Bible contradictions

So, Dr. Freud, what exactly am I labelling and classifying??????
Dr. Freud says: "Don't let your only question be one of sarcasm"
Well let's see, you didn't answer my question. Can't you answer a question w/o getting all butt-hurt because it does have a sarcastic tone?
Do I need to phrase it as: Well, uh, gee willy Mr. Saquist, I'd like to know why you accuse me of labeling and classifying things, if you could answer that please sir? Is that better, or are you going to answer it with more quotes?

Now, back on topic. I found this article that almost mirrors my thoughts. Are you going to read it and then tell me that the author of this article, Steve, is labelling and classifying too?

Attempt to put yourself in the mind of a godly being. You are omnipotent (meaning all places at once), omniscient (meaning all knowing), and to top it off, benevolent (kind). You decide to create a world and populate it with creatures made in your own image and likeness: human beings. You really love your creations, and only want the best for them, which is why you send your only son. He is born of a virgin, raises a man from the dead, walks on water, and willingly gives himself up for death to free humans from sin (why he couldn’t, as an all-powerful being, simply decide to forgive humans is beyond me).
That last statement is beyond a lot of us.
We have a a society of blaming others for our own errors.
well as I have no believe in god or satan, I'm not blaming any others, I'm making a point regarding the fictional characters in a book.
christian society might very well blame others, but it is not something that seems to happen in my world.
Neither Satan nor God are directly resposible for our errors that lead to our death's.
well of course not, but to the christian and according to the christians fictional book, there god is love, but when you read there book you find the lead characters within to be wholly evil.
The bible tells us there is a justice factor...called "bloodguilt" which hold individuals directly accountable for actions that lead to a loss of life.
does it.
When God executes judgement it is with the perspective of both an authority figure, the stature of a judge, and executioner aswell as a compasionate parent.
lol, a compassionate parent that kills it's offspring, oh yes what a lovely creature.
However God cannot allow that role of parent to interfere with perfect justice and the consequences that our actions produce...whether it be devine judgement or the laws of gravity, and motion that hold the universe as a logical and predictable enviorment.
this god of yours, creates you knowing exactly what you will do with your life, and then murders you for doing just what it expected you to do, does'nt sound very fair to me.( judge and condemned before your born, very nice!)
I've seen JimHR attempt to explain this. He from my perspective has an excellent grasp of God's defining qualities.
and that who I was replying too.
It is similar if not the same as my own.
sorry I dont think so, he makes more sense. even though he wrong, but you make no sense at all.
It's an understanding that he knows what is just better than ourselves. While he doesn't always tell us there is a reason for everything and all judgements and it's just.
if your refering to your god here, I think you mean unjust.
It's trust issue created from not focusing the execution of judgement but also on his mercies as well.
what mercies, whats merciful about creating a person who you know you going to kill later.
Only then can you truely have a balanced view of him from our perspective.
how can it be a balanced view from you perspective, your blinkered.
Well let's see, you didn't answer my question. Can't you answer a question w/o getting all butt-hurt because it does have a sarcastic tone?
Do I need to phrase it as: Well, uh, gee willy Mr. Saquist, I'd like to know why you accuse me of labeling and classifying things, if you could answer that please sir? Is that better, or are you going to answer it with more quotes?

Dr. Freud says that sarcasm is passive agressive and displays a wrestling of the concious mind and unconsious mind. One wishes to avoid a confrontation the other desire a confrontation.

Or that it is a product of the conscious minds attempt to land an attack without reprisal.

Now, back on topic. I found this article that almost mirrors my thoughts. Are you going to read it and then tell me that the author of this article, Steve, is labelling and classifying too?

I agrre with the Title.

That last statement is beyond a lot of us.
Therefore it might mean you have a few things to learn about justice.

well as I have no believe in god or satan, I'm not blaming any others, I'm making a point regarding the fictional characters in a book.
Acknowledge: Your belief system doesn't include the bible.

christian society might very well blame others, but it is not something that seems to happen in my world.well of course not, but to the christian and according to the christians fictional book,
Your belief system is established again for emphasis.

there god is love, but when you read there book you find the lead characters within to be wholly evil.does, a compassionate parent that kills it's offspring, oh yes what a lovely creature.
Sarcasm to illistrate the distance from which you can relate to things outside of your belief system.

this god of yours, creates you knowing exactly what you will do with your life, and then murders you for doing just what it expected you to do, does'nt sound very fair to me
Assumptions based on a belief system that distances other belief system, incapable of relating to external perceptions.

and that who I was replying too. sorry I dont think so, he makes more sense. even though he wrong, but you make no sense at all.if your refering to your god here, I think you mean unjust. what mercies, whats merciful about creating a person who you know you going to kill can it be a balanced view from you perspective, your blinkered.

A conclusion based on the lack of knowledge on a belief system the subject is unable to relate to and has distanced in order to (likely) maintain their own belief system. you believe as part of your belief system that the Christian God is in contradiction because he "knew" what was going to happen before creation occured.

This makes for unjust because you percieve the cause and effect all to be of one origin...namely God. As he punishes individuals for what they do even when he knows they were going to commit wrong.

