Bible contradictions

not even scientology, which I absolutely despise

Take heed Mikenostic,or prepare to face the consequences of mocking the most holy religion of our lord and saviour Lord Cruise and his most revered first prime ,m'lady Katie Holmes.
Just kidding ya! ;) ...I'm with you here..I have no great love for scientology either.
Jim HR:

Sounds like a lousy thing to base important life decisions on. What if you're wrong? And that's not so unlikely, is it, since you have no rational grounds for your beliefs.

And what are your rational grounds? A science book? a feeling you get? What should I base my decisions of truth on? The Bible is extremely credible. Do you forget that we have the Bible? What do you have to base the answers to life after death? We all base our decisions on what happens after death. If you think you will become nothing, you live your life to consume and enjoy. I believe that I have a soul and I will go to heaven or hell and the Bible is the only book that gives me a clear understanding. When you live your life according to the Bible life makes clear sense.

Several basic errors here.

1. "Evolutionist" is not a real word.
2. Believing in evolution does not preclude having religious beliefs as well.
3. It does not follow that a belief that there is nothing after death inevitably leads to a life lived only for selfish reasons.

Can you not see that?

First of all I claim to have discovered truth, you do not, so maybe you cannot see it. How can you believe in evolution when it is contrary to the Creator of the Universe? "Religious beliefs" are exactly that--beliefs. They are not truth. I live my life according to truth. What is truth?

Of course a person would never admit to living selfishly. This takes one to be brutally honest with oneself. But deep down those who believe we become "nothing" live life in survival of the fittest mode--get what I can and as much as I can. Maybe I'll share a little with others to make ME feel better. Though the Bible teaches to share without expecting something in return (like praise or compensation) because then it is truly giving and not receiving.

p.s. "evolutionist" is most definitely a real word. I checked several dictionaries.

How can what happens after you die give you a personal identity? It's completely irrelevant.

Oh it most definitely is relevant. How would you live your life if there were a heaven and a hell?

Regardless of whether your "soul" goes on after your death or not, you should still strive to lead an ethical life. It's even more important if this life is all you get.

And who determines what is ethical and what is not? You see I claimtruth. Do you claim truth--again I ask what is truth? If you refuse the resurrection which is the foundation of the whole of Christianity--the Bible is clear about your destination. What if this life is not all you get? From the history of the world--people have put their faith in the Messiah of the Bible. Is your faith real or relative? You live your life from what you do not know. I live my life from what I do know. And believe me I've been well educated in the public schools.

Unless you're only being good out of fear of being punished by a higher authority, of course. But which is more worthy: being ethical because it is the right thing to do, or being ethical because you're afraid God will send you to Hell if you are not?

Would you be good to please your earthly father? Do you love him and do good out of fear? I love the heavenly Father ought of choice. I do sin and when I do I am chastened by the Lord--but you can only know of His chastening if you seek His truth.

"We love Him because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19

Hell exists because a God of truth, ultimate justice, righteousness and purity cannot dwell with wickedness. There has to be a place for wickedness and suffering.

It does an awful job of that. The simplest science answers profound questions the bible doesn't even touch on.

What evidence in science would you need to discover in order for it to be true. Remember that God gave a freewill to choose. So if there is overwhelming "science" evidence then were would our freewill come in?

"Just simply ask yourself what happens after you die, that is your faith."

I don't know.

Ok, thank you very much for being honest about this and simply admitting you don't know. So many people in this forum are afraid to admit this. They believe that if they admit it then perhaps they don't know as much as they thought. It doesn't matter how much education one has--they still cannot answer this question.

Spidergoat--I believe there are three choices in answering this question: 1) make up your own belief which is completely relative, 2) follow rules and rituals created by man (which thus would be relative) in order to satisfy our spiritual thirst and atone for our guilt, or 3) follow the faith of the Bible alone. No other book on the face of the earth is as unique as the Bible. People spend their whole lives trying to discredit it--yet it remains strong. I believe the Bible because I choose to. No one forced me or even really encouraged me. It is truth.
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Geographical contradictions:

1. The author of Mark states that Jesus cast out demons from a man and into a couple thousand pigs while in Gerasa. The pigs then ran down a steep place and into the Sea of Galilee. Galilee is about 30 miles from Gerasa.

2. Matthew's author changed the earlier Mark to Gadara, which is still 5 miles from the shore of Galilee. The earliest manuscripts are Mark, which state Gerasa. But even if it were Gadara and Mark's author was wrong (leaving one to wonder why we should trust "as gospel" the word of either since they cannot agree -one is obviously deluded), did Mark's author run to keep up with the pigs for 5 miles just to watch their fate?

