Bible contradictions

Now why do you think that it's a matter of power?
And how would a show of force help?

Again...language, I'm trying to make things more comfortable for both of us. Lend me your assistance

I've spoken with you a while now. From what I can decipher. It doesn't seem you're looking for these answers. You appear to be hung up on the failures of your fellow man.

You've been taking me in this circle of question that have been answered quite reasonably. Those questions are no different from the ones everyone on Earth have asked.
It's just a suggestion but perhaps the answers you seek are internal not external, and I'm not a conselor.
1. You don't have to respond if you don't want to, yet you chose to.
2. When you DID choose to respond, you didn't answer any of my supposed circle of questions, you merely answered them with more questions, as you did above (Now why do you think that it's a matter of power?
And how would a show of force help?)<--do those ring a bell? Those sure seem like answers to my questions with questions.
2. Also, your responses are not relevant to the topic at all, but rather accusing me of having a bad attitude and swearing. If you'll open your eyes, you will see that my mentality is very similar to Skinwalker and Medicine Woman's...and plenty of other members here as well. Take a look again at the rules for this forum that allow swearing. If the rules said swearing was prohibited, then I wouldn't swear.

Saquist said:
As a result you're blalming God for things that you and I are responsible for.
Assuming God does exist, I'm not blaming him for anything. As mentioned, very similar to MW, I'm searching for the truth. If it's wrong to question the bible, then so be it. I want no part of something that I can't question.
Funny, Stalin didn't allow his people to question his authority. Hitler didn't allow people to question his authority. Hussein didn't allow people to question his autority.
God doesn't allow people to question his authority (which is exactly what your hinting at to me).
The answers I seek are not in the bible. It just seems we need to agree to disagree and if you can't answer my questions logically, then please don't respond at all.
I guess God didn't tell Moses the name of the Messiah, otherwise, since about 5% of Israel was named Jesus (Jeshua, Joshua), that much of the town would have had a Messiah complex, like if the modern world came to believe that some Steve is the Messiah. Do you understand?

No, not really.

I never asked for a specific name (although that would have been great).

As I have stated many times before, I am simply asking for a passage like the one I made up below:

Hypothetical Genesis 14:33-35

"And behold, I will send among you a man who will changeth the entire world. He will be my only Son, and will perform vast miracles among the land. He will die then rise after three days. He will be born in Bethlehem, and will live in poverty in Nazareth. He will be crucfied at age 33."

Is there anything to difficult for you to understand here, IAC?
My point is that you can't deny its popularity.

No, you can't. Nor can one deny the popularity of American Idol, astrology, and witchcraft. Billions tune, live their lives by, and act according to each of these.

There's something going on with the Bible.

Yes there is. A mass delusion. This says a lot about the psychological and neurological make up of the human anatomy. But for those that fallaciously believe that belief equates to credibility, they are the most fascinating of the study group we in anthropology call the religious.

Its just one of millions of credibilities attributed to the Bible.

See what I mean? Popularity = credibility. Evidence of delusion, but not evidence of veracity.

There are philosophers who spend their whole lives trying to find higher truth, its right in front of them.

Evidence of delusion.

No other book on the face of the earth has sold more copies. It does gives the Bible credibility. That's my point, period.

If we compare the amount of time the bible has been in print to Harry Potter, the rate of H.P. exceeds the bible. Therefore Hogwart's is a real school? I don't think you believe that anymore than I, but, nevertheless, its what you're arguing.
SetiAlpha6--The Bible has the answers not Christians. Christians can understand the things of God because they have been born again of the Spirit.

Sorry, but this makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. Do Christians understand the things of God and can they explain them to others or not? The answer is either yes or no. You keep telling me that the answers are in the Bible, but that they are also hidden from me. You also keep telling me that you understand the things of God, but you do not have the answers. That leaves me with neither the Bible nor you for a source of answers to my questions. Perhaps I should just ask the tooth fairy.

I will tell you this--the Bible has many seeming contradictions to confound the proud. I am able to understand seeming contradictions because the more I learn the Bible, the more it makes sense. But again faith is "gift" you have to accept. Its no accident Jesus put His greatest emphasis on faith.

