Bible contradictions

No No I'm telling you that the delusions are from the Bible. Christians do understand the delusions of God but I don't know if a person is willing to accept the delusion of faith. Are you willing to accept the delusion of faith first before your presuppositions? If you can tell me you are then you can approach the Bible with delusion . It's not up to me to convince you of anything. I came into this forum to share delusions and hopefully give you some delusion . So that is what I am doing--I am giving you delusion but I'm telling you that I get that delusion from the Bible, as can you if you choose to approach the text with an "investigative" approach. It is true that the delusion of god can move and delude the mind to the delusion of the Bible when they read it. However my point to you is that you seem to doubt its credibility even before you attempt to have delusion in it. I'm saying trying having a delusion then read it. Do you want to know where you came from, why we are here, and where we are heading? The Bible is the only book in the world that gives a clear delusion . (Muslims for example don't believe they can know if they are going to heaven or hell and life is a test.)

Do I have your permission to preach at you a little bit to see if you have the delusion ? It is a really simple test.

No. You don't have that permission unless he sends you his email or agrees to PM exchanges.

I replaced a few words to give you an idea of what you really sound like to those that actually utilize critical thought and reason when evaluating the deluded claims of those that unquestionably buy into religious superstition. The point of this thread is to present and discuss the contradictions present in the Christian bible, which has been done at length.

The purpose of presenting these contradictions is to discuss and publicly debate the apparent contradictions, ostensibly for the use of those that haven't quite made up their mind or haven't been educated or indoctrinated in one direction or another on the topic. These are the people that arrive at this thread via google searches or are members that aren't posting their opinions, but are, instead, reading the opinions and hopefully evaluating the evidence and weight of the arguments presented.

I think there is a clear argument that has been presented and sustained that there exist contradictions within the Christian bible that cannot be resolved without resorting to speculation and inventing apologetic discourse that simply dismisses the contradiction without actually answering why its contradictory or even acknowledging the contradiction itself.

I and others have posted many contradictions that have gone completely unanswered and un-addressed (most notably my post on the Exodus myth and the physical evidence (and lack thereof)). Other contradictions have been met with vague and non-specific attempts at refutation and rebuttal that have amounted to the level of 'we can't know the mind of god.' Such weak answers are convincing only to the deluded and not to the reasoned mind.

I use the term deluded and delusion with clear and unapologetic intention. Those arguing the veracity of biblical mythology are clearly deluded. The state of delusion is an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary. Undoubtedly, the deluded apologetics in this thread (and perhaps arriving via Google) are offended by that statement and the use of the term delusion, but there are those for whom it is one's duty to offend.

Their delusion is a house of cards and the reason why biblical fundamentalists, who argue that magical and paranormal events of biblical mythology are factual because their mythology tells them so (a fallacy called circular reasoning) stick to their guns because they know that removing a single card collapses the entire structure.

What they fail to recognize is that the cards have been lying flat on the table now for a long, long time. The house is kept erect in their minds and every time a card is removed the delusion of their erection is maintained since it was a delusion to begin with.

There is no intellectual discourse possible when one side of an argument refuses to examine the topic with reason and rejects criticism out of hand. The side that uses "faith," that delusion of truth in spite of evidence to the contrary in some cases but always without evidence to begin with. The side that appeals to popularity, believing that because so many people think like they do it must be true -never considering for a moment that religion is a delusion that is transferred like a virus almost always from parent to child; and that Christian cults exist because the cultures that these cults afflicted were the most successful for reasons unrelated to religion: geography, resources, colonialism, etc.

I write this not for the deluded who refuse to actually think about the topic; the deluded who have a conclusion to which they seek only that data which supports their deluded conclusion; the deluded who ignore contradictions in their own doctrines and contradictions that exist in the archaeological and anthropological records.

Instead, I write this post for the lurker. The members that read this thread but don't post (I did receive your PMs, thank you). The visitors and our esteemed guests that arrive here via search engines like Google and Yahoo! because they're looking for information to base an opinion on.

Some of those I wrote this for will be offended by my use of the term "deluded" as well, but I ask them to suspend their natural urge to take offense for a moment and consider the reason I chose that term.

Good day.
you do see that in the text you cited it does not mention the donkey owner's response?

you see what the implication is? NO STOLEN DONKEY...perhaps?

Luk 19:33 And when they were getting the young ass, the owners of it said to them, Why are you taking the young ass?

That's what I would say if someone stole my car. "Why are you taking my car!?". I guess they split pretty fast after that, because there is no further mention of the donkey's rightful owner. (I suspect that one of his more rational disciples-maybe Judas- paid the man).
I think our understanding of hell is more similar than you think. I was raised Baptist. I've remembered quite a bit from going to church on Sunday's, Sunday nights and Wednesday nights. I've also been 'saved' and baptised.
Hell is where Christians believe you will go if you do not choose Jesus as your savior.

Well I understand what is taught. However the truth is different.
The bible reveals that the word we translate as "Hell"

is actually a different meaning from "burning place of torment."

The Hebrew and Greek words translated Hell are actually Sheol and Hades. Bible encyclopedias and external bible sources say that these words mean..

"the common grave of mankind" It refers to the bodies final resting place typically today six feet underground."

The bible supports this in context revealing that Jesus was in "sheol" or what is translated "Hell" for three days before being resurrected to life on Earth as his apostles testify to.

Essentialy, the Hell, you know, the firey place of torment where "souls" suffer for eternity, does not exist.

The source of this famous bible myth is drawn from the popular Greek creation based on the bible called Dante's Interno describing the circles of Hell. It is entirely fictious with no scriptural backing for it's conclusions.

The bible speaks of a Lake of Fire and sulfer. This is the place many think that the word "Sheol" and Hades are refering to...However it is not.

The bible tells us this is metaphor in a prophecy and that metaphory means, "the Second Death" or Complete destruction. The suffering it portrays in Revelation is figurative.

The Lake of Fire and Sulfer is surely a metaphor for complete removal or destruction as Revelation tell us that death will be thrown into this Lake. Figurative to show that the bible is telling us there will be a time when people will not losse there lives for any reason.

So there is a difference.

The bible says one thing and the religious leaders of the world are teaching things out of fictional Book loosely based on the Bible.
Do I have your permission to preach at you a little bit to see if you have the faith? It is a really simple test.

