Bible Question.

SnakeLord said:
Funnily enough, David Koresh said exactly the same thing. What is your point?

However, as everyone seems happy enough to quote scripture, let us take a look at what is written..

Hebrews 2:9 'But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honour because he suffered death'.

So basically, he was just human - like us - until he gave his life... but then while he was alive he would have been in no position to state he was god, because he didn't inherit his crown until he'd given his life. Thus when he says "I and the father are one", he is actually lying. He would at that point have been a mere human.
He wasn't lying, He was still the true son of God. Spiritually they are still one.

Hebrews 2:17 'For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to god.'

Again this shows that during his life he was nothing greater than human. In saying he and god were one, he was lying.
He wasn't lying. Though He suffered death, He was still the same person. He was still a part of God and God a part of Him. That He was made like His brothers, is because He would suffer the same temptations and so on, and understand them in every way.

It would only be after his death that he would inherit any position/status above that of a human. The status he would achieve isn't even that of "god part 2 of 3", but mere high priest which has been the duty of others before him, (melchizedek). It is not a position unique to him, but one that has been handed out before to others as the following will also show:

Hebrews 5:1 'Every high priest is selected from among men and is appointed to represent them in matters related to god, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins. He is able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and are going astray, since he himself is subject to weakness. This is why he has to offer sacrifices for his own sins, as well as for the sins of the people. No-one takes this honour upon himself; he must be called by god, just as aaron was. So christ also did not take upon himself the glory of becoming a high priest..

So you see, jesus shares a position that has been held by others before him, but while on earth he was nothing more than a simple human who did not inherit his position of high priesthood until after his death. His sacrifice was his life, and as such he then inherited the position of high priest - which as god says to him: "you are a priest forever". God doesn't say to him "you are god. you and I are one", because he's not. He has simply inherited a position that has been held by others. He doesn't even make just a passing comment but seems completely serious:

"The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind; You are a priest for ever."

So.. Jesus is a priest forever, (according to god). Right after that in Hebrews 7:23 we see..

'Now there have been many of those priests.."

Jesus doesn't hold a unique position. The only difference is explained in Hebrews 7, that the other priests deaths prevented them from continuing in office. It also explains that unlike the other priests he does not have to make daily sacrifices because he sacrificed himself and as such was made perfect.

So you see this all goes against his statement that he and god were one and the same, because while he was alive, he was just a human, and after death he's just a priest.
He's not just a priest, a priest is your "job", Jesus still is who He is. He was with God at the beginning. "At the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God".

Some things are hard to understand, but we shouldn't use the teachers teaching as fire against him cause only he knows the full meaning.

It's kind of like you trying to make a complaint to a company. First you speak to the girl in customer suport, then you speak to a supervisor, and then finally you get to speak to the manager.

Jesus is not god by any means, but is merely the supervisor who you need to go through on route to god. While in this case it would show jesus is a required step to salvation, he most certainly is not god and should not be worshipped as one.

Basically you've thrown aside gods command that you must only worship him, and have moved on to worship his high priest instead - who merely holds the same position as many others such as Aaron and Melchizedek- and probably the priest at your local church.

Still, as Jesus is a priest forever, we know he'll always like children..
You seem to know alot about the Bible. This shows that faith is needed, not only knowledge, cause you seem to have gotten the message - so to say.
Ok, SnakeLord, I'm attempting to answer this dilemma you gave me...

"And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good
but God alone." [Mr 10:18]
My thought was that in His bodily nature He had faults, but He was perfect in spirit. Though He is still a part of the holy trinity allthough He wasn't perfect in His human form.

The Bible speaks of the flesh as being evil and that the spirit and the flesh is in a constant struggle.

"The good that I want I doesn't do, but the bad that I don't want I do".

(that passage was in connection with the flesh as being the tempting force).

About what you said that in effect we are also a part of the holy trinity since we are a part of Jesus and Jesus a part of us. This may actually be (or rather, become) true, since it says in the Bible that we will all become one in Christ. And we will with Jesus become sons of God.
This proves it!

MedicineWoman is a heretic!

Sodom and Gomorrah is NOT a valid point in any religious discussion on homosexuality. That is absolutely moronic and the only reason she put that there is simply because of her bias against Christianity.

How shameful and stupidly ignorant!

So what was the sin of Sodom if it wasn't sex? In its historical context, the story is about abuse and offense against strangers, insult to the traveler and inhospitality to the needy. In other words, being hard, cold, cruel, unloving, uncompassionate to someone in need. When you add the male-on-male rape issue, there is an additional offense of sexual abuse, gross insult and humiliation. The point of the story is not sexual ethics because there are none. This story is no more about sex than it is about pounding on a door. In this story, both the sex and the door pounding are incidental to the story. The main issue is abuse and assault in whatever form they take: male-on-male, male-on-female, and today we could add female-on-female but that wouldn't even have crossed their minds back then. In short, whenever this passage is used to condemn homosexuals, it is being misused.

