Bible contradictions

The link doesn't work.

Is that your position SkinWalker?

M*W: When I posted this reply, I was not answering for SkinWalker.

I double-checked the link to make sure it worked. I don't know what the problem is. You can Google it by putting 'Israelites Canaanites' in the search field.
No IceAgeCivilizations, the link works but it does indeed go absolutely nowhere...

To Medicine Woman. I have looked up this subject. You present it as a known facts. I am not any sort or authority on this topic, it is also the first I've heard of it and I did indeed follow through on your suggestion to google your disturbed me, that I had never heard of such argument before.

However I haven't found your information...what I did find was anything but reliable or stable information on the conclusion os the two people you mention as one...

In fact where as your show it as a fact a seeming more level source suggest that there is nothing if not complete disagreement on the reliability of either side for what this gentleman says is the better part of a century.

Should I even consider continue reading at this point? How much relevancy could there be with what he calls a hotly contested issue?
MedWoman has stumbled unto something astrotheology and she has pursued this for quite some time now, so don't take the stance that she don't know what she's talking about, since you can't find what you are looking for perhaps these links will help!

That should be enough to keep you busy, hope you find whatever is that you looking for, remember, your religion started with myth as all religions have!!
stumbled may be the correct description but considering that you do not share the same values as I there is no reason for me take you at face value no matter how well you command your statements. There is an issue of bias therefor I've asked Medicine Woman to address it by verifiying the issues of contention with the theory which she has left out.

1) Do you believe a global flood occured as described in Genesis?

2) Do you believe the following excerpt from the Bible is describing the Noah flood, or creation? (Keep in mind that when the earth was first created it was fully engulfed in water)

Psalms 104:1-13

1 Bless the LORD, O my soul!

O LORD my God, You are very great:
You are clothed with honor and majesty,
2 Who cover Yourself with light as with a garment,
Who stretch out the heavens like a curtain.
3 He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters,
Who makes the clouds His chariot,
Who walks on the wings of the wind,
4 Who makes His angels spirits,
His ministers a flame of fire.

5 You who laid the foundations of the earth,
So that it should not be moved forever,
6 You covered it with the deep as with a garment;
The waters stood above the mountains.
7 At Your rebuke they fled;
At the voice of Your thunder they hastened away.
8 They went up over the mountains;
They went down into the valleys,
To the place which You founded for them.
9 You have set a boundary that they may not pass over,
That they may not return to cover the earth.

10 He sends the springs into the valleys,
They flow among the hills.
11 They give drink to every beast of the field;
The wild donkeys quench their thirst.
12 By them the birds of the heavens have their home;
They sing among the branches.
13 He waters the hills from His upper chambers;
The earth is satisfied with the fruit of Your works.
Well if your not going to look at the information it serves you well to be in the dark, these are not made up by M*W, she got much of her info from books and sites such as the ones I pointed above, if you like to remain in the dark, then so be it, the world is already full of idiots, one more does not make the difference!:rolleyes:

) Do you believe a global flood occured as described in Genesis?

It has been proven time and time again that this shit never happened!

Do you believe the following excerpt from the Bible

The bible is not evidence of nothing, it is shown, if you were to look at the sites given to you, that these verses very much reflect astrological events, there was a flood, but by the mentality of ancient people a tsunami would be perceived as a global flood!

Show evidence of such an event, and as many here already have tried they've shown you MOUNTAINS of evidence against such events. However since you still like to remain in the dark, that's your choice, like I mentioned, the world is full of ignorance, one more does not make a difference!

Then again, why even present these above, when I know you will dismiss them without even taking a glance at them, it serves you well if you like to remain INTHEDARK!!
stumbled may be the correct description but considering that you do not share the same values as I there is no reason for me take you at face value no matter how well you command your statements. There is an issue of bias therefor I've asked Medicine Woman to address it by verifiying the issues of contention with the theory which she has left out.

M*W: If you have a question for me, please ask me directly what it is. I must admit that I don't read many of your posts, so if you have a question regarding something I have posted, please address it to my attention.
To Medicine Woman. I have looked up this subject. You present it as a known facts. I am not any sort or authority on this topic, it is also the first I've heard of it and I did indeed follow through on your suggestion to google your disturbed me, that I had never heard of such argument before.

