big red bulls eye on the wtc in 9/11

Oh...looky...we have a new twoofer joining cute...even has a 9/11 related name..and Pincho's a troof too? Big surprise there.

..and Lori wanted to know why 9/11 threads aren't allowed here...:) It's like leaving out food overnight, and when you turn on the lights in the morning, roaches and rats have made their way into your house to find it.

Welcome WTC-CD. What kind of explosives do you think were used to bring down the towers? Why in the world would anyone go to the extreme trouble of rigging a building for demo, without anyone noticing, and then fly a plane into it? What's the point? If a 767 isn't big enough to bring down the tower with it's initial hit...why bother with the explosives..why not use a much bigger a 747 cargo plane?
Are you unable to evaluate the claims placed there?

No sounds of explosions therefore no explosives.

Check the AE911TRUTH website and you will find overwhelming evidence that the Three WTC Towers were controlled demolished and why one Thousand of Architects and Engineers are asking for a Reinvestigation of the Controlled Demolition of the Three WTC Buildings that were Controlled Demolished by the bush regime officials , the bush regime officials organized orchestrated the controlled demolition of the WTC buildings ,
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Check the AE911TRUTH website and you will find overwhelming evidence that the Three WTC Towers were controlled demolished and why one Thousand of Architects and Engineers are asking for a Reinvestigation of the Controlled Demolition of the Three WTC Buildings that were Controlled Demolished by the bush regime officials , the bush regime officials organized orchestrated the controlled demolition of the WTC buildings ,

I've been to that website and I see overwhelming misrepresentations, unsubstantiated conjectures, bad math, incorrect timings, ...

No sounds of explosions no explosives. It doesn't get much simpler.

The claims of CD are baloney. Take the time to read something over than a malarky website.
Yeah we've checked out ae911. It's a joke. Same old debunked myths and misrepresentations of the truth.

If you look through the statements made on joining it is clear that a lot of these professionals knew very little about 9/11 when they signed up. They just heard some stories about free-fall and the owner supposedly admitting it was a controlled demolition so sure they added their name. No real research was done.

I just checked and I think they have removed the statements page. hrm. I'm half asleep can anyone else get to it?

It isn't quite one thousand yet. Don't pump up the numbers...

Considering the time they have had to gather followers that isn't very much. There are more engineers at the NIST.

Very few structural engineers too.

If they were really behind it and wanted to put their reputation on the line they could try to write something that would be published in a respected engineering journal. It doesn't happen. Signing up an internet list is as credible as facebook.
Have you seen already the disintegration of the WTC building Seven at 5:20pm of the 9/11 ? , when last year I saw the video about the disintegration of the WTC building Seven , at once I noticed something suspicious about the fast fall (The building Seven fell in just 5.5 seconds at free fall ) at 5:20pm of a building that was NOT hit by a Airliner , Veeeery suspicious

By the way ,the bush regime officials have done a magnificent work to coverup the information about the 9/11 controlled demolition of the WTC building Seven , very few people know that the 9/11 was also a third building ( Not just Two ) disintegrated , was necessary to carefully coverup the disintegration of the WTC building Seven because is the most evident controlled demolition of the Three WTC buildings controlled demolished the 9/11,The reason is because was not possible to hide properly the controlled demolition od the WTC building Seven
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You seem to be struggling WTCcontrolDemolished. WTC7 did not fall in free fall. Last I heard the truthers had retreated to five stories falling at free fall for a split second.

** edit . 8 stories for 2 seconds? **

Disintegration? Yeah ok. :rolleyes:

Building 5 and 6 also partially collapsed from fire and debris. Conspiracy? Disintegration?
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Have you seen already the disintegration of the WTC building Seven at 5:20pm of the 9/11 ? , when last year I saw the video about the disintegration of the WTC building Seven , at once I noticed something suspicious about the fast fall (The building Seven fell in just 5.5 seconds at free fall ) at 5:20pm of a building that was NOT hit by a Airliner , Veeeery suspicious

Very suspicious when you think that there was no water to fight the fires, and the fires burned unchecked for 7 hours. Very suspicious that firefighters saw kinks in the building's structure before hadn and predicted it would collapse, and the call was made out to evacuate the building. That's why no firefighters died because of the WTC7 collapse.

And why would they CD the WTC7 anyway? No one's really heard of the building before 9/11. Why would they wait 7 hours to do the time WTC7 collapsed, it was just a footnote to the story. I remember my own reaction. "Look..another one fell". Since there was no lost of life, it really didn't have too much of an affect on people, as WTC 1 and 2 do. So what's the point?
NIST generally don't release information via youtube.