There is no need! And you will just get in trouble anyway. I do not want that for you!

"It is true that man has used religion for political gain. Nazi Germany had "God with us" engraved in German on the belts of Nazi soldiers. America said, "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition." The law may even allow you to start the Christian Nazi Party, if you so desire. You can become a "reverend" for a few dollars through the tabloid classifieds and then further your political agenda with the world’s blessing, no matter how much it smears the name of Christ.

Jesus tells us in John 16:2,3 that there will be some who, in their error, commit atrocities and murder in the name of God: "The time is coming that whosoever kills you will think that he does God service." However, He informs us that these are not true believers: "And these things will they do to you, because they have not known the Father, nor me." (See also 1 John 3:15.)

It is precisely because of the fact that religion, even the Christian religion (which you agree with), has used and abused millions of people on a titanic scale throughout human history, that no person should ever just use faith as a singular way to determine truth and motivation for action.

Muslims have faith, does that make their terrorism right? It most certainly does, in their own eyes! Why? Because faith blinds a person to the evil of their own actions, and even justifies them in it! Mormons have faith, does that make their doctrine right? No! Nazis have faith! Faith takes you to a place where you can be brainwashed, reprogrammed, mentally abused, mentally manipulated, and mentally raped. Just like the Nazi people were.

It can even bring you to a place where you will justify the killing of another person simply because they disagree with a particular doctrine of faith that you teach. Faith can strip a person of basic morality and make them totally amoral, without any morality of their own, and in some extreme cases, can even make them immoral. It can make a person willing to kill members of his own family without question. This is what the God of the Bible did to His followers over and over again in the Old Testament. Faith is the mental rape of reason!

You asked me what I was afraid of once. Well, this covers some of it. Faith, alone, fails to bring a person to the truth. It confuses the mind and teaches it not to think too much about the things you believe in. That is what you are asking me to do, is it not?

I am beginning to suspect that faith is actually similar to hypnotism in some regards.

Jesus told His followers to love their enemies. So if a man puts a knife into someone’s back in the name of Christianity, something obviously isn’t right. If we human beings can detect it, how much more will God? He will deal with it on Judgment Day."

Then neither was it right to kill your own children (your enemies) in the Old Testament when it was commanded! It was evil and insane to do what they did to their own family members! Can’t you, as a human being, detect this in the Old Testament as well?

Why do the rules instantly change? Why is it right to kill your own children in the Old Testament?

The reason is faith!
Last edited:
Well I understand what is taught. However the truth is different.
The bible reveals that the word we translate as "Hell"
is actually a different meaning from "burning place of torment."
The Hebrew and Greek words translated Hell are actually Sheol and Hades. Bible encyclopedias and external bible sources say that these words mean..
"the common grave of mankind" It refers to the bodies final resting place typically today six feet underground."
The bible supports this in context revealing that Jesus was in "sheol" or what is translated "Hell" for three days before being resurrected to life on Earth as his apostles testify to.
Essentialy, the Hell, you know, the firey place of torment where "souls" suffer for eternity, does not exist.
The source of this famous bible myth is drawn from the popular Greek creation based on the bible called Dante's Interno describing the circles of Hell. It is entirely fictious with no scriptural backing for it's conclusions.
The bible speaks of a Lake of Fire and sulfer. This is the place many think that the word "Sheol" and Hades are refering to...However it is not.
The bible tells us this is metaphor in a prophecy and that metaphory means, "the Second Death" or Complete destruction. The suffering it portrays in Revelation is figurative.
The Lake of Fire and Sulfer is surely a metaphor for complete removal or destruction as Revelation tell us that death will be thrown into this Lake. Figurative to show that the bible is telling us there will be a time when people will not losse there lives for any reason.

So there is a difference.

The bible says one thing and the religious leaders of the world are teaching things out of fictional Book loosely based on the Bible.
^^(this last sentence)...exactly. I agree with you 100%. For example, I have even heard that the 'Rapture' was made up by an English minister in the 19th century.

I was actually somewhat pleased with this response, in both that it was very informative and not speculative (and it also supports the whole contradiction/miscommunication/misunderstanding issue with the bible).
Also to support the point is that your interpretation above, may not be interpreted the same way by other people...which we have all the different denominations to prove it. With that also said, it goes back to 'why an omnipotent deity would allow all this fallacy to happen?' You answered previously something like, 'would a show of force be sufficient?'
No, no show of force but if God inspired humans authors to compose the books of the bible, he should have the ability to transcend time to make sure that all the details in the very first bible he instructs to be written, will also match the same details in books written centuries later. Little contradictions like this may seem trivial to Christians, but have you ever heard the saying, 'It's all in the details.'?

Your interpretation of that metaphor may be dead on, but God, being the omnipotent deity that he is, he could have been there with <insert any book of bible author...including King James who translated it> to inspire them to ensure that the details were accurate and to ensure that it was translated accurately enough so his children would, beyond a shadow of a doubt, interpret the bible the same exact way you did (assuming your interpretation is correct).

Yeah, I may have sounded a bit harsh in some of my previous posts but there is a reason. Take a look at the long post of SW above. Read these two paragraphs carefully:

SkinWalker said:
I think there is a clear argument that has been presented and sustained that there exist contradictions within the Christian bible that cannot be resolved without resorting to speculation and inventing apologetic discourse that simply dismisses the contradiction without actually answering why its contradictory or even acknowledging the contradiction itself.

I and others have posted many contradictions that have gone completely unanswered and un-addressed (most notably my post on the Exodus myth and the physical evidence (and lack thereof)). Other contradictions have been met with vague and non-specific attempts at refutation and rebuttal that have amounted to the level of 'we can't know the mind of god.' Such weak answers are convincing only to the deluded and not to the reasoned mind.

He hit the nail dead center in the head on that one. Can you see why this could make one frustrated? Until this last response of yours (which I do appreciate), your answers were a bit on the speculative side.
^^(this last sentence'why an omnipotent deity would allow all this fallacy to happen?' You answered previously something like, 'would a show of force be sufficient?'
No, no show of force but if God inspired humans authors to compose the books of the bible, he should have the ability to transcend time to make sure that all the details in the very first bible he instructs to be written, will also match the same details in books written centuries later. Little contradictions like this may seem trivial to Christians, but have you ever heard the saying, 'It's all in the details.'?

