Beautiful creation of humans

jay, why did god rest on the seventh day?

and you better not post some ridiculous cheesy website. do me a favor and paraphrase.
jay_7 said:
Heres another article on the six days:

Btw as i mentioned in the other thread im no longer particpating in this argument.
M*W: You won't participate, because you know you can't win. That means you are a loser. You cannot come up with any novel discussion of your own, so you post these ridiculous religiously biased websites. You can't even think for yourself. Why do you people join science forums when you lack the ability to think for yourselves? You come here expecting to argue your religious point, but you can't do it. You're out-numbered and out-educated. Try telling us something we do believe... like you're an idiot.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: You won't participate, because you know you can't win. That means you are a loser. You cannot come up with any novel discussion of your own, so you post these ridiculous religiously biased websites. You can't even think for yourself. Why do you people join science forums when you lack the ability to think for yourselves? You come here expecting to argue your religious point, but you can't do it. You're out-numbered and out-educated. Try telling us something we do believe... like you're an idiot.

Hahaha. Have you even read the last few pages? We have basically ruled out the point that there is proof a christian God cannot exist. And, you tell me these are ridiculasly bias religous websites? Well what about those bias atheist sites? Who just pulled all those quotes from the Bible and said God supports killing? Which makes him bad. Well that is why i posted the religous site that points out that God did it justly, he supports just killing, not unjust. Im not sure if you read, but if you havent, you should. Atheist have no faith, but Christians do, and they can look at it from both sides, and still believe in God.

I know i cant win, because of these ignorant atheist, atheist havent won either, no-one has won. I suggest just keeping your mouth shut, your've made no valid points.
jay_7 said:
Hahaha. Have you even read the last few pages? We have basically ruled out the point that there is proof a christian God cannot exist. And, you tell me these are ridiculasly bias religous websites? Well what about those bias atheist sites? Who just pulled all those quotes from the Bible and said God supports killing? Which makes him bad. Well that is why i posted the religous site that points out that God did it justly, he supports just killing, not unjust. Im not sure if you read, but if you havent, you should. Atheist have no faith, but Christians do, and they can look at it from both sides, and still believe in God.

I know i cant win, because of these ignorant atheist, atheist havent won either, no-one has won. I suggest just keeping your mouth shut, your've made no valid points.
M*W: I've read the bible. I was a christian when I was young and stupid like you. There is no god. It's only a figment of your stupidity. Atheists don't rely on faith. It's a false reality. Atheists are more intelligent than any religious person. Religion limits the parameters of the minds ability to use logic and reason. You're a simple-minded puppet who believes in fairy tales. Grow up.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I've read the bible. I was a christian when I was young and stupid like you. There is no god. It's only a figment of your stupidity. Atheists don't rely on faith. It's a false reality. Atheists are more intelligent than any religious person. Religion limits the parameters of the minds ability to use logic and reason. You're a simple-minded puppet who believes in fairy tales. Grow up.

Don't tell me to grow up. If you read the rules on this forum, you cant tell someone to grow up because of their beliefs. You have no proof God isnt real, and you have no right saying i shouldnt believe in a God. Your an example of many atheist who get all worked up because of something they haven't seen.

I dont believe in fariy tails i believe in God. And you say theres no God without a reason, when your telling me i believe in God for no reason at all. So your just as bad. Dont come into this discussion without even making a logical statment, i've made alot more then you. And actually, im not stupid, i know alot about space and all that and have alot of interest in it. Alot of famous scientest actually believe in God, so it isn't for 'stupid' people.

I think you should be the one growing up. If atheist were more intelligent, they'd realise that freakin post on the so called 'proof' thread doesnt rule out a God. And you would certainly back up your point of there being no God.
Present said:
why didnt god do all the creating in one day?

God doesnt have days, hes outside time. How many times will we go over this.
Present said:
why did god tell moses that he did it in days. why not, i did this then this then this.

Other then that site, i dunno, whatever the reason, doesnt rule out a possibility of God. I think i posted 2 links to different websites that spoke about this if you read back a bit. (thats if you havent already)
the site you gave me a couple of minutes ago doesnt say,

cmon man i thought you had all the answers.
Theres another link i posted back somewhere, might have been the other thread.

And nah, i dont have all the answers, anyway, everything everyone brings up hasnt proved he doesnt exist you know. Theres no point arguing really. Atheist will not believe, Catholics will, theres no proof that will make someone switch sides.
1, find the link

2, im not an atheist

3, if christianity was a valid religion there would be proof
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that site doesnt answer my question, it says days werent litterally days, they were long periods of time.

if God is "outside of time", then time didnt pass when he was creating everything,
wouldnt it just be one click of his fingers, and boom all the things described in genesis 1 were created.
Present said:
that site doesnt answer my question, it says days werent litterally days, they were long periods of time.

if God is "outside of time", then time didnt pass when he was creating everything,
wouldnt it just be one click of his fingers, and boom all the things described in genesis 1 were created.

Did you read it all? If so, well that could have happened. Also we dont know the nature of God or his universe, i know theres nothing to back this up, but it goes along with my theorys/beliefs. And the bible could have said 6 days just as an example to man. Im sure if this is looked into more you can find some possible outcomes. Anyway, thats what it says doesnt it, God created the sun, then the moon, etc. But, there are some parts of the bible that arent meant to be taken literally, just to give humans examples.

Also, i'd just like to point out that this argument will never go anywhere, we are just telling each other the way we see things. Because we are all looking at the same evidence, but looking at it with different 'eyes'. But Christians can look at it threw an atheist eye, and see how they see it, yet still believe in God, though atheist can't look at it threw a christians 'eye', so its pretty pointless. The only reason im here is to reply to some of the cmmon arguments like 'Good & the stone' issue.
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Oh btw, it may have been long periods for this universe, not his. And the rest in that scripture in the Bible is just an example, like the site says. Theres many theories.
I ask you, "why would god take six days to create everything...?

You probably think " well god was setting us an example that we should work for 6 days, then rest and worship him on the seventh."

and to that I would respond, I think that Moses wanted his people to survive (work 6 days) and also he wanted control over them. he wanted them to beleive in a god because god is a good tool that can be used by leaders such as moses to keep people in line. and having a conection to god,( like moses said that he did) would allow him to more easily control his people because he could always say that it was god that told him to tell them to do something.

so, in conclusion.

you dont know why the bible says god created everything over 6 days and then rested on the 7th. YOU ADMITED THAT 7 DAYS COULD HAVE JUST AS EASILY BEEN INSTANTANEOUS.

im telling you now, creation is spread out in the way that it is because moses wanted it to be, and he wanted to use christianity as a tool. christianity started as a tool and it always will be.

jay, read this twice. and tell me what YOU think, not what some website says.
I don't think thats necessarily the case. God could have wanted him to put that in the Bible, as an example. Because God telling us exactly how he did it may of given us enough knowledge to understand God must exist. As i mentioned before, there could be alot of reasons and theories on this, so we cant go pointing fingers until alot of research is done.. i might have a different view on this later if i go into it more, ill let you know.