3. The author of Mark also wrote that Jesus traveled from Tyre to the Sea of Galilee, about 30-50 miles (depending on the route) in order to reach Sidon, which was back on the Mediterranean coast, yet another 40-50 miles! The wisest of wise men took a 70 mile journey, on foot, to reach his destination. Talk about taking the scenic route. A more likely explanation is that the gospel was invented by an author that was simply ignorant of Palestinian geography (in other words, had never been there; in other words, wasn't an 'apostle') and thought Sidon was on the coast of the Sea of Galilee.

Well if you're a Jesus myther to start with, then the details shouldn't really matter.

As for me, I have always believed Jesus existed. I haven't always been a christian. The Jewish people for the most part accept that Jesus was alive at the time of the events.

So if you feel there is a reasonable basis to believe Oden, Thor, Zeus, whatever existed, go right ahead and believe it. I really don't care what you believe.

Faith comes from something, and you can call it whatever you want to -- delusional, etc , etc. I don't care about that either. Obviously it doesn't work for you, but it works for over a billion of us christians, and we look at atheists as the irrational ones.
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Wow. Your post cleared that all up, Woody....

So, what you're saying is that it must be true since the "details" of the bible don't matter. Where, exactly, does one draw the line of biblical literalism? Do fundamentalists nutbars accept the bible as literal, inerrant truth except where it contradicts their beliefs?
Wow. Your post cleared that all up, Woody....

So, what you're saying is that it must be true since the "details" of the bible don't matter. Where, exactly, does one draw the line of biblical literalism?

The canons could all be carbon copy scriptures. The council at Nicea could have chosen one account and thrown out the other three gospels.

The christian tradition was oral for the first 400 years:

Do fundamentalists nutbars accept the bible as literal, inerrant truth except where it contradicts their beliefs?

Fundamentalists accept by faith what they can not explain.

BTW, when you call us "nutbars" it tells us a lot about you. Fundamentalists for the most part are as mentally healthy as anyone. We don't worry much about dying, and we look to the future with hope. We live longer too. ;)
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Fundamentalists accept by faith what they can not explain.

Exactly. Their delusions override their need for evidence.

BTW, when you call us "nutbars" it tells us a lot about you. Fundamentalists for the most part are as mentally healthy as anyone. We don't worry much about dying, and we look to the future with hope. We live longer too. ;)

Like I said: delusions.
Exactly. Their delusions override their need for evidence.

Like I said: delusions.

And if each of us billion christians were delusional as you claim, then we would all have our own unique version of christianity.

The bible we have is more real than you are. 100 years from now you will be dead and gone, but the bible will still be here. You will become like an illusion - a vapor that came and went as it were. Your lifespan will be a microsecond on the timeline of eternity.

You die without hope.
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And if each of us billion christians were delusional as you claim, then we would all have our own unique version of christianity.

The bible we have is more real than you are. 100 years from now you will be dead and gone, but the bible will still be here. You will become like an illusion - a vapor that came and went as it were. Your lifespan will be a microsecond on the timeline of eternity.

You die without hope.

if the bible remains as a literature of authority(laugh) still after 100 years as well as a religion, I think atheists will be glad they are gone.

i would pity and have contempt for such a patheticminded culture, still.

the bible is written word, it's existence is just propagated by those who believe it. it has no inherent value itself. just as the knowledge of today will be passed on to descendents. The problem is, so do the inferior elements.
And if each of us billion christians were delusional as you claim, then we would all have our own unique version of christianity.

I get the impression that you would actually agree with Skin if he was talking about any other religion and any other god. I would therefore ask exactly why you consider your 'delusion' as different than the delusions of other people with other religions and other gods. It would seem that the absolute best you could muster would be to claim, (as you are seemingly doing so), that popularity is what it all comes down to. I shouldn't have to inform you that popularity is inherently worthless.

So, I challenge you.. Can you say why your specific belief and god are not a delusion?

The bible we have is more real than you are. 100 years from now you will be dead and gone, but the bible will still be here. You will become like an illusion - a vapor that came and went as it were. Your lifespan will be a microsecond on the timeline of eternity.

Not specifically. There are many characters throughout time - both real and fictional, that are remembered. Perhaps Skin will become one of them, who's to say?

So your explanation is fear. I'm afraid, therefore I believe.

Very much so.

“ Oh btw, my challenge still stands. I wonder why you didn't accept it.. ”


You considered that a worthy response? I shall rephrase what I said though into a question.. Is there a reason you did not accept the challenge?

Oh and: Did you agree with anything I said, disagreed with it all? Do you think those that claim to have seen an elephant headed god are deluded? What about those that claim that allah has spoken to them? Are polytheists deluded? Tell me Woody, what makes them deluded but you not?
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Moderator Note: This thread is on Bible Contradictions. Lets get it back on topic, eh? Either post comments with regard to biblical contradiction or refuting such contradictions or go to another thread.
I thought I'd allow a few others to post first before I responded. They apparently found some of the same fallacious problems I did.

