Best Ghost evidence you have come across

No, you'll stick to your favorite Youtube video.

That's the difference between you and I. You have seen a video someone wanted to sell you. I've seen the real thing. Reality always wins in the end.

All worried about winning something now? Relax. It's just an innocent little cellphone video. It's not like it's gonna destroy your reality. Much..:rolleyes:
Less diversionary chatter. Post some videos of this ghostly evidence.
Something better than banging doors. Something that can't be trivially explained like all the other videos here.
Magical Realist:

Noone in the field doubts that this happens.
No-one in the "field" of making sensationalist pseudo-documentaries that pull in their money by duping gullible viewers like yourself, you mean.

Why would they go out of their way to prove it does?
First, I note that you've backed completely away from your former claim that this was a well-established phenomenon. Now you're admitting it's an unproven hypothesis that ghosts can drain batteries.

So, why would anybody want to prove this unproved hypothesis? How about this for an idea: They might want to provide objective evidence that ghosts are real, like you say they are.

Why is it that you don't care about providing solid evidence that ghosts are real, if it matters so much to you? Here's what I think: I think you're afraid you'll find that the evidence doesn't stack up when you look at it objectively, so instead you run away from that idea as quickly as your little legs will carry you. Meanwhile, you delude yourself that things have already been proven, which means you don't have to worry about the lack of proof any more.

There's a very thin veneer between your beliefs and reality, and you must protect it at all costs to protect your fragile psyche.

It's an accepted annoyance that occasionally happens.
There's no good evidence that it happens, as you have admitted, finally. The plural of anecdote is not data, as you have to be constantly reminded.

If skeptics want proof, then get out there and investigate and quit yer bitchin.
Isn't that the ghost investigators' job? What do these ghost hunter TV show people think they are doing when they go into "haunted" houses? They tell you they are trying to collect evidence, but when it comes to the crunch, they never actually bother to collect any evidence. That's what you're telling us, isn't it? The evidence comes a very distant second to the feelings and emotions these shows provoke in you. So much so, that it ceases to matter at all.

LOL Noone cares what skeptics think.
Read: "Magical Realist doesn't care what skeptics think." But note the nervous "LOL" tic, and the anger that comes out when skeptics question MR's claims that this stuff is proven. Telling.

They just mock and ridicule and never accept evidence anyway.
What evidence? You admit there is no good evidence of ghosts draining camera batteries. You've also told us you don't require any in order to sustain your belief that this is one of the things that ghosts do. It's not skeptics who are mocking the idea of evidence; it is you.

No I'm not a skeptic.
A truer word was never spoken. It's been years and you still don't even know what that word means.

I am agnostic regarding any particular case, neither thinking it is a ghost nor thinking it is not a ghost.
So it could be not-a-ghost that is draining those camera batteries?

Only the evidence decides that.
Wait! Wait! A moment ago you said you don't give a damn about evidence. So which is it? Do you, or don't you?

That's why investigators go by the evidence.
Well, you changed your tune mid-post. When are you and these investigators going to cough up evidence for the ghost battery-drain effect?

Many cases are debunked as mundane. Many others are confirmed as paranormal.
Which ones have been confirmed as paranormal? Where are these confirmations published?

That's how science works. Sticking to what the evidence shows without bias either for or against the phenomenon.
Okay. So let's be clear. Has science shown that ghosts drain camera batteries, or hasn't it? If it has, please link us to the relevant scientific publication or other scientific information that proves this.
Awww..Poor wittle James. Got his feelings all hurt because I wouldn't refer him to any evidence that batteries get drained on paranormal investigations, which ofcourse he would only ever scoff at and reject. Like I said, it happens as a matter of common knowledge among investigators. You know, those people out there actually doing the work. If you really are interested in this James, which I doubt you are, then go thru the several odd hundred episodes of paranormal programs that are posted on Youtube. Oh wait. You don't like Youtube videos do you? Something about their bad quality or hoaxy appearance, etc. See everyone? Evidence will never satisfy skeptics, who only mock and ridicule and move the goal posts when provided with evidence. So why do I post evidence here in this ghost forum. For all the others out there open-minded enough to accept the evidence when it is presented. That's satisfaction enough for me, even if it frustrates the hell out of about 5 regular pissy posters in these threads.
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Like I said, it happens as a matter of common knowledge among investigators. You know, those people out there actually doing the work.
And then ... they just forget to keep this compelling data of ghosts draining batteries? Not worth ten seconds of the show?

For all the others out there open-minded enough to accept the evidence when it is presented.
Ah, but it isn't presented, is it?

Truth be told, such data would be worse than worthless to them - it would damage them, because it could actually be analyzed. Can't have that.

Thanks to your admission, it is inescapable that the agenda - of not only the shows, but the ghost chasers - is to scare their viewers with spooky sounds and shaky cameras - not to produce actual data.