Shame on you MW! I am disappointed. You chose not to even look at it in a historical context just to sling mud on Christianity. Hypocrite! :mad:
Cyperium said:
Ok, SnakeLord, I'm attempting to answer this dilemma you gave me...

My thought was that in His bodily nature He had faults, but He was perfect in spirit. Though He is still a part of the holy trinity allthough He wasn't perfect in His human form.

The Bible speaks of the flesh as being evil and that the spirit and the flesh is in a constant struggle.

"The good that I want I doesn't do, but the bad that I don't want I do".

(that passage was in connection with the flesh as being the tempting force).

About what you said that in effect we are also a part of the holy trinity since we are a part of Jesus and Jesus a part of us. This may actually be (or rather, become) true, since it says in the Bible that we will all become one in Christ. And we will with Jesus become sons of God.

We are not part of the Holy Trinity, since God is eternal. We are not eternal and even after death, when we live for eternity we can never ever become like God. Just imagine, you have all of eternity (ALL OF IT!) to learn as much about God as you can and yet you still can't know everything about Him.


Jesus was perfect in both body and in Spirit. To say He wasn't is to imply that He was "at war" with Himself. You are saying His body was fighting with His Spirit even though they both belong to Him. Remember the Bible Says:

Galatians 5
16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

Do you remember that Christ did not fall to Satan's enticing?

The truth is: Christ was 100% human and 100% Deity simultaneously.
To someone else:
None of your scripture AT ALLl discredits what I have said, unless you dare to say that the Bible contradicts itself.
Oh, but the bible does contain contradictions. Many of them.
Your minterpreting it. It states that God was sorry that He created man, not sorry for being cruel.
He was sorry because they were diobeying him, doing the oposite of what He created them to do.
Which is it?
...respect is something that must be earned, whether you're the boss of a company or god himself.
I think everyone should be given respect right from the start, until they do something to lose your respect. Of course this doesn't mean people can't earn more respect, just that a certain amount of respect ought to be given to every individual until you have a reason not to give it. And of course, something/someone has to exist to deserve any respect at all. ;)
Think about it this way: You are a judge. You have a friend named Scott, and a son named Josh. you and your son are very close, he would do anything you asked him. Scott and you are very close, you have lunch together every day. then, one day scott's not there. you call him on his cell and stuff and just can't seem to reach him. later that day, you find out that scott killed his wife. fast forward a couple days. you are the judge at scott's trial. you come to the conclusion that some one must die. Scoot is the one that commited the crime, but you love him so much that you decide that if Jake, who has never killed anyone, dies, scott can walk free. and so jake dies and you and scott can have a relationship together.

would you offer your son? I'm not sure I would. The amazing thing is that God did this. He offered His son for our sake.
If that's the case, then he had Jesus killed for our benefit, which is just plain wrong.
Alpha said:
And why would he be sorry for creating man if it wasn't cruel?
Alpha go to the 1st page and read my posts. They will explain it to you.
I don't see anything that explains it.
This proves it!

MedicineWoman is a heretic!

Sodom and Gomorrah is NOT a valid point in any religious discussion on homosexuality. That is absolutely moronic and the only reason she put that there is simply because of her bias against Christianity.

How shameful and stupidly ignorant!
That is one of the points she was trying to make! Try actually reading her post instead of remaining 'stupidly ignorant'. And so what if she's a heretic.
Alpha said:
Oh, but the bible does contain contradictions. Many of them.
Which is it?
I think everyone should be given respect right from the start, until they do something to lose your respect. Of course this doesn't mean people can't earn more respect, just that a certain amount of respect ought to be given to every individual until you have a reason not to give it. And of course, something/someone has to exist to deserve any respect at all. ;)
If that's the case, then he had Jesus killed for our benefit, which is just plain wrong.
I don't see anything that explains it.
That is one of the points she was trying to make! Try actually reading her post instead of remaining 'stupidly ignorant'. And so what if she's a heretic.

You are obviously missing the point in order to call me names.

If you know anything about the sort of claims MW makes and her attitude towards different opinions you wouldn't act so ignorantly. Next time read the WHOLE sentence instead of parts of it. Enough about that, let's return to the topic at hand.

EDIT: It's my reply to adstar and contains a quote from Matthew Henry's commentary.

