Body Signals Redux: Proving Mormonism

Any chance you can copy out the last page of your study notes here?

Humpty Dumpty welcomes new ideas (?) and 2017.
Hi from Poe :)

Most of my notes and experiences are in my head. I have a 2-page summary of all the signals and am considering writing a book or web site about them.
Most of my notes and experiences are in my head. I have a 2-page summary of all the signals and am considering writing a book or web site about them.


Please please don't.

There might be a vague chance you could turn such ideas into a comedy book, movie script or even a stand up comedy routine.

However I suspect you lack the skills to tackle such a task.

Believe me (I know I'm a perfect stranger) the only option for a book would be a vanity publishing.

Web site would attract those wanting to push their own views of such signals and you would spend 100s of hours in waisted debate or more likely argument with them.

Work on the comedy angle. I really cannot see a way forward if you are serious.

Humpty Dumpty who always sees the funny side up.
Poe who thinks the sun shines from Humpty. :)
Laugh it up, I know how it sounds.
no, you really don't, IMHO

i've heard far more compelling and logical arguments from psyche patients than the above, with far better "evidence" to boot!

so i'll not be satirical or insert hyperbole this time and break it down a little...

lets look at your response versus the evidence based scientific response and compare them, shall we?
Constipation means you need more fiber in your diet
at least you start out semi-logical, but that was the last logical anything that i saw
Left arm = evil action.
medical diagnosis: strained muscle due to lifting 5 gallon water buckets at full extension
Itchy palms and thumbnail growth = not sure.
medical diagnosis: CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome)
Buttocks = forgotten truths (I think).
medical diagnosis: injury and neurological damage
Burning/itchy eyes: you don't see Justice (left) / Mercy (right)
medical diagnosis: injury and neurological damage combined with allergies
Testicles: your judgment/spiritual status is changing due to something you've thought, said or done | for the better (right) / for the worse (left)
medical diagnosis: severed nerve due to injuries sustained in the line of duty

so, you can see that you really do not have a clue about how your comments sound. especially considering there are a myriad of other reasons, medical, physical or psychological, that can definitively be proven to cause said "body signals". this isn't a matter of debate as it is also able to be replicated as well as proven through various experiments and validated studies (google scholar that if you don't believe it, there is far, far to many validated studies that prove that one to link here)

this means, by definition, that you have chosen a set of random physical (or psychological) ailments to define your "god"... as such, then the person with the more overwhelming ailments must then be the chosen. Stephen Hawking must be your saviour, eh?
Believe it or not, I do agree that it's possible that I am misinterpreting TOBS, or that I am a special case, or some other misunderstanding that would invalidate or modify my findings. I plan to pursue a B.S. in Natural Sciences to further research this matter scientifically. My conclusions are subject to change based on what my research will yield.
How, uh, very clever. Seriously though, can you prove me wrong?

I thought I would be kind and give you the benefit of doubt.

The challenging question attitude however seems confronting with a touch of pig head stubborn.

My cat could prove you wrong. In fact I think my cat could prove you not even wrong.

Seriously though while I don't know how long you have been thinking with this train of thought but to only have 2 pages of notes and to rely on memory for such a ground breaking :) earth shaking :) cataclysmic :) outstanding :) gobsmacking :) breakthrough :) in the understanding :) of the human body :) interface :) with god :) seems to me to be sloppy.

Poe takes the lead here :) and shows Humpty Dumpty how it's done.
:) :) :) Welcome to Poedom The Parody Kapital :) :) :)
Humpty Dumpty has a new larger respect for his sidekick Poe :)
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To review, God has a subtle way of communicating with us that manifests as itches, muscular twitches, pulses, pains and cramps.
Why is it that God needs to talk thru symbols?
Why the need for this nonsence l, why the need to indulge such a vague notion.
Why would the left be bad or evil and the right good.
Seriously you need to sit down and ask yourself some questions about why you favour delusion.
Seek help from a doctor before your delusion ruins your life.
Go for walks outside, go to the park sit under the stars and contemplate the infinite universe but please don't indulge this nonsence its wrong very very wrong.
Best wishes
Why is it that God needs to talk thru symbols?
Why the need for this nonsence l, why the need to indulge such a vague notion.
Why would the left be bad or evil and the right good.
Seriously you need to sit down and ask yourself some questions about why you favour delusion.
Seek help from a doctor before your delusion ruins your life.
Go for walks outside, go to the park sit under the stars and contemplate the infinite universe but please don't indulge this nonsence its wrong very very wrong.
Best wishes

