Bible contradictions

Was it justified?

steal /stil/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[steel] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation, verb, stole, sto·len, steal·ing, noun
–verb (used with object) 1. to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right

That's not the point.
Did he take it w/o asking?
-let me rephrase that: did the apostles ask the farmer for his permission to take it or did they TELL him that they were going to take it because 'the Lord hath needed it'?
Did the farmer give them permission to take the donkey?
Better yet, does the bible make any mention of them ever returning it?

If I run out of gas by your house in the middle of the night, and I siphon gas out of your car, is that stealing? Yes. Was it justified? Yes, because I ran out of gas and needed to get home.
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You have probably heard the expression, "do as I say, not as I do". Well, now you know where it came from!
steal /stil/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[steel] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation, verb, stole, sto·len, steal·ing, noun
–verb (used with object) 1. to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right

That's not the point.
Did he take it w/o asking?
-let me rephrase that: did the apostles ask the farmer for his permission to take it or did they TELL him that they were going to take it because 'the Lord hath needed it'?
Did the farmer give them permission to take the donkey?
Better yet, does the bible make any mention of them ever returning it?

If I run out of gas by your house in the middle of the night, and I siphon gas out of your car, is that stealing? Yes. Was it justified? Yes, because I ran out of gas and needed to get home.

No you are wrong, justification equates to preventing a larger crime. So stealing gas if you run out is never justified unless it is needed to save a life or to deter bodily injury. Even then you may be expected to pay for it...but no real crime.
No you are wrong, justification equates to preventing a larger crime. So stealing gas if you run out is never justified unless it is needed to save a life or to deter bodily injury. Even then you may be expected to pay for it...but no real crime.

Sure that makes sense to this secular humanist, but the Word of the Lord isn't like that.
Uh huh, so they stole one.

I'm gonna try that, "I need this Lincoln Towncar in the name of the Lord!". :D

you do see that in the text you cited it does not mention the donkey owner's response?

you see what the implication is? NO STOLEN DONKEY...perhaps?
Exhibit 1. Thou shall not steal.

Exhibit 2. Jesus tells his followers to steal a donkey.


I've never put that together before. BRILLIANT!

Thank you, good sir. I am going to put this one to use frequently.
Sorry, but this makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. Do Christians understand the things of God and can they explain them to others or not? The answer is either yes or no. You keep telling me that the answers are in the Bible, but that they are also hidden from me. You also keep telling me that you understand the things of God, but you do not have the answers. That leaves me with neither the Bible nor you for a source of answers to my questions. Perhaps I should just ask the tooth fairy.

No No I'm telling you that the answers are from the Bible. Christians do understand the things of God but I don't know if a person is willing to accept the gift of faith. Are you willing to accept the gift of faith first before your presuppositions? If you can tell me you are then you can approach the Bible with understanding. It's not up to me to convince you of anything. I came into this forum to share ideas and hopefully give you some insight. So that is what I am doing--I am giving you insight but I'm telling you that I get that insight from the Bible, as can you if you choose to approach the text with an "investigative" approach. It is true that the Spirit of God can move and awaken the soul to the truths of the Bible when they read it. However my point to you is that you seem to doubt its credibility even before you attempt to have faith in it. I'm saying trying having faith then read it. Do you want to know where you came from, why we are here, and where we are heading? The Bible is the only book in the world that gives a clear explanation. (Muslims for example don't believe they can know if they are going to heaven or hell and life is a test.)

Do I have your permission to preach at you a little bit to see if you have the faith? It is a really simple test.

Yes, all of these dispensations have been titanic failures on an unimaginable, horrific, worldwide scale, with billions ending up in eternal torment. Congratulations! But there is a bonus, there is also the added result that millions of Christians have killed millions of other Christians over mere differences in Bible interpretation. What a success story it has been! Just sit back a moment and bask in the blood, and torment, and glory of it all! It truly just takes your breath away!

"It is true that man has used religion for political gain. Nazi Germany had "God with us" engraved in German on the belts of Nazi soldiers. America said, "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition." The law may even allow you to start the Christian Nazi Party, if you so desire. You can become a "reverend" for a few dollars through the tabloid classifieds and then further your political agenda with the world’s blessing, no matter how much it smears the name of Christ.

Jesus tells us in John 16:2,3 that there will be some who, in their error, commit atrocities and murder in the name of God: "The time is coming that whosoever kills you will think that he does God service." However, He informs us that these are not true believers: "And these things will they do to you, because they have not known the Father, nor me." (See also 1 John 3:15.)

Jesus told His followers to love their enemies. So if a man puts a knife into someone’s back in the name of Christianity, something obviously isn’t right. If we human beings can detect it, how much more will God? He will deal with it on Judgment Day."

I have been trying to tell you some of this myself! If I told you that everything I wrote was "inspired" you would not believe me, and rightfully so, because I would be lying to you just as they did. The proof of this are the contradictions listed in this tread.

Well, the prophecies regarding the second coming are historically false so there is that tiny little problem.

Yeah well find 39 other people who speak different languages and live on different continents from all different lifestyles and write a book with perfect agreement on hundreds of controversial subjects that will sell over 6,000,000,000 copies that tell of a man who will fulfill 300+ prophesies hundreds of years from now and answer every important aspect of life--and you might begin to have a case for yourself.

Then no natural man has ever been saved in the history of the earth and neither will I ever be able to understand anything you will ever say to me. Evangelism is all kind of a hopeless endeavor, don't you think?

Man who hasn't been born again of the Spirit is natural. Those that are spiritually dead.

2 Samuel 8:4 (New American Standard Bible)
4David captured from him 1,700 horsemen and 20,000 foot soldiers; and David hamstrung the chariot horses, but reserved enough of them for 100 chariots.

