Bible Question.

the really amusing thing is that all cows are females and bulls are males. therefore they didn't have to worry about offering one with bruised testicles, they had none to begin with!

I apologise for my generalisation but the really amusing thing is I was hoping you'd get the point regardless. It's like when people say "adam and eve ate the apple". It probably wasn't an apple, but who gives a shit? You're supposed to pay attention to the point, not the minor details.

Admittedly I will usually take more care than that, but England were playing today so I've been drinking rather heavily..

Anyway, be it a cow, goat, rabbit, dolphin, or chimpanzee - it had to have perfect balls.

It's questionable over why god chose to need an animal with perfect balls as sacrifice at all. I explained it in my last post, but you only noticed the animal discrepancy. However, to save me typing it again, please re-read it :)

One other thing is that it wasn't only animals. Any human with a defect of any kind, including bruised testicles, was not allowed "near" to offer sacrifices. No man who is blind or lame etc etc.

So basically, god is pushing these people away because they suffer from some problems. The funny thing is, a little later god explains that it is he who makes people blind, lame etc etc.

So what we see is a god who chose to make people crippled and then chose to refuse these cripples the chance to offer their sacrifices to him all because he chose to make them cripples - and it would have been regarded as a serious sin if these people had have made a sacrifice to the god they wanted to love and worship.

I actually learned a great deal from the bible, and for the brief time I owned a shop, I refused access to cripples, blind people, and those with dodgy ballbags. Does that sound remotely 'sane' to you, especially if I had have made them that way to begin with?

Not only did god require perfect sacrifices from perfect people, but he required people to "pay a ransom for his life", just so he wouldn't infest them with a plague. This can be seen in Exodus:

Exodus 30:12 When you take a census of the Israelites to count them, each one must pay the lord a ransom for his life at the time he is counted. Then no plague will come on them when you number them.

This is what you worship. Do not close your eyes to all the obscenity and just point out the odd paragraph where he seems human-loving, (although that is an extreme rarity).

I see it all the time,

"Whoopie, god saved the israelites from slavery"

But nobody points out that he made them struggle through the desert for the majority of their lives, and even went to the extremes of killing a large portion of them. These people that he saved, many times wanted to be back with the Egyptians.

All this happened because god is so fragile. He detests this, detests that, can't stand this, can't stand that - and then chooses to make humans who are going to do everything he chooses to detest. It's stupidity, and all the suffering is merely because he chose for it to be that way.
One other thing is that it wasn't only animals. Any human with a defect of any kind, including bruised testicles, was not allowed "near" to offer sacrifices. No man who is blind or lame etc etc.

Can you show me a verse that states that? From my understanding only levites related to Aaron could be priests, and only priests could offer sacfifices on behalf of the people.

Not only did god require perfect sacrifices from perfect people, but he required people to "pay a ransom for his life", just so he wouldn't infest them with a plague. This can be seen in Exodus:

If the people were perfect, they wouldn't need to offer sacrifices. In Exodus, the oldest son covers his door with lamb's blood as proof showing their devotion to God.

why did God provide for his people while they were in the desert if he didn't care about them. God didn't kill people at random, he killed them after they made an idol to praise for getting the out of slavery.

God would rather have one human CHOOSING to praise Him than millions of robots programed to do so. God made us and he said that were are good!
Can you show me a verse that states that?

Leviticus 21:16 The lord said to moses, "say to aaron: for the generations to come none of your descendants who has a defect may come near to offer the food of his god. No man who has any defect may come near: no man who is blind or lame, disfigured or deformed; no man with a crippled foot or hand, or who is hunch backed or dwarfed, or who has an eye defect, or who has festering or running sores or damaged testicles.."

From my understanding only levites related to Aaron could be priests, and only priests could offer sacfifices on behalf of the people.

Not if they had dodgy gonads.

Remember, it's all about choices. These people did not choose to have bruised testicles, or be blind - god chose them to be that way, chose for the rules to disallow them the right to make sacrifices to him, and chose to need the sacrifices in the first place. I mean why? What is gods seeming passion for sacrificed meat? We can see it clearly throughout the bible- even right back in genesis where he likes abel's meat sacrifice but has a go at cain because he offers fruit. What we learn is that god does not like fruits, but demands the death of living creatures to satisfy his own needs just so he can then forgive you for your misdoings - which include contracting a disease, which is hardly a sin.

