Bible contradictions

Praise you James, the wise one. Prise the fibers of your being. Teach us the errors of our ways. What thou learn from the man, thou has been guided here to teach. We are your worthy servants doing your work, we cower at your commands...dont whip dont whip us. For we jnow not what we do. it is you who are the bringer of light, shed the darkness off our freedom and briong the light of your\their word.

Ok, peasant. That's enough grovelling for now. ;)
Oh crap, James does have a sense of humor. What went wrong?

Chip away, chip away that's what i'm gonna do.

Let me see if my other post was deleted. ha ha ha/


Just kidding, i wont conform though.

Hey check these lyrics out, now i know this is OT but- listen to whjat they say...and chip away:

Chip Away The Stone Lyrics

You act like a primadonna
Playing so hard to get
Actin' so cool and nochalant
Draggin' on a cigarette

You keep a wall all around you
I'll get through some day
I want your love babe
If a push don't shove
Gonna chip that stone away

Chip away
Chip Away at The Stone
I won't stop 'til your love is my very own
Chip away
That's what I'm gonna do
Sweet little mama
I wanna get next to you

You stand like a marble statue
Trying to look so hard
All decked out in your antique dress
While the boys all promenade

Even a rock will crumble
If you strike it night and day
If hammer I must
I'm gonna get through your crust
Gonna Chip That Stone Away

(Repeat Chorus 2x)

Chip away , Chip away at the stone (2x)
I won't stop (6x)
Chip it, I'm gonna nip it
All night long
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W: You got it backwards. Belief causes emotion.

You got it upside down and inside out. Yes, belief causes emotions, but emotions also cause beliefs. You'll figure it out eventually.

Check this out and tell me this is not the coolest thing you ever saw:

4:8 [We are] troubled on every side, yet not distressed; [we are] perplexed, but not in despair;

4:9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;

4:10 Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.
Check this out and tell me this is not the coolest thing you ever saw

Checked it. It's not the coolest thing I've ever seen. What now?

Furthermore, purely out of interest.. why are a few of you fundies trying as hard as you can to antagonise the people that let you post here? It just seems.. well.. hardly the christian thing to do.
Furthermore, purely out of interest.. why are a few of you fundies trying as hard as you can to antagonise the people that let you post here? It just seems.. well.. hardly the christian thing to do.

I think John99, IAC, and all these other valient Christian debaters know as well as anyone that THEY ARE NOT CHANGING ANYONE'S OPINIONS.

Therefore, the main reason they are here is to generate strife.

Proverbs 28:25
25 He who is of a proud heart stirs up strife,
But he who trusts in the LORD will be prospered.

2 Timothy 2:23
23 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.

So what they are doing IS NOT the Christian thing to do.
Part of being a Christian is to be good examples, it's true. Yet the bible tells us that strife by the work he commands us to do is inevitable. He describe that he was persecuted that true christians following his order would experience the same.

It's not Christian to seek the strife or to instigate problems but to be agreeable in behavior and words not abusing our fellow man.
It's not Christian to seek the strife or to instigate problems but to be agreeable in behavior and words not abusing our fellow man.

That's the whole point Saquist. All of the hard-core Christians on this site registered on it on their own accord, voluntarily. No one put a gun to their head. They know that they aren't changing anyone's opinions. Just look at the Old or Young Earth Poll. IAC has been on here for months trying valiently to convince people that the earth is 6,000 years old. By the results of the poll, it seems his efforts were fruitless.
No one changes over night, even with the facts on your side (I'm not saying on whose side) human beings prove to be stubborn creatures of learned behavior. Change takes time or it may never happened.

I do appreciate open forums...(If I ever find one) I previously knew nothing or very little about young earth theories. That's changed. I attempt to make informed decision on every aspect of life...and to be informed means I have to seek it out.

If Ice Age Civilizations wasn't vocal about his perspective then I'd no nothing least not from the "horse's mouth." Others vocalizing there thinking systems shouldn't have deliterious affect on the rest of us....It just is what it is."

He's not creating strife...nor is he instigating. He's actually more passive than I am. The strife comes from those who are threatened by anothers opinion or perceptions. These are weak indviduals. They need everyone to believe as they do. If they do not they quickly affix not so illustrious classification and labels on them. They wind up the ridicule machine and boast about higher learning. Yet that higher learning hasn't taught them social taboo's. They are essential as they were in basic schooling. Antagonizers, bullies. They've grown up but not beyond bad behavior.

