big red bulls eye on the wtc in 9/11

Not trying, it's over. Until you post some, oh, I don't know, evidence, sources, something substantial? You guys are just wind bags.

I post sources for my posts. My stuff is backed up, yours isn't. Sorry to break it to you. It is far easier to light a darkened room with a single candle, than it is to try to shut out all the light from a brightly lit room.

yeah, the truth works like that. It's why I can present sources for my arguments, and you can't. You have lies, I have truth. :deal:

I dont know if the room you are in is like swiss cheese say like your Proof is. Then that candle may be blown out by the wind.
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Wow, those engineers were retards than. and Im not saying you are Eso.

They designed a building that could take 3,000 tons of force from a 747 and stay standing. So they go around touting this around.

Of course none of them thinks of the fact that they carry 90,000+ litres of jet fuel that burns at 15000 degrees farenheit.

Geez, well your right that building could be hit by any aircraft and stay standing, assuming of course theres no fuel in the aircraft which there was....90000 litres of it....

Dude they NEVER ceritified that Building for a 747 try a 707 which was the biggest plane in the air at the time of conception of this building. And the ONLY reason they did this was during WW2 a low flying Bomber got lost in the fog and hit the Emprie State building and this was a concern for the WTC at the time as it was very Tall. And at the time the Nav systems on the planes at that time where less then reliable compared to todays.
oh man, WTC rears its head yet again.

i've yet to see a reputable person from the pile saying evidence of explosives were found.
i'm talking actual explosive residues, not effects or "it seems".
yeah, yeah, yeah, alex jones analyzed some chips submitted by persons of unknown character collected from the fallout, big deal.
If you start pulling the "Explosives were used at WTC" line of argument again, then this thread will follow suit with all the others and be locked. Peddle that nonsense somewhere else.
If you start pulling the "Explosives were used at WTC" line of argument again, then this thread will follow suit with all the others and be locked. Peddle that nonsense somewhere else.

Yah seriously.

I made this thread to make a point that there could not have been explosives because if the explosives were on X floor, there would be no way for the pilot to count X floors from the base of the building and aim the plane there in time.
If you start pulling the "Explosives were used at WTC" line of argument again, then this thread will follow suit with all the others and be locked. Peddle that nonsense somewhere else.

why would that justify closing the thread?
Pincho, that's the same meaningless and incorrect blatherings that Gage has been doing for years. If you think anything in ther is of particular value why don't you tell us and we can discuss it.
I just think it is odd how the top sections collapse first on WT7. I have watched quite a few buildings fall down, but never did the separate sections on top of the building fall. I am talking about the extra rectangular blocks on top of the building. They usually fall intact...


Here's a video

Half way down here is a blue wireframe showing what they think is a reconstruction of WT7's weirdness, but they kept the top sections intact...
The building collapsed. Maybe not according to what you would imagine or something like that but it collapsed.
The building collapsed. Maybe not according to what you would imagine or something like that but it collapsed.
Welcome back John .
There are people who believe there were explosives there .
Who knows maybe ghosts too ?.......:D:D .
Pincho do you know what was inside those top sections of the building? Knowing that is probably important?
Hello , it is evident the 9/11 all the three WTC buildings were controlled demolished with some sort of explosives planted inside those buildings, no doubt about this FACT , I wonder why george bush , cheney , rumsfeld etc etc are not yet in Prison/Jail , why this criminals are still free to plot against the American People
That is correct .
When MOSSAD are involved one can conclude destruction as a result .
Their history speaks for itself .

I am not sure if the israeli Mossad were responsible for the installation of the explosives in the WTC the 9/11, but there is no doubt a team of expert professional controlled demolition team were trying to hide a controlled demolition process behind a fake collapse but were not able to hide properly and from the videos is evident the effects of the explosions and the fast desintegration of the WTC buildings
I just think it is odd how the top sections collapse first on WT7. I have watched quite a few buildings fall down, but never did the separate sections on top of the building fall. I am talking about the extra rectangular blocks on top of the building. They usually fall intact...

Half way down here is a blue wireframe showing what they think is a reconstruction of WT7's weirdness, but they kept the top sections intact...

The Controlled Demolition of the WTC Seven was very well done , was a normal controlled demolition from the bottom towards the top ( the controlled demolition of WTC One/Two was a unusual Controlled Demolition ) , but as usually the controlled demolition teams do , the internal columns of WTC Seven were demolished first to avoid the building to fall towards the other buildings

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Are you blind , see the AE911TRUTH website , there are one thousand of Architects and Engineers asking for a reinvesigation of the Controlled Demolition of all three WTC buildings that were controlled Demolished the 9/11

Are you unable to evaluate the claims placed there?

No sounds of explosions therefore no explosives.