You're unlucky and get genital herpes. Why does god need a goat sacrificed to him because you happened to be picked on by microscopic animals?

If the people were perfect, they wouldn't need to offer sacrifices.

On your quote before this, you stated the priests made the sacrifices on behalf of the people, meaning the priests could be perfect (and certainly more "perfect" than the general populous), otherwise they wouldn't be making the sacrifices for everyone else in the first place. No?

why did God provide for his people while they were in the desert if he didn't care about them.

Provide? You've got to be joking. Eventually even Moses picks up on the whole thing and gets a bit sarcastic with god, saying how god is taking all the meat, (which he does not need), and forcing them to spend their entire lives eating only manna - which is not healthy or nice.

So god, charming dood that he is, says "ok then, I'll give you some meat"

god waves his magic wand, and the area is filled with quail. The people are like "holy smeg! meat at last, what a lovely god". But then....... While the meat was still between their teeth, god killed them all.

You hear many people say "ask and ye shall receive", when judging from past events it should be "ask and ye get knocked off".

That's just one example of many.

God didn't kill people at random, he killed them after they made an idol to praise for getting the out of slavery.

He killed people before that, after that, and even now continues to do so - unless god is asleep right now and people are merely dying by things explained by science?

God made us and he said that were are good!

And then decided to drown them all. Couldn't have been that good.

Speak for yourself. Looking to the Bible for answers doesn't seem like trying to "pass it on to everything other than god."

What are you trying to say? Do you agree that everything good is because of god and everything shit that happens is because of something else?

See above response.

Your above response is lacking. Kindly try to refine it so it makes a clear point. Thanks in advance.

You are purposely taking verses out of context to be bitter towards God.

Excuse me, but I am not the one who said I will punish children upto the 4th generation. Do not try and pass the buck, pal, because it's rude. It's not like he even only said it once, but several times.

Exodus 34:6 "..Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation."

For some reason, god speaks of himself in third person in this portion - just before the shocker above, stating how forgiving and compassionate he is.

It is quite clearly stated by god, that my son might have been "punished" for my wrongdoings, or my great great great grandfathers wrongdoings. Why you try and blame me for the quote is anyones guess.

What you have then proceeded to quote, is what the sane world calls a blatant contradiction.

Unless you're a raving lunatic, you have to concur that god clearly states he will punish the children for the sins of their fathers etc, because god does clearly state that he will.

The ENTIRE chapter is devoted to discrediting your theory.

No, the entire chapter is devoted to proving beyond any reasonable doubt that the bible is so contradictory it's beyond the realms of stupidity.

Once again: I was not the one who said I would punish children for the sins of their fathers upto the 4th generation, and you trying to pass it on to me is quite simply disgusting.

I would LOVE for you to show me this verse of yours..

Deut 21:18 If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders of his town. They shall say to the elders, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a profligate and a drunkard." Then all the men of his town shall stone him to death.

This is what god said to do.. He didn't say "only do it for the next 10 years then progress beyond such barbaric methods" - so why doesn't everyone still stone their rebellious sons to death? They don't agree with gods command or what?

Uhuh.. "we" are always quick to say 'life is hard'. Do you know how many verses of thanks, praise and joy are in the Bible? Obviously not

The bible writers are not the "we" I was referring to. Have you never heard a christian telling you how hard life was, how he almost killed himself or died or was on drugs etc etc and then got reborn? It is those who have the hard life that need god..

Those who stumble upon tragedy say "why god, why", whereas those who win the lottery just go and buy armani suits and champagne. Happy people have no need for god.
Yes God did want the people to offer their best. But he also uses people that aren't perfect. He used Rahab a harlet. He used Ruth a Moabite. He used David and Bathsheba. He used all of these inperfect people. Jesus was born though this lineage. Today, because Christ died for us we don't have to be prefect, God accepts use just the way we are.
Well then... It's nice to know I don't have to worry about my bollocks so much anymore..

What about the rest of my post? Not to mention that the point wasn't actually about whether we need perfect testicles in 2004.

God accepts use just the way we are.

