of Smith finding the golden plates.
You can't believe this.
Honestly I am an atheist and for the first time ever I have felt compelled to pray for your delivery from this foolishness.
Most folk will write you off as a fool like Smith but you sound a reasonable person so please take my advice get out of the sect.
Think of it this way God has lead you here so I can speak to you.
I am an honest man I have nothing to gain I care please heed my advice.