Body Signals Redux: Proving Mormonism

that delusional rat bag Smith, should be called moron not Mormon, who was an evil liar using a seeing stone in the bottom of his hat over his face to translate, what presumably were non existent golden leaves, and that everything about him is evidence of extreme mental illness or extreme dishonesty and fraud or a evil combination of both.
actually, he presents an almost perfect example of sociopathic delusional psychosis with Dunning-Kruger. What is the primary tactic of the sociopath, most often seen in serial offenders like rapists or serial killers?
Manipulation, Domination and Control

and those three words describe almost all religious leaders, but definitely apply to ol' joe smitty for sure!


Billy Baxter
while Mormonism is true
no, it isn't
if it can't apply 100% to all things without specialised "interpretations" from elders or leadership of the church then it can't be true, nor can it be divine, infallible or any other description used for it.

It's legal but it's still slander.
1- it's not slander. if it were provable as false it would be considered libel. learn to read before you make these types comment
2- given that there is no possible way for said slandered/libeled person to argue the point in court, then you can't prosecute
3- even if the church were to attempt to prosecute, then it comes to a matter of evidence, and we already know that ol' joey is anti-US gov't and worse, so where, exactly is the illegal OR the slander/libel?
I have a testimony that Joseph Smith really was a prophet
but the US can provide physical evidence of far worse - physical evidence trumps eyewitness testimony
more to the point, you have "assumptions" made by people that are not explanatory of action, nor can others testify as to the mindset of an individual. only to spoken or written direct communication that they're personally able to claim witness to. this means there is no one alive today that can "testify" for ol' joey
I've read the Book of Mormon about 7 times and I know it's true
ok, physical evidence time again: you also said the abrahamic bible is true and yet there is considerable evidence proving you wrong. physical evidence as well as more. and again, this doesn't even actually open up the whole problem with the Canon.

so your personal word or testimony is not reliable and there is plenty of circumstantial evidence in this thread alone to build a case for your intent to defraud, deception, intentional misrepresentation of historical fact and more.
I would never insult anyone

Only kidding. Did you think serious because no Poe? :)

called moron not Mormon

???? A double typo ????

seeing stone

No idea what that is.

Early version of VR?

Anyone else in history used one???

extreme mental illness or extreme dishonesty and fraud or a evil combination of both.

I go for >>>> extreme dishonesty and fraud.

The Church of Jesus Christ hasn't practiced polygamy since 1890.

Isn't there a sect ?? Mormon being charged with polygamy some place in US?
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No idea what that is.
Its a seer stone ..he put it in his hat and put the hat over his face and translated the gold bible.
I know you probably did not read my wiki link about Smiths discovery of the gold bible having been led there by an shows him up as a lieing scuom bag that you would not use for bayonet practice.
Isn't there a sect ?? Mormon being charged with polygamy some place in US

Well if there isn't there should be and they should be prosecuted for being greedy and stupid at the same time.

I am sure I saw a guy on TV with three wives and the women were happy.
I guess if he was like me I could understand.

But he went to work and they stayed home, there is his first mistake, I would send two out to work and have the other one at home cooking, the other four I would have keeping the grounds tidy.

Hi Billy
The only reason I visited the musical web site was because there was nothing in the way of a legitimate link but from it I found a wiki link and all I posted above was wiki which I presume was a reasonable account of Smith finding the golden plates.
You can't believe this.
Honestly I am an atheist and for the first time ever I have felt compelled to pray for your delivery from this foolishness.
Most folk will write you off as a fool like Smith but you sound a reasonable person so please take my advice get out of the sect.
Think of it this way God has lead you here so I can speak to you.
I am an honest man I have nothing to gain I care please heed my advice.

I believe the JS story. It may seem outlandish and silly to those first exposed to it--angels, visions, ancient records written on golden plates in a language no one's ever heard of, etc. But as I've read, studied and prayed about the Book of Mormon, it is undeniably true. God has repeatedly given me ample witness and a testimony that these books and events are true. But if you never even read the Book of Mormon it will likely remain "nonsense" to you, and that's a crying shame. Only those who seek shall find. If you do the will of God, then you will know the doctrine -- John 7:17. "Do" is a verb.
JS gave the plates back to the angel.
Yes that makes sence.
Just when we get one piece of physical evidence it goes back to the angel.
Such a shame but I can understand if you have faith why should you need evidence.
Do you know what they were made of ?
What I have read says golden but does not specifically gold.
I am just worried that if gold someone has melted them down and poor Mr Smith has had to tell a small fib otherwise the sect members would have gone nuts.
I had to tell a man ( on Xmas eve 1969) that his wife was not coming home. She rang me just as I was leaving the office, she and he were neighbours, all seemed good "Hi Alex how are you ..merry Xmas" " Hi D... I am fine and Merry Xmas to you".
" I am good...could you give P a message for me please"
"Sure D I will be home in 10"
"Good..could you please tell him I am not coming home tonight and never coming home ever again...goodbye"