Unless we don't worship him and do everything he says, in which case we burn.
No. Sola Fida. Through faith alone. God loves you regardless of wheather we love him back or not. If you call apon Christ's name for salvation YOU WILL NOT BURN, but spend eternity in his presence. We in the church age are not required to worship God and obey everything he says for salvation. But chances are if you think your a christian, and you don't WANT to worship him and serve him, then you probably need to check and see if you truely are a christian.
SnakeLord said:

What are you trying to say? Do you agree that everything good is because of god and everything shit that happens is because of something else?


James 1
17Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

You must be careful not to call good, evil, or even as you say, "shit", good.

Romans 8
28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Here's a quote from R.C. Sproul to put things into perspective:
"If God is able to make everything that happens to us work together for our good, then ultimately every thing that happens to us is good. We must be careful to stress here the word ultimately. On the earthly plane things that happen to us may indeed be evil. (We must be careful not to call good, evil or evil, good.) We encounter affliction, misery, injustice, and a host of other evils. Yet God in His goodness transcends all of these things and works them to our good. For the Christian, ultimately, there are no tragedies. Ultimately, the providence of God works all these proximate evils for our final benefit."
Excuse me, but I am not the one who said I will punish children upto the 4th generation. Do not try and pass the buck, pal, because it's rude. It's not like he even only said it once, but several times.

Exodus 34:6 "..Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation."

For some reason, god speaks of himself in third person in this portion - just before the shocker above, stating how forgiving and compassionate he is.

How interesting that you should skip this part:
6 And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, "The LORD , the LORD , the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness,

It is quite clearly stated by god, that my son might have been "punished" for my wrongdoings, or my great great great grandfathers wrongdoings. Why you try and blame me for the quote is anyones guess.
What you have then proceeded to quote, is what the sane world calls a blatant contradiction.

You must be insane then for there is no contradiction. You are purposely ignoring the reason the proverb in Ezekiel was being used. As I have no interest in typing out any more lengthy explanations today, here is what Matthew Henry says:

Evil manners, we say, beget good laws; and in like manner sometimes unjust reflections occasion just vindications; evil proverbs beget good prophecies. Here is, I. An evil proverb commonly used by the Jews in their captivity. We had one before (ch. 12:22) and a reply to it; here we have another. That sets God’s justice at defiance: "The days are prolonged and every vision fails; the threatenings are a jest.’’ This charges him with injustice, as if the judgments executed were a wrong: "You use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, now that it is laid waste by the judgments of God, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children’s teeth are set on edge; we are punished for the sins of our ancestors, which is as great an absurdity in the divine regimen as if the children should have their teeth set on edge, or stupefied, by the fathers’ eating sour grapes, whereas, in the order of natural causes, if men eat or drink any thing amiss, they only themselves shall suffer by it.’’ Now, 1. It must be owned that there was some occasion given for this proverb. God had often said that he would visit the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, especially the sin of idolatry, intending thereby to express the evil of sin, of that sin, his detestation of it, and just indignation against it, and the heavy punishments he would bring upon idolaters, that parents might be restrained from sin by their affection to their children and that children might not be drawn to sin by their reverence for their parents. He had likewise often declared by his prophets that in bringing the present ruin upon Judah and Jerusalem he had an eye to the sins of Manasseh and other preceding kings; for, looking upon the nation as a body politic, and punishing them with national judgments for national sins, and admitting the maxim in our law that a corporation never dies, reckoning with them now for the iniquities of former ages was but like making a man, when he is old, to possess the iniquities of his youth, Job 13:26. And there is no unrighteousness with God in doing so. But, 2. They intended it as a reflection upon God, and an impeachment of his equity in his proceedings against them. Thus far that is right which is implied in this proverbial saying, That those who are guilty of wilful sin eat sour grapes; they do that which they will feel from, sooner or later. The grapes may look well enough in the temptation, but they will be bitter as bitterness itself in the reflection. They will set the sinner’s teeth on edge. When conscience is awake, and sets the sin in order before them, it will spoil the relish of their comforts as when the teeth are set on edge. But they suggest it as unreasonable that the children should smart for the fathers’ folly and feel the pain of that which they never tasted the pleasure of, and that God was unrighteous in thus taking vengeance and could not justify it. See how wicked the reflection is, how daring the impudence; yet see how witty it is, and how sly the comparison. Many that are impious in their jeers are ingenious in their jests; and thus the malice of hell against God and religion is insinuated and propagated. It is here put into a proverb, and that proverb used, commonly used; they had it up ever and anon. And, though it had plainly a blasphemous meaning, yet they sheltered themselves under the similitude from the imputation of downright blasphemy. Now by this it appears that they were unhumbled under the rod, for, instead of condemning themselves and justifying God, they condemned him and justified themselves