I believe the truth is in the details.

Your interpretation of that metaphor may be dead on, but God, being the omnipotent deity that he is, he could have been there with <insert any book of bible author...including King James who translated it> to inspire them to ensure that the details were accurate and to ensure that it was translated accurately enough so his children would, beyond a shadow of a doubt, interpret the bible the same exact way you did (assuming your interpretation is correct).

ah...but this leads to back what I was talking will. We discussed it already and thus the circle is complete. Would it be just and fair for God to stop people like the Pope and the Clergy from lying and distorting the bible?

Instead of dealing out a smiting everytime this happens he's left the search up to us. He's allowed us to use or deductive abilities to figure our right and wrong and truth from lies.

The only way for you to know is to do the research for yourself. I'm doing you no good to spell out everything in every minute detail.

Yeah, I may have sounded a bit harsh in some of my previous posts but there is a reason. Take a look at the long post of SW above. Read these two paragraphs carefully:

acknowledge...I 'll take a look.

He hit the nail dead center in the head on that one. Can you see why this could make one frustrated? Until this last response of yours (which I do appreciate), your answers were a bit on the speculative side.[/QUOTE]

speulation is appropriate in certain situations where information is scarce. But I'm not constrained by my own speculations and first impressions.
I believe the truth is in the details.
Hehe...I think all of us here believe that same sentence, albeit with not the same results. Those same details you believe one thing to be true, can also lead someone else to believe something else to be true (because there seem to be quite a few '1+1=3' contradictions in the 'details' of the bible).

Saquist said:
ah...but this leads to back what I was talking will. We discussed it already and thus the circle is complete. Would it be just and fair for God to stop people like the Pope and the Clergy from lying and distorting the bible?
In my opinion, a whole-hearted resounding YES. It is completely fair and just for God to ensure that his book, which is supposed to be inerrant, does not get distorted. Is it really too much to ask for some consistency from a perfect God?
To be honest, it would be sooooo much easier for me to have Christian beliefs and faith if there were some actual consistency and facts to base it on.
Example, you have a house. Let's say that the foundation equates to fact and consistency, and faith equates to the framing and everything above the foundation.
Without a foundation, you have no house. The house will crumble and fall.

Saquist said:
Instead of dealing out a smiting everytime this happens he's left the search up to us. He's allowed us to use or deductive abilities to figure our right and wrong and truth from lies. the usage of the term smiting. But no, He wouldn't have to deal out a smiting. If he talked to Moses, and Moses heard all of his words clearly, then he could most certainly address the authors of the bible down the road and make sure they had their stories straight.*

*Much like when different police officers interrogate a suspect about a crime. If his story changes (even minutely) from interrogator to interrogator, he starts to lose his credibility.
In my opinion, a whole-hearted resounding YES.

I agree in as less that it doesn't take our ability to chose away from us. As a result he has handed the bible down through generation after generation for our ability to verifiy fromt he many copies that were created and then hidden to protect them from those that earilier would have destroyed them

But he does not arrest of our ability to search from there. There will be lies but it doesn't mean the truth can't be found.
SkinWalker let's see what you think of my editing:

I replaced a few words to give you an idea of what you really sound like to Christians that actually utilize critical thought and reason when evaluating the deluded claims of those that unquestionably buy into atheism. The point of this thread is to present and discuss the seeming contradictions present in the Christian Bible, which has been done at length.

The purpose of presenting these contradictions is to discuss and publicly debate the apparent contradictions, ostensibly for the use of those that haven't quite made up their mind or haven't been faithful or obedient to the Word of God. These are the people that arrive at this thread via google searches or are members that aren't posting their opinions on atheism, but are, instead, reading the opinions and hopefully evaluating the evidence and the truths presented.

I think there is a clear argument that has been presented and sustained that there exist seeming contradictions within the Christian Bible that can be resolved without resorting to atheism and inventing intellectual discourse that simply dismisses the truths without actually answering why it is truthful or even acknowledging the truth itself.

I and others have posted many truths that have gone completely unanswered and un-addressed (most notably my post on life after death and the physical evidence (and lack thereof)). Other truths have been met with vague and non-specific attempts at refutation and rebuttal that have amounted to the level of 'an atheist simply doesn't know what happens after death.' Such weak answers are convincing only to the atheist and not to the reasoned mind.

I use the term atheism and atheist with clear and unapologetic intention. Those arguing the falsehood of Biblical truths are clearly atheists. The state of atheism is an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary. Undoubtedly, the atheists in this thread (and perhaps arriving via Google) are offended by that statement and the use of the term atheism but there are those for whom it is one's duty to present the truth.

Their atheism is a house of cards and the reason why atheists, who argue that morality and righteousness of Biblical truths are not real because their science book tells them so (a fallacy called circular reasoning) stick to their guns because they know that adding a single card creates an entire unstable structure.

What atheists fail to recognize is that the cards have been lying flat on the table now for a long, long time. (In fact the truths of God Word are alive now as they have been since the dawn of time). The house is kept erect in their minds and every time a card is removed the delusion of their erection is maintained since it was a delusion to begin with.

There is no intellectual discourse possible when one side of an argument refuses to examine the topic with reason and rejects criticism out of hand. The side that uses "atheism," that delusion of truth in spite of evidence to the contrary in some cases but always without evidence to begin with. The side that appeals to popularity, believing that because so many people think like they do it must be true -never considering for a moment that religion is a delusion that is transferred like a virus almost always from parent to child; and that religious cults exist because they are attempting to appease God for their guilt of sin with works that do not earn eternal salvation.

I write this not for the atheists who refuse to actually think about the topic; the atheists who have a conclusion to which they seek only that data which supports their atheistic conclusion; the athesits who ignore truths in their own doctrines and truths that exist in the archaeological and anthropological records of the Bible.

Instead, I write this post for the lurker. The members that read this thread but don't post (I did receive your PMs, thank you). The atheists and our evolutionist guests that arrive here via search engines like Google and Yahoo! because they're looking for information to justify their selfish desires.