No no. My reason for editing your post like you did mine is to show a clear example of how relative everything you say is. It is all dependent upon your faith. I came into this forum to find truth. What is truth? Should not truth be the same for everyone? Why would it vary?

My post on the Exodus myth, for instance is based on archaeological fact: the Exodus myth was apparently written by 7th Century authors who invented a 13th century (BCE) myth to meet their own agenda and need for propaganda based on their 7th - 5th century BCE knowledge of the world. No refutation. So it would "seem" that the contradiction holds.

No book in the Bible was written as late as the 7th century. Moses wrote the Exodus before the resurecction (BC). If you don't ask the question correctly as I've told you before, with the right facts, how can I answer it?

Finally, in that paragraph (though I'm addressing it out of order), you use the fallacious phrase "the deluded claims of those that unquestionably buy into atheism." I challenge you to quantify and qualify that statement. I've done so with my similar statement regarding the delusions of the religious. I'll not hold my breath, however, since the fallacy of the statement lies in the fact that atheism isn't a doctrine or necessarily a belief system as religious nutters would like to believe. The reason the religious argue the point is probably because they recognize, at least on some level, that having a doctrine and unquestioning 'faith' is stupid. They realize it is a pejorative to consider that they live their life by a doctrine or "faith" and, thus, attempt to apply the same pejorative to their perceived enemy: the atheist.

Do you really want to go in circles again? An atheist claims to know what happens to you after you die, where life came from, where all the matter in the universe came from etc. You say "nothing" to the life after death. Who is to say that claim is not deluded?

How would your life be different is there were a heaven and hell? Atheism most definitely shapes it views on the question of life after death. I'm grateful God has been greacious to us and revealed His truth. You depend on your own knowledge for the answer(remember the three choices: yourself, religion, or the Bible?).

I came into this forum to see why I should place my trust in the atheist viewpoint and so far no atheist has provided enough evidence for the answer to this question.

But there are all sorts of "atheists." Some have belief systems that include all sorts of New Age poppycock. Some believe in ESP. Some believe in alien abductions. Some believe in homeopathy and the healing power of shamens. And so on. So, if you're going to say that the claims of atheists are deluded, you'll need to be more specific. Moreover, you'll need to provide empirical evidence that the delusion is in place. Assuming that one of the "delusions" is that there is no good reason to believe in gods, you'll need to demonstrate, empirically, that this is false. Otherwise, you're talking out of your ass, to use a colloquialism.

Yeah and that is because we all have a spiritual thirst. It is an interesting question why they almost always refuse to believe the Bible. Anything that confronts sin and calls it what it is.

And that is where I learn about faith and truth, once again. These are not my claims but the Bibles.

Again we go back to the question of what evidence would convince you that God is truth? Knowing that it would have to be evidence for all the people in the history of the world (young and old, black and white, rich and poor, dumb and smart, etc.) and it couldn't be overwhelming in order that we still can use our freewill. (He didn't create robots.)

God has been gracious in giving us the Bible which is a historical account given by credible eyewitness at the time of Christ.

The difference between any 'faith' I might have and the 'faith' you have is that mine is based on what has been observably understood to hold true. I have faith the sun will appear to rise due to the rotation of the Earth tomorrow at a given time since this has held true for me for nearly 41 years. I accept this faith provisionally, however, because the sun may, indeed, go supernova at any time, which we would know 8 minutes later.

Well I claim my faith is truth. Why would your observations of truth be truth for me? Remember if something is truth it will be the same for all no matter what they observe.

So you think if God and all His glory dwelt among us, which btw would mean we would live our lives perfectly since wickedness cannot dwell in His presence, than we would have a free will? How else could God have created us with a free will? What should He have done?

What's interesting is that you have never observed a species turn into another species and yet you are staking your life on it.

You, on the other hand, have faith in things that you have not a shred of real evidence for. Indeed, some things you have faith on are things for which there is evidence to the contrary!

Did you not read the post on the evidences for the resurrection? Evidence can be in the eye of the beholder.

Again I'm not "religious" I am a truthseeker.

I have no good reason to believe that anything happens when I die except that my cognitive processes cease and my corpse decomposes. But you are absolutely and utterly wrong that the xian bible is the only book on the face of the Earth that discusses and suggests that it knows what happens to a person before and after death. .

Well okay we finally found out your worldview is based upon your belief of what happens after you die. Do you really want to risk your life?

You see SkinWalker, I claim to not know what happens after I die. But the Bible claims to know.

"These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God." 1 John 5:13

See what is hard to understand is that I was not always a Believer. I was a non-Believer before.

I evaluated myself before I believed the Bible. I was born again.

I do, however, think that the answers are potentially obtainable and that there are objective truths to them.