If you actually read the chapter in context, and if you had done so you would have found out that Jerusalem had been compared to a harlot and was even more wickedn than Sodom. This information which you purposely ignored would have prompted you to know that the Jews were NOT at all justified in using that proverb, as you now hopefully see after reading the quote.

So you see, Unless you're a raving lunatic, you have to concur that god clearly states he will punish the children for the sins of their fathers etc, because god does clearly state that he will.

Ezekiel 18
25 "Yet you say, 'The way of the Lord is not just.' Hear, O house of Israel: Is my way unjust? Is it not your ways that are unjust? 26 If a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits sin, he will die for it; because of the sin he has committed he will die. 27 But if a wicked man turns away from the wickedness he has committed and does what is just and right, he will save his life. 28 Because he considers all the offenses he has committed and turns away from them, he will surely live; he will not die. 29 Yet the house of Israel says, 'The way of the Lord is not just.' Are my ways unjust, O house of Israel? Is it not your ways that are unjust?
30 "Therefore, O house of Israel, I will judge you, each one according to his ways, declares the Sovereign LORD . Repent! Turn away from all your offenses; then sin will not be your downfall. 31 Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit. Why will you die, O house of Israel? 32 For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign LORD . Repent and live!

Are you a "raving lunatic" or have you entirely missed this as well?

No, the entire chapter is devoted to proving beyond any reasonable doubt that the bible is so contradictory it's beyond the realms of stupidity.

Well you must be the maestro of the said realm since you have ignored the texts..

Once again: I was not the one who said I would punish children for the sins of their fathers upto the 4th generation, and you trying to pass it on to me is quite simply disgusting.

"Once again" I never claimed you said you would "punish children for the sins of their fathers upto the 4th generation"

Deut 21:18 If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders of his town. They shall say to the elders, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a profligate and a drunkard." Then all the men of his town shall stone him to death.

Here is, I. A law for the punishing of a rebellious son. Having in the former law provided that parents should not deprive their children of their right, it was fit that it should next be provided that children withdraw not the honour and duty which are owing to their parents, for there is no partiality in the divine law. Observe, 1. How the criminal is here described. He is a stubborn and rebellious son, v. 18. No child was to fare the worse for the weakness of his capacity, the slowness or dulness of his understanding, but for his wilfulness and obstinacy. If he carry himself proudly and insolently towards his parents, contemn their authority, slight their reproofs and admonitions, disobey the express commands they give him for his own good, hate to be reformed by the correction they give him, shame their family, grieve their hearts, waste their substance, and threaten to ruin their estate by riotous living—this is a stubborn and rebellious son. He is particularly supposed (v. 20) to be a glutton or a drunkard. This intimates either, (1.) That these were sins which his parents did in a particular manner warn him against, and therefore that in these instances there was a plain evidence that he did not obey their voice. Lemuel had this charge from his mother, Prov. 31:4. Note, In the education of children, great care should be taken to suppress all inclinations to drunkenness, and to keep them out of the way of temptations to it; in order hereunto they should be possessed betimes with a dread and detestation of that beastly sin, and taught betimes to deny themselves. Or, (2.) That his being a glutton and a drunkard was the cause of his insolence and obstinacy towards his parents. Note, There is nothing that draws men into all manner of wickedness, and hardens them in it, more certainly and fatally than drunkenness does. When men take to drink they forget the law, they forget all law (Prov. 31:5), even that fundamental law of honouring parents. 2. How this criminal is to be proceeded against. His own father and mother are to be his prosecutors, v. 19, 20. They might not put him to death themselves, but they must complain of him to the elders of the city, and the complaint must needs be made with a sad heart: This our son is stubborn and rebellious. Note, Those that give up themselves to vice and wickedness, and will not be reclaimed, forfeit their interest in the natural affections of the nearest relations; the instruments of their being justly become the instruments of their destruction. The children that forget their duty must thank themselves and not blame their parents if they are regarded with less and less affection.