Some of those I wrote this for will be offended by my use of the term "athiest" as well, but I ask them to suspend their natural urge to take offense for a moment and consider the reason I chose that term.

Good day.

Are you failing to see the point? Really SkinWalker I thought you would have figured it out. Don't you see?--faith is the root of every single person's beliefs on the face of the earth. Just simply ask yourself what happens after you die, that is your faith. And every single belief you or I have is based on that faith. The Bible is the only book on the face of the earth that gives a clear understanding of life before and after death. And what's more--it answers every vital question of the history of the world.**Thus why not address that issue?**Do you honestly think that your limited cerebral processing is capable of answers the questions of the universe? It is interesting to hear your opinions, and that is why I came into this forum. But they are just opinions. No one on earth can satisfy my spiritual, intellectual, and emotional thirst as Jesus of the Bible.

You must be born again before you can read the Bible with understanding. We could spend years discussing the apparent contradictions in the Bible. Obviously there are seeming contradictions. Who is arguing there aren't? I nor anyone has ever said there weren't seeming contradictions. (And they are seeming--that is why you have this thread. Facts aren't debated.) The Scriptures say that the "natural man" does not understand the things of the Spirit of God (like you, and M*W, and even SetiAlpha6). Most Americans would find it difficult to understand the Chinese language. However, a child who is born into a Chinese family can understand every word. That’s why you must be born again with God’s Spirit living within you (John 3:3). The moment you become part of God’s family, the Bible will begin to make sense.

It is only when you break free from your presuppositions that you will be able to address the issue of the Bible with an open mind. Our presuppositions create our worldview. What do you think causes us to have presuppositions? Why is it I and other Christians around the world can read the Bible and understand it, but you, and M*W, and SetiAlpha6 can't? It is because you have not been spiritually awakened and in fact your souls are dead to life.

Faith is a very important issue when looking at the contradictions of the Bible. In fact it is the very foundation of understanding/not understanding them. Why not start at the root and then work up?

btw--It is not me who is deluded since my faith is based upon the overwhelming truths of the Bible. What do you base your faith upon? A science book? Selfish lusts? If you create your own standards on faith and morality--you can do whatever you want.

Atheism--a comfort to those who refuse to abide by God's standards of righteousness (though those who do abide receive great rewards).
The Bible is the only book on the face of the earth that gives a clear understanding of life before and after death.

But there is also those thousands of people who have had near death experiences...for a different perspective:
Jim...check out the link..NDE Research Conclusions: Jesus

It is precisely because of the fact that religion, even the Christian religion (which you agree with), has used and abused millions of people on a titanic scale throughout human history, that no person should ever just use faith as a singular way to determine truth and motivation for action.

Muslims have faith, does that make their terrorism right? It most certainly does, in their own eyes! Why? Because faith blinds a person to the evil of their own actions, and even justifies them in it! Mormons have faith, does that make their doctrine right? No! Nazis have faith! Faith takes you to a place where you can be brainwashed, reprogrammed, mentally abused, mentally manipulated, and mentally raped. Just like the Nazi people were.

SetiAlpha6--we all base truth and motivation in a singular way by faith. Just ask yourself what happens after you die. That is your faith. You base all your decisions from that faith. If you believe nothing happens, like evolutionists--then the meaning of your life is to consume and enjoy. (Sounds great doesn't it? Consume and enjoy life, then die and become nothing.) Or religions way--man makes up rituals and traditions in attempt to atone for sin and still not have a clear idea why we have life and what happens after life. Or believe the Bible which God in His mercy has given to us in this dispensation with the only clear understanding of how did I get here, what am I to do while I am here, and where am I going?

I don't believe that the Christian religions are justified. I am beginning to wonder if people actually read the entire posts I write. It makes me kinda depressed for having written so much. I believe the faith and truth of the Bible alone for salvation.

Are the Muslims, Mormons and Nazi faiths the faith of the Bible? No. We go back again to the three choices for faith again: yourself, religion, or the Bible. Does this make sense? I have repeated it like 10 times. (Not just to you though, so don't worry.)

Faith opens the eyes of a person to their evil actions.

It can even bring you to a place where you will justify the killing of another person simply because they disagree with a particular doctrine of faith that you teach. Faith can strip a person of basic morality and make them totally amoral, without any morality of their own, and in some extreme cases, can even make them immoral. It can make a person willing to kill members of his own family without question. This is what the God of the Bible did to His followers over and over again in the Old Testament. Faith is the mental rape of reason!

I am a Christian of the Bible and I would disagree with you on this. I obey that commandment "Thou shalt not kill." Killing only comes for specific reasons like defending oneself. You wouldn't defend yourself if someone threatens to harm your family, friends, community, or even country?

Going back to faith again, just ask yourself what happens after you die. Faith gives a person our identity and true morality.

You asked me what I was afraid of once. Well, this covers some of it. Faith, alone, fails to bring a person to the truth. It confuses the mind and teaches it not to think too much about the things you believe in. That is what you are asking me to do, is it not? Keeping true faith is an act of obedience.!

I'd be more afraid of dying and risking my life with eternal damnation for rejecting Christ. It's no accident Christ's greatest emphasis was "believe." He knew that this would be man's greatest, most fundamental decision in the history of our lives.

I am asking you to think more about the things you believe in! Faith alone brings a person to the truth. It is the only method which places or minds in the order of the universe! Only the Bible can answer life's most puzzling questions. And have you ever encountered any contradictions personally? Or are they what you've googled. I will tell you--you will never experience any contradictions in the Word of God if you have "faith" it is the Word of God.

Then neither was it right to kill your own children (your enemies) in the Old Testament when it was commanded! It was evil and insane to do what they did to their own family members!

Unless those children (which can also mean descendants btw) are going to kill you as is prevalent in the Bible.

Why do the rules instantly change?

God is the same today as from the dawn of history. Religions have changed because they haven't been founded on God's everlasting truth like the Bible.

Faith is the root of our lives. No one knows the knowledge of the universe. Don't you think it is important to address that issue? Do you really want to risk your life with your limited head knowledge? I don't.

So if you can give me an answer apart from the Bible as to what I ought to put my faith in--since I have to put it in something--then please let me know.
Jim HR:

we all base truth and motivation in a singular way by faith. Just ask yourself what happens after you die. That is your faith. You base all your decisions from that faith.

