Bible contradictions

No no. My reason for editing your post like you did mine is to show a clear example of how relative everything you say is. It is all dependent upon your faith. I came into this forum to find truth. What is truth? Should not truth be the same for everyone? Why would it vary?

M*W: Jim, I believe you came to this forum to preach. Your church probably gives you Brownie points for infiltrating a predomininantly atheistic forum. If you were being honest about finding the truth, you wouldn't post as you do. You would be searching for the truth, which you are not. You believe you have already found the truth, and you are trying to spread it to the rest of us. Fortunately, we don't believe you. If you are serious about learning the truth, the first thing you need to do is listen. Therefore, you are just another christian liar spreading your venom.

No book in the Bible was written as late as the 7th century. Moses wrote the Exodus before the resurecction (BC). If you don't ask the question correctly as I've told you before, with the right facts, how can I answer it?

M*W: Jim, I realize you've been living a sheltered life within the mental confines of a christian church, but unfortunately you have been lied to.

It has now long been studied by biblical scholars and archeologists that Moses absolutely did not write the first five books of the bible. I realize they don't teach you this in church, but in the real world biblical scholars research the stuff they won't teach you in church, and they also publish their findings in journals such as the Journal of Archeology and Biblical Archeology Review (on newstands everywhere).

Moses wrote the Exodus before the resurecction (BC). If you don't ask the question correctly as I've told you before, with the right facts, how can I answer it?

M*W: How can you answer it? Jim, please, you're making a total fool of yourself! Perhaps you should go to a christian forum where they would believe your lies.
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Hey Skin, why do you bother discussing supposed contradictions when you allege that none of the Bible is real history?

I've already answered that question throughout this thread. It would seem you've not bothered yourself to actually read the posts I've typed.
W: So your explanation is fear. I'm afraid, therefore I believe. ”

SL: Very much so.

W: You got it backwards. Belief causes emotion.
W: So your explanation is fear. I'm afraid, therefore I believe. ”
SL: Very much so.
W: You got it backwards. Belief causes emotion.


What kind of emotion is 'Accept Jesus Christ as your savior or burn for eternity in hell' supposed to cause? Sure seems like fear to me.

On the otherhand I do not see a billion plus endpoints on your tree diagram where the main point has been changed -- ie Christ died on a cross, was buried, and rose again
No but you definitely see more than one, several more than one in fact, and for a religion coming from a supposed 'perfect, all-knowing, omnipotent deity, you would expect just ONE. There could be 5 or there could be 354,786 different ones. It still diminishes credibility.
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Given that IAC now has considerably more than 20 infraction points active, I am wondering why he has not been automatically temporarily banned.

I will look into this.

What kind of emotion is 'Accept Jesus Christ as your savior or burn for eternity in hell' supposed to cause? Sure seems like fear to me.

No emotion at all if you don't believe it.

No but you definitely see more than one, several more than one in fact, and for a religion coming from a supposed 'perfect, all-knowing, omnipotent deity, you would expect just ONE. There could be 5 or there could be 354,786 different ones. It still diminishes credibility.

By the same principle, you should have problems with the theory of evolution, because the story changes all the time.

Just as all evolutionists agree that humanity has a natural origin, all christians agree on the Nicene Creed which states that Jesus was a real person that died on a cross, was buried in a tomb, and rose again from the dead.

If you can't handle the heat James R, then stay out of the kitchen.

In case you haven't noticed, I have "stayed out of the kitchen".

I'm merely wondering why the forum software hasn't already kicked in with a temporary autoban for you. My previous post might also have acted as a heads-up to an intelligent person to change his trolling ways, lest he find himself banned.

You realise, I assume, that it is in my power to ban you regardless of the number of infractions you have received?
Praise you James, the wise one. Prise the fibers of your being. Teach us the errors of our ways. What thou learn from the man, thou has been guided here to teach. We are your worthy servants doing your work, we cower at your commands...dont whip dont whip us. For we jnow not what we do. it is you who are the bringer of light, shed the darkness off our freedom and briong the light of your\their word.