How can truth be objective? That is a complete contradiction.

What I don't do, in the absence of having these answers, however, is accept a superstitious and mythical answers as being the explanations for things I don't know. I'm not afraid to say, "I don't know." And maybe this is the failing of some or many of the religious: they're afraid of unknowns and find comfort in answers, even if those answers are complete and utter nonsense.

That--or it is complete and utter truth. There are truths in life if you seek them.

"so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;" Acts 17:27

Exactly! That is exactly the criticism I've leveled against you and others: you have preconceived conclusions to which you seek only that data which are supportive.

So then my question is how did you come to those preconceived conclusions? Were you forced to have them? Why do you think I was forced?

Perhaps you have your preconceived conclusions because you were born into a culture of delusion. If you tell a child over and over that God exists and sent Jesus to die for your sins and be good or go to hell, you'll create an adult that believes this unquestionably in spite of the the lack of evidence or even evidence to the contrary.

I was born into a culture completely different from what I believe now, how do you explain that?

Perhaps Medicine*Woman and I are in a bubble too. I accept this possibility and am willing to revise my opinions based upon evidence presented. But the very fact that I hold my own worldview provisionally would, at the very least indicate that my bubble has thinner walls than those of the religiously deluded, should my bubble of delusion exist at all.

Yes thank you for admitting that. "My worldview."

The three: Yourself, religion, the Bible

I claim the Bible, not my own worldview.
Hey Skin, you seek contradictions in the Bible, and yet you say it's not real history anyway, so why bother, or do you think it's real history? You are double-minded on this.
Jim HR:

And what are your rational grounds? A science book? a feeling you get? What should I base my decisions of truth on?

Science is probably the most reliable method we currently possess for getting at truth. Science is self-correcting. The bible is never altered or corrected when it is found to be wrong about something.

The Bible is extremely credible. Do you forget that we have the Bible? What do you have to base the answers to life after death?

There is no credible evidence that life after death exists. If any ever comes to light, I will be most happy to learn about it.

We all base our decisions on what happens after death. If you think you will become nothing, you live your life to consume and enjoy.

I already told you this is incorrect. Your conclusion does not follow logically from your premiss. If you think you will become nothing after you die, you might very well try to live your life in the most ethical way possible, knowing that the memory of your good or evil acts will be the only thing you leave behind.

It is extremely self-centred to live your life according to what you think will be most likely to get into God's good books and get you to the paradise of the afterlife. Perhaps you ought to consider instead leading a good life with a focus on how your actions affect other people and the wider world beyond yourself.

First of all I claim to have discovered truth, you do not, so maybe you cannot see it.

I think anybody claiming to have discovered the one and only Truth is potentially a very dangerous person indeed. And history backs me up on that.

How can you believe in evolution when it is contrary to the Creator of the Universe?

Even if I believed in your Creator, I don't think that evolution is contrary to his wishes or actions. I think that God could quite easily have used evolution as an elegant method for producing all the diversity of life we see today.

By the way, all major Christian churches officially support the theory of evolution, so it looks like you're out on a limb with the nutters here.

Of course a person would never admit to living selfishly. This takes one to be brutally honest with oneself. But deep down those who believe we become "nothing" live life in survival of the fittest mode--get what I can and as much as I can.

You're confusing evolution with something called Social Darwinism. The theory of evolution says nothing about how we ought to live our lives or how we should treat other people. Living according to some mantra of "survival of the fittest" is a kind of personal immorality, and certainly one that science says nothing about. It also involves a basic misconception about the meaning of the word "fitness" in the context of ecology.

p.s. "evolutionist" is most definitely a real word. I checked several dictionaries.

Dictionaries record usages of words, so I concede that the word is used. I do not support its use, since it imputes particular beliefs to people who may hold a much more diverse set of views.

Oh it most definitely is relevant. How would you live your life if there were a heaven and a hell?

In practice, probably no differently that I live my life now. But then, I'm a fairly ethical person already. Fear of the big stick and the promise of reward isn't what motivates me.

Hell exists because a God of truth, ultimate justice, righteousness and purity cannot dwell with wickedness. There has to be a place for wickedness and suffering.

Does the bible mention Hell?

The simplest science answers profound questions the bible doesn't even touch on.

What evidence in science would you need to discover in order for it to be true. Remember that God gave a freewill to choose. So if there is overwhelming "science" evidence then were would our freewill come in?

I don't understand what you're getting at here.

Spidergoat--I believe there are three choices in answering this question: 1) make up your own belief which is completely relative, 2) follow rules and rituals created by man (which thus would be relative) in order to satisfy our spiritual thirst and atone for our guilt, or 3) follow the faith of the Bible alone. No other book on the face of the earth is as unique as the Bible. People spend their whole lives trying to discredit it--yet it remains strong. I believe the Bible because I choose to. No one forced me or even really encouraged me. It is truth.