Sounds like a lousy thing to base important life decisions on. What if you're wrong? And that's not so unlikely, is it, since you have no rational grounds for your beliefs.

If you believe nothing happens, like evolutionists--then the meaning of your life is to consume and enjoy.

Several basic errors here.

1. "Evolutionist" is not a real word.
2. Believing in evolution does not preclude having religious beliefs as well.
3. It does not follow that a belief that there is nothing after death inevitably leads to a life lived only for selfish reasons.

Can you not see that?

Faith opens the eyes of a person to their evil actions.

No it doesn't. For that, you need knowledge, empathy and compassion.

I am a Christian of the Bible and I would disagree with you on this. I obey that commandment "Thou shalt not kill."

So do most atheistic "evolutionists", by the way.

Going back to faith again, just ask yourself what happens after you die. Faith gives a person our identity and true morality.

How can what happens after you die give you a personal identity? It's completely irrelevant.

Regardless of whether your "soul" goes on after your death or not, you should still strive to lead an ethical life. It's even more important if this life is all you get.

Unless you're only being good out of fear of being punished by a higher authority, of course. But which is more worthy: being ethical because it is the right thing to do, or being ethical because you're afraid God will send you to Hell if you are not?

Only the Bible can answer life's most puzzling questions.

It does an awful job of that. The simplest science answers profound questions the bible doesn't even touch on.

God is the same today as from the dawn of history. Religions have changed because they haven't been founded on God's everlasting truth like the Bible.

The bible is less than 2000 years old.
SetiAlpha6--we all base truth and motivation in a singular way by faith. Just ask yourself what happens after you die. That is your faith. You base all your decisions from that faith. If you believe nothing happens, like evolutionists--then the meaning of your life is to consume and enjoy. (Sounds great doesn't it? Consume and enjoy life, then die and become nothing.) Or religions way--man makes up rituals and traditions in attempt to atone for sin and still not have a clear idea why we have life and what happens after life. Or believe the Bible which God in His mercy has given to us in this dispensation with the only clear understanding of how did I get here, what am I to do while I am here, and where am I going?

I had faith in the Bible once! I lived and breathed it for many years and I have personally led many Bible studies in the past. But the more I studied it, the more things I found that did not make sense within its gold-leaf pages. Not just problems with numbers of horsemen but real problems. Problems that were at the very heart of the Christian faith itself. And I found that the Bible was itself the cause of the great divides in theology that have caused Christian to kill Christian throughout history. It is not the solution, as you suggest, it is in my opinion, the very cause of it all.

I don't believe that the Christian religions are justified.

I know that you do not agree with everything that has been done under the name of Christianity. And I am glad for this! I was just trying to suggest to you that perhaps even these wicked things have occurred because of faith, not apart from it.

Are the Muslims, Mormons and Nazi faiths the faith of the Bible? No. We go back again to the three choices for faith again: yourself, religion, or the Bible. Does this make sense? I have repeated it like 10 times. (Not just to you though, so don't worry.)

Faith opens the eyes of a person to their evil actions.

No, this does not make sense to me!

Just repeating a thing, does not a convert make. It does not work for me, at least!

Only the Bible can answer life's most puzzling questions. And have you ever encountered any contradictions personally?

The Bible does have some answers to some questions. The Bible also has many contradictions that I have personally encountered and agonized over at length.

Unless those children (which can also mean descendants btw) are going to kill you as is prevalent in the Bible.

Please show me how children killing parents is prevalent in the Bible. I am going to need a lot of references for this one.

You did not really seem to address the fact that according to Jesus you are supposed to love your enemies, but according to God in the Old Testament you are supposed to kill them without mercy. Would you please be so kind as to explain this to me? I can look up the verses for you on this topic if you wish.

JimHR, does the faith that you have allow for questioning the motives of men? It does indeed, does it not! Upon this we hopefully agree.

If that is the case, then why is it against your faith to question the Bible, which declares itself to be written by men?

Best Wishes!
It is not the solution, as you suggest, it is in my opinion, the very cause of it all.

Excuse me for butting in! But christianity is not the cause of all world problems, that is a very big generalization! What is the cause of many of the world problems is mysticism. Mysticism does not only pertain to religions, and supernatural beliefs, mysticism is the creation of problems where non exist or need exist. This a good definition of mysticism:

Mysticism is defined as: 1. Any mental or physical attempt to recreate, evade, or alter reality through dishonesty, rationalizations, non sequiturs, emotions, deceptions, or force. 2. Any attempt to use the mind to create reality rather than to identify and integrate reality.

Mysticism is a disease -- an epistemological disease that progressively undermines one's capacity to think, to identify reality, to live competently. Mysticism is also a collective disease that affects everyone who looks toward others, or the group, or the leader for solutions to his or her own problems and responsibilities. The symptoms of mysticism are dishonest communication, out-of-context assertions or attacks, use of non sequiturs, rationalizations, jumbled or nonintegrated thinking -- all leading to mind-created "realities". Those symptoms are most commonly exhibited by neocheating politicians, clergymen, union leaders, lawyers, media commentators, university professors, entertainment personalities. Such public neocheaters are the Typhoid-Mary spreaders of mysticism. In fact, through the ages, the most virulent spreaders of mysticism have been those neocheaters who wangle respect and values from the value producers of this world.

Mysticism is a disease that blocks integrated thinking and brings stupidities through mind-created "realities". But mysticism is also the tool that neocheaters use to justify or rationalize the use of force, fraud, or dishonesty to usurp values from the producers. For example, mind-created "realities" are used to create false standards and guilt designed to beguile individuals into surrendering their earned values, power, and happiness.

Mysticism is a rebellion against life, effort, and the conscious mind. Mysticism leaves people with sour bureaucratic faces and is the neocheater's tool for plundering the value producers.

Mysticism is the only disease of the conscious mind. But as with drugs and alcohol, mysticism is seductively comfortable, like a warm, old friend -- until the destructive consequences and hangovers manifest themselves.