You have several errors in your belief system about the Bible.
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Your belief system doesn't include the bible.
I dont have a belief system, quite the opposite infact.
and yes the bible is just a fictional book to me.
Your belief system is established again for emphasis.
lack of belief, but yes emphasized for your benefit as you seem to think, that your beliefs are the ones we all should adopt.
Sarcasm to illustrate the distance from which you can relate to things outside of your belief system.
lack of belief, and yes sarcasm to illustrate what is written in you bible.
Assumptions based on a belief system that distances other belief system, incapable of relating to external perceptions.
most certainly not an assumption, but yes based on what is written in your bible.
A conclusion based on the lack of knowledge on a belief system
so please feel free to educate me, I was always under the impression your god was all powerful, all knowing, and I was always under the impression that the bible was sacred to you please do feel free to put me right.
the subject is unable to relate to and has distanced in order to (likely) maintain their own belief system. you believe as part of your belief system that the Christian God is in contradiction because he "knew" what was going to happen before creation occured.
no I dont believe any of that, but you do.
thats why the point were asked of you.
This makes for unjust because you percieve the cause and effect all to be of one origin...namely God. As he punishes individuals for what they do even when he knows they were going to commit wrong.
no I dont perceive, anything of the kind. see above reply.
You have several errors in your belief system about the Bible.
well I might do if I had a belief system, but I dont.
25 pages, and none of the core contradictions have been satisfactorily answered by those who continue to assert that biblical mythology is literal fact.

I offer my own lengthy post on the Exodus myth as example.

I also point out the myth of Joshua and his "campaign" to destroy the Canaanite cities starting with Jericho, where the walls were brought "tumbling down" by the mere sound of trumpets and shouts. Pure poppycock, obviously (but it sounds cool when the original texts are sung as they were meant to be). But even if you are predisposed to believe that shouts and trumpets can be sounded loud enough to collapse the walls of a fortified city, it leaves the glaring contradiction that Jericho didn't have walls to "tumble" during this period. Joshua was alleged to have gone on to Ai and destroyed this as well (along with other cities).

Yet each of the cities alleged by biblical mythology to have been destroyed were already abandoned by the Early Iron I when the campaign of Joshua was supposed to have occurred. They suffered the fate of economic collapse that most cultures felt at the end of the Bronze Age.

The Canaanite peoples left their sedentary lifestyles and abandoned their cities -leaving the hills and nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyles as the only alternative. A few generations later (on the order of hundreds of years), they returned and began to re-occupy these abandoned cities and settlements. Early Israelite settlements take the form of nomadic camps, though in more permanent, mud-brick construction.

It isn't until biblical mythology is being written down in around the 7th century BCE that the Canaanite-now-Israelite people begin to fit their legends and myths to the geography they observed.

Physical and empirical evidence directly contradicts the biblical narrative. Clearly, the latter is a myth perpetrated by a culture that had a narrow and myopic perspective on its origins and with a need to explain to its people why unification and monotheism is necessary.

The fact that so many people are still, to this day, deluded by Iron Age myths loosely based on Bronze Age stories, is what's fascinating here.
I dont have a belief system, quite the opposite infact.
and yes the bible is just a fictional book to me.lack of belief, but yes emphasized for your benefit as you seem to think,

Feel free to call how you view your reality anything you want. I'm not here to place labels.

that your beliefs are the ones we all should adopt.
What I believe is not important. The truth is.

lack of belief, and yes sarcasm to illustrate what is written in you bible.
It could not be anything else. This part of your perception are clear.

most certainly not an assumption, but yes based on what is written in your bible.
This part of your perception is not. These are assumptions. If orthodox divisions can decided on these things then certainly externally you are ill equipped to argue certain points...assumptions are subsequently based on perceptions. If one turns out to be wrong...or indivisable from the other because of a predisoposition will not allow the entering of new information.

so please feel free to educate me, I was always under the impression your god was all powerful, all knowing, and I was always under the impression that the bible was sacred to you please do feel free to put me right. no I dont believe any of that, but you do.

This is your job to do. I can only be your guide. You must walk and open doors on your own. As a guide and can tell you that these are assumptions you've made. Right or Wrong...You've listed them under impressions...but what do you know?

thats why the point were asked of I dont perceive, anything of the kind. see above reply.well I might do if I had a belief system, but I dont.

I can't say I understand your meaning.
Yes, I too would be intrested in calling that hand.
Last time when I called on you to prove one account drawn from another all he drew is a conclusion that one came before another. I'am intensely intrested in just how he comes this conclusion as well.

It will serve to illistrate a direction, a slant if you will, a predisposition of contradiction. I will be able to plot a predictable behavioral model from no less than four example of his unconcious cognitive processes. It should tell me if he's capable of true objectivity or if there is rooted-buried trigger to ideologies.
well there's this site, said:
The Exodus story was likely fabricated as part of a grand explanation of Israelite origins. The story starts with the Israelites arising from the sophisticated Egyptian culture, escaping slavery, and triumphantly conquering the land of Canaan.

In reality, archaeology shows that the Israelites simply arose out of the lowly Canaanite culture over a long period of time which would have made for an awfully boring movie.
and this
and here
there are several sites, but skin knows more about archaeology so I let him give his referenced links.
Yes, I too would be intrested in calling that hand.
Last time when I called on you to prove one account drawn from another all he drew is a conclusion that one came before another. I'am intensely intrested in just how he comes this conclusion as well.

I believe it's called verifiable research :D
M*W: The Canaanites-turned-Israelites were sun worshippers, hence their name:

Is (Isis) Ra (Sun) El (god/goddess)

The progenitors of the Hebrews were called 'habiru' and/or 'apiru' who were tribes of Egyptians that were farmers and not the slaves of the Egyptians as the OT states. Farmland on the Sinai was scarce. Canaan offered more fertile ground for agriculture, so logically the habiru (Hebrews) wandered toward Canaan and became known as the Canaanites. Then later, the Canaanites who were the ancient Habiru/Apiru became known as the Israelites. The evolution of the Israelites goes like this:


These ancient monotheists were all sun and/or moon worshippers. They eventually rebelled against their god Yahweh (the sun), but at no time in the history of the Israelites did they ever worship the same god christians today believe in.