God sometimes uses symbology and parables both to conceal truths from the unbeliever and to reveal truths to the believer. I don't know exactly why the signals mean what I think they do. I believe they are supplements, or helpful aides, to understanding spirituality, not meant to replace personal revelation, the scriptures or the prophets.

I don't want anyone to unthinkingly just accept TOBS without question or testing. The Bible tells us to "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." Test the body signals, read the Bible and the Book of Mormon, and ask God in prayer if the scriptures you've read are true in the name of Christ -- see James 1:5 in the Bible and Moroni 10:3-5 in the Book of Mormon.
God sometimes uses symbology and parables both to conceal truths from the unbeliever and to reveal truths to the believer.
No what you think is the writings of God was written by men, humans, not a God.
They write in mystery because they were ignorant and superstitious.
They revered deepity and could not appreciate what nonsence they wrote.
Why quote the words of ancients?
Why can you not express your own mind?
You have a better education, you must be able to shake off this ancient need for superstition and mystery.
Read the bible cover to cover and tell me it is correct and relevant to the modern era.
You have a mind it is not a sin to use it.
No what you think is the writings of God was written by men, humans, not a God.
They write in mystery because they were ignorant and superstitious.
They revered deepity and could not appreciate what nonsence they wrote.
Why quote the words of ancients?
Why can you not express your own mind?
You have a better education, you must be able to shake off this ancient need for superstition and mystery.
Read the bible cover to cover and tell me it is correct and relevant to the modern era.
You have a mind it is not a sin to use it.

The god virus strikes again.

Think a vaccine is needed as bad as the one for AIDS.

The god virus has spread far more misery.
No what you think is the writings of God was written by men, humans, not a God.
They write in mystery because they were ignorant and superstitious.
They revered deepity and could not appreciate what nonsence they wrote.
Why quote the words of ancients?
Why can you not express your own mind?
You have a better education, you must be able to shake off this ancient need for superstition and mystery.
Read the bible cover to cover and tell me it is correct and relevant to the modern era.
You have a mind it is not a sin to use it.

I've read the Bible cover-to-cover several times and it is certainly still relevant except for the law of Moses, which Jesus fulfilled. Jesus Christ or Jehovah (YHWH) stands at the head of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and will soon return to rule the world, so I'd say that the scriptures still matter.

I can and do express and use my own mind, that's what it's for!
God sometimes uses symbology and parables both to conceal truths from the unbeliever and to reveal truths to the believer. I don't know exactly why the signals mean what I think they do. I believe they are supplements, or helpful aides, to understanding spirituality, not meant to replace personal revelation, the scriptures or the prophets.

I don't want anyone to unthinkingly just accept TOBS without question or testing. The Bible tells us to "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." Test the body signals, read the Bible and the Book of Mormon, and ask God in prayer if the scriptures you've read are true in the name of Christ -- see James 1:5 in the Bible and Moroni 10:3-5 in the Book of Mormon.

Why would god want to conceal truths from unbelievers?
How do you get past the incorrect stuff in particular reference to slavery.

Go for you so please take time to think about why I am concerned for you.

I sense a lost cause here

Sorry I call as I see

Hence no Humpty
How do you get past the incorrect stuff in particular reference to slavery.

Go for you so please take time to think about why I am concerned for you.

We have to realize that the ancients had their own unique worldviews, societal and cultural practices, etc. and God spoke to their limited understandings the things they needed to know that aren't necessarily still relevant in our day. This is not to say that God's truth changes; on the contrary, He speaks truths to each generation according to His will and pleasure. He speaks to us in our day through modern prophets.

I do appreciate your concern, but I'm AOK.