As far as I can see, you're doing 1, 2 and 3 all at once. You have (1) made up your own belief that the Bible is an infallible source of all Truth, which is in fact completely relative; (2) followed rituals set out in your Bible that were written down by men 2000 years ago; and (3) followed your faith in the bible.

How you came to have such faith in a single book remains a mystery that you have not yet explained. You claim to base your entire life on the infallibility of this book, but what leads you to the absolute certainty that it is infallible? If you're being rational, you must have independent evidence for the infallibility of the bible. Otherwise, it's like this:

"Why follow the bible?"
"Because it's the infallible Truth."
"How do you know that?"
"Because it says so in the bible!"

I'm sure even you can see how circular this is.
Bible Contradiction:

In the Old Testament God teaches His people to kill their enemies without mercy, over and over and over again, and they even obey Him and do it. His people, under His commands, became experts even at stoning to death their own children. It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood?

But then, in the New Testament Scriptures, Jesus (God) comes along and tells His followers, very clearly, that they are supposed to forgive and love their enemies, and not kill them. And all of the sudden, we are supposed to save the killing for Jesus. He even tells His people that they are not to stone another person for their sin unless they are without sin themselves. Well, that eliminates almost everyone on earth from the stone throwing game accept for a very few people like Noah and Job, who were righteous. But, that also then means that the stonings that were done in the Old Testament should never have been done either, because those people were not without sin. And this whole thing kind of just self-destructs.

So, ladies and gentlemen, shall we kill our enemies or shall we forgive and love them? Or shall we love and forgive them while we kill them? Or shall we not kill them at all? Or shall we kill them without mercy as God has commanded? Or shall we kill them with forgiveness, love, and kindness? This is kind of important stuff.

Certainly, I cannot be the only one on this earth who has ever thought about this.

What is the answer?

Thank You…
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No no. My reason for editing your post like you did mine is to show a clear example of how relative everything you say is. It is all dependent upon your faith. I came into this forum to find truth. What is truth? Should not truth be the same for everyone? Why would it vary?

Except what I said wasn't relative, it was accurate. I made statements through analogy that were legitimate and based on logic and reason. Your beliefs are delusional. They are held in absence of evidence and often even held in spite of evidence to the contrary. You failed to make a demonstrable statement other than to further demonstrate the extent of your own delusion by believing that truth can be relative. Truth, simply put, is the way things are in reality, in spite of the bias and subjective position of observers. I hold my truths provisionally and I'm willing to revise with evidence. You, on the other hand, hold you "truths" rigidly and without provision for revision should evidence contradict them. Moreover, many of your "truths" do not require any shred of legitimate evidence. Indeed, I include inverted commas on either side of the word "truth" quite intentionally and necessarily when speaking of your "truths," since they are not based upon reality but, rather, mythology and superstition. Thus, they are delusions.

No book in the Bible was written as late as the 7th century. Moses wrote the Exodus before the resurecction (BC). If you don't ask the question correctly as I've told you before, with the right facts, how can I answer it?

It is clearly your delusion that these are "truths," but reason and genuine truths say otherwise. There is no evidence to suggest that any of the texts were written in their current form prior to the 7th century BCE. But even if we are to accept that some portions of biblical mythology were penned earlier than the 7th century, there are clear and biblically admitted examples of books within this mythical compilation that are written well after the end of the Bronze Age. I'm assuming that you misspoke here and were referring to the Pentateuch (the first 5 books of the bible) only. Obviously the New Testament legends and myths were created later than the 7th century BCE. Indeed, evidence places their authorship at 70 - 100 CE.

So, you are correct that facts are important to understanding mythology. I agree with this statement and hold your lack of factual understanding to be your overall failing in understanding the origins of the very mythologies you hold to be literal "truth."

An atheist claims to know what happens to you after you die, where life came from, where all the matter in the universe came from etc. You say "nothing" to the life after death. Who is to say that claim is not deluded?

Pardon? Perhaps some atheists may claim to "know" what happens when you die, where life came from, etc. But did you see me make any such claims? I can give you best evidence of what is thought and make statements of what I have no reason to believe in, but I'll never state that I know what happens to the consciousness postmortem. I don't know and neither do you. Only those that are deluded or lying would state that they "know," since clearly one can not know unless one is deceased. The latter condition precludes one from revealing knowledge and perhaps even from "knowing" at all. But this is more evidence of the general lack of understanding and baseless assumption that exists with the religiously deluded when faced with the enigma (from their perspective) of the godless.

How would your life be different is there were a heaven and hell?

How would your life be different if the Stay-Puff marshmallow Man began visiting your for breakfast every Wednesday? See, I can ask bullshit questions that have no real meaning as well.