MR, you've busted this wide open. You went so far as to claim there is actual hard, analyzable data out there - the Holy Grail of (legit) ghost hunting - and now you've realized you (and by extension, they) can't put your money where your mouth is.

It's a fraud, and you've just put a giant nail in the coffin.

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I would like to defend Magical Realist by offering a thought of mine to the discussion

Suppose, I performed the 'Transference of Camera Energy' experiment successfully, recorded an entire interview with Julius Caesar; Apart from a handful of: Physicists, Historians and some people who find this interesting around the Earth, the discovery of Ghosts doesn't really change any thing, especially considering it would have nothing to do with the after life.

So baring this in mind AND that there's more to reality than extra reality, why should a Ghost hunter go out of their way to prove something they know most people wouldn't care about?

Edit:- Ghost hunting is a hobby enjoyed by people who believe in ghosts
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I would like to defend Magical Realist by offering a thought of mine to the discussion

Suppose, I performed the 'Transference of Camera Energy' experiment successfully, recorded an entire interview with Julius Caesar; Apart from a handful of: Physicists, Historians and some people who find this interesting around the Earth, the discovery of Ghosts doesn't really change any thing, especially considering it would have nothing to do with the after life.

So baring this in mind AND that there's more to reality than extra reality, why should a Ghost hunter go out of their way to prove something they know most people wouldn't care about?
You mean a successful ghost experiment?
Suppose, I performed the 'Transference of Camera Energy' experiment successfully, recorded an entire interview with Julius Caesar; Apart from a handful of: Physicists, Historians and some people who find this interesting around the Earth, the discovery of Ghosts doesn't really change any thing, especially considering it would have nothing to do with the after life.

So baring this in mind AND that there's more to reality than extra reality, why should a Ghost hunter go out of their way to prove something they know most people wouldn't care about?
If we turned up unambiguous evidence that
- loved ones could communicate their their dead family members,
- there was an alternate world parallel to ours,
you don't think that would be Earth-shaking?

If we found there were ways to
- manipulate things at a distance - make things fly through the air with our minds,
- walk through walls,
- power (or de-power) electrical devices remotely,
- live for hundreds of years,
you don't think that would be Earth-shaking?
Well, the effectiveness of ghost communication would increase, but they would only have SOME new information that we didn't already know about.

Those powers are privy to the ghosts, and it's entirely up to them if they wanted to cooperate.

That said, building a machine that could interfere with Electro-magnetic fields, artificially replicating their abilities, is something I have never thought of.

Edit:- For the ones who circumstantially become ghosts (reasons unknown to us), not all of them choose to live for 100s of years, some choose or reluctantly have to perform what ever comes next
“It is better to believe than to disbelieve; in doing so you bring everything to the realm of possibility.”― Albert Einstein
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why should a Ghost hunter go out of their way to prove something they know most people wouldn't care about?
So Ghost Hunters find undeniable evidence for ghost
go home and can't be bothered telling anyone
Ya like that's going to happen
The UFO believer finds a crashed UFO and little green man sitting alongside, helps fix it and away it goes but leaves behind compelling evidence of the visit, numerous selfies with the believer and a piece of equipment which can (... insert a unknown suitable process...)
Believer goes home and puts equipment on garage shelf

Ya right

If evidence is found for any Woo Woo or belief it would put the Moon landing into a back page bottom footnote level

“It is better to believe than to disbelieve; in doing so you bring everything to the realm of possibility.”― Albert Einstein
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." -- Sherlock Holmes

Science is about eliminating things from the realm of possibility.
Suppose, I performed the 'Transference of Camera Energy' experiment successfully, recorded an entire interview with Julius Caesar; Apart from a handful of: Physicists, Historians and some people who find this interesting around the Earth, the discovery of Ghosts doesn't really change any thing, especially considering it would have nothing to do with the after life.
Ghost shows are already popular. You do something like that and you'd win an Emmy and could write your own ticket.
So baring this in mind AND that there's more to reality than extra reality, why should a Ghost hunter go out of their way to prove something they know most people wouldn't care about?
They do it right now. Being able to prove something like that would establish them as a the leader in an already lucrative field. Zak Bagans, a fixture on Ghost Hunters for years, made 4.5 million for a three year contract. Lots of people would love to make a lot more than that.
Edit:- Ghost hunting is a hobby enjoyed by people who believe in ghosts
If that were true, there would not be a dozen well-funded mainstream shows on ghost hunting. At A+E alone there are five: Ghost Hunters, Psychic Kids, Celebrity Ghost Stories, Trey the Texas Medium and World's Biggest Ghost Hunt.
“It is better to believe than to disbelieve; in doing so you bring everything to the realm of possibility.”― Albert Einstein
I don't think Einstein would have approved of sticking one's fingers in one's ears and going silent when one's beliefs are inconveniently refuted.