As for the Bible containing many contradictions, you can interpret it to be contradictory if you want to. :rolleyes:
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He wasn't lying, He was still the true son of God.

Son of.. Sure, but not god himself. You'll also find that several times human beings in general are stated as sons of god also.. which again would merely imply that jesus was just a human like the rest of us. Of course this differs from the OT to the NT. In the old testament terminology, angels are called sons of god while men are called servants of god. In the New Testament this is reversed. Angels are the servants and christians are the sons of God.

Even one of the roman caesar, Octavian, was given the title of "son of god". It's hardly worth the paper it's printed on.

And in John 1:12-it seems god was willing to have many 'offspring' as it were:

'Yet to all who received him, to those who who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of god - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of god.'

We could state that these people are also true sons and daughters of god, born of him just like jesus. That doesn't imply that they are] god, but merely a true son of god. In the same instance jesus was born not of natural descent, or human decision but born of god. While this makes him a true son of god, it doesn't mean he is god.

He wasn't lying. Though He suffered death, He was still the same person. He was still a part of God and God a part of Him.

As were others, born not of natural descent etc etc, but born of god. Those others would be the "made like his brothers in every way". They too were born of god, but you don't worship them as god. Nobody has a golden necklace of Moses hanging round his neck.

What christian people have done, is elevate jesus to a status that is quite frankly above and beyond what god himself can muster. It's not a surprise when we look at the history. Either way you cut it, god himself was god of the jews- jesus was merely a convenient "new god" for a "new belief".

It's probably somewhat similar to how the muslim world image jesus. They respect him as a prophet - but do not assign him an unwarranted status of god. When jesus states he isn't god, with comments such as; "why do you call me good, nobody is good except the father", christians will argue it until their very dying breath because they need him to be god. The old god of the jews just doesn't make the grade.

I can understand this in many respects.. When I get old and people cannot relate to me so much, and I'm a tad "out of the times", I'd have to pass on my business to my son who would undoubtedly look more appealing. That is what has happened basically. The original god, (YHWH), is dead and buried - while his son changed it from "worship me or die", to "worship me and you get eternal life".

After such a length of time of human progression, threat of death just could not compete with coaxing of rewards. I've seen hostages who are threatened unless they do something and they say "kill me", but when you tell someone to suck your balls and you'll give them £1 million, they'll be on their knees blowing you within a nanosecond.

He's not just a priest, a priest is your "job"

Missing part of the bible: 'And god said; "My name is god and I'm a priest".

Jesus was given the job of priest by god, and assuming that there's only one god - and god didnt tell himself he was going to make himself a priest to ensure people can come to him through himself- then it is pertinent to state that jesus is not and never was god, but a "mere" son of god which has been shared by others, as has the job of priest. So if Melchizedek etc have been priests, and god has now made himself a priest, does that mean originally Melchizedek had god's job? I suppose god couldn't afford the wages, so now has to do all the work himself.

Jesus still is who He is. He was with God at the beginning. "At the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God".

At the beginning doesn't imply he is god. Hebrews states that Melchizedek has no beginning and no end, which would show that he too was around back before there was anything except god, so is Melchizedek also god? Is it no longer a trinity but a quadrinity? No beginning and no end.. Isn't that the very essence of being god? Yet I do not see anyone worshipping Melchizedek, who surely outranks jesus simply because jesus was born, whereas Mechizedek has always been.

Some things are hard to understand, but we shouldn't use the teachers teaching as fire against him cause only he knows the full meaning.

But this is simply a "fast exit". I notice with christians whenever they stumble upon something that completely goes against their entire belief, that they piss it away as "only god/they/jesus/[insert random person here], knows the full meaning so let's ignore it". That is rude in my opinion. Of course whenever something looks like it can justify your beliefs you'll shout it from the rooftops. People cannot progress like this, ignoring whatever suits them.

It's like people shouting gods laws down my earhole, (thou shalt not kill etc), but completely ignoring any rule that they don't feel comfortable with such as the need to sacrifice cows, or to stone your child to death if he misbehaves.

As I have said many times before on this forum, it's a big game of pick and mix - and I find that perverse. You cannot say "you must do this, this and this because god said so", while completely ignoring everything else he said. It's preposterous.

Jesus said "why do you call me good? Only the father is good", and the religious masses dismiss it as easily as a fart in the breeze- in essence completely ignoring the words that jesus said because it doesn't sound good to them.

I guess that's how it always works though.. Ignore jesus when it suits you.

You seem to know alot about the Bible.

My wife said to me; "Elemis facial cream is the best you can get for removing wrinkles". I didn't turn round and say; "no, the beauty shop's facial cream is better" simply because I don't know anything about makeup.