All men are proud of something. Some men are even proud of how humble they are. So you are basically telling me that all men are confounded by the Bible, which I actually happen to agree with. Now we are getting somewhere!

In an earlier post you asked about those who did not have a Bible before it was printed. I am sorry but I get lost in all these posts sometimes I can't keep up with them. But to answer that we look at the Dispensations--how God has revealed Himself in history. He has done this in various forms. Through prophets, spoken word (the Ten Commandments), preachers, etc.

Yes, all of these dispensations have been titanic failures on an unimaginable, horrific, worldwide scale, with billions ending up in eternal torment. Congratulations! But there is a bonus, there is also the added result that millions of Christians have killed millions of other Christians over mere differences in Bible interpretation. What a success story it has been! Just sit back a moment and bask in the blood, and torment, and glory of it all! It truly just takes your breath away!

Please remember also that the Bible wasn't written in a day by a man. It is a collection of 66 books written over hundreds of centuries by several different men who validated Jesus' claims. The Bible came collectively together in the First Century by the apostles who were inspired. Who can say that what the apostles intended hasn't been accomplished? It has exactly happened as they have said.

I have been trying to tell you some of this myself! If I told you that everything I wrote was "inspired" you would not believe me, and rightfully so, because I would be lying to you just as they did. The proof of this are the contradictions listed in this tread.

Well, the prophecies regarding the second coming are historically false so there is that tiny little problem.

"But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." 1 Corinthians 2:14

Then no natural man has ever been saved in the history of the earth and neither will I ever be able to understand anything you will ever say to me. Evangelism is all kind of a hopeless endeavor, don't you think?

Well I will just explain the first one, and if you really want to know the answers to the others please ask which one and I can try and help, though it takes time on my part, so I might not answer instantly (I'm not a Bible scholar, btw). There are actually several answers to this contradiction but here are some of the most common:

Matthew Henry likewise agrees with the King James reading and comments: "The horsemen are here said to be 700, but 1 Chronicles 18:4 they are said to be 7000. If they divided their horse by ten in a company, as it is probable they did, the captains and companies were 700, but the horsemen were 7000."

John Wesley also agrees with the KJB reading - "Seven hundred - Or, seven hundred companies of horsemen, that is, in all seven thousand; as it is 1 Chronicles 18:4, there being ten in each company, and each ten having a ruler or captain."

2 Samuel 10:18 says "the Syrians fled before Israel; and David slew the MEN OF 700 chariots of the Syrians, and forty thousand horsemen." Then in 1 Chronicles 19:18 we read: "But the Syrians fled before Israel; and David slew of the Syrians 7000 men WHICH FOUGHT IN chariots, and forty thousand footmen."

I mean he did take 7000 men so he for sure took 700.

Thank You for actually trying to answer one of these.

Perhaps it is just impossible to translate the Bible correctly. The translators of the New American Standard Bible even thought it said 1,700 horsemen. I guess that if I just take 1700 and divide it by 2.428571429 then I will end up with about 700 and then I can multiply that by 10 to get 7000. But I imagine that you think this is kind of silly, right? And well you should! Are you proud, just because you think this and other things like this are silly? No! I would not say so, but you seem to think that I am proud whenever I disagree with you about anything.

2 Samuel 8:4 (New American Standard Bible)
4David captured from him 1,700 horsemen and 20,000 foot soldiers; and David hamstrung the chariot horses, but reserved enough of them for 100 chariots.

I guess, perhaps, these "expert" translators really know a lot less than we give them credit for. And, perhaps, there is no translation that can be trusted.

But where exactly would that leave us?
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Unless you never knew the truth.