Yeah in the NASB they included the 1000 chariots with the 700 horseman, I don't see why that makes a difference read the contradictory verse in the NASB.

I guess, perhaps, these "expert" translators really know a lot less than we give them credit for. And, perhaps, there is no translation that can be trusted.

That or the translators really know a lot MORE than we give them credit for.
No No I'm telling you that the answers are from the Bible. Christians do understand the things of God but I don't know if a person is willing to accept the gift of faith. Are you willing to accept the gift of faith first before your presuppositions? If you can tell me you are then you can approach the Bible with understanding. It's not up to me to convince you of anything. I came into this forum to share ideas and hopefully give you some insight. So that is what I am doing--I am giving you insight but I'm telling you that I get that insight from the Bible, as can you if you choose to approach the text with an "investigative" approach.

M*W: No No, Jim, you are telling him he has to be in a state of mind control in order to believe what you believe!

It is true that the Spirit of God can move and awaken the soul to the truths of the Bible when they read it.

M*W: You are saying that the "soul can only awaken" after it is in a state of control! This is emphatically not true! In fact, this is a lie!

However my point to you is that you seem to doubt its credibility even before you attempt to have faith in it.

M*W: You continue to want to control him to make your point!

I'm saying trying having faith then read it. Do you want to know where you came from, why we are here, and where we are heading? The Bible is the only book in the world that gives a clear explanation. (Muslims for example don't believe they can know if they are going to heaven or hell and life is a test.)

M*W: This is just another lie of christianity! Christianity has so many lies... it has a lie for every question. Why do you take pride in being a liar?

Do I have your permission to preach at you a little bit to see if you have the faith? It is a really simple test.

M*W: No... it's a simple lie! The book you believe in is a lie. When will you people stop your lying???

That or the translators really know a lot MORE than we give them credit for.

M*W: Jim, the translators were either stupid or they were liars. Which is it? Why do you believe lies?
So stealing gas if you run out is never justified unless it is needed to save a life or to deter bodily injury. Even then you may be expected to pay for it...but no real crime.

Technically it wouldn't even be stealing if you have intention of giving it back.

There was a guy here that was in a rush to get to work and had no milk for breakfast, so he took his neighbours bottle, (milkmen in England leave milk on the doorstep). The neighbour wasn't actually in, and the man replaced the milk in the evening.

So he got taken to court over this bottle of milk. By replacing the milk he hadn't technically stolen anything, but the womans lawyers stated that what he gave back wasn't the exact same milk he'd taken - and thus her milk had been stolen.

The same would probably happen in the quoted scenario, yet I would consider it justifiable to 'borrow' that gas etc if you were in a predicament and needed it.

The question remains.. Did jesus return the donkey?
I always welcome responses, but not ones that merely answer my questions with questions and definitely not ones that 'preach' that I am marked or going to hell because I question the validity of the bible.
I dont' see how when I ask a question or bring up a point, that you can't just say 'I don't know. I dont' have that answer' if you don't know the answer, instead of something like, 'You appear to be hung up on the failures of your fellow man. As a result you're blalming God for things that you and I are responsible for.'. Statements like that are nothing but speculative and accusatory and have no bearing on the topic of this thread.
I will give you the courtesy of toning down the swearing and I ask that you grant me the same by curbing the presumptions of my mentality.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled thread.

We don't have the same understanding of what hell is, Mike. That being the case I know I haven't told you you're going to hell. My point has always been that you're on the attack here. The very way you're choosing to hold the discussion shows obvious signs or "marks" that you're provoked.

My goal isn't to provoke. My goal is to answer your question.
No you are wrong, justification equates to preventing a larger crime. So stealing gas if you run out is never justified unless it is needed to save a life or to deter bodily injury. Even then you may be expected to pay for it...but no real crime.

These are yes/no questions.
(pretend that you're answering these questions as if you were a witness being cross-examined by a lawyer in court; meaning they want a yes or no answer, with no explanations following)

Did the apostles take the donkey w/o asking permission?

Was there ever any mention of the owner giving the apostles permission to take the donkey?

Was there any mention of ever returning the donkey?

Is taking something without asking permission stealing?

"Was it justified?"
That's a very subjective question. I'd say that if the farmer did not know who Jesus was/nor believed in him, then, no it wasn't justified. If I found two guys trying to 'take' my car in the 'name of the lord', they would probably get shot.
We don't have the same understanding of what hell is, Mike. That being the case I know I haven't told you you're going to hell. My point has always been that you're on the attack here. The very way you're choosing to hold the discussion shows obvious signs or "marks" that you're provoked.

My goal isn't to provoke. My goal is to answer your question.

I think our understanding of hell is more similar than you think. I was raised Baptist. I've remembered quite a bit from going to church on Sunday's, Sunday nights and Wednesday nights. I've also been 'saved' and baptised.
Hell is where Christians believe you will go if you do not choose Jesus as your savior.
But, therein also lies another problem; I don't think any of us asked to be born. I know I didn't. And to know that I didn't ask to be born, yet I was, and was thrown into this world like the rest of us, and then be told that some supposedly 'benevolent' deity gives us only two choices, choose him or spend an eternity in a 'lake of fire' and 'gnashing of teeth', really doesn't sit well with me. A benevolent deity would not leave his 'greatest creation' (a creation that he ordered his angels to worship) with those two choices.
What would your opinion of the government be if they adopted something like that; either convert to <insert religion not yours here>, or go to jail/be executed?
I want to know what part of that Christians don't understand.

If you're goal is to answer my question, then answer:
Why would a deity, that is vehemently claimed to be all-merciful and benevolent, give his children two choices like that?

Would you send your child to hell (or someplace bad) if he/she chose not to speak to you ever again?