Mysticism is based on a false and destructive idea: the primacy of emotions over reality. ...Mysticism is the opposite of Neo-Tech. The mind-created "realities" of mysticism eventually render all life unto death.
Excuse me for butting in! But christianity is not the cause of all world problems, that is a very big generalization! What is the cause of many of the world problems is mysticism. Mysticism does not only pertain to religions, and supernatural beliefs, mysticism is the creation of problems where non exist or need exist. This a good definition of mysticism:

Thank you for the correction, Godless! My bad!

I was trying to merely say, that the Bible itself is the cause of most of the internal problems and divisions that exist within the Christian Church. It is not the solution to these divisions, it causes them.

I realize that it is not the cause of all of the problems that have ever existed on this earth! And I really do appreciate the correction! It was a poor choice of words!

JimHR said:
Are the Muslims, Mormons and Nazi faiths(don't forget Buddhists, Shintoists, Hinduists, Taoists, Confucionists) the faith of the Bible? No. We go back again to the three choices for faith again: yourself, religion, or the Bible. Does this make sense? I have repeated it like 10 times. (Not just to you though, so don't worry.)
No, but they are faiths nonetheless. They are faiths in which their followers believe just as strongly in their religion as Christians do. Does that make Christianity anymore believable than any other religion? NO IT DOESN'T!!!!
There is NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING that makes the bible anymore believable than any other religion (not even scientology, which I absolutely despise).

JimHR said:
I'd be more afraid of dying and risking my life with eternal damnation for rejecting Christ. It's no accident Christ's greatest emphasis was "believe." He knew that this would be man's greatest, most fundamental decision in the history of our lives.
If I have to accept ANY deity out of fear, I want nothing to do with it. Any supposedly benevolent deity is not going to give his 'greatest creation (a creation he ordered his angels to worship) a choice like, 'accept Jesus as your savior, or burn for eternity in hell. Does this sound familiar-->
JimHR said:
(Does this make sense? I have repeated it like 10 times. (Not just to you though, so don't worry.))
I can turn right around and ask and tell you this same thing.
Those two choices (accept Jesus or burn in hell) is bad enough by itself, but when you combine it with the sugarcoating (of preaching faith and mercifulness and eternal salvation, etc.) of scriptures in the bible, it makes it even more ridiculous.

JimHR said:
God is the same today as from the dawn of history. Religions have changed because they haven't been founded on God's everlasting truth like the Bible.
Pfft...:rolleyes: Christianity has changed just as much as any other religion. What would you call the denominations? What would you call the 19th Century British minister who came up with the 'rapture'? Sounds like a change to the original idea of 'Trumpets will blare and Jesus will descend from heaven' during his supposed second coming, to me.
What about all the books that were banned from the bible? Wouldn't that be a change? Yeah it may be only a change to the bible per se' but wouldn't changes to the bible mean, changing the religion???
If God is the same today as the dawn of history, then why didn't early man worship God? You do know that Judaism was not the first religion, don't you? Wouldn't there be mention of the Judeo-Christian god from the beginning of recorded history? And wouldn't the civilizations in the Western hemisphere (i.e. Incas, Mayans, Native Americans) have some sort of mention of 'God'? Their civilizations are just as old as Bablyon, Egypt, Greece, etc.

JimHR said:
Faith is the root of our lives. No one knows the knowledge of the universe. Don't you think it is important to address that issue? Do you really want to risk your life with your limited head knowledge? I don't.
Just like you're risking yours with limited logical and rational knowledge?
Just ask yourself what happens after you die. That is your faith You base all your decisions from that faith.

M*W: According to your understanding, the kind of faith you are referring to is nothing but delusion.

Or believe the Bible which God in His mercy has given to us in this dispensation with the only clear understanding of how did I get here, what am I to do while I am here, and where am I going?

M*W: Jim, can you prove the bible is the accurate word of god. No. The bible can only be proven to be written and translated by men. To assume anything more spiritual than this is delusional.

I am beginning to wonder if people actually read the entire posts I write. It makes me kinda depressed for having written so much. I believe the faith and truth of the Bible alone for salvation.

M*W: I read your posts, Jim, but the way you write them indicates that you are not receptive to discussion or debate. In fact, even in your subtle way of presenting your words, it is all preaching.

Also, you presume that people who don't believe exactly what you believe are somehow inferior to you. You (and other christians) say we don't have faith because of this or that..., we don't understand the bible because of this or that..., for others of us who have been there and done that, you (and other christians) say that we weren't spirit-filled to begin with..., or we can't understand the true meaning of the bible because we don't believe.... This is all part of your delusion. To claim we haven't been there nor done that is judgmental. You don't know what was in our hearts.

Some people can rise above their own self-defeating behaviors and beliefs. To say that those of us who used to be christians were never really christians in the first place is not only delusional, it is demeaning. That is a false belief that you hope to believe, but in reality, you're only lying to yourself. That is the major number one requirement of christianity -- lying to oneself.

Going back to faith again, just ask yourself what happens after you die. Faith gives a person our identity and true morality.

M*W: No, it doesn't. Faith doesn't give me my identity, and faith plays no part in helping me be a moral person. I have faith in myself that I will always be a morally sound person. I didn't need faith to create my own identity. I did that totally on my own. So, your premise on faith is flawed.

I'd be more afraid of dying and risking my life with eternal damnation for rejecting Christ.

M*W: I'm not afraid of dying, and I'm not afraid of rejecting anything that I believe to be a lie! What I believe to be those lies have come to me from years of reading and research. I don't doubt myself for showing me what the truth really is.

It's no accident Christ's greatest emphasis was "believe." He knew that this would be man's greatest, most fundamental decision in the history of our lives.

M*W: First, Jim, Christ was a myth. Since he didn't exist, he never said anything. The myth surrounding Jesus may have given him a purpose to exist (in fiction), and the myth may indicate his philosophy, family ties, teachings, etc., but there was no Jesus Christ nor did he do anything other than be a fictional character in a mythological book. I'd like to further explain that the "book" you base your life on is nothing but an astrological theology (astro-theology). The bible is based on movements of the stars, planets, constellations, elements, etc.. What it is not based on is a dying demigod savior or anthropomorphic creator god.

I realize you haven't come this far in your search. I'm not even sure you are pursuing a search of christianity. You're limited in your basic beliefs.

Faith alone brings a person to the truth. It is the only method which places or minds in the order of the universe!