Perhaps you could provide a link to this admission?
You need to do a better job of timing things. 5.5s? That fraud Gage claims 6.5. It is a lot longer than 6.5s. Go get out your stopwatch and try again.
BTW, WTCCD when you say building fell at a certain speed you are wrong. Parts of the facade fell at that speed. Go back and look at the video again when you are practicing how to time things and you'll see that the building collapse starts much earlier than the failure of the exterior walls. Therefore, the building did not fall in one piece, but rather parts of the building fell before other parts.
You need to do a better job of timing things. 5.5s? That fraud Gage claims 6.5. It is a lot longer than 6.5s. Go get out your stopwatch and try again.

Do you think is possible the disintegration of a Tall Steel reinforced building in just five or six seconds without the help of controlled demolitions cutting charges ?

Remerber the WTC building Seven was not hit by a airliner and therefore was not jet fuel around , and WTC Seven was enough away from WTC One/Two
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Already NIST admitted free fall of WTC building Seven , check at youtube


Yes...because youtube is a genuine scientific source. You're too lazy to even post a link to a Youtube video that makes your point. You need to look up your facts. The NIST concluded that the building fell for a couple of seconds at free fall, but not the entire time. It's still irrelevant...if you are claiming that this is proof of CD, then why don't we see and hear any explosions before the collapse initiates? Explosives used for demolitions make really loud sounds...from youtube..source of all knowledge scientific:

What a real CD sounds like in an urban setting...notice the cameraman flinches at the sound of the first blast, it's so loud.

Why don't we hear sounds like this and see flashes like this at WTC7?
This is fromt he front page of the ae twoofer site
1. Rapid onset of “collapse”
2. Sounds of explosions at ground floor - a full second prior to collapse
3. Symmetrical “collapse” – through the path of greatest resistance – at free-fall acceleration
4. Imploded, collapsing completely, and landed mostly in its own footprint
5. Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic dust clouds
6. Several tons of molten metal reported by numerous highly-qualified witnesses
7. Chemical signature of Thermite (high tech incendiary) found in solidified molten metal, and dust samples by physics professor Steven Jones, PhD.
8. FEMA finds rapid oxidation and intergranular melting on structural steel samples
9. Expert corroboration from the top European Controlled Demolition professional
10. Fore-knowledge of “collapse” by media, NYPD, FDNY

What crap.
1. Rapid onset - what about the collapse of the penthouse longer before the facade falls?
2. Explosions - why is there no recording or reports of the sorts of explosions used in CD?
3. "path of greatest resistance" - this is the sort of asinine claim twoofers make. Buildings don't examine the descent for the line of least resistance. Collapses drop down and are divert as forces act upon the falling objects. If the forces are not greater enough, then collapse continues downward
4. It takes a lot of energy to divert the mass of the building sideways.
5. Pyroclastic clouds - A complete lie by twoofers. Pyroclastic clouds are hot and cause paper to instantly burst into flame. Paper autoignites at 450F. Why were the dust clouds full of unscorched paper? Because the dust clouds were not pyroclastic flows.
6. Molten metal - There are no twoofer photos of tons of hardened globs of once molten metal because this is a LIE.
7. Jones and Harritt never identified thermite. They found iron oxide, aluminum, and gypsum in dust. It was paint primer. That's what the primer on the steel is made of.
8. The FEMA find was a recognition of the ablation of steel in the fires.
9. One guy says CD and that must be the truth? Is this the best they can do for corroboration? Thousands of scientists, engineers, architects, professors and others from the ASCE, MIT, NIST, and FEMA say that's wrong.
10. There was no fore-knowledge. End of story.

So 10 out of 10 claims are baloney. Pathetic - just pathetic.
Do you think is possible the disintegration of a Tall Steel reinforced building in just five or six seconds without the help of controlled demolitions cutting charges ?

Your times are incredibly wrong. So any inferences you make from baloney is baloney.
Why don't we hear sounds like this and see flashes like this at WTC7?

I know. I know. My hand is up.

It was really a dark matter photon torpedo shot from the planet Porno by the evil Emperor Wanker.

No. It was a bunch of tiny self imploding nuclear weapons.

No. I got it now. It was weapons called high frequency energy dispersion blazers.

No. This is for real now. It was plasma rifles in the 40W range carried by a team of terminators.
The bush regime officials hope that will be enough amount of stupid people enough stupid to believe and swallow the bush official 9/11 theory about 9/11

Nice job of avoiding every single question that was asked of you. How about addressing some of the responses to your posts...instead of this nonsense.

(To Stryder: See? This is why we can't have nice things :) )