This is what god said to do.. He didn't say "only do it for the next 10 years then progress beyond such barbaric methods" - so why doesn't everyone still stone their rebellious sons to death? They don't agree with gods command or what?

That's why they have the electric chair and lethal injection these days. More efficient.

And if you are claiming that it is so horrible, you must be forgetting the cultural context, which is different from lewd western culture.

And in case you have been living under a rock, Christ came to die for our sins that we be freed from the curse of the Law.

The bible writers are not the "we" I was referring to. Have you never heard a christian telling you how hard life was, how he almost killed himself or died or was on drugs etc etc and then got reborn? It is those who have the hard life that need god..

Is that the best excuse you have for your generalization?

Those who stumble upon tragedy say "why god, why", whereas those who win the lottery just go and buy armani suits and champagne. Happy people have no need for god.

I'm guessing you haven't noticed the suicide rates among "happy" lottery winners..
If you call apon Christ's name for salvation YOU WILL NOT BURN

Hmmmm... have faith and call upon christs name or burn..

Well it's most certainly an interesting couple of options isn't it.. I can see why you're christian.. I know-- whether he's there or not the prospect of burning does sound miserable really.

However, I can't be anyone other than myself, and myself does not just accept things on faith - because it's self delusionary, and weak, and well... dishonest. Further to which, and unlike you, I should probably check all the other religions first.. I mean, maybe their god is the real one, and you're being fooled. I guess I'll never know without checking them all out, and you'll just never know because you are just willing to guess.
Unless you're a raving lunatic...

You're right. Southstar and I are Jesus Feaks! Proud of it. We are not of this world, therefore the world hates us. My strength is in the LORD. Rock on!
sorry to speak for you SS, but I thought you'd agree. If not I'll change it.

grace be to you
I can see why you're christian

No, I don't think you can. You haven't experianced God's love as I have and therefore you cannot understand.

grace be to you
You must be careful not to call good, evil, or even as you say, "shit", good.

I have quoted just one line for ease, and space saving- but I can gather from your complete response, and with some help from R.C.Sproul - that you state everything is good, even if we see it as bad. While it is a very common cop-out for religious folk, I can see that it will make your miserable lives that little bit more bearable. When your loved ones drop dead you can simply smile with joy that it's all for some great old grand scheme of superdaddy. When those you love are screaming in agony of the cancer that is invading their body, you can just laugh it off as all for the greater good. It must be an honour being able to pass swiftly through life with such a warm feeling. It makes me wonder why jesus bothered helping people. He might aswell have just said to the blind man:

"Don't worry about it buddy, so you're blind - it's all for your benefit".

Next time I know someone who's dying in extreme agony at the local hospital, I'll send him a congratulations card and some chocolate cake.

It does raise some issues though.. You see, god said "thou shalt not kill", but the killer is only doing that which is good- and all part of the master plan, and so in actuality was intended to be a killer so he could do the good act of killing someone all for the greater good of god. We can't have sympathy for the victim because it's was all part of the master plan for him to be killed, and we can't blame the killer, because him being a killer was also part of the master plan.

Oh, before I forget, and probably upset you - let me add on the word "ultimately".

How interesting that you should skip this part:
6 And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, "The LORD , the LORD , the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness,

I didn't skip that part at all. If you read my post you'll see I made mention of it. I did not paste the entire text for two reasons:

A) you have a bible, (probably) and B) It wasn't relevant to the point- which is that god clearly states he punishes children for the sins of their fathers.

It's no surprise that you didn't try to refute it. After all, that is what he said.

You are purposely ignoring the reason the proverb in Ezekiel was being used.

Nono, I've read it all.. But what has happened is you've completely avoided what god said in Exodus, and the complete point of the post, instead pasting a line completely unrelated to the actual point.

god said: "I will punish the children for the sins of the fathers upto the 4th generation."

Yes or no?

As I have no interest in typing out any more lengthy explanations today, here is what Matthew Henry says:

I see you know lots of people. It's just a shame you don't seem to have a voice of your own.