I found myself wondering what to say to P.
But I did not put it off. He was walking up the path as I drove in..
Ten minutes later wondering do I tell him or not.

" Hi P. I have a message from D..she said...and I repeated word for word what she said.

"No you must have misunderstood" "she was OK this morning"
" you are joking right?"
"No mate I told you word for word exactly what she said and she hung up before I could ask her anything.
" no it couldn't have been her"

Ruined his Xmas left me stunned.
He went home and came back.
Her parents have made her do this...etc...and so on.
He could not believe the truth even when it was sharing him in the face.
He called the parents on my phone I could hear everything." D does not want to talk to you, no its over, she won't be back"
He hung up ...
She will be back after Xmas.
She never came back but I do remember months later him saying she will be back by Easter.
This guy was always right he had all the answers always and in his world D would not leave. Frankly he was a pain no matter what you said he would have a better idea.

The truth can be real hard to face Billy and it really takes a man to face it sometimes.
I hope you get better I sincerely hope so.
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About polygamy: in 1890 the Prophet received a revelation that abolished it. Several groups, notably the offshoot known as the FLDS or "fundamentalist Mormons" (who are NOT mainstream Mormons), still practice polygamy today. The mainstream LDS church excommunicates all who practice polygamy today.
Yes that makes sence.
Just when we get one piece of physical evidence it goes back to the angel.
Such a shame but I can understand if you have faith why should you need evidence.
Do you know what they were made of ?
What I have read says golden but does not specifically gold.
I am just worried that if gold someone has melted them down and poor Mr Smith has had to tell a small fib otherwise the sect members would have gone nuts.
I had to tell a man ( on Xmas eve 1969) that his wife was not coming home. She rang me just as I was leaving the office, she and he were neighbours, all seemed good "Hi Alex how are you ..merry Xmas" " Hi D... I am fine and Merry Xmas to you".
" I am good...could you give P a message for me please"
"Sure D I will be home in 10"
" you please tell him I am not coming home tonight and never coming home ever again...goodbye"

I found myself wondering what to day to P.
But I did not put it off. He was walking up the path as I drove in..
" Hi P. I have a message from D..she said...and I repeated word for word what she said.
"No you must have misunderstood" "she was OK this morning"
" you are joking right?"
"No mate I told you word for word exactly what she said and she hung up before I could ask her anything.
" no it couldn't have been her"
Ruined his Xmas left me stunned.
He went home and came back.
Her parents have made her do this...etc...and so on.
He could not believe the truth even when it was sharing him in the face.
He called the parents on my phone I could hear everything." D does not want to talk to you, no its over, she won't be back"
He hung up ...
She will be back after Xmas.
She never came back but I do remember months later him saying she will be back by Easter.
The truth can be real hard to face Billy and it really takes a man to face it sometimes.
I hope you get better I sincerely hope so.

Thank you for sharing this, Alex. As for the composition of the plates, they are either gold or gold alloy AFAIK.

Again, what you perceive to be mental illness in me -- TOBS especially -- and the LDS religion are two entirely different things. Most Mormons I've talked with about TOBS don't believe me. And the LDS are collectively among the brightest bulbs on the planet. Mormonism makes intellectual sense, more so than most other religions. After all, as the saying goes, the glory of God is intelligence.
Again, what you perceive to be mental illness in me -- TOBS especially -- and the LDS religion are two entirely different things.
I know they are Billy and I know what I say won't change your direction I can only feel sorry for you.