If you want to debate something, it's entirely pointless unless you are well clued up on the subject matter. As such I have read the bible numerous times, and even find it interesting to an extent.

But people who really are interested in truth do not stop there. I went on and read the vedas, the koran, the enuma elish, and countless other ancient texts that talk of gods.

Here is the problem... the majority of religious people have not. They have read one book and accepted it as complete truth without having anything to compare it with. It's like creationists who attempt to refute evolution without actually studying evolution which makes their efforts completely null and void. Their arguments are like: "Well, things are too perfect to be anything other than creation", but they only view it that way because they have not studied the other side of the fence. It is pathetic at best.

If people would spend the time reading everything there is, they'd be in a position whereby they'd have to re-evaluate what they consider as truth.

I have seen nothing that is unique to the bible - but so much borrowed and stolen - from the ressurrection to the festivals you celebrate. Easter is from pagan origin, (Ostara), as is pentecost, (lugnasao), and christmas, (yule/sol invictus). Have you ever questioned why you have a christmas tree in your home? was jesus born with a nice looking christmas tree by him? Do you think jesus was even born in december? The realities concerning this matter is that the whole nativity has no place in december, and you are instead actually celebrating the birth of a sun god.

So you see, people really have no clue over what it is theyre actually believing in or celebrating - but instead just waffle along with the masses, afraid to question, afraid to seek, and afraid to learn.

One and a half thousand years before the story of Noah, we see it's origins in the epic of gilgamesh, in the enuma elish we see the origins of genesis, exodus, leviticus and numbers. And so on and so forth.

But this is how people are. You'd read one newspaper and state the war in iraq was bad- and then read a right wing paper and state the war was good. People have no ability to absorb everything concerning a subject and then gaining a much more educated understanding or belief- but instead read the very first thing they pick up, and consider it the be-all and end-all of the issue. How a person can assume he has the facts all done and dusted when in reality he can't even see 10 foot in front of him is ridiculous. It's a farce, a circus performance.

This shows that faith is needed

Faith simply means "lack of knowledge".
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You are obviously missing the point in order to call me names.
I didn't call you names.
If you know anything about the sort of claims MW makes and her attitude towards different opinions you wouldn't act so ignorantly.
Not all opinions are of equal value... Or do you mean about any opinion different from hers?
How am I acting ignorantly? Show my ignorance.
As for the Bible containing many contradictions, you can interpret it to be contradictory if you want to.
It's not always a matter of interpretation. I think perhaps you are the ignorant one. :rolleyes:
Alpha said:
I didn't call you names.
Not all opinions are of equal value... Or do you mean about any opinion different from hers?
How am I acting ignorantly? Show my ignorance.
It's not always a matter of interpretation. I think perhaps you are the ignorant one. :rolleyes:

This conversation is unproductive and I think you will agree with me that it need not continue.
Enigma'07 said:

I think part of the reason that we see God is cruel is because we don't fully understand(and won't be able to 'till we die) God and traits of him such as sovereinty, and righteousness and His love.

This is why I am a Deist my friend.

So then I ask you, is it cruel to give a murderer the death sentence, is it cruel to make a thief give back what he stole? No. It is justice. The thief may not see it that way, but others do.So the main thing is, our God is a God of justice, not cruelty.

Does this make sense to you? Feel free to ask questions if it doesn't.

Yes this does make sense. And I understand that, But here is what I cannot get passed. It is this..... he knew all of this was going to happen. Yet did it it anyway. This is what I cannot forgive him for.

A Christian once asked me would I rather play with my son , or would I rather play with his toy trucks.... I know you know what he meant by that,, And I said to him , of course I would rather play with my son. But I would in no way be cruel about it. I would rather play with toy trucks then to play with my son and be cruel about it. If I were to be able to play with my son, and show no cruelty and never to suffer , I would in fact do that. And this is what I do. And in doing so my son will know what love is , and no not of cruelty and violence. In turn he would teach his son the same.

I would not choose to have both in having a son... playing with him and being cruel to him, you can teach a child without being cruel to him. , If those were in fact my only choices.... I would just play with the toy trucks. Do you understand what I mean ?

I would no way at all create my son and then teach him that he must abide by my every rule , or suffer and or be tortured , murdered by my own hand..... this is not why I had my son to begin with me. If he didnt abide by my own rules , or ehtics shall we say, I would just say go live your life, I love you. I would not dis-own him like the God of the bible does, he is still my son, I would always love him and give him the love even after death if I had that choice. I would never deny him my love in life or death even if he didnt abide by my rules.