If you actually read the chapter in context, and if you had done so you would have found out that Jerusalem had been compared to a harlot and was even more wickedn than Sodom. This information which you purposely ignored would have prompted you to know that the Jews were NOT at all justified in using that proverb, as you now hopefully see after reading the quote.

How does any of this drivelling garbage detract from the point that god said he would punish children for the sins of their fathers upto the 4th generation?

Are you a "raving lunatic" or have you entirely missed this as well?

Call me when you've woken up. How does any of that detract from what god said? You can sit there and paste all the irrelevant biblical passages your heart desires, but I'd rather you just focus on the actual point.

Well you must be the maestro of the said realm since you have ignored the texts..

Ignored what texts? I pasted some text from exodus where god clearly states that he will punish children for the sins of their fathers upto the 4th generation. I've stated this a few times now, and you still haven't responded to it - preferring to paste some irrelevant text from some religious guys bestseller. Maybe you're just having a problem with my English. I'll draw diagrams from now on if you think it will help.

Here is, I. A law for the punishing of a rebellious son. yada yada yada yada yada yada yada

No offence, but you have an exceptional talent for pasting completely worthless tripe. What was your point in all of this nonsense? Or sorry.. not your point, but the point of whatever simpleton wrote that text.

That's why they have the electric chair and lethal injection these days. More efficient.

Who's they? There's no such thing in England.

And if you are claiming that it is so horrible, you must be forgetting the cultural context, which is different from lewd western culture.

What are you talking about? This culture has been forced upon my people. Us English didn't ask to worship an israeli god. I didn't ask for someone to inflict my country with middle eastern shite. We were more than happy with our belief in King Arthur and Dick Whittington before someone came along and told us we had to worship a dead hippy jew instead. So whether we like it or not, this book written in a language that nobody cares about, for a bunch of people nobody cares about, is now as much a part of western culture as it is anywhere else. And seeings as most children can't even reach their first birthday without having jesus shoved down their throats, it would seem we have little choice but to obey and worship this particular being. As such, that would include his commandments no? As in.. thou shalt not kill etc. This would also include his commands that we should stone out rebellious sons to death.

Unless of course you also agree that as the book is for a completely different culture, I have no reason to obey the 10 commandments either?

And in case you have been living under a rock, Christ came to die for our sins that we be freed from the curse of the Law.

How could you even claim such a thing? He might have died for the sins of a few desert nomads as written by those very same desert nomads, but it is of no relevance to me or the rest or us "lewd western cultures". You think somehow that these ancient scrolls found festering underneath some sand dune are more valid than any others that claim something completely different? Of course, your ancestors made sure people didn't have a choice in the matter. Believe in this or *chop*. But I find it funny, the god of the israelites has a few followers, most of which aren't even israelites- but spend their time condemning israelites.

Is that the best excuse you have for your generalization?

Excuse? Not at all, want me to generalise again? Ok, here goes: religious people are always the first to mention it being a "hard life". That's what I said, to which you then said the bible writers praised god - which is completely irrelevant to my point. However, I'm sure even they had a hard life what with 40 years roaming through the desert, and many times saying they'd prefer not to have been saved by god etc etc.

I'm guessing you haven't noticed the suicide rates among "happy" lottery winners..

Oh. Is there a "lottery winners who have killed themselves" statistics webpage?

I have no idea why I replied to that, I'm aware you were just being really really silly for fun.. right?
No, I don't think you can. You haven't experianced God's love as I have and therefore you cannot understand.

Sorry, it's been a long day but.. which god are we talking about?

Seriously Engima, you must realise how worthless a statement that is. If a Muslim said the same thing to you about allah, would you think he was right? Would you think he really had experienced allah's love, or that he is just.. i dunno... delusional? mistaken?

What about if a hindu said the same about vishnu, brahma and co?

Let me guess.. you're right because what you feel is more real than what they feel?
A Muslim can't say the same thing (no offense). Allah is not I AM. I AM is the living God in whom I put my trust.
Well I must say I would love to reply to about 20 freakin comments on this topic since I was last here..but...... :bugeye: --- Tomorrow is a big day for me.. First hearing on the custody of my son is bright and early. Wish me luck... maybe I could tell you my story sometime... just one mans story, no more important then anyone elses....