However I haven't found your information...what I did find was anything but reliable or stable information on the conclusion os the two people you mention as one...

In fact where as your show it as a fact a seeming more level source suggest that there is nothing if not complete disagreement on the reliability of either side for what this gentleman says is the better part of a century.

Should I even consider continue reading at this point? How much relevancy could there be with what he calls a hotly contested issue?

Why do you state this as a fact when my cursory research show there is little if no agreement among these archaelogical researchers. Yet you did not highlight the discord you stated it as factual...and undisputed.
Why do you state this as a fact when my cursory research show there is little if no agreement among these archaelogical researchers. Yet you did not highlight the discord you stated it as factual...and undisputed.

M*W: I state as factual what I believe to be factual from all the research I have done. What you believe to be factual may be different, even opposite, of what I believe to be factual. You believe there was a man name Jesus who walked the earth. I do not believe this. I don't post anything I believe to be untrue or skeptical. I have done enough research on the subject of astrotheology that I am convinced it is the first and final frontier (the alpha and omega, if you will) of religion, especially christianity. So, if I state it as factual, that is what I believe it to be. At least I can prove that the sun, stars and constellations actually exist. Can you do that with your Jesus?
Oh, there was such a person on this earth, but thats all he was, a person. Today we would called him a left wing Jewish radical, a political terrorist. He belonged to an organisation called The Sons of God who were sworn to push the occupying Romans out of Judeah. Many of them preached, and practised, violence, but JC was a pacificist, calling for the ballot box over the bullet so to speak.

It was the church in rome that made him into what he was, not any divine intervention.
Oh, there was such a person on this earth, but thats all he was, a person. Today we would called him a left wing Jewish radical, a political terrorist. He belonged to an organisation called The Sons of God who were sworn to push the occupying Romans out of Judeah. Many of them preached, and practised, violence, but JC was a pacificist, calling for the ballot box over the bullet so to speak.

It was the church in rome that made him into what he was, not any divine intervention.

M*W: Oh, I agree with what you said about Rome. I just believe JC was fictitious, that's all. My question is why would Rome do such a thing if it weren't for power and control of the masses?
M*W: I state as factual what I believe to be factual from all the research I have done. What you believe to be factual may be different, even opposite, of what I believe to be factual. You believe there was a man name Jesus who walked the earth. I do not believe this. I don't post anything I believe to be untrue or skeptical. I have done enough research on the subject of astrotheology that I am convinced it is the first and final frontier (the alpha and omega, if you will) of religion, especially christianity. So, if I state it as factual, that is what I believe it to be. At least I can prove that the sun, stars and constellations actually exist. Can you do that with your Jesus?

This isn't about me contesting your 'beliefs' this is about actually facts. You posted as a fact not iterating your beliefs but facts. You miss represented the information you had to convey by suggesting that the conclusion was absolute and accepted.

The truth is that it's far from accepted. This isn't even about what I believe. I can relate information in an objective fashion, removed from my beliefs and I am also of intergrating belief and fact. But I can understand in discussion where merrit is important to distinguish before others which I percieve.

Can you do that with your Jesus?
Yes I can...but that's not what this is about. I congradulate you on this turn around question but it does not deflect the responsibility we all have to tell the truth and the whole truth.
Saquist, can you please respond to my post above about the verse interpretation? Thanks.
This isn't about me contesting your 'beliefs' this is about actually facts. You posted as a fact not iterating your beliefs but facts. You miss represented the information you had to convey by suggesting that the conclusion was absolute and accepted.

The truth is that it's far from accepted. This isn't even about what I believe. I can relate information in an objective fashion, removed from my beliefs and I am also of intergrating belief and fact. But I can understand in discussion where merrit is important to distinguish before others which I percieve.

Yes I can...but that's not what this is about. I congradulate you on this turn around question but it does not deflect the responsibility we all have to tell the truth and the whole truth.

M*W: I have posted several bibliographies confirming my position on the factual evolution of man-made religions
from the study (logos) of the planets, constellations and stars. The fact that you don't believe it doesn't affect the literal interpretation of astro-theology. At least astro-theology can be proven to exist as well as studied. You can't even prove your Jesus existed, so I would say you are at the low end of the truth-register.

I present astro-theological beliefs as facts because that is what they are. There are no hidden meanings like what are found in your symbolically written gospels.