M*W: That's what christians say or would hope to believe, but I thought I knew what the 'truth' was then just like you think you know what the is 'truth' now. Like I've been saying, we reach a point in our search where we become comfortable and we stop searching for anything beyond that point. I reached that point, too, and was quite comfortable myself... for a time. I only read the bible or church-approved extra-biblical literature. I only associated with christians (of many denominations). Went to prayer meetings, prayed like a fiend, attended a Baptist university, gave my children religious education. I did it all in the name of god/jesus, and I was comfortable for a time. I studied and was able to carry on deep spiritual conversations with the leaders of my church. When I had questions, I expected them to be answered, but they were not answered. Finally, they told me to "quit asking." I was even told that a "woman shouldn't be asking such questions!" I knew I couldn't get any answers from my church, and I pursued my religion visiting holy places all over Europe, Mexico and the USA. I knew I had to find the answers for myself, and I did. I came here and found the answers that my church wouldn't (couldn't) answer for me. Now that I've reached another 'comfortable place,' I continue to learn and hopefully to teach. The difference between where you and I are today is that you are holding onto beliefs that cannot be proven, possibly even in your own mind. When I left those same beliefs behind, everything I've learned since then has been completely revealed and clear. In fact, the answers are more than obvious. When you move forward, you not only learn the truth, but you gain a much better understanding of your place in humanity and in the universe.
Do you want me to respond? It's your choice. You're asking the questions, you addressed my post. I assume you're interrogating me.
I always welcome responses, but not ones that merely answer my questions with questions and definitely not ones that 'preach' that I am marked or going to hell because I question the validity of the bible.
I dont' see how when I ask a question or bring up a point, that you can't just say 'I don't know. I dont' have that answer' if you don't know the answer, instead of something like, 'You appear to be hung up on the failures of your fellow man. As a result you're blalming God for things that you and I are responsible for.'. Statements like that are nothing but speculative and accusatory and have no bearing on the topic of this thread.
I will give you the courtesy of toning down the swearing and I ask that you grant me the same by curbing the presumptions of my mentality.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled thread.
IAC, all I'm saying is that out of 800 plus verses, why didn't Moses at the very least write ONE verse which points to Jesus' incarnation. Not ONE.

M*W: Biblical scholars now believe that Moses probably didn't write one stinking word in the bible. The Torah was about Moses... but not written by him.

The only connection between Moses and Jesus was Moses was a sun worshipper and Jesus is a metaphor for the sun. Read the bible from an astro-theological viewpoint, and it will all come to 'light.' (Pun intended).
Well it looks like no one (aside from M*W's suggestion's) will tell me where to start, afa reading the bible/// so i guess i will start with whatever they have at hte book store.
Start with what? Sorry I must have missed the question, getting swept up instead with all your Londoner nonsense.
Sure Med Woman, and Julius Caesar was really Jesus, and David and Solomon lived before Moses, right?

M*W: Learn to read. You can't even insult my posts with any credibility. I referred you to J. Atwill, F. Carotta, et al. regarding the similarities between the presumed lives of Caesar and Jesus who theorized that one was a parody of the other. They provided a thorough compilation of research and references which I also gave you regarding a new look at NT authorship. You couldn't understand this level of scholarship, and you continued to ask the same questions over and over again.

As regards your repetitive questions about David, Solomon and Moses, I referred you to A. Osman, et al. after researching the timeline for you myself. You did not read anything I posted, or you just didn't comprehend it, because it was so far over your thick head.

Further, your posts never offer the forum anything of substance or intelligence. Your replies are silly one-liners which waste time and space.You offer nothing to teach, and you refuse to learn, so why do you stay? It's obvious that you don't have a serious intention of participating in this forum, but something tells me that you wouldn't fit-in in a christian forum either.
Exhibit 1. Thou shall not steal.

Exhibit 2. Jesus tells his followers to steal a donkey.

Luk 19:29 And it came about that when he got near Beth-phage and Bethany by the mountain which is named the Mountain of Olives, he sent two of the disciples,
Luk 19:30 Saying, Go into the little town in front of you, and on going in you will see a young ass fixed with a cord, on which no man has ever been seated; let him loose and take him.
Luk 19:31 And if anyone says to you, Why are you taking him? say, The Lord has need of him.
Luk 19:32 And those whom he sent went away, and it was as he said.
Luk 19:33 And when they were getting the young ass, the owners of it said to them, Why are you taking the young ass?
Luk 19:34 And they said, The Lord has need of him.
Luk 19:35 And they took him to Jesus, and they put their clothing on the ass, and Jesus got on to him.
Luk 19:36 And while he went on his way they put their clothing down on the road in front of him.