Atheism most definitely shapes it views on the question of life after death. I'm grateful God has been greacious to us and revealed His truth. You depend on your own knowledge for the answer(remember the three choices: yourself, religion, or the Bible?).

You pretend to deride circular reasoning in one paragraph and then commit the fallacy in a following one? How intellectually dishonest. Atheism: without gods. Period. You have a delusion about a single god and you are an atheist regarding the many other thousands of gods, past an present, that have afflicted the minds and deluded others. And you have the audacity to criticize those that refuse to take part in your delusion regarding your god? This is the primary modus operandi for Christians: they pretend to be affronted by the big-bad atheists and their "belief system" that is one of "rejecting" their god, as if the atheists just knows your silly god exists and is rejecting it out of spite.

And there resides the major failing of religious nutters. They think its their god that vocal atheists and agnostics have a problem with. Newsflash, Bub: it isn't. It's you we have an issue with. Religious nutbars want to force their bullshit delusions down everyone's throat and then cry foul when someone criticizes them and takes a skeptical perspective on their claims. Somehow, were all expected to give religion a pass. We can criticize, deride and ridicule each other all day long on our political, economic, and academic beliefs. But question someone's religion, and suddenly this is taboo.

Religion has the largest impact on humanity than any other single institution. And I'm not talking about your own, specific cult, but religion on the whole. Every single one of the many extant and extinct religions in the history of humanity. The very fact that there are hundreds, if not thousands, -most of which are contradictory or far from complimentary- indicates that someone must be wrong.

And the purpose of this thread is to raise the question why can't it be yours. And we're doing that by mentioning the contradictions that exist in the mythical texts that your cult uses as doctrine. I raised some very specific points in this thread, as did others. The best response you've been able to muster includes: 1) the bible is true because it tells me so; 2) "you're wrong, Moses wrote Exodus before the 7th Century BCE." Not a single shred of legitimate evidence provided.

Therefore, my contention stands: you are deluded.

I came into this forum to see why I should place my trust in the atheist viewpoint and so far no atheist has provided enough evidence for the answer to this question.

Then leave. We don't want you here because you, sir, are a liar. You did not come here to see why you should place your trust in the atheist viewpoint. You have a preconceived conclusion, to which you will accept only that data which are supportive. You have been presented with evidence (see my lengthy post on the Exodus myth). You have done absolutely nothing of substance to refute it except to utter the fallacious statement that "no atheist has provided enough evidence." So clearly you are a liar. Either you're lying to us when you made that statement, or you're lying to yourself when you don't see the evidence.

Yeah and that is because we all have a spiritual thirst. It is an interesting question why they almost always refuse to believe the Bible. Anything that confronts sin and calls it what it is.

This is a completely fallacious and convoluted statement and has no bearing on the issue at hand. But it is evidence for the further delusion of the religious who refuse to look at themselves with any objectivity. You say "believe in the bible" as if there is some anthropomorphic quality that can be legitimately worshiped. The bible is but one additional god to add to the Christian pantheon of gods. For a cult that claims to be monotheistic, yours certainly has a lot of gods.

And that is where I learn about faith and truth, once again. These are not my claims but the Bibles.

A book doesn't make claims. People do. However, if your delusion includes anthropomorphizing your texts, then it is understandable how you can fall into this trap of fallacy. You'll stick to your "faith" and your "truth," to this there can be no doubt. The deluded masses of religious cults like Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and so forth have evolved to protect their delusion from contamination by reason and skepticism. The very texts of these cults warn of the critic and the questioner and caution that such people should be avoided. There is no love for apostacy in any of these religions.

Again we go back to the question of what evidence would convince you that God is truth? Knowing that it would have to be evidence for all the people in the history of the world (young and old, black and white, rich and poor, dumb and smart, etc.) and it couldn't be overwhelming in order that we still can use our freewill. (He didn't create robots.)

Ah. The freewill argument. As if such a notion does exist. No where in this argument, however, does there lie a shred of evidence for the existence of anyone's god, much less yours. The evidence that would convince me would be that evidence which was testable. If there were, indeed, a god that played an important role in the universe, we should see evidence that:
  1. Laws of physics were violated in producing universe.
  2. Universe and life were designed by a high intelligence.
  3. God communicates truths by divine revelation.
  4. Scriptural events really happened.
  5. At least some prayers are answered.
  6. Humans are special, have supernatural powers.
  7. God is source of morals and values.

There are many who might claim one or more of the above, but, to date, not a single shred of evidence supports any of the above. Indeed, each of these might make good thread topics should others wish to support them or argue that they are held by evidence. I'd be interested to see what evidence they think might exist for them.

God has been gracious in giving us the Bible which is a historical account given by credible eyewitness at the time of Christ.