Am I making any sense ? :bugeye:
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I'm a little confused. Are you saying why did he make us if he was going to allow us to suffer? To that I say; God did not intend for us to suffer, we chose to allow suffering in our lives when we choose to sin. let me ask you this: you raise you son up telling him that it is wrong and people that murder are punishes. If your son murdered someone, you would still love him right? But don't you also agree that a crime was commited and justice must be served. Are you cruel for allowing your son to get punished, or are you being just? The same is true of God, his is the father, we are the child that commited the crime. Is this making sense, or I'm I just being repetative and unhelpful? Sorry if I'm nt doing a good job, your asking a lot of hard questions! Do you believe in the Bible, as in can I include quotes or would you prefer if I didn't? Either ways fine, just let me know.

grace be to you
Enigma'07 said:
God did not intend for us to suffer, we chose to allow suffering in our lives when we choose to sin.

And he knew all this suffering was to take place "before" he created us, he is all knowing........ is he not ?

thats the cruelty I speak of.

Enigma'07 said:
Are you cruel for allowing your son to get punished, or are you being just?
grace be to you

But I would never deny him my love in life or death. the Bible says I would be cast in hellfire to burn for enternity , more suffering and torture. I would not do that to my son for no reason, I would never deny him my love.

That is why He sent His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.

Remember, He owed us no apology for our own mistakes but He showed compassion anyway.

I am sure you've heard of John 3:16 but it should show you that a "cruel" God cannot do such a thing.
Say you fall and break your arm. That leaves you with two options, right? You can either let it heal, or go to the doctor, have him set and put it in a cast. Your going to feel pain when he sets it, but over all, which is the better option? I would think having it heal properly. What I'm trying to say is that yes, life is full of suffering, but if you can look past that, there are much greater things that await! Does this make sense?

grace be to you
§outh§tar said:
That is why He sent His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.
Baseless rubbish. By the way, were the Sons of God that spawbed the Nephelim unbegotten?
§outh§tar said:

That is why He sent His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.

Remember, He owed us no apology for our own mistakes but He showed compassion anyway.

I am sure you've heard of John 3:16 but it should show you that a "cruel" God cannot do such a thing.

But he still created knowing full well we were to suffer. This is what the bible says. Why would any being do that ? I need to understand why this is not in any way being cruel. Freewill, we did it to ourselves yes, I get it. But he knew it...... why then proceed with the making such beings as ourselves only to watch us suffer?

And once again.....I would no way at all create my son and then teach him that he must abide by my every rule , OR he will suffer and or be tortured , murdered by my own hand..... this is not why I had my son to begin with.
If he didnt abide by my own rules , or ehtics shall we say, I would just say go live your life, I love you. I would not dis-own him like the God of the bible does, he is still my son, I would always love him and give him the love even after death if I had that choice. I would never deny him my love in life or death even if he didnt abide by my rules.

Check back tomororow guys, off to bed, Thanx for your replies.
Trust me I know that suffering is hard. I stuggle with depression and I used to blame God for it. I was serving God to the best of my abillity when I started struggleing with it. I wondered how a loving God could alow this to happen and I came to a conclution the he wouldn't. But a cruel God would. he would torment his people. If that is so why should I serve him? things have leveled off now and have gotten much better. And now, by the grace of God, I look back and see that yes it was hard to go through and it wasn't something I enjoyed, but you know what, I learned from it. I learned that God teaches us though those difficult times. the thing I pesonally find most comforting is that God Loves Me! He knows that I'm doubting him, he knows I'm mad at him, yet he still loves me. What does that have to do with suffering. God takes what we see as ugly and horrible, and somehow turns it into something wonderful and beautiful. I think that is why God lets us suffer. It shows us how weak we are, how strong he is, and how much he loves us. Suffering also give christians great enthusiasm for the future. they know that heaven will be wonderful. The cool thing about suffering is that once you reach the other side, you can help others over come.
Does this make sense, or am I walking in circles?
Makes lots of sense. Your post-depression emotions are among the reasons why I love my dog.

:calls puppy:
: pets puppy:

(little lab-mutt "Ko-Ko" wags her tail, looks in my eyes, licks my nose)

God-Dawgit, I wouldn't trade you that for 100 pies in skies, or 1000 deities. Maybe you could have thusly avoided much of your depression: Programming yourself to elevate ethereal gods to the relevance of manifest dogs (not to mention people around you) and to advocate delaying fullfillment until an imaginary afterlife, is obviously unhealthy. What a pity.
ConsequentAtheist said:
Baseless rubbish. By the way, were the Sons of God that spawbed the Nephelim unbegotten?

At least say why it's "baseless rubbish". Be productive.

You are obviously ignoring the blatant discrepancy between "sons" and "Son" in the Bible.