You don't have to believe a word I write, but you are in no position to tell me or anyone else what the facts are since you believe in things that cannot be proven.

I could say the very same thing about you. When you write about Jesus, his entourage and the gospels, you are making claims that are not true, so don't you write these things as facts, either.

At the end of the day, I will still believe there are planets, stars and constellations that the ancients saw and created stories about that became religions myths that are still believed today. At the end of the day, what do you have? You believe that myth is real. Therefore, you are incapable of judging what is factual and what is not.
yes because the philosophy of god is only a story from the ancients astro readings.

wrong, the non scientific theory of a god comes from throught process, how did the universe come into bieng one might ask? and one might answer it has an infinite power ruling over it that was never born and will never die,

and that power created the known universe in wich we reside,

sorry but is that just to simple for you to understand?


You don't have to believe a word I write, but you are in no position to tell me or anyone else what the facts are since you believe in things that cannot be proven.

Then tell me, oh Medicine*Woman, with the knowledge of the universe! What should I believe--since truth is truth and not relative?

I could say the very same thing about you. When you write about Jesus, his entourage and the gospels, you are making claims that are not true, so don't you write these things as facts, either.

You must love going in circles, circles, and more circles--for you see it justifies your lifestyle. Why must we repeat everything? Do you fail to understand still that these are not our teachings but the teachings of the Bible? You see how the Bible gives us the answers? THE ONLY TRUTH ABOUT JESUS IS IN THE BIBLE! PERIOD! The Bible claims to be the Word of God--not us! If someone claims to know Jesus but that Jesus contradicts the Bible--it is false! Like your fallacious church and religious rituals you used to follow WERE NOT BASED ON THE BIBLE!

If the Bible is God's Word to humanity, what more do we need? He has been gracious enough to give it to us!

At the end of the day, I will still believe there are planets, stars and constellations that the ancients saw and created stories about that became religions myths that are still believed today. At the end of the day, what do you have? You believe that myth is real. Therefore, you are incapable of judging what is factual and what is not.

We have the truth! You seem incapable of answering what truth is--since you don't have the knowledge of the universe. That must suck since what are your wild beliefs based on? Your own limited observations? Pffffff.

"I love those who love me,
And those who seek me diligently will find me." Proverbs 8:17-18
"I AM good . . . to the soul that seeketh me." Lam 3:25
"Then they will call on me, but I will not answer;
They will seek me diligently, but they will not find me.
Because they hated knowledge
And did not choose the fear of the LORD." Proverbs 1:28-29

This may seem like a contradiction--but is it really?
You must love going in circles, circles, and more circles--for you see it justifies your lifestyle. Why must we repeat everything? Do you fail to understand still that these are not our teachings but the teachings of the Bible? You see how the Bible gives us the answers? THE ONLY TRUTH ABOUT JESUS IS IN THE BIBLE! PERIOD! The Bible claims to be the Word of God--not us! If someone claims to know Jesus but that Jesus contradicts the Bible--it is false!

Talk about circular reasoning. While this no doubt seems very much okay for you to say, the reasoned person is laughing at your ignorance. That you accept your biblical mythology as evidence because it is written in biblical mythology that it is true is laughable.

If the Bible is God's Word to humanity, what more do we need? He has been gracious enough to give it to us!

What's your evidence that any god presented its "word" through a book? Please cite something that exists beyond the book itself or your mind.

We have the truth! You seem incapable of answering what truth is--since you don't have the knowledge of the universe.

Truth is that which is observable and, at least, potentially verifiable or falsifiable. Your superstitions do not lend themselves to "truth" since they exist only in the minds of believers. They are, in short, delusions of truth. Perhaps some or even all of your beliefs are true... but you've not demonstrated which exist outside of your mind and which can be verified independently of the mythology that claims them to be "true."

"I love those who love me,
And those who seek me diligently will find me." Proverbs 8:17-18
"I AM good . . . to the soul that seeketh me." Lam 3:25
"Then they will call on me, but I will not answer;
They will seek me diligently, but they will not find me.
Because they hated knowledge
And did not choose the fear of the LORD." Proverbs 1:28-29

This may seem like a contradiction--but is it really?