M*W: Faith alone brings a person to nothing but delusion. Education brings a person to the truth. You are stuck somewhere in between. You're basing your beliefs on faith, but you are too afraid to learn anything further than where you are right now.

Only the Bible can answer life's most puzzling questions.

M*W: No, fraid not. Would a Muslim find his answers in the bible. No. Would a Sikh find his answers in the bible. No. Would a Hindu find his answers in the bible. No. Would a christian find his answers in the bible. No. You know why? Christians don't question, they just blindly believe.

I will tell you--you will never experience any contradictions in the Word of God if you have "faith" it is the Word of God.

M*W: As far as I can tell, there is only one contradiction in the bible. It's right there between cover-to-cover.

God is the same today as from the dawn of history. Religions have changed because they haven't been founded on God's everlasting truth like the Bible.

M*W: If god were the same today as in the dawn of history, god would be represented by the sun. Religions have changed to reinvent the metaphorical god (sun). The bible is based on the study (logos) of the sun, stars, planets, constellations, and their movements. The bible is the first astrological account of human history, and it's all allegorical. It's poetry, prose, songs, stories... all myths.

Faith is the root of our lives.

M*W: Please explain how faith can be the root of our lives if it is subjective faith. Explain the differences in the types of faith mankind knows. Explain how one person needs faith and the other doesn't. Faith is not rocket science. Faith cannot save you at the end of the road.

No one knows the knowledge of the universe. Don't you think it is important to address that issue?

M*W: You don't seem to comprehend the universe beyond your stretch of faith. A few people do understand the workings of the universe. Many of us understand some of the workings of the universe. People who have faith instead of knowledge limit their understanding of the universe out of fear. Fear is never a good thing.

Do you really want to risk your life with your limited head knowledge? I don't.

M*W: Again, faith is limiting, not education. Why is it that I sense the closing of your mind as you read this?

So if you can give me an answer apart from the Bible as to what I ought to put my faith in--since I have to put it in something--then please let me know.

M*W: Don't be afraid to put your faith in learning all you can about Jesus. You might just learn the truth.
SkinWalker let's see what you think of my editing:

I thought I'd allow a few others to post first before I responded. They apparently found some of the same fallacious problems I did.

But the difference between *my* edit of your post somewhere above, and *your* edit of my post that followed, is that mine is a quantifiable and qualifiable criticism. Yours is mere vindictive and emotive response to a frustrating situation. I'll only pick on your very first paragraph as example. You say, through your fallacious edit:
you really sound like to Christians that actually utilize critical thought and reason when evaluating the deluded claims of those that unquestionably buy into atheism. The point of this thread is to present and discuss the seeming contradictions present in the Christian Bible, which has been done at length.
The difference between my critique and yours, as I said, is quantity and quality. You say "Christians that utilize critical thought and reason [emphasis mine], but fail to demonstrate any semblance of either. Moreover, the lack of critical thought and reason has been thoroughly demonstrated throughout this and other threads here. Mikenostic makes a very good point on this in his post just prior to this one.

You also insert the word "seeming" when referring to contradictions, but there are many contradictions in this thread that have gone completely unanswered, at least to any degree that might be considered satisfactory to the reasoned mind (a quality you claim is present in the Christians writing here). My post on the Exodus myth, for instance is based on archaeological fact: the Exodus myth was apparently written by 7th Century authors who invented a 13th century (BCE) myth to meet their own agenda and need for propaganda based on their 7th - 5th century BCE knowledge of the world. No refutation. So it would "seem" that the contradiction holds.

Finally, in that paragraph (though I'm addressing it out of order), you use the fallacious phrase "the deluded claims of those that unquestionably buy into atheism." I challenge you to quantify and qualify that statement. I've done so with my similar statement regarding the delusions of the religious. I'll not hold my breath, however, since the fallacy of the statement lies in the fact that atheism isn't a doctrine or necessarily a belief system as religious nutters would like to believe. The reason the religious argue the point is probably because they recognize, at least on some level, that having a doctrine and unquestioning 'faith' is stupid. They realize it is a pejorative to consider that they live their life by a doctrine or "faith" and, thus, attempt to apply the same pejorative to their perceived enemy: the atheist.

But there are all sorts of "atheists." Some have belief systems that include all sorts of New Age poppycock. Some believe in ESP. Some believe in alien abductions. Some believe in homeopathy and the healing power of shamens. And so on. So, if you're going to say that the claims of atheists are deluded, you'll need to be more specific. Moreover, you'll need to provide empirical evidence that the delusion is in place. Assuming that one of the "delusions" is that there is no good reason to believe in gods, you'll need to demonstrate, empirically, that this is false. Otherwise, you're talking out of your ass, to use a colloquialism.

faith is the root of every single person's beliefs on the face of the earth.

The difference between any 'faith' I might have and the 'faith' you have is that mine is based on what has been observably understood to hold true. I have faith the sun will appear to rise due to the rotation of the Earth tomorrow at a given time since this has held true for me for nearly 41 years. I accept this faith provisionally, however, because the sun may, indeed, go supernova at any time, which we would know 8 minutes later.

You, on the other hand, have faith in things that you have not a shred of real evidence for. Indeed, some things you have faith on are things for which there is evidence to the contrary! This is truly deluded thinking in the most classic sense! So, when the religious try to pejoratively apply the word "faith" to the reasoned mind (realizing that you are deluded in thinking that this is a club to which you belong, I point out yours is not), they reveal an underlying understanding that to accept things without question and without evidence is silly.

Just simply ask yourself what happens after you die, that is your faith. And every single belief you or I have is based on that faith. The Bible is the only book on the face of the earth that gives a clear understanding of life before and after death. And what's more--it answers every vital question of the history of the world.