Even if I were to view it as propaganda against my own religion. (If I were to be so extreme) what effect can he ultimately have upon me. I'd rather listen and understand first and I can leave my judgement out of such processes.

On a Christian level his efforts are not fruitless. Informing is it's own reward. Many times I will leave a spark or a seed. I attempt to be reasonable and open to discussion so later when this person recieves more information or what they can determine as unbias information they or he can return and relate or even ask further questions. How can we know what is going on in the hearts and minds of the people around us....very often we are not even truthful to ourselves.

I've never seen Ice Age Civilization instigate or be jujune with others. That says more to me about who he is and what he believes than his religous positions or his stature on this forum. It's a cause for respect.
I'm glad somebody else said that, my sentiments exactly, and thank you for your kind and encouraging words Saquist. That's right Darwinites, encouraging words, so Katie, bar the door.
Part of being a Christian is to be good examples, it's true. Yet the bible tells us that strife by the work he commands us to do is inevitable. He describe that he was persecuted that true christians following his order would experience the same.
All religions, in fact, most everyone on this planet, Christians or not, have it bad. 6 million Christians weren't killed in WW2. Saddam didn't gas all those Christians in northern Iraq back in the early 80s. The majority of the people that the tsunami killed back in '04 weren't Chrisitians. And you want to talk about the ultimate persecution, it wasn't Christians who were enslaved up until 1865 here in the states.
Not to detract from Christians being persecuted, they've had their share too (them leaving Europe to come here to America is a prime example), but so has everyone else.

Saquist said:
It's not Christian to seek the strife or to instigate problems but to be agreeable in behavior and words not abusing our fellow man.

I agree with NDS's post. Saquist, you seem to be the only Christian here who follows that.
Saquist, notice how your posts contain information in them, contain more than one sentence, and are usually never demaning.

IAC is the exact opposite. Apparently, you either haven't seen enough of him to understand this simple truth. Tell me, Saquist, have you ever seen a post by IAC more than one sentence? All his posts are one sentence so as to insult everyone else's intelligence.

The fact that all his posts are one sentence in itself proves that he isn't here to "inform" people about anything, or to learn anything. He is here to throw out smart-ass, sarcastic remarks and to "generate strife."

Everyone else on this site can attest to this, even other Christians (Adstar, etc.)

Saquist said:
They wind up the ridicule machine and boast about higher learning. Yet that higher learning hasn't taught them social taboo's. They are essential as they were in basic schooling. Antagonizers, bullies. They've grown up but not beyond bad behavior.

Sounds like you are describing IAC to a tee.

IAC quotes:

"Astoundingly ignorant, as usual, it's BY WEIGHT, magma is about 80% water.

Here's the hard part for you apparently, magma is under pressure, lava is not, magma has superheated water in it, under pressure, lava is not under pressure, so the superheated water releases as steam, got it?"

"Saty, you are a mess."

"They were all deposited in water, otherwise, you'd have to sandwich a "desert deposit" sandstone, conformably, between layers of sedimentary rock, how do you do that Houdini?"

"We are dealing here with physical evidence, which is obviously too much for you to deal with, but that's ok."

"Ah, the dreaded Darwinite Prophet, eew."

"Glad you undertand the concept, I was worried, you really have a degree in geology? I find that hard to believe."

"You are a nasty little creature Ophi."

"Genji, you sound like Adolf Hitler."

"Booga booga."

"Ooga Booga."


"Dartmouth College man here, lots of intelligent Darwinites up there, but I started looking into all that, didn't pass the smell test."

"I graduated from Dartmouth, long ago, degree in geology."
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I try to debate you, but because you have no responses to any my questions (or so it seems) you generally never reply to them. You just give me snide ass remarck of some sort and boast about your Dartmouth Degree in Biology.

Saquist is right, just because you graduated from Dartmouth doesn't make you right.
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All religions, in fact, most everyone on this planet, Christians or not, have it bad. 6 million Christians weren't killed in WW2.

Actually there were Christians that lost there lives in the concentration camps. They were special targets of Hitler. But that's somthing I learned in the Holocaust museum.