One thing I would like to say , to the man who lost his son. I have been sitting here for 15 minutes now trying to think of something to say... Me saying anything is arrogant and selfish. But for some reason I feel I must, And I dont know why. But best wishes to you for the rest of your life. Once again I apologize for my ignorance.
A Muslim can't say the same thing (no offense).

Why bother saying "no offense"? It's not like you've just told a few million people that their god is a fake.

But either way, I'm sure they'd beg to differ, and it is vastly inappropriate for you to answer for them. They most certainly can say the same thing, and do say the same thing.

One thing I would like to say , to the man who lost his son. I have been sitting here for 15 minutes now trying to think of something to say... Me saying anything is arrogant and selfish. But for some reason I feel I must, And I dont know why. But best wishes to you for the rest of your life. Once again I apologize for my ignorance.

It's cool, but thanks. A lot of time, and a lot of thought and help from humans does do it's part in easing what can quite quickly become a time where only suicide has any value. Of course, if I was more of a man and agreed with southstar, I would have just shrugged his death off as if I'd misplaced 20 pence.

Of course it was kind of re-imprinted in the forefront of my brain two days ago when an 8 year old was killed just up the road. But it's not something people need experience to realise how truly devastating it is for us mere humans.

Anyway, thanks for your comments, and I wish you good luck tommorrow. Feel free to pm me if you want to talk about it.
@ SnakeLord

I await your response to my reply.

And I never asked you to "shrug" your son's death off. For your information, Jesus wept when His friend Lazarus died. The only words in that verse are, "Jesus wept". The Bible doesn't even tell us He wept at His crucifixion, or at His arrest and trial, but we know that He wept when His friend died.

I only addressed your attitude towards God which was entirely insubordinate and as much as I would like to claim I am constantly bubbly :rolleyes:, I may have unfortunately retaliated to some of your claims.

My apologies.
I await your response to my reply.

You'll find it 6 posts above this one.

And I never asked you to "shrug" your son's death off.

But if I was a religious man and a believer in god, I would have very little need to let it concern myself. If I truly believed that ultimately everything worked out peachy, and that "God in His goodness transcends all of these things and works them to our good", then I would have absolutely no reason to be bothered about it. Not only that, but I'd eventually meet up with him when I die, and the pair of us would float around together happily holding hands in the city of gold known as heaven.

I only addressed your attitude towards God which was entirely insubordinate

How so? I pointed out what god said, and concluded that it was possible my son had died for my sins, my fathers sins etc, because that is what god said. You still cannot and have not refuted that god did actually say that, even though i've bought it up a good 6 times now.

Either way though, I am not a servant of a middle eastern jewish god. I am an Englishman that has no gods. I don't need to adopt anyone elses god - be it jewish, muslim, or anything else.

However, seeings as none of these gods are actually real, I can and will talk about them as I see fit. Just like I will say bigfoot is a big fat hairy gorilla and not be phased by it, I can also call jesus a scrawny hippy dead white guy and not be phased by it.

Ok admittedly there might be a god of the English, and we just haven't found his particular holy book yet, but I'm not an Israelite so have no need to worship your one.

My apologies.

What for? I never could understand why people apologise for being who they are. If others get upset by you, it's their problem.
Enigma'07 said:
A Muslim can't say the same thing (no offense). Allah is not I AM. I AM is the living God in whom I put my trust.

HUH? just lost me dude I am pretty much in your corner usually because we have the same God.The God who created Abraham Moses Jesus etc.....I kinda think the difference between me and you is that while I accept what happens when people anger God (old testement) you say "well it all changed with jesus(saws)" but Jesus himself said that he came to uphold Moses laws not to change them right?
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He came to fulfill the Law...

In a sense, Allah is really not "I am". "I am" implies that God has no name. "Allah" is a name. Unless it means "I am", then I apologise for my ignorance.

The whole point of God saying "I am" is that you cannot define Him in words. If you call Him a name, He is not God anymore. You cannot limit God with a name.

Also, worshipping a city, or bowing down to a city, whatever... is clearly against the Law of God - you just need to read the right verse in the Bible. That is once again trying to make God human. It is also a tradition. It is also worshipping something, instead of worshipping God.

Those are the main reasons why I'm not Muslim. Doesn't mean I don't like some of the Muslim scriptures (as long as there is Love, there is God)...