A contradiction? No. It seems like a feeble attempt by you to sneak in a bit of scripture for the purpose of "preaching" to the heathens. But the passage above is example of the Christian mythology's built in tautology: patting the pious on the back; giving justification for being pious; and giving the pious reason to be be afraid of impiety. Its all a sham - a scam on a cultural scale. Show me the evidence of your gods' love for you JimHR. Show me what you have that I don't for that love.
Then tell me, oh Medicine*Woman, with the knowledge of the universe! What should I believe--since truth is truth and not relative?

M*W: I must've hit a nerve, Jim, but SkinWalker has already addressed your post in full.

Obviously, truth is a different thing for the both of us. The difference? I can prove my belief, but you can't prove yours.

I have never claimed I have all the knowledge in the universe. I have knowledge of certain things, though, as I am sure you do too. However, the study of christianity is one of the things I am confident to know so much better than you do.

You must love going in circles, circles, and more circles--for you see it justifies your lifestyle.

M*W: There are no circles. When I claim to know the progenitor of the major man-made religions, I go from point A directly to point B. There are no circles involved except in your lack of understanding or rather your refusal to fully understand the myths.

Tell me, now, just what is my "lifestyle" according to you? I didn't realize that we had become close confidants and divulged to you about my personal life and all. Like SkinWalker said, you are the one with "circular reasoning." BTW, please describe my "lifestyle" as you see it. This could be interesting!

Why must we repeat everything? Do you fail to understand still that these are not our teachings but the teachings of the Bible? You see how the Bible gives us the answers? THE ONLY TRUTH ABOUT JESUS IS IN THE BIBLE! PERIOD! The Bible claims to be the Word of God--not us! If someone claims to know Jesus but that Jesus contradicts the Bible--it is false! Like your fallacious church and religious rituals you used to follow WERE NOT BASED ON THE BIBLE!

M*W: Well, as you probably know by now, I don't put any faith in the words of the bible as they are interpreted by christians. I might concede a little bit in that I understand what the bible, especially the NT, is saying considering its astro-theological overtones. To capture any other meaning than astrological significance is misinformation. But even though the NT offers astro-theological meanings, I don't believe in astrology as a religion or a science since it was created by ancient nomads who watched the night skies as they journeyed over the land. You believe the bible offers you a certain truth, and I believe the bible offers me a truth different than yours.

If the Bible is God's Word to humanity, what more do we need? He has been gracious enough to give it to us!

M*W: The bible has so many contradictions and transcribing errors that it is not a completely truthful document. When it was retranscribed over the centuries, it has become no more true or authentic for either of our stances. Even if the bible were totally believed to be an astrological calendar, I would believe there are errors and mistranslations in that regard as well. I find it interesting that there are no original texts hidden around somewhere. I'm beginning to believe that there were no 'originals' as we would understand them.

The bible is not as holy as you would believe, and the story of Jesus in your bible is not the story you would have been programmed to believe. It's very simple to interpret, when one understands why it was written.

We have the truth! You seem incapable of answering what truth is--since you don't have the knowledge of the universe. That must suck since what are your wild beliefs based on? Your own limited observations? Pffffff.

M*W: You believe you have the truth, but you don't. Fact is, I don't care what you believe anyway. All you're doing is following a herd of dumb sheeple.

Again, I never claimed to have all the knowledge of the universe. If I did have it, why would I be here questioning all man-made religion? I have stated many times why I believe what I believe. Ultimately, I am an atheist. We don't come here to convert christians. That is not something that can be done on a whim. It takes years' of study to become an atheist. It takes years of questioning every sylable of the bible to reach the level of reason to understand what it really means. You're just not there, yet, and I don't foresee you reaching that point probably in your lifetime.

It still makes me curious why you as a christian would choose to become a member on a predominantly atheistic forum. I question your motive and sincerity. It has been a major observation that christians only come here to preach, but no amount of your preaching will make atheists even bat an eye. So why do you come here? What ulterior motive do you have as a christian in an atheist forum?

"I love those who love me, And those who seek me diligently will find me." Proverbs 8:17-18

"I AM good . . . to the soul that seeketh me." Lam 3:25

"Then they will call on me, but I will not answer;
They will seek me diligently, but they will not find me. Because they hated knowledge
And did not choose the fear of the LORD." Proverbs 1:28-29

M*W: Aside from your blatant preaching, what is it that you hope to achieve by writing such things that even you don't understand?