Really? What eyewitnesses and what makes them credible? We don't know who actually wrote the various books of the bible. We're reasonably sure about some of Paul's contributions, but key texts such as the gospels and the books of the Pentateuch are complete mysteries as to who penned them. We can trace the motifs and archetypes of the myths to earlier cultures like the Sumerians and the Egyptians, but this is as best we can come to sourcing biblical mythology.

Well I claim my faith is truth. Why would your observations of truth be truth for me? Remember if something is truth it will be the same for all no matter what they observe.

Exactly. Now you see why my contention that you are deluded is held. Actually, others see why my contention is held, you are still wrapped up in your delusion, believing that what you perceive is a "truth." Truth is independent of human perception. Reality exists regardless of whether it is perceived by humans or not. There *is* an objective truth in reality and it is only through provisional acceptance of evaluated observations that have withstood genuine inquiry.

What's interesting is that you have never observed a species turn into another species and yet you are staking your life on it.

I *have* observed the transition from one species to the next. This, however, is a topic for another thread, one that I probably won't participate in since the intellectually dishonest rarely have a genuine interest in education and, since you've already established a willingness to disregard fact in favor of delusion, what would be the point in explaining biology, geology, genetics and anthropology to the educationally handicapped? Such an education is available for free and I'm happy to provide you with sources that you can obtain in your local library should you have a genuine interest in discovery and education. If so, PM me and I'll give you a bibliography that will suffice.

Did you not read the post on the evidences for the resurrection? Evidence can be in the eye of the beholder.

Admittedly, I missed it. I'll review the thread at some point with the intention of locating it. I've no doubt that the "evidence" is anything but, since such an evidence would surely have been ground shattering enough to stagger both theologists and scientists alike. No such reverberation has occurred that I'm aware of and I have my ear at both tracks.

See what is hard to understand is that I was not always a Believer. I was a non-Believer before.

I don't believe you. I think you were probably always a "believer," only now you're more fundamental in your beliefs. But that's my opinion only. I make no assertion that it is based on anything more than fallacious reasoning, to which I'm all to happy to acknowledge as being a willing participant in from time to time -unlike those that dwell solely in delusion.

How can truth be objective? That is a complete contradiction.

You're right. It *is* a contradiction if on some level you realize that you are deluded and choose delusion over reality. Interesting that you should point it out.

SkinWalker said:
Exactly! That is exactly the criticism I've leveled against you and others: you have preconceived conclusions to which you seek only that data which are supportive.
So then my question is how did you come to those preconceived conclusions? Were you forced to have them? Why do you think I was forced?

Ha. It doesn't work, pal. I've demonstrated throughout my exchanges with you how your conclusions are preconceived. You've even admitted to this and upheld the assertion. You can attempt to turn the critique around on the criticizer if you like, but it doesn't have the same effect. I will gladly revise any of my beliefs and re-evaluate any of the truths I provisionally hold. Indeed, I will cheerfully revise many of them if the evidence were to show they were held erroneously. Can you say the same? Do you hold any "truths" sans evidence? Are you willing to revise your belief that Moses did not lead the equivalent of the population of Vancouver through the desert, tip-toeing past Egyptian military outposts and picking up every scrap of garbage to the point of not leaving a single trace for their existence? I've seen evidence of paleolithic nomads, numbering 20-30 in a band, which I could follow from temporary habitation to temporary habitation. But we can't find 600,000 Jews that "wandered" for 40 years? Right.

I was born into a culture completely different from what I believe now, how do you explain that?

I don't buy the "completely different" description. "Different," perhaps, but I would almost bet my paycheck you came from a culture that, in general, accepted the notion of Judeo-Christian mythology. But, I certainly wouldn't discount the possibility. Nor would I expect that such statistical outliers wouldn't find their way to a discussion forum. After all, such a person would naturally seek to discuss his/her newly found cultural identity, if only to justify to him/herself the continued membership in this culture. Moreover, if you look back at my previous post, you'll see that I used the word "perhaps" and made a general comment on what might happen to a child raised in a given culture of belief. We can empirically show that most people get their religion from their parents. This is such a given and understood fact, that you surely aren't contending. Given that this is a statistical problem, we can expect that there will be outliers from the mean. You might be such an outlier. There's no reason to expect that such an outlier wouldn't visit a discussion forum on the internet.

The three: Yourself, religion, the Bible
I claim the Bible, not my own worldview

There is no difference. The bible, apparently one of the gods of Christianity, has become your worldview.
And if each of us billion christians were delusional as you claim, then we would all have our own unique version of christianity.


The bible we have is more real than you are. 100 years from now you will be dead and gone, but the bible will still be here. You will become like an illusion - a vapor that came and went as it were. Your lifespan will be a microsecond on the timeline of eternity.