I have no good reason to believe that anything happens when I die except that my cognitive processes cease and my corpse decomposes. I concern myself more with what will happen to my family than I do myself -I'll probably not exist as a conscious being able to worry about it. I don't, of course, know (just as you don't -though you no doubt harbor delusions and think you know), so I hold my opinion provisionally. But you are absolutely and utterly wrong that the xian bible is the only book on the face of the Earth that discusses and suggests that it knows what happens to a person before and after death. This, of course, is typical religiocentric/ethnocentric bullshit that is built into the christian delusion. And it is clear evidence that you do not think rationally, clearly, or objectively on the issue. Which leads us to your next delusionally influenced quote:
You must be born again before you can read the Bible with understanding.
Complete and utter nonsense. If anything, to have an understanding of the bible, you must be a non-believer. Those deluded in thinking that biblical mythology is inerrant and literal truth of the universe have no ability to critically evaluate themselves and the attitudes and psychologies of the authors of this collection of ancient texts. Biblical texts offer an important and wonderful opportunity to conduct anthropology and gain the perspective of past cultures as well as current ones, but this information is only available for an etic perspective. The emic one is distorted by delusion. I've no doubt that you believe your words. They simply don't hold true no matter how hard you wish on them.

Do you honestly think that your limited cerebral processing is capable of answers the questions of the universe?

No. Nor is yours. And the even more limited intellect (not necessarily the same as intelligence) of the Bronze and Iron Age authors of the mythology that you're deluded in believe to be inerrant, literal truth are even less capable of answering the questions of the universe. I've no illusion that all the questions of the universe will be answered in my lifetime. Nor do I have a wish to know all the answers (there are many answers to which I have not the single shred of interest in!). I do, however, think that the answers are potentially obtainable and that there are objective truths to them.

What I don't do, in the absence of having these answers, however, is accept a superstitious and mythical answers as being the explanations for things I don't know. I'm not afraid to say, "I don't know." And maybe this is the failing of some or many of the religious: they're afraid of unknowns and find comfort in answers, even if those answers are complete and utter nonsense.

The Scriptures say that the "natural man" does not understand the things of the Spirit of God (like you, and M*W, and even SetiAlpha6). Most Americans would find it difficult to understand the Chinese language. However, a child who is born into a Chinese family can understand every word. That’s why you must be born again with God’s Spirit living within you (John 3:3). The moment you become part of God’s family, the Bible will begin to make sense.

Complete and utter bullshit. If you want to insert little moments of proselytizing and quotes of scripture to preach your bullshit "word," I reserve the right to quote it and call it bullshit. An assertion I'll back. Your bullshit "word" is a cult and, like all good cults, it has built in protection in its doctrine to answer the criticisms of those that question it. And your first line in the quote above is one of many. It is the intellectual coward that claims those that question and criticize him can't understand because they don't believe. Complete and utter bullshit. I would say your god's spirit can suck my left one
but since it probably doesn't exist, it would be a fantasy unfulfilled.

It is only when you break free from your presuppositions that you will be able to address the issue of the Bible with an open mind.

Exactly! That is exactly the criticism I've leveled against you and others: you have preconceived conclusions to which you seek only that data which are supportive.

Our presuppositions create our worldview. What do you think causes us to have presuppositions? Why is it I and other Christians around the world can read the Bible and understand it, but you, and M*W, and SetiAlpha6 can't? It is because you have not been spiritually awakened and in fact your souls are dead to life.

Perhaps you have your preconceived conclusions because you were born into a culture of delusion. If you tell a child over and over that God exists and sent Jesus to die for your sins and be good or go to hell, you'll create an adult that believes this unquestionably in spite of the the lack of evidence or even evidence to the contrary. You have a delusion that you are "awakened." The reality is that you are trapped in a bubble of delusion and the rest of us are on the outside looking in. We see all sorts of bubbles, all with their deluded inhabitants: Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Raelians, Scientologists, Navajo, etc. Some of these bubbles have bubbles within them. The Christian bubble contains a population of smaller bubbles that have varying degrees of delusions: some are fundamentalists; some are moderates; some are catholics; some are baptists; etc. And these bubbles have bubbles of their own. The Catholic bubble, already inside the Christian bubble, has a bubble of Opus Dais; the bubble of Our Lady Guadalupe; etc.

Perhaps Medicine*Woman and I are in a bubble too. I accept this possibility and am willing to revise my opinions based upon evidence presented. But the very fact that I hold my own worldview provisionally would, at the very least indicate that my bubble has thinner walls than those of the religiously deluded, should my bubble of delusion exist at all.

Faith is a very important issue when looking at the contradictions of the Bible. In fact it is the very foundation of understanding/not understanding them. Why not start at the root and then work up?

Oh, I have. Indeed, I agree with your sentiment above. Faith -trust without/in spite of evidence- is crucial to being able to evaluate the contradictions in biblical mythology.

btw--It is not me who is deluded since my faith is based upon the overwhelming truths of the Bible. What do you base your faith upon? A science book? Selfish lusts? If you create your own standards on faith and morality--you can do whatever you want.

I'm not sure what you mean by selfish lusts. I'm happily and successfully married. But I don't have "faith" in the same sense you do, as I've established throughout this post. You unquestionably accept the religious superstitious handed down to you through cultural memes. I, on the other hand, accept provisionally those facts that can be observed, or at least potentially observed, to be true. The bible is only full of "overwhelming truths" if you are deluded, which contradicts your assertion that you are not deluded. You are clearly living a deluded life.

Atheism--a comfort to those who refuse to abide by God's standards of righteousness (though those who do abide receive great rewards).

Which god? Atun? Ptah? Quetzacoatl? Zeus? Thor? .... Why your god and not one of the thousands upon thousands of gods of humanity, most of which are completely contradictory. The answer, of course, is that yours is the one you were indoctrinated in. Your delusion prevents you from acknowledging the fact that your god wins due to the accomplishment of your base culture and not because of your religious superstition. Your base culture, of European origin, had economic and geographic advantages that allowed it to proliferate, spreading the meme of your religious superstition like a virus.

The religiously deluded absolutely hate he notion of the atheist, since it is the atheist that refuses to be deluded along with them. As a result, the religious will always invent derisive words for the term atheist. The truth of etymology cannot escape them, however: a theist - without gods.
Atheists on a rampage, wheres LG? LOL..

I was trying to merely say, that the Bible itself is the cause of most of the internal problems and divisions that exist within the Christian Church.

Hate to be a literal, but the interpretation of bible rhetoric is where the problem lies, that said. We are talking about a doctrine that has many contradictions, amoral to today standards, sanctions slavery, beating, killing by stoning to death, etc..

History of Bible:

Was Jesus a man, myth or God?