But yes, we all have it bad but some have it a little worse, some of us have it much worse. I count my blessings. I'm not saying that they're are not millions if not billions or christians that have contradictory behavior but I think I'll stay my hand before throwing a stone on them personaly. I'd rather blame the institution. There is one common thread through all the lies ever told and propagated, that's man.

So imagine how keen I am to listen and agree with absolutely everything a scientist say. There is little agreement in the scientist world. In the end scientist are men too and I must look upon them as I do politicians, clergy, teachers and etc...all capable of lying.

It's the second constant in the universe...
Then why do you engage my banter NDS, don't you have anything better to do?

Then why do you initiate banter? Do YOU have nothing better to do? I love banter just as much as the next person but I try to stay on the topic of the thread and listen to what others are saying. For example; Saquist brought up that some of my initial posts came across as harsh. I wasn't initially aware of that. Once I did take a look and saw that I had, I respected Saquists advice and toned them down.
M*W: Jim, I believe you came to this forum to preach. Your church probably gives you Brownie points for infiltrating a predomininantly atheistic forum. If you were being honest about finding the truth, you wouldn't post as you do. You would be searching for the truth, which you are not. You believe you have already found the truth, and you are trying to spread it to the rest of us. Fortunately, we don't believe you. If you are serious about learning the truth, the first thing you need to do is listen. Therefore, you are just another christian liar spreading your venom.

M*W: Jim, I realize you've been living a sheltered life within the mental confines of a christian church, but unfortunately you have been lied to.

It has now long been studied by biblical scholars and archeologists that Moses absolutely did not write the first five books of the bible. I realize they don't teach you this in church, but in the real world biblical scholars research the stuff they won't teach you in church, and they also publish their findings in journals such as the Journal of Archeology and Biblical Archeology Review (on newstands everywhere).

M*W: How can you answer it? Jim, please, you're making a total fool of yourself! Perhaps you should go to a christian forum where they would believe your lies.

M*W--how many times do I have to repeat myself? You see why preacher's preach? Its because people don't listen the first time you tell them.

Ok I will tell you again that I have been born again of the Spirit of God. I was not raised a certain way--I wasn't born into Christianity. No one can be born into Christianity unless they are born again. Jesus said, Ye MUST be born again. I did not always believe what I believe. I don't know what rituals and traditions you have confused with Christianity, but it is sad--what made you believe (and it is a belief) that the Bible was lies? What have I told you that was a lie?

And please don't tell me what my motives were for coming into this forum. That is you preaching at me.

Besides if you have found truth which I clearly asked you for and you clearly claimed, what is it?

What really amazes me is that you think I am sheltered, when in truth, I am far from being sheltered. Instead, I have gone out of my comfort box to seek truth. What about the world do I need to know?

Ancient writers, such as Ecclesiasticus, Josephus, Philo, and Origen were essentially in full agreement that the Pentateuch was written solely by Moses. Polyhistor, Manetho and Tacitus referenced him. The Mishnah and the Talmud also confirm this.

The Roman historian Strabo:
"36 Now Moses, saying things of this kind, persuaded not a few thoughtful men and led them away to this place where the settlement of Jerusalem now is; and he easily took possession of the place, since it was not a place that would be looked on with envy, nor yet one for which anyone would make a serious fight; for it is rocky, and, although it itself is well supplied with water, its surrounding territory is barren and waterless, and the part of the territory within a radius of sixty stadia is also rocky beneath the surface. At the same time Moses, instead of using arms, put forward as defense his sacrifices and his Divine Being, being resolved to seek a seat of worship for Him and promising to deliver to the people a kind of worship and a kind of ritual which would not oppress those who adopted them either with expenses or with divine obsessions or with other absurd troubles. Now Moses enjoyed fair repute with these people, and organized no ordinary kind of government, since the peoples all round, one and all, came over to him, because of his dealings with them and of the prospects he held out to them."

You know I am not trying to attack you but present you with a challenge. Is what you discovered really truth?

Why should I trust the AJA and BAS with truth? Of course people have tried to discredit the Bible since the dawn of its printing

P.S. Moses is also an important figure in Islam, Judaism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses and the Bahá'í Faith. Isn't it interesting how nearly all religions are based off the truths of God's Word?

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD,
the people he chose for his inheritance." Psalm 33:12