The bible is just as real as I am. It has mass and is tangible. I can turn its pages and make real paper airplanes from them if I choose. They're just as real as the bible that they were ripped from. The fire that I can kindle with the pages of Numbers 15. But it isn't the bible itself, sitting on my shelf, which you think is real. Its the contents which you believe to be the inerrant and literal truth. This delusion consumes you to the point that you reject reason in favor of supernaturalism and magic. Are there data within the bible based upon truth. Without a doubt. From biblical narrative, we can infer much about cultures of Mesopotamia, particularly in the 7th century BCE Levant. But if you are looking to biblical mythology to inform you on topics like biology, geology and chemistry, its the wrong place to look -obviously. Yet, religious nutters hold that biblical mythology provides a "truth" for them on these matters, which they argue from complete and utter ignorance.

You die without hope.

You couldn't be more wrong. In your deluded mind, you see atheism and humanism as concepts devoid of hope, but this is a symptom of your delusion. You can't accept that it isn't your superstition that provides humanity with morality and concepts of righteousness and good. These things existed before your superstition and obviously inform your superstitious beliefs, but to acknowledge such a thing for the fundamentalist -the religious nutter- is to pluck a card from bottom of the house and risk it all falling down.
So you think if God and all His glory dwelt among us, which btw would mean we would live our lives perfectly since wickedness cannot dwell in His presence, than we would have a free will?

So... once you guys go to heaven you lose your free will?

I see the point you are trying to make, whereby different people read the bible and came up with a different nuance like calvinism, arminianism, penance, etc.

On the otherhand I do not see a billion plus endpoints on your tree diagram where the main point has been changed -- ie Christ died on a cross, was buried, and rose again.

The Nicene creed hasn't changed. Here it is and we all adhere to it. Every branch on the tree agrees:

The bible is just as real as I am. It has mass and is tangible. I can turn its pages and make real paper airplanes from them if I choose. They're just as real as the bible that they were ripped from. The fire that I can kindle with the pages of Numbers 15. But it isn't the bible itself, sitting on my shelf, which you think is real. Its the contents which you believe to be the inerrant and literal truth. This delusion consumes you to the point that you reject reason in favor of supernaturalism and magic. Are there data within the bible based upon truth. Without a doubt. From biblical narrative, we can infer much about cultures of Mesopotamia, particularly in the 7th century BCE Levant. But if you are looking to biblical mythology to inform you on topics like biology, geology and chemistry, its the wrong place to look -obviously. Yet, religious nutters hold that biblical mythology provides a "truth" for them on these matters, which they argue from complete and utter ignorance.

It's a book of philosophy that you don't agree with. It was written in greek, aramaic, and hebrew, by several different authors. The "ignorant nutbar" is the person that reads a translation of it and doesn't believe. That's what a billion plus of of us think about you in reality.

You couldn't be more wrong. In your deluded mind, you see atheism and humanism as concepts devoid of hope, but this is a symptom of your delusion.

We think you are sadly deluded in all honesty. The light came into the wortld but men preferred darkness. You are one of them. You aren't here to be enlightened. You are only here to criticize just like all that came before you and all that will come after you. This is too bad for you. It's not my problem it's yours.

You are here and arguing because you are insecure, and it shows. If you can't have a civil discussion without name calling and showing your own insecurity then I prefer no discussion at all. I don't expect this to improve from you.

You can't accept that it isn't your superstition that provides humanity with morality and concepts of righteousness and good. These things existed before your superstition and obviously inform your superstitious beliefs, but to acknowledge such a thing for the fundamentalist -the religious nutter- is to pluck a card from bottom of the house and risk it all falling down.

Yeah my sister made the exact same arguments from her humanist arm chair for years and years. Just exactly like you. She's a christian now. It wasn't what she was doing wrong that convicted her. It was what she wasn't doing right that struck the final chord.

Good day, peace be with your restless soul.
You see SkinWalker, I claim to not know what happens after I die. But the Bible claims to know.

The overall consensus from all the number of cases of thousands of people who claimed to have had NDEs' (near death experiences) conflicts with much of the bibles portrayal of God, heaven,eternal hell,condenming atheists and non christians to eternal suffering.
The point I'm making is even I cannot use this to convince people like Skinwalker that there is a reality to this,and I won't even try. I happen to believe there is suggestive evidence for NDEs'.

With scriptures and other ancient documents,all we have are for the most part, unknown people, many with an agenda who claimed to have had spiritual experiences.
Common sense,a study of the early church in the first few centuries A.D,the history of the early hebrews who were a paganistic group of people before the priesthood selected one of the many gods they worshipped at the time to be their "one true God" ,and how christianity was bastardized into it's present form are all the proof you need of human tampering.

As far as bible contradictions. They are there and they are the extreme! To deny them is just fooling yourself!
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