I knew a drug addict I would visit him to give him parcels from his sister. His addiction drew him into selling.
The last time I remember going to see him he would not come out of his bedroom. I went in.
He was sucking on a pipe smoking refined cocaine.
Another friend had told me he had been quized about this guy by some plain clothes cops, which indicated to us a bust was coming.
I told him he was probably going to go down and I could not visit anymore.
All he could do was keep smoking, it was non stop, and all he could say was " this is a great batch Al".
He had to change lighters cause each needed yo cool he was going so hard.
I left he got busted a week later.
I went to court to watch not appear for him and my last memory of him was him being lead away after sentence.
He was so involved he could not see what the drug was doing to him.
It dragged him down until it consumed his ever thought and every action.
I see religion ad just as bad.
It destroys ones ability to think clearly and finally consumes all you are.... Sad very sad.

Billy I won't argue with you but if you think these people are bright I suggest that you ate most likely wrong.
No one with any degree of competence would accept the nonsence Joe Smith presented.
There is something very wrong and of is an very sad.
Xelasnave.1947 said:
He was so involved he could not see what the drug was doing to him.
It dragged him down until it consumed his ever thought and every action.
I see religion ad just as bad.
It destroys ones ability to think clearly and finally consumes all you are.... Sad very sad.

Billy I won't argue with you but if you think these people are bright I suggest that you ate most likely wrong.
No one with any degree of competence would accept the nonsence Joe Smith presented.
There is something very wrong and of is an very sad.

I know many Mormons including those in my family who hold prestigious college degrees such as B.S., B.A. Ph.D. etc. in many different academic disciplines. College professors and students, doctors of all types, world-class scholars, artists, musicians, teachers, scientists, mathematicians, engineers, authors, military officers, law enforcement, psychiatrists, psychologists, sociologists, computer programmers, I.T., secretaries, chefs, nurses, veterinarians, social workers, biologists, astrophysicists, theologians, etc. Mormons are pretty darn smart!
Mormons are pretty darn smart!
Well I have it figured.
All these smart people I wager have grown up in Mormon homes.
Please confirm if I am right.
Going up with no other influence they are indoctrinated to believe Joe Smith is a prophet and that he really did find this golden bible.
I can accept that folk could be indoctrinated to believe what the rest of the group believes and I imagine the group would keep to themselves.
All these folk with degrees etc indicates they have had "sheltered lives" if you study hard there is not much time for getting out in the world.
Billy I can see you are happy but then my drug addict friend was happy.
Someone once said that religion is the opiate of the people and I think that is a fair statement.
I just do not understand how folk can kid themselves with absolutely no evidence in support and many indications that God controls nothing and cares less.
Anyway all the LDS takes nothing from or adds to your idea of God talking to you via your body parts.
Please go to one of the LDS psychiatrist and talk to him.
Best wishes
Well I have it figured.
All these smart people I wager have grown up in Mormon homes.
Please confirm if I am right.
Going up with no other influence they are indoctrinated to believe Joe Smith is a prophet and that he really did find this golden bible.
I can accept that folk could be indoctrinated to believe what the rest of the group believes and I imagine the group would keep to themselves.
All these folk with degrees etc indicates they have had "sheltered lives" if you study hard there is not much time for getting out in the world.
Billy I can see you are happy but then my drug addict friend was happy.
Someone once said that religion is the opiate of the people and I think that is a fair statement.
I just do not understand how folk can kid themselves with absolutely no evidence in support and many indications that God controls nothing and cares less.
Anyway all the LDS takes nothing from or adds to your idea of God talking to you via your body parts.
Please go to one of the LDS psychiatrist and talk to him.
Best wishes

The Church of Jesus Christ is a fast-growing missionary religion. Hundreds of thousands join annually in the "mission field" (the world) who have not led sheltered lives. Thousands of missionaries go into the mission field each year to share the gospel message who are not sheltered; thousands of students graduate each semester with high-quality, world-class, unsheltered educations from both church-owned and secular universities; and most Mormons live outside of Utah, unsheltered from the world.

I for one am offended that you think I'm gullible and incapable of rational, objective thought just because I'm LDS.
I for one am offended that you think I'm gullible and incapable of rational, objective thought just because I'm LDS.
Yes I have been offensive and I aplologise.
You can believe in what you choose I should not judge.
But I just can not believe Joe Smiths story.
Best wishes
There might be a vague chance you could turn such ideas into a comedy book, movie script or even a stand up comedy routine.


Believe me (I know I'm a perfect stranger) the only option for a book would be a vanity publishing.
I don't know about that. Take The Secret series of nonsensical books, for example. There are people out there who will happily pay money to be told that they only have to wish for something hard enough and it will happen.

So, buying the idea that if your left ear twitches then it means you're sensing evil, or whatever, wouldn't be that big a stretch.